Nerd Boy
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 1 (Aug. 5, 2001)
                    c< -.                            |\|
         I got it,       ,|                          | |  |\ 
           I got it!   ,::|      Good luck,          |\|  |/.
              `      ,:::,|       ,    nerd boy.          |_/
            O  OO   |::,' |     ..~ O                ||'
             \-||-  |:'   |    ,<<-/                 ||-  |\ 
               bb   |           ||                   ||.  | |
                    |                                      \|
                                                     ||/  | /
                                                     | \  ||
         Crap, missed    ,|                               ||
           again.      ,::|      Told ya,            |\ 
              `      ,:::,|       ,    nerd boy.     | |
            O  OO   |::,' |     ..~ O                |/
             \-||.  |:'   |    ,<<-/
 c<            bb   |           ||

         I have a name,  ,|
          you know.    ,::|      Sure you do;
              `      ,:::,|       ,    "nerd boy".
               OO   |::,' |     ..~ O
             /-||.  |:'   |    ,<<-/
 c<         O  bb   |           ||
                    |                   jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 2 (Aug. 5, 2001)
        Wanna try my
           glasses?     Whatever.
              `         ,
               ..      ..~
              .||-OO  ,<<.
               bb      ||

                        ,  looks weird.
               ,,      OO~
              ,::=    ,<<,
               oo      ||

                      Here you go.
               ..      ..~
              .||-  OO-<<.
               bb      ||

     Hey, I think you
         broke 'em!      Whatever.
              `          ,
               oO      ~..
              .||.     ,>>
               db       |\ 
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 3 (Aug. 6, 2001)
      Hey, Mandy!
        Watch this!
      __________________                Ok.
     ,\      |  |      ,\                ,
    ,  \     |OO|     ,  \              ..~
   ,    \    '||'    ,    \            .<<.
  ,      \   --bb   ,      \            ||

     ,\     ,' ,'      ,\ 
    ,  \   'OO'       ,  \              ..~
   ,    \qq//-       ,    \            .<<.
  ,      \          ,      \            ||

                                             qq    Crap.
      __________________                     -\\- ,
     ,\      '. '.     ,\                      OO
    ,  \       '. '.  ,  \             ~''
   ,    \        ----,    \            .>>.
  ,      \          ,      \            ||

      __________________         Cool! ...Again!
     ,\      |  |      ,\             `
    ,  \     |  |     ,  \             ~..
   ,    \    |  |    ,    \            ->>-            qq   Ok.
  ,      \   ----   ,      \ jg         ||             ,\\. ,
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 4 (Aug. 6, 2001)
                       'Ice Climber'.
    Watcha doin'?        ,
       ,                OO   ,--.
     ~..               ||o.  | \ \ 
     .>>.       ,--.  ,-bb `.+-+-+
      ||        |  |  |  |   | | |

  Isn't that        So's ASCII.
    really old?          ,
       ,                OO   ,--.
     ~..               ||o.  | \ \ 
     .>>.       ,--.  ,-bb `.+-+-+
      ||        |  |  |  |   | | |

       *                OO   ,--.
     ~..               ||o.  | \ \ 
     .>>.       ,--.  ,-bb `.+-+-+
      ||        |  |  |  |   | | |

            Watch out!
              Polar bear!
                 ~..    OO   ,--.
                  >>o  ||o.  | \ \ 
                ,-\\`.,-bb `.+-+-+
           jg   |  | `|..|...| | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 5 (Aug. 7, 2001)
                       A robot I built.
   What's -that-?         ,
              `  ~..     OO    --
                 .>>-   .||.  .[].
                  ||     dd    ||

   Why do you need    For, um, stuff.
      a robot?            ,
              `  ~..     OO    --
                 .>>.   .||.  .[].
                  ||     dd    ||

                        ` ' ,   , *I love you!*
                 ~oo   - OO -  ==~   *meep*
                 .>>.   -||-  .[[.
                  ||     db    ||

                 ~oo     OO'   ==~
                 .>>.   .||.  .[[.
                  ||     db    ||

                      You didn't hear
                          ,  that, right?
                 ~oo     OO'   ==~
                 .>>.   .||.  .[[.
                  ||     dd    || jg
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Episode 6 (Aug. 8, 2001)
                             c< -.
  ~..                O  OO   |::,' |     ==~ O
  .>>.                \-||-  |:'   |    ,[[-/
   ||                   bb   |           ||
                    ,\     ,' ,'  `. `.       ,\
                   ,  \  ~'=='      ` OO     ,  \
  ~..             ,    \ ']]'        '\\'   ,    \
  .>>.           ,      \-\\         `-bb  ,      \
   ||           ,        \                ,        \

                         ~==    OO   ,--.
  ~..                     ]]o  ||o.  | \ \
  .>>.                  ,-\\`.,-bb `.+-+-+
   ||                   |  | `|..|...| | |


                                   What's this?!
            This is odd.            The SPANISH INQUISITION?!
             , Mandy, can you         ,  YOU CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING!!
     --~  OO    hand me that        oo~
      [_  ,\\-   screwdriver?      -<<-
      ||   dd                       ||         -o         jg
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Episode 7 (Aug. 10, 2001)
    I fixed the      Uh huh, that's
      robot!            ,  great.                ,,,
  ~==    ` OO         ..~                        --       *sneak*
  .]].    -||.       .<<.  ________             ,//.
   ||      bb         ||  |        |           _/ )_  *sneak*

   See, a capacitor         H3Y B4BY.
      had..                  ,,, /
  ~==    ` OO         ..~    --
  .]].    .||.       .<<.  __,//,__
   ||      bb         ||  | _/(    |

                                 L3T'5 BL0W
       Who's..    Hi!        ,,, / D15 J01NT.
  ~==    ` OO      ` ~..     --
  .]].    .||.       .>>.  __,//,__
   ||      bb         ||  | _/(    |

       Wha..      Ok!        ,,,
  ~==    ` OO      ` ~..     --
  .]].    .||.       ,>>.  __.//,__
   ||      bb         |\  | _( \_  |

            You can't go out with
              , him, he speaks B1FF        ,,,
  ~==      OO    ferchrissakes!         ~.. --
  .]].    ,||-             ________     .>>,\\.
   ||      bb        jg   |        |     |\  )\_
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Episode 8 (Aug. 10, 2001)

                        H3Y B..



        How does
       he -do- that?
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Episode 9 (Aug. 11, 2001)
  Thinks he can steal
  Mandy from me, eh?
     ,               ,,,       *giggle*
   OO .-.             --     ..~
  //(( ) )        .-'\\'--. .<<.
 b((_(_(_))       |   \>  |  ||

           `        ,,,
      .-.   OO      --       ..~
    (( ) ) .||.   .-'\\'--. .<<.
  ((_(_(_)) bb    |   \>  |  ||
      .-.   OO      --       ..~
    (( ) ) .||.   .-'\\'--. .<<.
  ((_(_(_)) bb    |   \>  |  ||

      .-.   OO    |  -       ..~
    (( ) ) .||. -( )-/, --. .<<.
  ((_(_(_)) bb    |_(\_   |  ||

               Wanna play
               , rough, eh?              ,,,
      .-.   ##                            -- ~..
    (( ) ) .||.   .-------.              .\\ ,>>.
  ((_(_(_)) bb    |       |  jg            )\_|\
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Episode 10 (Aug. 12, 2001)
       \  AND YOU WANT ME TO
       ______  KILL HIM?
      |  _ _ \
       \      \
   _.--|\||||||--._            Um, yeah,
  /___.'\_____|.___\         only I don't
  |    \        ___\        have much money.
  |     |   |   \ / |         ,
   \    \__._   _|_/        OO
    \      \ `'|  _|       .||.
 | |                              | |

      |  _ _ \
       \      \
  |    \        ___\
  |     |   |   \ / |        Ok. I see
   \    \__._   _|_/          your point.
    \      \ `'|  _|          ,
 | |                        dd    | |  jg
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Episode 11 (Aug. 13, 2001)
              With this ultra technological
                boomerang, I will surely
                   win Mandy back!
               __  OO

           __       It's working!
           \  `      ,
            `      OO
          *throw* ,||.

                    _    *bonk*
                  -  __\

                          Or not.
                       pp  ,
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 12 (Aug. 14, 2001)
                  I'll build a mecha, destroy my
                   adversary and reclaim Mandy!
                             OO .
                            -||-  o
           __                dd    O_   __
        .-'_ )_.-.''-_.-._ ,-.   _.(_)-'  '._ __,--. __.--.
   .-._'  ( ''    )_(     `.  ;-' (   ).  _( (  `.--(      )-._
  (    `--'                 )(          `(                     `.
   (        Take THAT!                                           )_
  ,     __ ,--. ,               | *snap*         Oh, nerd boy!     )
 (     / \(_OO_)             \    /                My hero!      ,'.
  `(  ( (|  / /(___ *zap*  \  ///  /                 ,           )  )
 ,' (  \ \___|\__|_)-o )))))) xx     *crackle*    ..~           /  )
(  (  _]]]/_\_\___       -   -//-  -             '<<'          (   '.
 .,' (oooooo)=)o)=)       - _/ \_ -  *pop*        ||            `.   )
 (        __            ,      __.-._   __,(                  ____).'
  '.__.--'  (__     _.-(      _)   .-(__)   ).  .-`._)-'`-.__)  ;
        (_)._.-`---'    (__,-' `-.'      `-' (__)    jg  (__.--'
 .-._(_)-..-.  _           Eeh, who am I kidding?
(        (   )(_)  O   o  .   ,
 ;  OO~.. '-')              OO
(  .||,>>  ,'              .||.
 (_ bb |\  )                dd
                       *sigh*                         *meep?*
                           OO                      ==~
                            ||                    .[[.
                            dd                     ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 13 (Aug. 15, 2001)
   M33T MY D4WG
     P00CH13.                        What a cute
    ,,, /                            ,  dog.
     --                          ..~
   _.\\.__        \__^..^       .<<.
 ,'   )\_ \       )) ))'         ||

                                     What a gross
    ,,,                              ,  dog.
     --                          ..~
   _.\\.__        _/_^--^       .<<.
 ,'   )\_ \        ) ))'         ||

    54Y H1,
      P00CH13!                        Get away
    ,,, /             *woof!*        , from me!
     --                          ..~    Shoo!
   _.\\.__         \__^..^      -<<.
 ,'   )\_ \        /) )\'        ||

                         *woof!*           Aaaaaaah!
    ,,,                     *woof!*            ,
     --                                     ~..
   _.\\.__                 -  \__^..^    -  '>>'
 ,'   )\_ \        jg     -   )\ /)'      -  |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 14 (Aug. 16, 2001)
              *sigh*                                       Um, hi.
             OO                                               ` ..~
            _ ||_                                              .<<.
          _/ dd  '.____________________________________________ ||

   /  Play it cool.    \
  |  She probably only  |
  |    wants to know    |                   I broke up
   \  what time it is. /                     with that 
           o .  ,                             W4R3Z D00D.
            - OO -                               ` ..~
            _ ||_                                 .<<.
          _/ dd  '._______________________________ /| ___________

             Mandy, I love you!
              I've always loved you!
                   ` OO              oo~
            _____   -||-            .<<.
          _/     '._ bb ____________ || _________________________

         ( Crap. )o .
                     OO                      oo~
            _____   -||-                    .<<.
       jg _/     '._ bb ____________________ /( _________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 15 (Aug. 17, 2001)
                        So that whole thing      Yep, uh huh,
                         about you loving me      that's it,
                          was just a joke?       ,  ehehe.
                                    ` ~..      OO'
                                      .>>.    .||.
                                       ||      dd

                                                Yeah, ahahaha.
                          What a relief.         ,
                                    ` ~..      OO'
                                      .>>.    .||.
                                       ||      dd

                                                Uh... Yeah.
                         I mean, you and me?     ,
                          A couple?  `~..      OO
                         Ridiculous.  .>>.    .||.
                                       ||      dd

                                                 I can't lie any
                                 I mean..     ` ',  longer! I love
                                     `~..    - OO -   you, Mandy!
                                      .>>.    -||-
                                       ||      dd

                                                Wait! Just joking
                                                 , again! AHAHAHAHA!!
            oo~ *AAAAAAAH!*                    OO'   CRAP! I mean,
           -<<-                               -||-     AHAHAHA!
  jg        / \                                dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 16 (Aug. 18, 2001)
    Wheel chairs!      Cool!
               `        ,
                 OO   ~..           _      _
                .||-  .>>.          ||_    ||_
                 bb    ||          (_)\\) (_)\\)

                          Ready, set..
                                  `  OO    ~..
                                    ,||_   ,>>_
                                   (_)bb) (_)\\)

                             g.. go?  ! ,     .  _  -
                                  `  OO -    (      ' ) _ _ _ ,
                                    ,||_    ( *WOOOSH!* _ _ _
                                   (_)bb)    ( .-   -'        `

                                     Hey, wait up!
                                        _ -  OO/
                                        -   ,||_
                                         - (_)bb)

 But I left them          Sure, just like those kidneys last week.
 right here just   _ ?    _ , Blame that "hospital gnome" again
  a minute ago. ` <..    -->   and I'll kill you, I swear...
                  .|)-  .().
                   kk    cc       jg
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Episode 17 (Aug. 19, 2001)
        WHEEE!! These wheel     Also, they don't seem to
          chairs really gain      have any brakes!
              speed downhill!        `  \
                      \    `  \       OO    \
                       \     ~..   \ -||-    \
                        \  \ ->>-   (_)bb)    \
                         \  (_)\\)             \
                          \                     \

                      \       \       OO    \
                       \     ~..   \ -||-    \
                        \  \ ->>-   (_)bb)    \
                         \  (_)\\)             \
                          \                     \

                        AAAAAAAAH!  `   \
                      \    `  \     - OO -  \
                       \     ~oo   \ -||-    \
                        \  \ ->>-   (_)bb)    \
                         \  (_)\\)             \
                          \                     \ jg
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Episode 18 (Aug. 20, 2001)
                 We have to stop these run-away wheel chairs!
                  I should be able to decrease my speed by
                   steering into that soft grass by the road.
                              `  \
               \       \       OO    \
                \     ~oo   \ -||-    \
                 \  \ ->>-   (_)bb)    \
                  \  (_)\\)             \
                   \                     \

               \        \        OO  \
                \      ~.    `. -||-  \
                 \  \ ->>-     (_)bb)  \
                  \  (_)\\)             \
                   \                     \

                        Damn this city and its fire
                         hydrants! HELP! AAAAAAHH!!!
               \       \ ,           \
                \     ~oo             \
                 \  \ ->>-             \
                  \  (_)\\)             \
                   \                     \ jg
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Episode 19 (Aug. 21, 2001)
      Somebody stop this wheel chair!
\        \ ,          \
 \   \ ~oo             \
  \ \  ->>-             \
   \  (_)\\)             \
    \                     \

          `.         `. ,    `.
            `.       ~oo       `.
              `.  `. ->>-        `.
                `.  (_)\\)         `.
                  `.                 `.

                                  _   ~oo
                                   -  ->>-
                              ______ (_)\\) __

                                                    ..aaah... Stupid
                                                      (_)\\)      jg
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Episode 20 (Aug. 22, 2001)
   Huh? Tycho,       Not Kansas, Gabe,
    where are we?     that's for sure.              Featuring Tycho &
         ` ,,,_    __. ,                                 Gabe of
           `..     ..                                 Penny Arcade
           (<(     )=)                                    fame!
   ________ bb ___ dd ________________________

 AUGH! My T-shirt!     When did I get      I believe I can
 That's not Pac Man!   a crew cut?          explain that,
         ` ,,,_    __. ,                   ,  gentlemen.
           `,,    \''                    OO
          -(<(-    )=).                 .||.
   ________ bb ___ dd __________________ dd __

                                    Never mind that. You must retrieve
  Poor Pac Man...     Who're you?       the Sacred FluffBunny before
         ` ,,,_    .__ ,                   ,  John Romero awakens and
           `,,      ..                   OO    wreaks havoc upon the
          .(<(.    (=(                  .||.     land! Make haste!
   ________ bb ____ bb _________________ dd __

That was quite a
fall. Are you      ,-. ,-.
 ok, Nerd Boy?    '   :   ` /Mental note: Wheel chairs, fire hydrants\
   `                  :     \ and on-line comic addictions don't mix./
    ~..         _     :                                  o
    .>>.        ||_  .-.                             qq .
  __ || ______ (_)\\)[ ] ____________________________.\\.____jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 21 (Aug. 23, 2001)
  I'm bored, let's go                 Like what?
   do something.                      ,
       ` ~..                       OO
         .>>.                     .||.
          |\                       dd

  I know! Let's go ride         Are you crazy?! I nearly
  wheel chairs down that      broke my neck! I had to stay
    steep slope again!         at the hospital for 3 weeks!
       That was fun!                  ,
             ` ~..                 OO
               .>>.               .||.
                |)                 dd

                      ~..          OO
                      .>>.        .||.
                       ||          dd

                                    Ok, let's go.
                       ~..          OO
                       .>>.        .||.
                        |\          bb        jg
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Episode 22 (Aug. 24, 2001)
                (_| O
               [__]_ ))_|
               |   | d| |

        Hah hahahahahaha...
                 _  `
                (_|  O
               [__]_ ))_|
               |   | d| |

                 _     `
                (_|     O
               [__]_  //_|
               |   | d ( ) *creak*

                                        pp    Hi,
                                        -\\- , Mandy.
                     *boing*              OO
                (_|     _/                                    oo~
               [__]_   / \                                   .<<.
               |   |                                          ||

                             Remind me again; why did
                 _             I buy that rubber chair?
                (_|                               `           ..~
               [__]_    _|                          pp       .<<.
            jg |   |   | |                           \\       ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 23 (Aug. 25, 2001)
                                         _    *clackety*
              ~..                       (_| O    *click*
              .>>.                    ,[__]_.\\|
               |\   o.______________.' |   |d| |

                           Oops.           *click-clack*
                          ,              _    *clicke..*
                       ~..              (_| O
                       .>>.           ,[__]_.\\|
                    : o-//__________.' |   |d| |

                                         _     *...*
                       ~..              (_|   o
                       .>>.           ,[__]_.))|
                    :  _||__________.' |   |d| |

                                         _    *clackety*
            ..~                         (_| O    *clack*
           .<<.                       ,[__]_.\\|
            /|      o.______________.' |   |d| |    jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 24 (Aug. 26, 2001)
                                         _    *clickety*
              ~..                       (_| O    *click*
              .>>.                    ,[__]_.\\|
               |\   o.______________.' |   |d| |

                                         _    *...*
              ~..     *yoink*           (_|   o
               ->>.o-.                ,[__]_.))|
                 \\ : `.____________.' |   |d| |

                                         _    *clackety*
                ~..                     (_| O
                .>>. *poit*           ,[__]_.\\|
                 || o.______________.' |   |d| |

     Tee hee.
        `                                _    *clack*
          ..~                           (_| O
         .<<.                         ,[__]_.\\|
          /|        o.______________.' |   |d| |

           I've been having weird        OOPS, it's that time when I
               memory lapses.              have to go somewhere else!
                      `                       `
                        OO                      ~oo
                       .||.                     .>>.
              jg        bb                       |\
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Episode 25 (Aug. 27, 2001)
   Ready?      Ready.
      `         ,
       ~..    OO
       .>>.  .||.
        ||    dd

         ~--  OO
         .>> .||.
          |'  dd

        YA!     Ooof!
         `      ,
          ~.. oo
            / dd
                              Ow. What's the
                               point of this
                               strip again?
                                    |       jg couldn't think of
                                    |      a joke, so he drew some
                                     \      gratuitous violence.
                                   Riight.             |
                                        `             ,
               Go to                     OO         ..~             ((         .<<.
             for more!                   bb         ||      jg
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Episode 26 (Aug. 28, 2001)
                                         *Blah blah blah*
                                        ,--.  /
                 ,----- ~..-OO--.       | \ \
                 |`-.____>>_||___`-.    +-+-+
                 |__|____\\__bb___||    | | |

                                           *Blah blah...*
                             *yawn*     ,--.  /
                 ,----- ~oo\OO/-.       | \ \
                 |`-.____>>_||___`-.    +-+-+
                 |__|____\\__bb___||    | | |

         \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | | | | | | / / / / / / / /
        \         __    ___    __    __      __       /
       -     v   / _/  /   |  /  |  / _/  /|/ /  v     -
      -     >+<  \_ \ | \/ | | ' | | |_  |   |  >+<     -
       -     ^   /__/ |_||_| |_|_|  \__\ |_|\_\  ^     -
        /                                             \
         / / / / / / / / | | | | | | | \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

                         What?! I was     *And now for something
                            yawning!         completely different.*
                              ,         ,--.  /
                 ,-- ~..----#O--.       | \ \
                 |`-._>>____||___`-.    +-+-+
                 |__|_\\_____bb___||    | | |    jg
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Episode 27 (Aug. 29, 2001)
                               I probably disassembled it and put it in
       Whatever happened to    a box somewhere in a closet or something
      that robot of yours?     with all the other old stuff... I dunno.
           `                         ,        ,--.
            ~..        ,---------- OO .       | \ \ *bloop*
            .>>.       |`-._______||o. `-.    +-+-+   *bleep*
             |\        |__|________bb \_||___,| | |

        Did you remember to turn
         it off? I always forget
             turning stuff off.             *G.. G-G-GAME*
                           `        *         ,--. /  *OVER*
                       ,--- ~.. -- OO .       | \ \
                       |`-.__>>___||o. `-.    +-+-+
                       |__|__\\____bb \_||___,| | |


        *Destroy*                  WILL THE ROBOT HEAD ESCAPE
         *Nerd Boy*                DESPITE ITS TOTAL LACK OF
           *meep*                  LOCOMOTION? WILL IT DESTROY
               `                   NERD BOY?
              ~==                            ...stay tuned...     jg
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Episode 28 (Aug. 30, 2001)
 Look! Turns out I hadn't deactivated        *Nerd Boy is
the robot before disassembling it. It's        a jerk!*
 been lying there alone for a week!            *meep*     And how!
                           `                    ,         ,
                            OO                ~==       ..~
                           .||-               .]].     .<<.
                            bb                 ||       ||

                                         We should really get to know
                                        each other better, robot! How
                                      about stealing some wheel chairs?
                            OO                ~==       ..~
                           .||.               .]].     .<<.
                            bb                 ||       ||

                            Whaddaya think, Nerd Boy? Hello?
                            OO      ..~       ==~
                           .||.    .<<.      .[[.
                            bb      ||        ||

 /   I could run for the hills,   \
| but I probably wouldn't make it. |
 \ Suicide, on the other hand...  /  Blah blah?
                        o .           ,
                            OO      ..~       ==~
                           .||.    .<<.      .[[.
                            bb      ||        ||    jg
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Episode 29 (Aug. 31, 2001)
                           / By antagonising the robot, I created \
                          |   a perfect clone of Mandy; the robot  |
       *blah*             |   not only shares her stunning looks,  |
        *blah*             \   but her vile personality as well!  /
          *meep*                                o
             `        *giggle*                    .
              ~==   ..~                            OO
              .]]. .<<.                           .||.
               ||   ||                             dd

                           / I've unleashed a great evil upon the \
                          |   world; the evil that is Mandy. The   |
                          |  blame is all mine; I've misused the   |
        *blah*             \ powers of technology! Oh, woe is me! /
         *meep*     Blah?                       o
            `         ,                           .
              ~==   ..~                            OO
              .]]. .<<.                           .||.
               ||   ||                             dd

                         The robot decided to          OK, now I'm
                          call itself "Dandy".       TOTALLY GOING
                             Isn't it cu..            TO HELL!
                                       `         ` '  ,
                                   ~==  ~..      - OO
                                   .]]. ->>.      -||-
                                    ||   ||        dd    jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 30 (Sep. 1, 2001)
 / I've created an evil robot. Should I \
|  destroy her for the good of mankind?  |
 \  She hasn't actually done any harm.  /
             o .
                 OO  .                       ~==
                .||.   o                     .]].
            ____ bb _________________________ || ____
              .--.___   O_     __   _.-.._   __       _
            ,'       `--( )-._(  `-'      `,'  )-._  ( '.
           (  DESTROY HER!        No, be nice!     `-'   )_
           _)        `              ,  I'm sure there's    )
          (            (  )      <>     some peaceful way (
           `,        (|)OO     ._OO_.    to solve this.    `.
           (          |-||     (_/\_)                      ._)
            )         | db`->   /db\                      __)        __
       __ ,'                                             '._     _.-(
     _(  '    Hey, remember that                            )_.-'
  _.(           time in Vegas?
-'                   `              You shut up!
                       (  )      <> ,
                     (|)OO       OO_.
                      |-||      -|\_)
                    <-+'bb       dd

               I have photos...
                     `              DESTROY HER!
                       (  )      <> ,
                     (|)OO     ._OO_.
                      |-||     (_/\_)
                    <-+'bb      /db\   jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 31 (Sep. 2, 2001)
                               / I know! I'll have to reprogram the  \
                              | robot's corrupted personality routine |
            ow!                \  in order to make her nice again!   /
 *punch*    ,                                          .   . o
     ~== xx                        / Where'd she  \  o   OO
     o]]-o))                      |   get those    |    .||.
 ____ || cc ______________________ \boxing gloves?/ ____ dd ____

                               / But how? She has superhearing, so I \
                              |  can't sneak up on her, and she's a   |
      oww..                    \ robot, so she never sleeps! Hmm...  /
         `                                             .   . o
          xx        ~==           /  Hey! Is she  \  o   OO
          ))        o]]o          \ coming here?! /     .||.
    ____ cc ________ |\ ________________________________ dd ____

                *Prepare to die, Nerd Boy.                 . o/Think,\
                After much practicing, I  ` ~==          OO'  \think!/
               will now destroy you most    o]]o        .||.
                  painfully.* *meep*     ___ || ________ dd ____

 *So this new routine makes
  punches more painful? It        A lot!
  speeds them up?* *meep*    _    ,
                ==~         (_| O'
                 [[.      ,[__]_.))_|
                 || `.__.' |   |d | |  jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 32 (Sep. 3, 2001)
                                           Resetting its
 Whatcha doing?                       _    ,  personality code.
     ` ~..               --~         (_| O
       .>>.               [[.      ,[__]_.))|
        |\                || `.__.' |   |d| |

    You're changing it                     Yep.
      back to a wuss?                 _    ,
           ` ~..         --~         (_| O
             .>>.         [[.      ,[__]_.))|
              ||          || `.__.' |   |d| |

                                    Its personality became very similar
        Why?                          _    , to yours, with one subtle
           ` ~..         --~         (_| O    difference; it wanted to
             .>>.         [[.      ,[__]_.))|   kill me.
              ||          || `.__.' |   |d| |

      How do you mean,
        "difference"?                 _
           ` ~..         --~         (_|
             .>>.         [[.      ,[__]_  _
              ||          || `.__.' |   |  _|_   jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 33 (Sep. 4, 2001)
Yoohoo! Nerd Boy, where are you?
 I won't kill you, I was kidding!                  /  Oh no! She's   \
            ` ~..             ,--------------.  . o\ getting closer! /
              .>>.         .-'____________.-'|O
               |\          ||_____________|__|\b

                          I'll just wait here for him.
                            He's bound to turn up.
                              ,-- ..~ -------. !
                           ||____ //______|__|\b

  *Reprogramming      Hi, I'm waiting for Nerd Boy.
    completed.*        Why don't you join me?
       ,  *meep*                 `                  / I'll be OK as \
    ~==                       ,-- ..~ -------.  . o|    long as I    |
    .]].                   .-'____<<______.-'|O     \ don't breathe./
     ||                    ||____ //______|__|\b

                                          *NB-sama! Why are you
                                            behind the couch?*
                                            ,  *meep*
                                   ?      ~=
                              ,- ~.. ---'[]'-.  . o(Crap.)
                  jg       ||____ //______|__|\b
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 34 (Sep. 5, 2001)
These chairs are    Yep. Train is
     nice.        THE way to travel.
       `___         ___,
       | OO|      ./   /                 Uh oh.        ________
       |_|||_    </___/                 Tunnel ahead. | - _ -  |
       | ]bb]   [ |   |                          `    |____ -__|
                                                 |)O  |________|  .~(/
                                                 |)|              <(/
                                                 | ]b            |[ |

               AH! MY       ________    Oh, knock it off.
             EARS POPPED!  |########|    Can't be that bad.
                       `   |########|   ,
                      |)O  |########|  .~(/
                      |)|              <(/
 _________________ __ | ]b ___ _______|[ |____ _______________
|                 |    aaah.  |     eeeeh.    | uuuuuh.       |
|   *gulp* *gulp* |       ,   |        ,      |    `   O_O    | All his
|  *swallow*      |  _ O_O    |    _ OO _     |       /  )    | efforts
|    |) O         | | (_(     |   | (__) |    |      (__/|    | are in
|    |)(          | |_((|_    |   |__||__|    |     _|||_|    | vain...
|___ | ]b ________|_| ]bb]____|___[__db__]____|_____[dd[ |____|

                             ____       AH! NOW MY JAW'S
              Quit it!      ||  ||     ,   STUCK TOO!
                   `        ||__||   _O     AAAAAH!
                    \)~.    |   o|   _)(|
                     \)>    |    |    |(|
                     | ]|   |____|   d[ |     jg

And now, a word from the author:

   ___   Month.          That's right. This on-line
 ///  \  ,               comic strip has existed for    Um, ok. Y-yay!
//-[.].]                 a full month now. Rejoice!         `
\|\   _\   <- jg                                              OO'
 =| {-}                                                      -||-
/) \\#                                                        db
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 35 (Sep. 6, 2001)
             Finally! This growth
             formula will make me
             a 6'5" hunk of meat!     It'll never work.
                    `                  ,
                     OO              ..~
                    .||-V           .<<.
                  __ bb ____________ || __________

             Just you wait.
              Bottoms up!           Stupid Nerd Boy.
                    `                  ,
                    OO,>             ..~
                    .||'            .<<.
                  __ bb ____________ || __________

                  ,---.-.  Well, did
                 /  ,--.-\ , it work?
                |__/,-.  \.
                 | ;   : ; :
                 | |   |-| |                AAAAIEEE!
                 | :   ; \ ;                ,
                  \ `-' ._\               oo~
                   `.__o/               -<<-
                    .||-V               //
                  __ bb __________________________jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 36 (Sep. 7, 2001)
                       ,---.-.    Crap. I thought that the
                      /  ,--.-\  , growth formula would turn
                     |__/,-.  \.    me into a hunk, not a freak.
                      | ;   : ; :
                      | |   |-| |
                      | :   ; \ ;                 Told ya!
                       \ `-' ._\                    ,
                        `.__-/                    ..~
                         .||.                    .<<.
       __________________ bb ____________________ || _______

                      ,---.-.  No sweat. I'll just come up with
                     /  ,--.-\ , some kind of anti-dote, and..
                    |__/,-.  \.   woah.. w-WOAH!
                     | ;   : ; :
                     | | o |-|o|
                     | :   ; \ ;
                      \ `-' ._\                   !
                       `.__O/                     ..~
                         -\\-                    .<<.
       __________________ b b ___________________ || _______

                          Ooops...           Great! Now I have to
            _______ ,'|_ ,                  call triple-A -again-!
           /\(_____)   '\                             ,
          |  `.         ,\                         ~--
          |   |        /  b                        ->>-
       ____`._|______,'____________________________ |\ _____jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 37 (Sep. 8, 2001)
                             This oversized,          /-.--.  \
                           unbalanced head is        ./  ,-.\__|
                       really bugging me. I need    ; : ;   : |
                          to make an antidote.      | |-|   | |
                         If I can just get to my    : / :   ; |
                          lab without falling,   `   /_, `-' /
                         everything will be fine.      \-__,'
                                                  ______ dd ____
 ONE INCH AT A TIME,                    ,-,---.
 NERD BOY PRECARIOUSLY                 /-.--.  \.
 WALKS THE 10 YARDS TO                ./  ,-.\ / \
 HIS LAB...               Easy       ; : ;   :|   |
                         does it...  |^|-| ^ | `-'
                                   ` : / :   ; |
                                      /_, `-' /
                                   _____ d  b __________________
 HOURS...        /-.--.  \
                ./  ,-.\_ |
               ;\: ; / : |              Not to rub it in or anything,
               |o|-| - | | *twitch*     but I think that door is too
     ___  gnk. : / :   ; |  *twitch*     small for you, Potato Head.
    |LAB|    `  /_, `-' /                      ,
    |   |         \~__,'                      ..~
    |o  |          .||.                      -<<.
    |___|__________ dd ______________________ || ___ jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 38 (Sep. 9, 2001)
             /-.--.  \  I finally made it
            ./  ,-.\__\ to my lab! Now I can
           ; : ;   : |   revert the effect of
           | |-|   | | ,  that stupid growth
           : / :   ; |    formula and get a
            /_, `-' /     normal-sized head!
   _U__v___    .||.
   |      |     dd
                      /-.--.  \
                     ./  ,-.\__\
                    ; : ;   : |  Some of this...
                    | |-|   | | ,
                    : / :   ; |
                     /_, `-' /
              ______U_ `//.
              |      | d  d
                                 _\V/_        ,-,---.
                                 >BAM<       /-.--.  \
                                 /'^'\      _/  _._\__\      Wait.
                                           d8b d888b |  It's all coming
                                           888-88888 | , back to me...
                                           Y8/ Y888P |   I don't know
                                            /_, `"' /     crap about
                                              \-__,'      chemistry.
                                     ______U_ v-||
                                     |      |   dd   jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 39 (Sep. 10, 2001)
  Hi.                                     *          ,--.
    ` OO                      ,-------- ~.. -.       | \ \ *bloop*
     .||.                     |`-.______>>o. _`-.    +-+-+   *bleep*
      bb                      |__|______ \\ \__||___,| | |

     So you got rid of that big head
     of yours, huh? Made an antidote
     to that freaky growth formula?       *throw* ,o
                     ,                           (   ,--.
      OO           ..~        ,--------------.    \  | \ \
     .||.         .<<.        |`-.____________`-.  `.+-+-+
      bb           ||         |__|_____________||    | | |

Nah, turns out that their
dieting formula-
     |     I wasn't! I was -not- playing
     |    -anything-, YOU CAN'T PROVE IT!
      `              ,                               ,--.
      OO           oo~        ,--------------.       | \ \
     .||.         -<<-        |`-.____________`-.   ,+-+-+
      bb           ||       jg|__|_____________||  (_| | |_.o *pok*
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 40 (Sep. 11, 2001)
  Smoking   ,
  is cool. (



                                  xx  *hack*
                                 bb  _

            And that's when
             I remembered;           OK, next time I ask you what
               I don't smoke!        time it is, remind me not to.
                           `                ,
                            OO            ~--
                           .||.           .>>.
                            bb             |\      jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 41 (Sep. 12, 2001)
 I still don't get it.   No, just catching.
  We're hunting ducks?     ,
       `~..              OO                    quack.
        .>>.            .||.                      `._
  ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.________________< )_________________

             Why?   Shh! Here it comes!
                `          ,
                 ~..     OO
                 .>>.   .||-               _.
  ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.___________( >______________________

                   ~..   OO       _.
  ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.__( >_______________________________

       Where'd it go?     Somewhere in
                  `        ,  the grass...
                   ~..   OO

      _       _   _                   -\\-
     / \ | | |_| |  |_/ |       ~oo     OO
     \_X |_| | | |_ | \ .     , ->>-
                   \        ,   / \
                    _'<      ,
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 42 (Sep. 13, 2001)
You still haven't
 explained why
 we're chasing     Shh!
  ducks...          ,
    `~..          OO
     .>>.        .||.                 _.
 ''''''''''''''''''''''''._____________( >__________________________

     ~..          OO              _.
 ''''''''''''''''''''''''._________( >______________________________

            Crap, it
             turned back.
                 `               quack.
     ~..          OO                 `._
 ''''''''''''''''''''''''.__________< )_____________________________

                                         \  _._.____
               NO!                         /____  \|_   ,
                 `OO                     - \/ \/\  \|_
     ~..         -||-                      o_\   \  \|_  ,
 ''''''''''''''''''''''''._______________< ) /____)  \| /___________

Thank god. I'm   Me too.
 going home.     , This sucks.
   `..~        OO
   .<<.       .||.                          *blooop*
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 43 (Sep. 14, 2001)
           |   This place is boring.          ________ |
           |     Whose idea was it    Yours. |   YE   ||
           |    .- to come here?     ,  .--. | SHOPPE ||
           |    |[]. .    `OO   | ~..   |[]| |,-------||
           |    |  | |___ .||. _| .>>.  |  | |________||/
           '----'--'-------bb------||---'--'-----------'    .
 |[][][]| Help! My stupid            _
 |[][][]| / template class  .   `.    `.     Excuse me, Mandy.
 |[][][]|    won't    .  \   \    \     \   I have to make
 |[][][]|   compile! ) )  |   |    |     |   a phonecall.     Whatever.
 |[][][]|             '  /   /    /     /        ,             ,
 |[][][]|                   '   .'    .'      .OO           ~..
 |[][][]|                            "         ||.          .>>.
 |[][][]|                                 _____bb___________ |\ ______
_|______|______                            --------------------------

           AND SO...

                      SuperNerd to the rescue!
                                      ,          ___
                                  \OO___        |.-.|
                                   \/.    _     ||_||
                                    \\  `-      ||_||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 44 (Sep. 15, 2001)
                                        Fear not!
   AAH! They're everywhere!               SuperNerd
     * ,                                   `   is here!
     ..      *    (|*                      \OO___
   *-||- *      *[_]_  _|                   \/>    -*zip*-
  *  || * *  *   |  | | |                   ||

  Help!            My God man! What
    `                 ,  have you done?!
     ..*         *(| O___  This code is awful!
    -||-       * [_]_,\    _
 * * ||*   ** *  |* | (\   _|_

                                                     All in a
    A- Hey, they're gone!                             day's work for
       ,                                               `    SUPERNERD.
     ..           (|                                   _OO_
    -||-         [_]_      _               -*zip*-     <\/>
     ||          |  |      _|_                          ||

                     Hmm, this seems
                      ,  useful...
                 *(| .    "MFC", is it?
               * |  |/| |             jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 45 (Sep. 16, 2001)

                                    `  /_/ v
 That programmer has         AAUGH!   ** ) |   -.
a serious bug problem!        HELP!   ||/_/      \
          `                     `..   (_  \______/)           _
         ___OO                    ))>-'\__)_)_)_)/           | \     _
           <\/>                   /|   / \ \ \ \ \          _|_/_   | |
            || ______________________ |   | | | | |         | '._|_.|_|

     Show me your code
         so that I may     Over    *SKREEEE!*
          rid it of bugs!   there!   ` /_/  v
                       `      Quick!  ** ) /   -.
                     ___OO        `.. ||/_/      \
                       .\/-       //>-(_  \______/)           _
                        />       <<    \__)_)_)_)/           | \     _
                                       / \ \ \ \ \          _|_/_   | |
                          ___________ |   | | | | |         | '._|_.|_|

     Looks like Java.
      , Sorry, I don't do
   \OO___     Java.                  >> __//
    \/.                              ,\\)*) v  -.
    <\   \                          (_\  /__/    \
        \                             (_  \______/)           _
                                       \__)_)_)_)/           | \     _
                                       / \ \ \ \ \          _|_/_   | |
                                      |   | | | | |  jg     | '._|_.|_|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 46 (Sep. 17, 2001)
           What does -that-                  .
              thing do?       Dunno. ____  - o -
                     `          ,  _((__))  _|____
                      ~..     OO  |  \\ (_)|[__]|\|
                      .>>.  .//. -|)  \) \_| ...|\|
        ______________ || __ bb _ |_____.----.__|\| __________

          You built       I'll switch        .
             it, right?     it on.   ____ - -o- -
                     `          ,  _((__))  _|____
                      ~..     OO  |  \\ (_)|[__]|\|
                      .>>.   .||'-|)  \) \_| ...|\|
        ______________ || ___ bb  |_____.----.__|\| __________

            *             *      *     *            *
             \  <<  __ _  _\ __ /  _  /  __    >>  /
               <<    /|_||_)(_ |_/|_)\_/  / ||  >>
                <<  /_| ||  __)| \| \/ \ /_ .. >>
                 <<    /           \          >>
             /        *             *      \
            *                               *
               What the heck
            just happened?      Beats me.
                     `__      _  ,
                  >''(/..    OO-
                      |/   .. \|  ,,            Giants!
                     //>>   \V/ \V/             ,
                     ||_\     |_|             oo
                     "||      | |            -||.
             ________ kk ____ d b ___________ || ___jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 47 (Sep. 18, 2001)
           Your machine turned    Sure looks
            us into giants?!       that way.
                     `__        _ ,
                  >''(/..      -OO
                      |/       |/       Giants!     Where?
                     //>>    // \         `         ,
                     ||_\    ||_|           ..    --
                     "||     "| |          .||.  ,-))
              _______ kk ____ b b _________ || _ |(( ________

             So fix it          Why? This is cool!
               already!        See how scared they are?
                     `__      _   ,
                  >''(/--    OO-
                      |/      \|           M0N5T3RZ!
                     //>>     / \\              \ ,,,
                     ||_\     |_|\\           _    --
                     "||      | | "            -  -\\-
              _______ kk ____ d d ________________  )\_ _____

                                                        Target sighted!
                                                                  ` __
                      On the other hand...                          ..\
                      __     `  _                       ___      _ -||_
                  >''(/oo      -OO                     //\\`-----. /
                      |/       |/                      \\//.-----'/____
                     //>>    // \                        _____|__|_____
                     ||_\    ||_|                      _/___/__________
                     "||     "| |                     (-( (-(  _ _ _ _
             jg______ kk ____ b b ____________________ \-\ \-\_________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 48 (Sep. 19, 2001)
               They're about             Quick! There's the machine
              to shoot us just          that made us big in the     __
               because we're big!        first place!               ..\
                            ` __        _  ,            ___       _ ||_
                .         >''(/oo      OO-             //\\`-----. /
        ____  - o -           |/    _ __\|             \\//.-----'/____
    ___((__))  _|__          //>>    '--/ \\             _____|__|_____
   | |  \\ (_)|[__]|         ||_\       |_||           _/___/__________
   |=|)  \) \_| ...|         "||        | |"          (-( (-(  _ _ _ _
  _|_|_____.----.__| ________ kk ______ d d __________ \-\ \-\_________
Yes! We made it!    Huh? HEY! We're     .                 _        _||_
 Throw the switch!   normal sized       .                //`------/
             |        again!    ____ - -o- -             \\.-----/_____
              `          ,    _((__))  _|____               ____|______
               ~..     OO    |  \\ (_)|[__]|\|           __/___________
               .>>.   .||.  -|)  \) \_| ...|\|          (  _ _ _ _ _ _
          _____ || ___ dd __ |_____.----.__|\| _________ \_____________

Yeah... So... That       Now I remember; it's         Oh, just messing
thing only moved us      a teleporter. But...            with ya.` ___
a bit so we -looked-      Why did that guy                          \_\
 bigger 'cause of the      want to shoot us?              _        _||_
    perspective?            |           .                //`------/
             |             /    ____  - o -              \\.-----/_____
              `          ,    _((__))  _|____               ____|______
               ~..     OO    |  \\ (_)|[__]|\|           __/___________
               .>>.   .||.  -|)  \) \_| ...|\|          (  _ _ _ _ _ _
        jg_____ || ___ bb __ |_____.----.__|\| _________ \_____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 49 (Sep. 20, 2001)

                                     AND I AM SUPERMANDI!!!111
     HA HA, IM SUPERNRD!!1!               /
                 /\/\                  o o /\/
                 \/\/                      ---------
        --------                       / /
                \    /             -- ( (  --
              -- \  / --               \ \
                                       | |
                 |  |                  | |
                 |  |

   Fan art is stupid.        I like it. Shut up
  I mean, there's no        or I'll introduce you
     "SuperMandy".       to "SuperKickInTheBalls".
            `              ,
              OO         ..~
             .||.       .<<.
              bb         ||

      I just..          I hear someone
             `            ,  not shutting up.
              OO       ..~
             .||.     -<<.
              bb       /|                                      jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 50 (Sep. 21, 2001)
  Woah! What's                                A hovercraft. I just
   that?!             .-------.    ______     finished building it.
    ,                /         )__/_____(      ,
 ~oo                /_|\______/   _____|     OO
 .>>.              (____________///////(    .||.
  ||                            ````````     dd

      Can I sit
        in it?        .-------.    ______      Sure, go ahead.
             `       /         )__/_____(      ,
              ~..   /_|\______/   _____|     OO
              .>>. (____________///////(    .||.
               |\               ````````     dd

                This is cool!
                      .-------.    ______    Wait 'til you see the
                     /   .~    )__/_____(      ,  interstellar
                    /_|\_<____/   _____|     OO    hyperdrive.
                   (____________///////(    .||.
                                ````````     dd

              What does this
               red button do?
                      .-------.    ______
                     /   .~    )__/_____(  *FWOOOSH!*
                    /_|\.<____/   _____|_.----._
                   (____________///////(_  - - _-
                                ```````` `---dd                jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 51 (Sep. 22, 2001)
                 /\             /                  \          \  _'_  /
      /\        /  \  /\       /                    \      ___ .'   `.
     /  \  /\  /    \/  \     /                      \   _(   `---.__ |
    /`--'\/  \/   .-------. -- ______  ____           \ (____________)|
   /      \  /   /  O   .~ )__/_____(   -- -           \       `.___.'
           \/   /_|\.)__<_/   _____|_.----._            \     /   |   \
            \  (____________///////(_  - - _-            \____________
             \           /  ```````` `----'               \
                        /                                  \

             I think we're      -I- think I'm going
               running out        to have to
                   of gas.        kill you.
                         `        ,
                         .-------.    ______
                        /  O   .~ )__/_____(
                       /_|\.)__<_/   _____|_.----._
                      (____________///////(_  - - _-
                                   ```````` `----'

                          Did I say gas?
                           I meant.. uh...      Prepare to take
                              chocolate.      your last breath.
                                      `       ,
                                      .-------.    ______
                                     /  O   -~ )__/_____(
                                    /_|\.)__<_/   _____|_.----._
                                   (____________///////(_  - - _-
                                                ```````` `----'    jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 52 (Sep. 23, 2001)
                                     Can I drive?
                                       No.   |
                                       ,    /
                                   .-------.    ______
                                  /  O   .~ )__/_____(
                                 /_|\.)__<_/   _____|_.----._
                                (____________///////(_-   - _-
                                             ```````` `----'

                          .-------.   ____
\                        /_OO  --~ )_/___(
 \                      /_|\))_<<_/  ____|.-._           |
  \                    (____(________\\\\\)- _-      \  ___  /
   \                            ''''  ''''`-'     `.  .'   `.  .'
   _`. ______________________________________________|_______|_________
  //\ `-.__    `-._                                   -- ----
  |||        _.----`  ~                          ~     --- -
    __.-\ \-' ___   ~             ~                      -      ~
__.'___.-\ \-'   `-.__        __       ~
---'                  `--.__.'  `-.____________________________________

               .-------.    ______
              /   .~    )__/_____(
             /_|\.<____/   _____|_.----._
            (____________///////(_ - -- _-
                         ```````` `----'                      jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 53 (Sep. 24, 2001)
                                    Hey, what's
                 ___ *sniff*         ,  the matter?
                ()..)              OO
              ___((___            .||.
                  ||  |___________ dd ________

   I have no friends 'cause         Aww... -I- can
    I've a hammer for a head.     be your friend.
               ` ___                 ,
                ()..)              OO
              ___((___            .||.
                  ||  |___________ dd ________

                         BIG HUG!
                              \     *boff!*
                               ` ___ /
                                ()--)xx -
                                // dd

          Sorry. See why I
            have no friends?            ..these are not the
                        ` ___                ,  droids we're
                         ()..)             xx    looking for...
              ________   .||.            -//-   ..move along..
                      |__ || ___________ dd __                    jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 54 (Sep. 25, 2001)
                                    Hi, I'm Mandy.
                 ___ *sniff*         ,  Who're you?
                ()..)              ..~
              ___((___            .<<.
                  ||  |___________ || ________

   I'm HammerHead, and        Well, you can't just moan and cry
     I have no friends.           about it. Get out there and -get-
               ` ___                 ,   some friends! Get to know
                ()..)              ..~    people! Make like a leech
              ___((___            .<<.      and latch on to 'em!
                  ||  |___________ || ________

                  You're right!    Of course I am!
                        ` ___        ,  Now get a friend!
                         ()..)     ..~
              ________   .||.     .<<.
                      |__ || _____ || ________

             Will -you- be
                 my fr-    Tell me, have you ever heard
                        ` ___     ,  the technical term
                         ()..)  --~    "Death by Mandy"?
              ________   -||-  .<<.
                      |__ || __ || ___________                    jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 55 (Sep. 26, 2001)
                 ___ *sniff*          , *meep*
                ()..)              ==~
              ___((___            .[[.
                  ||  |___________ || ________

      I have no friends.         *You need to find someone who enjoys
               ` ___                 ,   your special qualities. I
                ()..)              ==~     think I know someone who
              ___((___            .[[.       will...*  *meep*
                  ||  |___________ || ________

  WOULDN'T HAVE REACHED            No problem..
    HER WITHOUT YOUR HELP.          ..friend.
               \  ______          ___ ,
                 |  _ _ \        (..()
                  \      \        _|_
              _.--|\||||||--._   |_  |
             /___.'\_____|.___\  |__ |
             |    \        ___ \ /   |
             |     |   |   \ /  /____|
              \    \__._   _|_      /            *Oww...*
               \      \ `'|  _|.__.'             ,  *meep*
            | |                                ||    | |          jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 56 (Sep. 27, 2001)
                                    Y0. N3RD D00D.
            _                    ,,, /
           (_| O                 --
          [__]_.\_|           ___,//,____
          |   |d| |             _/<

 WHAT are you doing in my house?!      G0T A N3W PR0J3CT G01N.
  You STOLE my girlfriend and         1'M H1R1N L33T PR0GR4MM3RZ.
  RIDICULED me! Begone, Satan!!      W4NT 1N?
            _       `            ,,, /
           (_|       OO          --
          [__]_  _  .||-      ___,//,____
          |   |  _|_ bb         _/<

 What's THIS?! You installed a cheesy        GR34T, 1T'5 4 D0N3
  gold plated railing in MY HOUSE?!           D34L D3N. CU L8R.
            _          `                       ,,, /
           (_|           OO                     --
          [__]_  _     .//-   ___________      .\\.
          |   |  _|_   bb                        )\_

           (_|           OO
          [__]_  _     .//-   ___________
   jg     |   |  _|_   bb
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 57 (Sep. 28, 2001)
 Y0, N3RD D00D,                      Uh, yeah. So what is
  WH4ZZ44444444H!                   this programming project
        \                          you hired me for?
         ,,,                       ,
          --                     OO
         .\\.                   .||.
         _/ )_                   dd

     C0M3 M33T TH4 G4NG F1R5T.     I don't want to meet the gang,
                      \             I want my assignment so I can
                       ,,,         , go home and work on it alone.
                        --       OO
                       .\\.     .||.
                         \)_     dd

Really, I work a lot better alone,
without knowing ANYTHING about the             ,,,
     people I work with.        `OO             --
                                .||.           .\\.
                                 bb              )\_

Leaving without saying anything means
you're gonna e-mail me my assignment,
 right? ... Right?! Err, I'll take
  your absence as a "yes", OK?  `OO
                                 bb                             jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 58 (Sep. 29, 2001)
*Holy smokes, Batman!     Nerd Boy, it's the
 It's Cigaretteman!*      cross-over episode.      Uh huh.
        \  .--.           ,                     _   ,
          / / |     ,- ~.. --------.           (_| O
          +-+-+  .-'____<<______.-'|          [__]_ )_|
          | | |  ||_____//______|__|          |   |d| |

                    "Uh huh"?! Is            No, just waiting for an
                   something wrong?        e-mail from that W4R3Z D00D.
           .--.           ,                     _   ,
          / / |     ,- ~.. --------.           (_| O
          +-+-+  .-'__ .>>. ____.-'|          [__]_ )_|
          | | |  ||____ || _____|__|          |   |d| |

 Nerd Boy, I'm concerned. You're avoiding
the team you're supposed to be working with.        Y-you're right! I
  You should meet them. Face your fears.          should face my fears!
           .--.                     `           _           `
          / / |     ,--------------. ~..       (_|           OO
          +-+-+  .-'____________.-'| .>>.     [__]_  _|     -||-
          | | |  ||_____________|__|  ||      |   | | |      bb

           .--.                                 _    ,
          / / |     ,--------------.           (_|  .~
          +-+-+  .-'____________.-'|          [__]_.<_|
          | | |  ||_____________|__|    jg    |   |/| |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 59 (Sep. 30, 2001)
                / Oookay. Facing my fear \         H3Y N3RD D00D! R34DY
                \  of meeting my peers.  /          2 M33T TH4 G4NG?
                               o .               ,,, /
                                  OO             --
                                 .||.           -//.
                                  bb           _/ )_

                                     / Facing it. I am \
          W4LK TH15 W4Y...           \ facing my fear. /
                     \ ,,,          . o
                       --         OO
                      .//.       .//.
                     _/(         d d

                            / I'm doing great! \
            ,,,          . o\  I can do this!  /
            --         OO
           .//.       .//.
          _/(         d d

    So you're       Nice to
     Nerd Boy?       meet you.   H3'5 L33T.      / I -knew- it! I  \
      __ ,  _  _    _ ,             \ ,,,      o| -should've- paid  |
   \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/             --      . | more attention in |
    \(_)._|__||__|_.((_/         ____.//.____OO_ \ Ninjutsu class! /
____ _|_\|   ||   |/_|_ ________|__ _// ________|____________________jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 60 (Oct. 1, 2001)
  1'M BUY1N A P1224.
G3T T0 KN0W 33CH0TH3R.
    \ ,,,      __    _  _    _
      --    \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/                              OO
     .//.    \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/                              .||.
     (/   ___ _|_\|   ||   |/_|_ ______________________________ dd ___

                                                             KEEP YOUR
                               I'm John.      Linda.          DISTANCE!
                     _  _            ` __    _ ,                  `
            \)      |_)(_|      (/    `--   #..                    OO
             \__  _[__][__]_  __/    .(__). .)|.                   -))-
          ___ _|_ |   ||   | _|_ _____ || __ || __________________ dd

                                       Uh, I mean... What are your jobs
                                         around here? Resident graphics
                                           geek and Visual Basic lamer?
                     _  _              __    _         HAHAHAHAAAH..
            \)      |_)(_|      (/    `--   #..               `OO
             \__  _[__||__]_  __/    .(__). .)|.              .||.
          ___ _|_ |   ||   | _|_ _____ || __ || ______________ dd ____

                            Can I kill                   ..HAHA-hghrk-
                           this one too?    Mmmmm.. no.      *cough*
                     _  _            ` __    _ ,                ,
            \)      |_)(_|      (/    `--   #..               oo
             \__  _[__||__]_  __/    .(__). .)|.              .)).
       jg ___ _|_ |   ||   | _|_ _____ || __ || ______________ dd ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 61 (Oct. 2, 2001)
   Um, so what do           We're developing a new language.
    you guys do?                        __ ,  _  _    _
               `OO                   \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/
               .||.                   \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/
                bb                     _|_\|   ||   |/_|_

  OK. I'm supposed to work
   here. Do you know what       Asking stupid questions?
    my assignment is?                   __ ,  _  _    _
               `OO                   \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/
               .||.                   \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/
                bb                     _|_\|   ||   |/_|_

                                        __    _  _    _
                OO                   \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/
               .||.                   \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/
                bb                     _|_\|   ||   |/_|_

                                        Is he gone?
                                            |    No.
                                            |     |
                                       Ah, crap.   \
                                        __ ,  _  _  ` _
                OO                   \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/
               .||.                   \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/
                bb                     _|_\|   ||   |/_|_         jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 62 (Oct. 3, 2001)
 H3R3'5 TH4 P1224.                            / I can't work with \
       /                                      \  these weirdos!   /o
   ,,,                     __    _  _    _                          .
    --                  \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/                      OO
   .\\-==                \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/                      .||.
     )\_                  _|_\|   ||   |/_|_                        dd

     ,,,                   __    _  _    _
      --                \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/                      OO
     .\\-    -*zip*-     \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/                      .||.
       )\_                _|_\|   ||   |/_|_                        dd

     ,,,                   __    _  _    _
      --                \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/                      OO
     .\\.                \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/                      .||.
     _/ )_                _|_\|   ||   |/_|_                        dd

T45TY P1224 C4RT0N?     *ack-cough*
     ,,, /                ` __   _  _    _       ( Case in point. )o.
      --                \) `.   |_)(_|   -# (/                      OO
     .\\.                \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/                      .||.
     _/ )_                _|_\|   ||   |/_|_         jg             dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 63 (Oct. 4, 2001)
      50... R U P33P5
       G3TT1N 4L0NG?         Nnh.     Um...
        ,,, /              __ ,  _  _   `_
         --             \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/                 OO
     __.\\.__            \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/                 .||.
    |    \>  |            _|_\|   ||   |/_|_                   dd

 1F Y0U C4N'T GET 4L0NG,
    1'LL H4V3 T0 F1RE
         4LL 0F Y0U.         Huh.
        ,,, /              __ ,  _  _    _
         --             \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/                 OO
     __.\\.__            \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/                 .||.
    |    \>  |            _|_\|   ||   |/_|_                   dd

        ,,,                __    _  _    _
         --             \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/                 OO
     __.\\.__            \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/                 .||.
    |    \>  |            _|_\|   ||   |/_|_                   dd

                                   Welcome to the team, man!   Get away
                                    Let me show you around.    from me!
        ,,,                      _  _    _            `  __       ,
         --             \)      |_)(_|   -# (/          `..     OO
     __.\\.__            \__  _[__][__]_.((_/          .(__)    -)).
    |    \>  |    jg      _|_ |   ||   |/_|_             ||     d d
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 64 (Oct. 5, 2001)
  Are you going to tell     CH1LL.                   (5,2)   (0; 1,3)
 me what you've hired me      \ ,,,                 __ ,  _  _  ` _
to do or what?!   `OO           --               \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/
                  .||.        __.//.__            \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/
 _________________ bb _______|  </    |___________ _|_\|   ||   |/_|_

                   W3'R3 M4K1N A S33D 4.1.        (1; 7,2)   (0; 1,4)
                              \ ,,,                 __ ,  _  _  ` _
                   OO           --               \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/
                  .||.        __.//.__            \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/
 _________________ bb _______|  </    |___________ _|_\|   ||   |/_|_

   You're making a seed AI with the potential to
  become a superintelligence that can make or
 break the future of mankind?! Have you taken     (1; 2,2)   (0; 1,5)
Yudkowsky's Friendliness        ,,,                 __ ,  _  _  ` _
 theories into    `OO           --               \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/
  account?        .||.        __.//.__            \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/
 _________________ bb _______|  </    |___________ _|_\|   ||   |/_|_

You HAVE to implement    N0 5W34T, IT'5 0N
 Friendliness, or         0UR T0 D0 L15T.      You sunk my battleship.
you'll doom mankind           \ ,,,                 __ ,  _  _    _
 to extinction!   `OO           --               \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/
                  .||.        __.//.__            \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/
jg________________ bb _______|  </    |___________ _|_\|   ||   |/_|_
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 65 (Oct. 6, 2001)
   So you need me       N0, 1T'5 D0N3, W3 JU5T W4NT Y0U T0 C0D3
  to write an AI for   FR13NDL1N355 50 1T D035N'T K1LL U5 4LL.
   you, is that it?           \ ,,,                 __    _  _    _
                 `OO            --               \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/
                 .||.         __.//.__            \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/
 ________________ bb ________|  </    |___________ _|_\|   ||   |/_|_

Friendliness isn't something
you can just tack on as an            *process*
afterthought! It should     0H.             *initiated*
be the very nature of         \ ,,,                 __    _  _    _
the AI's being!  `OO            --               \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/
                 .||.         __.//.__            \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/
 ________________ bb ________|  </    |___________ _|_\|   ||   |/_|_

Y.. You're running a non-
   Friendly AI?! You're ' /     ,,,                 __    _  _    _
    DOOMING ALL OF _  `OO -     --               \)`-    |_)(_|   .# (/
      HUMANITY!!  _  -//-     __.//.__            \(_)._[__][__]_.((_/
 __________________  b b ____|  </    |___________ _|_\|   ||   |/_|_

                 There. I've averted a          By brutally murdering
                  major threat to mankind.        -MineSweeper-?
              ,,,                __    `OO     _  ,
               --             \)`.     .||.    -# (/
           __.\\.__            \(_)    _dd-.   ((_/
 _________|    \>  |___________ _|_\ .\|'/`,\ /_|_ _________________ jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 66 (Oct. 7, 2001)
  W3 D3C1D3D TH4T W3              I destroy two measly supercomputers
 D0N'T N33D U, N3RD D00D.      and suddenly I'm some kind of liability?
                     \ ,,,                     ,
                        --                   OO
                       .\\.                 .||.
                 ______  )\_  ______________ dd _______________

                                                          4ND ST4Y 0UT!
                                _                                     \
                     ~..     OO  -
                     .>>.  -((-  _                            *kick*
_____________________ |\ ___ b b ______________________________________

                   Oh yeah!? Well, remember my friend Mandy? She's
                    around here somewhere, and she can kick your ass
                      any day, pal! She's not your girlfriend anymore!
                            ,   She's an evil killing machine!
                      ~oo OO
______________________ ||  bb _________________________________________

  Want me to cut off his                                        50UND5
   filthy hand and mail                                          GR34T!
     it to you, honey?!    *                                          \
                     `~.. OO
jg____________________ ||  bb _________________________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 67 (Oct. 8, 2001)
                                   |      Hey! You're that guy who
   _                               |     _ trashed our computers!
  |_|     __                       |    |_|   ` __
   |     #..#      OO              |     |     #..       OO'
   |     .)(.     .||.             |     |     .)|.     .||.
 ________ || _____ bb _________/   |   ________ || _____ dd _________/
 ------------------------------'   |   ------------------------------'
       I'll have you know that     |    Therefore, my actions clearly
   there was a 42.64% chance that  |   outweighed not destroying your
   _  your software was harmful to |     _     computers 165 to 1!
  |_|     __         ,  mankind!   |    |_|     __          ,
   |     #..       OO              |     |     #..       OO
   |     .)|.     .||.             |     |     .)|.     .||.
 ________ || _____ dd _________/   |   ________ || _____ dd _________/
 ------------------------------'   |   ------------------------------'

            You're just making this
             stuff up as you go along,      IT'S THE
                        _ aren't you?    SCIENTIFIC METHOD!
                       |_|   ` __         ,
                        |     #..#     \OO
                        |     .)(.      ||.
                      ________ || _____ dd _________/
                      ------------------------------'     jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 68 (Oct. 9, 2001)
      They're all totally lame.      I was there when they
       I'm never working there      kicked you out, Nerd Boy.
        again, mark my words!       They don't want you there.
                      `              ,
                       OO         ..~
                      .||.       .<<.
                       bb         ||

       Well, I'm never talking       -They're- not
          to them again...         talking to -you-.
                      `              ,
                       OO         ..~
                      .||.       .<<.
                       bb         ||

      Yeah, well, they'll come     -You'll- go crawling
      crawling on their knees.      on -your- knees.
                      `              ,
                       OO         ..~
                      .||.       .<<.
                       bb         ||

      They're total hunks.       -You're- a total.. hey!
                      `             ,
                       OO         ..~
                      .||.       .<<.
                       bb         ||                jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 69 (Oct. 10, 2001)
        Hello,            Hi.
         Mandy.           ,
            `OO        ..~
            .||.      .<<.
     _______ bb ______ || ______

                  This is Linda,
                 my girlfriend.
                  Hi. __   ,
                    `#.. OO        ..~
                     .)|.||.      .<<.
                 ____ || bb ______ || ______

                                  __             -*-
                                 #.. OO        ..~
                                 .)|.||.      .<<.
                             ____ || bb ______ || ______

                                     I think you             )
                                      broke her.            (
                                            ` __            ))
                                             #.. OO        ..~
                                             .)|.||.      .<<.
       jg                                ____ || bb ______ || ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 70 (Oct. 11, 2001)
        OK, back up. YOU're          No, Linda and I are
      DATING? Is this a JOKE?          ,  really dating.
                           `~..      OO
                            .>>.    .||.
                      ______ || ____ dd _________________

             C'mon, is it a joke?
                You can tell me.       It's not.
                           `           ,
                            ~..      OO
                            .>>.    .||.
                      ______ || ____ dd _________________

                            ~..      OO
                            .>>.    .||.
                      ______ || ____ dd _________________

    So you're saying that this dating
       thing is some kind of joke?
                            ~..      OO
                            .>>.    .||.
                      ______ || ____ dd _________________ jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 71 (Oct. 12, 2001)

              v .   ._, |_  .,
           `-._\/  .  \ /    |/_
               \\  _\, y | \//
         _\_.___\\, \\/ -.\||
           `7-,--.`._||  / / ,                      /_
           /'     `-. `./ / |/_.'                 /(  \
                     |    |//                     \ ` |
                     |_    /                       `._|
                     |-   |
                     |   =|
                     |    |
''''''''''''',,,,,,,/ ,,,. \,,,,,,,___
                     '    `           `--._
                                           `.                 ,-.
                   I love                    `.              / `'
      \,            autumn.     Me too.        `.
                         `        ,              `.
                          OO    ~..                `.
                          .\\.   .77.                `.
                ,/          bb     \\                  `-.
                                      .,                        `--._
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 72 (Oct. 13, 2001)
                               Bye!           Bye!
                      _          ,              `_
                     ".O       OO               ..#/
                    .((       .||'              .)|
            _______ | bb _____ bb ______________ |\ _____________

     She'll be your
  downfall, you know. I           Uegh!
     was there when  `_           ,                      _
      it happened.   ".O        oO                      #..
                    .((         //                      .)|.
            _______ | bb _____ dd ______________________ |\ _____

 Don't be frightened. I
   am your future self           So what's with the monocle?
     come back to    `_          , Why would I have a monocle?
      warn you.      ".O       OO    It's kinda freaky.
                    .((       .||.
            _______ ( bb _____ dd _______________________________

  You like the monocle.       I think we got off on the wrong
   Lay off the monocle.          foot. Let's start over...
                     `_          ,  What's with the cane?
                     "-O       OO
                    .((       .||.
            _______ | bb _____ dd _______________________________  jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 73 (Oct. 14, 2001)
   So you say you're me. From
    the future. How do I know          Run a DNA test.
    you're telling the truth?        _ ,
                           `OO      O."
                           .||.      )).
                   ________ bb ____ dd | ________


                 This won't hurt         Actually, I seem
                    a bit...  _          _ , to recall that-
                          `O |_)      _ O."
                        |_(._[__].   | |-)).
       ________________ | |b|   | `-'|_|dd | _________________

                  Y.. You                   OW!
                 -are- me!    _           _ ,
                         `O  |_)      _  O."
               *creak*  |_\._[__].   | | //.  *creak*
       ________________ ( )b|   | `-'|_|dd  ) ________________

                 pp                              qq
               -//-                              -\\-
               OO    *boing*  _         *boing*   ".O
                        |_   |_)      _
                        / \ _[__].   | |    /
   jg  ____________________ |   | `-'|_| _____________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 74 (Oct. 15, 2001)
According to the DNA test, you're        Well, to make a long story
me. You say you're from the future,     _ ,  short, she'll kill you.
and that the girl I'm dating  `OO      O."
will be my "downfall". How?   .||.      )).
                               bb      dd |

    OK, how stupid do you think          Yes, but only because I came
   I am? You're right here, which       _ ,  back here to warn myself.
     means I -don't- die.     `OO      O."
                              .||.      )).
                               bb      dd |

 Uhh... OK. So how did.. or will..        No, she'll sneak up behind
she do it? Let me guess. An icepick?    _ , you during this discussion.
                              `OO      O."
                              .||.      )).
                               bb      dd |

                  NO, LINDA, DON'T
                   KILL ME! PLEASE!     You're gonna love the look on
                                 |       your face when -you- do that
                            ` ' ,       _ ,  gag 43 years from now!
                            - OO       O^"
                            -//-        )).
       jg                   dd         dd |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 75 (Oct. 16, 2001)
    So, I've been playing        What a surprise. Can you
       Ragnarok again...           ,  speed this up? I have
                       `OO      ..~     a souffle in the oven.
                       .||.    .<<.
    ___________________ bb ____ || _________________________

 ...and a lvl 4 character        Oh. And let me guess.
died because he tried to           ,  He said "insert"?
    take on a wolf..   `OO      ..~
                       .||.    .<<.
    ___________________ bb ____ || _________________________

  Yeah. How did you know?      Well, you told me that stupid joke five
                      |         thousand times, and I still don't think
                       `           ,   it's funny. You know why?! I
                        OO      ..~    don't play that stupid game!!
                       .||.    .<<.       It's an inside joke!!
    ___________________ bb ____ || _________________________

    But... It's like, he's       OK. The souffle can wait, I
    face down in the sand         have more urgent business; the
     and, like.. INSERT!          ,  administration of severe pain.
                       `OO     --~
                       .||.   .<<.
    ___________________ bb ___ /| ________________________jg
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Episode 76 (Oct. 17, 2001)

                        This is Linda,
                       my girlfriend.
                        Hi. __   ,
                          `#.. OO        ..~
                           .)|.||.      .<<.
                       ____ || bb ______ || ______

 According to the DNA test, you're        Well, to make a long story
 me. You say you're from the future,     _ ,  short, she'll kill you.
 and that the girl I'm dating  `OO      O."
 will be my "downfall". How?   .||.      )).
                                bb      dd |

                    _ _ _____ __ ___  ______ _ __ __
                   / \ \  __/ _ \   | \  _  / \  |  /
    --------------/ / \ \ _/ /-'/| /---\ _ / O \   /-------------
                 /_/ \__|\/_/ \_\_/     \_/_____|_|

     Did you ever get the feeling
      your life is one big soap?         You have a life?
                             `            ,
                              OO       ..~
                             .||.     .<<.
       jg                ____ bb _____ || ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 77 (Oct. 18, 2001)
Mandy! Mandy, come quick!               What?! What?!
                  `                       ,
               -   OO                  oo~ _
              _  -//-                 -<<-  -
                 b b                   /|

     They've implemented          Oh GOD, that STUPID
    the duelling system in          -GAME- again...     __
         Ragnarok!      `OO                `~--         ..#
                        .||.                .>>.       .|(.
                         bb                  |\         /|

So I tried it out, because         And she totally kicked your
   some girl challenged me.      __ ,  ass and killed you and
                        `OO      ..#   utterly humiliated you   ~..
                        .||.    .|(.    in front of all your    .>>.
                         bb      ||       on-line friends?       |\

      That's -exactly- what         Oh, just a
        happened. How did        __ ,  wild guess.
             you know?  `OO      ''#
                        .||.    .|(.
     jg                  bb      ||
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Episode 78 (Oct. 19, 2001)
  I can't believe I was
defeated in Ragnarok by a        Look on the bright side.
girl. And by my girlfriend,          ,
    of all people.      `OO       ..~
                        .||.     .<<.
                         bb       ||

               What's that?         You were beat by a
                        `            , gi-irl! Nyah nya-
                         OO       ..~   nyah nya-nyaah nyah!
                        .||.     '<<.
                         bb       ||

             Oh, the -evil- bright side.        Heh heh.
               ,  Where's my future me?            ,
             OO   Why didn't he warn me         ~..
            .||.      about this?               .>>.
             dd                                  |\

    You! You just told me my                   Yeah, well. You'll get
   girlfriend would -kill- me,               _  , over it in only 30
   not that she'd kill me in `OO            O."     years or so...
     an on-line game! This   .||-            )).
       is -horrible-!         bb            dd |     jg
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Episode 79 (Oct. 20, 2001)
 You've been working all            Among other things... Trying
  day. What are you doing?            to program a chatbot using
              ` __               _     ,  stochastics and stuff.
               #..              (_|  O
                )|              [__]_.)_|
                |\              |   |d| |

          Any progress?                 First, I checked the
                      ` __       _     ,  net for similar projects.
                       #..      (_|  O
                       .)|.     [__]_.)_|
                        ||      |   |d| |

                  And?                  Well... I found this cool band
                      ` __       _     ,  called EBO and I've been
                       #..      (_|  O     listening to them all day.
                       .)|.     [__]_.)_|
                        ||      |   |d| |

  So what do they have    *why are you
   to do with chatbots?      alone?*    Well, they uh... Nothing...
                      ` __       _     ,    Nothing, I guess.
                       #..      (_|  O
                       .)|.     [__]_.)_|
     jg                 ||      |   |d| |
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Episode 80 (Oct. 21, 2001)
                            __              ,--.            *yawn*
                     ,---- #.. -----.       | \ \         OO
                     |`-.___)| ______`-.    +-+-+          ))
                     |__|___ \\ ______||    | | |         d d

       Finally awake, huh?                             Uh huh.
     It's 3 pm. Been up   ` __              ,--.         ,
   all night working ,---- #.. -----.       | \ \     OO
  on the chatbot?    |`-.___)| ______`-.    +-+-+      ))
                     |__|___ \\ ______||    | | |     d d

 *I'll get you some orange
    juice, NB-sama!* *meep*
            ,              __     *grunt*   ,--.
         ~==         ,---- ..# - OO .       | \ \
         .]].        |`-.___)| _(( __`-.    +-+-+
          ||         |__|___ \\ __bb__||    | | |

   I don't get it. You're       What? Oh, that thing's actually
 struggling to get a chatbot        a "Hjyrgjen" from IKEA.
working, and yet you've   ` __     ,        ,--.
managed to build an  ,---- #.. - OO .       | \ \
intelligent robot?   |`-.___)| _(( __`-.    +-+-+
                     |__|___ \\ __bb__||  jg| | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 81 (Oct. 22, 2001)
 *Tadaima!*                           Okaeri.
    *meep*                      __      ,        ,--.
        `~==              ,---- ..# - OO .       | \ \
         .]].             |`-.___)| _ ||__`-.    +-+-+
          ||              |__|___ \\ __bb__||    | | |

 Now I'm really confused. You said you
  bought the robot from IKEA, right?    Yeah?
                               ` __     ,        ,--.
    ==~                   ,---- #.. - OO .       | \ \
   .[[.                   |`-.___)| _ ||__`-.    +-+-+
    /|                    |__|___ \\ __bb__||    | | |

          So why does it speak
      Japanese instead of Swedish?      Duh!
                               ` __     ,        ,--.
                          ,---- #.. - OO .       | \ \
                          |`-.___)| _ ||__`-.    +-+-+
                          |__|___ \\ __bb__||    | | |

               I bought it from the Japanese branch of IKEA,
                obviously. You think they make robots like
                 that in Sweden? I mean, come on, Linda...
                                 __     ,        ,--.
                          ,---- #.. - OO .       | \ \
                          |`-.___)| _ ||__`-.    +-+-+
          jg              |__|___ \\ __bb__||    | | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 82 (Oct. 23, 2001)
       So, what do you say?         I don't know if I'm
        Sounds like fun, huh?        ready for that...
                           ` __      ,
                            #..    OO
                            .)|.  .||.
                             ||    dd

OK, what if I bring my stuff
 over just for the weekend as      Err... It's a big step.
  a kind of trial period?  ` __      ,                       ?
                            #..    OO                       ..~
                            .)|.  .||.                      <<
                             ||    dd                       /|

 Give it some thought       OK! Bye!        -What's- a big step?
  and call me, ok? __             `            ,
                 `#..              OO       ..~
                  .|(.            .||.     .<<.
                   /|              dd       ||

  Well, Linda wants to connect our            Stupid nerds.
   computers in a local area network.          ,
                                  `OO       --~
                                  .||.     .<<.
            jg                     bb       ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 83 (Oct. 24, 2001)
 So have you decided? Do you           We-ell...
want to network our computers? __      ,
                             `#..    OO
                              .)|.  .||.
                               ||    dd

    Oh, come on! It'll be fun!
  We can have a LAN party, play        It's just...
    some Drakan and stuff!   ` __      ,  I dunno...
                              #..    OO
                              .)|.  .||.
                               ||    dd

                         What?        I've.. I've never done
                             ` __      ,  it with a girl before.
                              #..    OO
                              .)|.  .||.
                               ||    dd

                Why? What are
                 you afraid of?        V-viruses?
                             ` __      ,
                              #..    OO
                              .)|.  .||.
          jg                   ||    dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 84 (Oct. 25, 2001)
       Still working on                It's not stupid, I just..
     that stupid chatbot?          _     ,
             ` ~..                (_|  O
               .>>.               [__]_.)_|
                |\                |   |d| |

   Oh, it's just not                   It's just that I..
  talking, is that it?             _     ,
 Is it gwumpy, the ` ~..          (_|  O
  poow thing?        .>>.         [__]_.)_|
                      ||          |   |d| |

 You're an idiot and you           I left out a semi-colon!
   made a mute chatbot?            _      ,                      __
                   ` ~..          (_|   OO                       ..#
                     .>>.         [__]_-||- _                   .|(.
                      ||          |   | db  _|_                  /|

             "Semi-colon"?                           Semi-colon?
               Whatever.                            Ha ha! Idiot!
                 ,                 _                       ` __
              ..~                 (_|   OO                   ..#
             .<<.                 [__]_.||. _               -|(.
     jg       /|                  |   | db  _|_              ||
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Episode 85 (Oct. 26, 2001)
                 Weird stairs.
                       _ .<<. _
                      |\  ||   \_
                      | \_______\\_
                      | | | | | |_\\_
                      | | | | | | |_\\_
                      | | | | | | | |_\\_
                      | | | | | | | | |_\\_
                      | | | | | | | | | |_\\_
                      | | | | | | | | | | |_\\
                      | | | | | | | | | | | |_\
                      | | | | | | | | | | | | |
                      | | | | | | | | | | | | |
                      | | | | | | | | | | | | |
                      | | | | | | | | | | | | |
                      | | | | | | | | | | | | |
                      | | | | | | | | | | | | |
                      | | | | | | | | | | | | |
                      | | | | | | | | | | | | |
                      | | | | | | | | | | | | |
                      | | | | | | | | | | | | |
                      | | | | | | | | | | | | |
                      |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| | | |
                      \                 \ | | |
                       \                 \| | |
                        \                 \ | |
                         \        qq       \| |
                          \      .||.       \ |
          jg               \_____ OO ________\|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 86 (Oct. 27, 2001)
       There, my program is now
      officially bug free... `     _
                               O  |_)
                            |_(._[__] *
                      * ___ | |b|   | ___

Now for some surfing. Hey, the new
 Lord of the Rings trailer!  `     _
                               O  |_)
          _________________ | |b|   | ________________

 What the.. I need QuickTime to
  play it? OK, installing... `     _
                               O  |_)
    _______________________ | |b|   | ________________________

                            _    _
                             \  /
                       *      ||     *       *
                             /  \---._   *
        AAAAUGH!          * (=)(=)  ) `.       *
             `        *      \--/--\-.  \        *
               OO                 |/)|  |  *
               -\\-    _    * ( _[__]' /     *
    jg           bb  _|_  *    `|.__|.'   *
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 87 (Oct. 28, 2001)
          Hi Linda.                Hi.
              `                 __ ,            ,--.
               OO        ,---- #.. -----.       | \ \
              .||.       |`-.___)| ______`-.    +-+-+
           ___ bb   ____ |__|___ \\ ______||    | | | __

Halloween's coming up.            Nah.
Have you decided on a           __ ,            ,--.
costume yet?  `OO        ,---- #.. -----.       | \ \
              .||.       |`-.___)| ______`-.    +-+-+
         _____ bb   ____ |__|___ \\ ______||    | | | ___________

         ~..             ,-------- OO --.       | \ \
          >>             |`-._____ || ___`-.    +-+-+
        _ |\    ________ |__|______ bb ___||    | | | ____

        Where's Linda?            We broke up.
                 `                   ,          ,--.
                  ~..    ,-------- OO --.       | \ \
                  .>>.   |`-._____ || ___`-.    +-+-+
      jg        __ || __ |__|______ bb ___||    | | | _
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 88 (Oct. 29, 2001)
Imagine... Soaring above the       Are you talking about
roofs of skyscrapers, saving       a stupid game again?
civilians from evil-doers...         ,
                      `OO         ..~
                      .||.       .<<.
                       bb         ||

       City of Heroes is             And furthermore, you're
        -not- stupid! `              , SuperNerd, so why would
                       OO         ..~     you need a stupid
                      .||.       .<<.      superhero game?
                       bb         ||

                       OO         ..~
                      .||.       .<<.
                       bb         ||

                                               And now, breakfast.
                       OO                    ~..
                      .||.                   .>>.
        jg             bb                     |\
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Episode 89 (Oct. 30, 2001)
                    ____ ,
        __________ /_db_\

                    ____  *hissss*                      , Brains...
                    \,-/                             xx~
                    / /\                            -==-
             _____ /_/b_\                     ______ /|

                          Nice costume,           Brains...
                    __  ,  Mandy.                  ,
                    \OO                          xx~
                    /||.                        -==-
       ___________ /_|b ________________________ |\ __________

 Huh? What               RUN LIKE              Brains...
costume? `          __'_ , THE WIND!!           , (*meep*)
         ~..        \OO/ -                   xx~
         .>>.       //|-                    -==-
       __ || _____ //db_\ __________________ /| ______________jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 90 (Oct. 31, 2001)
 YOU'LL FIND..  /____\                    /|   |\
                \                        | |`. | |            |
                 `--.  _  _  __   _  _ _ | | | | |  _  _ _   _|
                _____\ |  |  | \ /_\ |/ `| | `.| | /_\ |/ ` / |
                \____/  \_|_ |_/ \_  |    \|   |/  \_  |    \_|
           .\/           - exterminator @ cyberspace -
           / >

         _     *clickety-click!*             ,
        (_|  O___                          OO
        [__]_.\                           '||.
        |   | <\                           dd


  Which is why I want to           Have you heard? Scientists
 beta test City of Heroes.         , say that a braindead gerbil is
                       `OO      ..~  actually less boring than you.
                       .||.    .<<.
                        bb      ||         jg
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Episode 91 (Nov. 1, 2001)
 OH MY GOD! A girl that
has a hammer for a head,
just like me!  ` ___ !?                     ___
                ()..)                      ()..)
                .((.                        .>>.
                  \\                         ||

                              Um... Hi.       Get lost, freak!
                                  ` ___     ___ ,
                                   ()..)   (..()
                                    ||      .>>.
                                    ||       ||

           ___ ,                            ___
          (;;()  *sniff*                   ()..)
   *bawl!* -\\-                             .>>.
            / \                              ||

               Isn't it a bit late            Treat?
                for trick or treat,            ,
                  Mandy?     ` OO           ..~
                              .||.         .<<,___
         jg                    bb           ||(oo()
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 92 (Nov. 2, 2001)
                  OO                  ..~
                __||____             .<<.
         ______( ` bb   \____________ /| ______________________

                  OO         ..~
                __||____    .<<.
         ______( ` bb   \___ || _______________________________

                  OO         ..~
                __||____    .<<.
         ______( ` bb   \___ || _______________________________

                  OO         ..~
                __||____    .<<.
         ______( ` bb   \___ || _______________________________

 Why are you staring           I don't know, I just got
  at me like that?              , the feeling that something
                 `OO         ..~    funny was about to happen.
                __||____    .<<.
       jg______( ` bb   \___ || _______________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 93 (Nov. 3, 2001)
  ---   __  ---    |     __            |   ---  __    --     ----   _
    -  <>-> -  -   |    <>->   ==~     |   __  <-<>  ==~ __   -- ___
 --   .//.    ---- |    .[].  .[[.     |        .\\-[[      ---
   _  / >    ---   |     ||    ||      | --- __  < \ \\    ____  ---

                          __    __   __    __
                    ==   <-<>  [_[] []_]  <>->  ~==
                   .[[.  .[].  .||. .||.  .[].  .]].
            _______ || __ || __ || _ || __ || __ || _______

                          \        |        /
                           \       |       /
                      .     \    _   _    /     .
                       `.    \  <-> <->  /    .'
                         `.    .[ ]-[ ].    .'
                   `-._     ==/  \\_//  \==~    _.-'
                       `-  .[]   [_|_]   [].  -'
                            ||   || ||   ||
                                / | | \

                                 <o o>
            Cool!              --[___]--~              Dorky.
               `               [] | | []                ,
                OO             ||[___]||             ..~
               .||.              || ||              .<<.
    jg          bb              /_| |_\              ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 94 (Nov. 4, 2001)
                    *Now that the transformation scene is over,
            ||  ___  /  We will go forth to save the Universe!*
            [] <o o>
             `|[___]--~ *meep*            Um, excuse me.
                | | []                    ,
               [___]||                  OO
               || ||                   '||.
       ______ /_| |_\ _________________ dd ______

*What is it, puny human? Er,
 "organic friend".*  \  ___
                       <>oo>               Uh, you're using a robot I
                      --]__]-~ *meep*     bought from an IKEA store in
                      [] || ]             ,  Japan as your left arm.
                      ||[__]|           OO    Can I have it back?
                        ||||           .||.
                  ____ /__\_\ _________ dd ______

*So -you- are the incompetent fool!
 This robot is incorrectly assembled!
 Witness how its voicebox emits noise
 after speech! We    \  ___
 shall punish you!*    <>oo>              O-OK, you can borrow it. I
                      --]__]-~ *meep*     don't n-need it right now.
                      [] || ]_                ,
                      ||[__]`-              OO
                        ||||                .)).
                jg____ /__\_\ _____________ bd __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 95 (Nov. 5, 2001)
   *You bother Us again?*
                       \  ___
                         <>oo> *meep*   Sorry, I was just wondering if
                        -[__[--~          you can really just take my
                        [ || []           , robot like that and use it
                        |[__]||         OO   as your left arm. I mean,
                         ||||          .||.    is that even legal?
            ___________ /_/__\       __ dd

*Verily, according to the
  Asian-American robot  \ ___
  act of 1982, human.*   <>oo>
                        --]__]-~ *meep*    Oh...
                        [] || ]           ,
                        ||[__]|         OO
                          ||||         .||.
            ____________ /__\_\      __ dd

*Read the fine print next
time, puny consumer.* \ ___
                      -[__[--~ *meep*
                      [ || []
                      |[__]||           OO
                    __// ||            .||.
         __________ \_| /__\         __ dd    jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 96 (Nov. 6, 2001)
*Yes, I have a positronic
 brain and no, I   \  ___
don't know how it    <>oo>
 works, sorry.*     --]__]-~ *meep*      OK, just a few more
                    [] || ]                ,  questions...
                    ||[__]|              OO
                      ||||              .||.
                     /__\_\              dd

*I must take my leave!
The irritating human has
belated me!*   \  ___   ___
             ||_ <oo<>_   ----
              `-|[__[|-.\ *meep*          Hey! Who are you calling
                  ||   || --               ,  an irritating human?
                 [__] - - __ -           OO
               _/.-'\_ ----             .||.
               \_|  \_\ --               dd

          ,--.    *Leave that perfectly innocent
      ___[#][#]     house alone, foul creature!*
_____/  ( `(-)          \  ___
     {  ( - )       ___ _ <oo<> *meep*
     `'\___/         '-`-|[__[--~          A really         Woohoo...
________\ - \__/           || []         big monster!       ,
__    |_/\ - \__|   )     [__]||                  `OO    --~
  |   |  /\ - `.__,/      ||||                    .||.  .<<.
  |   | | /`.__\_.'      /_/__\           jg       dd    ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 97 (Nov. 7, 2001)
                ,--.      *Attempting to impress
               [#][#]      Us, are we? We are not
             __(`(-)__      impressed, insect.*
_____       | ( - )   \        \  ___
     {         ( - )             <oo<> *meep*
     `'\        | - )           -[__[--~
________\    __/ - /_           [ || []
__    |     / / - /  \          |[__]||           OO     ..~
  |   | (___.'/- /\              ||||             ||    .<<.
  |   |   `.__\.'  |            /_/__\            dd     ||
                 .----o ___.'.-==============.-. `o
                |||  ___  _   _   _         _ \\`o
               ///  |/   |_| |_| |  |_/ |  |_  |o
              ooo o |___ | \ | | |_ | \ |_ |_  o
                          \  /____/\
                            _\O_O_\/_   *MEEP*
 *squeek!* ,--.            |       | |--~
          [#][#]          /|_______|/ /|
        \_(`(-)__/      __\_\_.--._\\_\|
_          ( - )      ()___.'_||||__ | |
 {          ( - )           /      /|| |
 `'\         \ - \         |______|_|   Wow! He grew     OH, -geez-...
____\      ___| - )__       |  ||  |     really big!    I'm outta here.
  |          / - /          | ||| ||             `OO          `~--
  |    (___.'/- /\         /   /    \            -||-           >>
  |jg    `.__\.'  |       |___|______|            dd            |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 98 (Nov. 8, 2001)
So even though you've     *Correct.*
defeated that monster,        \  ___
 you won't give back            <o o>   *meep*
 my robot that you're         --[___]--~         Let me try.
using as your left arm?       [] | | []          ,
                     `OO      ||[___]||       ..~
                     .||.       || ||        .<<.
                      bb       /_| |_\        /|

Do you know what century          *
 this is? The 21st! The          ___
whole "big robot made of        <o o>
small robots" thing is out.   --[___]--~
It's lame. You're a relic!    [] | | []
  Stop embarassing  `~..      ||[___]||     OO
 yourself and just   .>>.       || ||      .||.
    disassemble!      ||       /_| |_\      dd

                    \        `              /
                  -     *zweeee*  /           -
                     *snap*        *whrrrr*  _
                  /       ' *twist*     \

*Finally!  *-Tell- me   *I liked  *Like you like milk? Yeah, I've seen
 Sheesh!*  about it!*     it.*     you sneak off to them milk joints,
   ` __    __ ,  __     __ ,       ,  SICKO!*      ?
    <-<>  [_[]  [_[]   <-<>      ==               ==~    OO   ..~
     []    ||    ||     []       []              .[].   .||. .<<.
     /|    /|    /|     /|       /|      jg       ||     dd   ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 99 (Nov. 9, 2001)
            ~..                                      O  |_)
             >>                                   |_( _[__]
          __ |\                                __ | |b|   |

                         ~..                         O  |_)
                          >>                      |_( _[__]
                       __ |\                   __ | |b|   |

                                     ~..             O  |_)
                                     .>>.         |_( _[__]
                                   __ ||       __ | |b|   |

                         "Vampire Lesbian     ALT-TAB, ALT-TAB!! FOR
                            Kickboxers"?     THE LOVE OF GOD, ALT-TAB!
                                    `               \ ,  _
                                     ~..           - O  |_)
                                     .>>.         |_(._[__]
         jg                        __ ||       __ | |b|   |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 100 (Nov. 10, 2001)
                       *And now, a word
                         from our sponsors...*
                                    \ .--,
                                     / / |       ,- OO ---------.
                                     +-+-+    .-'____))______.-'|
                                     | | |    ||____dd_______|__|

             *Are you one of those who'd           Definitely!
           like to impress friends  \ .--,             ,
           with real-time zooming    / / |       ,-- OO --------.
           Mandelbrots, but your     +-+-+    .-'____||______.-'|
           computer is too slow?*    | | |    ||____dd_______|__|

                  *Buy the new solid                   OK!
                crystal processor!* \ .--,             ,
     ~..                             / / |       ,-- OO --------.
      >>                             +-+-+    .-'____||______.-'|
      |\                             | | |    ||____dd_______|__|

You're way too       *Are you looking for          Definitely!
impressionable,       a comfortable \ .--,             ,
 Nerd Boy. `~..         tampon?*     / / |       ,-- OO --------.
            .>>.                     +-+-+    .-'____||______.-'|
             ||                      | | |    ||____dd_______|__|jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 101 (Nov. 11, 2001)
              ___ ___
            .'  <>_ <>_
           /   ____\  _\
          | | (|||||/| |/|
        __|  \_______/___/
       /    \|   |
      / /    \\  \\
     / / / / / | / |
    /   /   /  |   |
   /     /_/   |   |               Here we are!         Wow. Awesome
__/   /_/_____/___/___           This is my uncle's       , statues.
 / /_/            \__ \            mansion!   `..~      OO
/_/                \__ \                      .<<.     .||.
                    \__ \_____________________ || _____ dd __________

                             ___ ___
                           .'  <._ <._
                          /   ____\  _\
                         | | (|||||/| |/|
                       __|  \_______/___/
                      /    \|   |
                     / /    \\  \\
 No, those are      / / / / / | / |
real live rocs.    /   /   /  |   |
        `..~      /     /_/   |   |           eep
________ << _____/   /_/_____/___/___         ,
                / /_/            \__ \      OO
               /_/                \__ \    .)).
                                   \__ \__ dd_______________________jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 102 (Nov. 12, 2001)
                             Now please behave. My uncle
                              values first impressions.
                            OO    ..~
                           .||.  .<<.
                            dd    ||

                                    Hi Uncle! I'd like you to
                                  meet an acquaintance of mine.
                      __                      ,
                     //>\          OO      ..~
                     .||.         .||.    -<<.
                      bb           dd      ||

    Ah! You must be Nerd         Nose to meet
    Boy! Nice to finally          you too.
            meet you! __             ,      ?!
                    `//>\          OO      ..~
                     .||.         .||.    .<<.
                      bb           dd      ||

                 Nose?              Bless you.     I give up.
                     `__             ,             ,
                     //>\          OO           ~--
                     .||.         .||.          ->>-
       jg             bb           dd            |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 103 (Nov. 13, 2001)
            I hear you share my           Well, actually,
           love of birds, Nerd Boy.      no, not r-
                         ` __            ,
                          /<\\         OO
                          .||.        .||.
                           dd          dd

               Oh, there you are., yes, I'm h-
                         `__             ,
                         //>\          OO
                         .||.         .||.
                          bb           dd

                Follow me!   
                         `__             ,
                         //>\          OO
                         .||.         .||.
                          bb           dd

             I trust you know what
 *tweet*     kind of bird this is?
    __          |     M-mutant killer
   / -\         |      ch-chicken?
_.'    >      Close             |
__)   |      enough.__          |
____.'            `//>\         ` OO
 |                 .||.            ))
_|_                 bb            dd           jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 104 (Nov. 14, 2001)
                                  ~..                     /<\\
                                   >>                      ||
                               ___ |\ ____________________ dd ____

                          There             Huh?
                         you are!         __ ,
                            `~..         //>\
                             .>>.         ||
                          ___ || ________ dd _____________________

                Over                 Oh.
                 here.            __ ,
                    `~--         /<\\
                     .>>.         ||
                  ___ || ________ dd _____________________________

 Did you show Nerd        Yes, I did. He's
   Boy your bird         playing with Lily.              ,
 collection, uncle?     __ ,                           OO
          `~..         /<\\                            -\\__
           .>>.        .||.                             |`\ \___
 __________ || ________ dd __________________________    \__/  o`.
                                                     |    |       |
                                                     |     \      |__
                                                     |      `.  .'   `.
                                                     |       |    `---
    jg                                               |        \
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 105 (Nov. 15, 2001)
          Birdie         Why did you bring me      Oh, come on, they're
 /|      nam-nam!       here? Your uncle is a         just playful.
| |      __ ,          maniac, his birds almost         ,
  |     /<\\               killed me!      `OO       ..~
  |    `-||                                .||.     .<<.
` |_.'| _dd _______________________________ bb _____ || _____
     / |
    /  |
                                 These bite marks     They like you..
             __                 tell a whole other      ,
            //>\                  story!   `OO       ..~
             ||                            .||.     .<<.
        ____ db ___________________________ bb _____ || _____

                               They do.      ` ' ,
                                   ` __     - OO -
                                    //>\    -//-     ..~
                                     ||     dd      .<<.
        ____________________________ bb ____________ || _____

                                              __                \`.
                                             //>\    ~..         \ \
                                              ||     .>>.         \ `.
        _____________________________________ bb ____ || ____   qq \  \
       |                                                     | ._\\|
  jg   |                                                     | \
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 106 (Nov. 16, 2001)
   Hehe, yeah           He doesn't       Hey! That cane looks like..
   that was a        suspect a thing!    It -is- that cane, where did
    good one.  __        ,                         ,  you get that!?
             `//>\    ..~                        OO
              .||.   .<<.                       -||.
   _________ ( bb ___ || _______________________ dd _____

                 Tadaa!          My future self?! Again!?
               _  , \              ,  Why did you claim
              ".O    `~..        OO     to be Mandy's
      __     .((.     ->>.      .||.       uncle??
   __//>\___ | bb ____ || ______ dd _____________________

 Well, I -am-.                    B-but.. You're me, so that
  Right Mandy? _   Yep.            ,  means she's my.. th-that..
             `".O    `~..        OO    no, that's--
      __     .((.     .>>.      -||-
   __//>\___ | bb ____ || ______ dd _____________________

I really had no sense
of humour when I was     Nope.
      young... _         ,
             `".O     ~..
      __     .((.     .>>.                 qq
 jg__//>\___ | bb ____ || ________________ -\\- _________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 107 (Nov. 17, 2001)
                      ________ db ________

                               OO   *flap*                    ..~
                       *flap* >||<                            <<
                      ________ db ___________________________ /| _

                                *pant*          What're you doing?
                                  *wheeze*           ,
                                OO                ..~
                               ((                .<<.
                      ________ bb _______________ || __

  Trying to... get off the ground.           Why don't you just jump
 I have flight *gasp* powers, but            off a cliff or something?
 they only kick in when my feet                      ,
 aren't touching the ground... `OO                ..~
                               ((  *wheeze*      .<<.
                      ________ bb _______________ || __

 I.. It.. Buh-BECAUSE IT DOESN'T             Yeah, -right-.
WORK THAT WAY, AND N-NOW GO AWAY!              Whatever.
                              `OO                    `~--
                              -||-                     >>
                    jg________ bb ____________________ |\ __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 108 (Nov. 18, 2001)
            "..and picking. Weeeow, weeow, weeow, weeow...
            Weeeh, weeeow, weeow, weeo-weeow. Weeh, weeow,
            weeeow, weeeow... Weeow, weeow, weewh.. weeow.
            Weew, weeoh, weeow-weew-wededeeow. Weeow, weeh,
            weeeeow, weeoh. Weeow, weeee, weeow, weeo-weeow.
            Weeoh, weeoh, weewh.. weow..."
                          ~--      OO
                          .>>.     ||
                    ______ || ____ dd ______

           Wow. With you around,     Thanks.
           who needs a CD player?    ,
                         `~..      OO
                          .>>.     ||
                    ______ || ____ dd ______

      Now, if I could only find      Ow! Ow, my ribs!
      your stupid eject button...     ,
                               `~-- OO
                  jg____________ ||dd ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 109 (Nov. 19, 2001)
                                             *bom, bo-dsht,
                                               takabom, bo-dsht*
       ~..                                 O  |_)
        >>                              |_(._[__]
        |\                              | |b|   |

            NOW what are      Layin' down some   *bodobom,
             you doing?           fat beatz.   _   bodobom*
                     `~..                 `O  |_)
                      .>>.              |_(._[__]
                       ||               | |b|   |

                                          *dom, bo-dom,
Don't you have more important                 boom boom*
stuff to do, like writing a                    _
report or something? `~..                  O  |_)
                      .>>.              |_(._[__]
                       ||               | |b|   |

               Helloo-oo?     Can't hear you!   *BOOOM BODADSHHT
                    |         LALALALALAAALAA! _  BOODOM, BO-DAKA
                     `~..                 `O  |_)  DSHHT, KA-DSHHT*
                      .>>.              |_(._[__]
    jg                 ||               | |b|   |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 110 (Nov. 20, 2001)
                                         ..if T was a pointer, because
                                        then you'd need to dereference.
                              ~--      OO
                              .>>.     ||
                               ||      dd

       You know, this is just
        like when we first met,
         only not really.   .`~..      OO .
                          o   .>>.     ||   o
                               ||      dd                _____
   _    __   __      _O                    __  O_     __(     `--._
 .' `--'  `-(_ `-.__( )--._     __    __.-'  `-( )---'--.___.--.___`.
(                          `---'  ) ,'                             `-\
 ) You're SITTING ON       Eh..  `.(   Is this seat    No... *giggle* )
( MY HAT! DIE, SCUM!!     ,        )  taken, m'lady?          ,     .'
 `.         `~--    ___ OO ____   (           `OO    _____ ..~ _   ( )
   )         .>>- _|____||_____|   `.          ||. _|______<<___|   `.
 .'           || /  \  dd    /  \    )         bb /  \    //  /  \    )
(        ____   ____              _.'`.__       ____   _             /
 `-.__.-:    `.__)  `---.___.----'     ( `-.__.'   (_.' `._.--.___.-'
         `._.-'  `.______.'             `-._.---.    _.---'

                              ~..      OO
                              .>>.     ||
               jg              ||      dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 111 (Nov. 21, 2001)
 Hey Nerd Boy. Wanna                   Already?
go shop for christmas              _    ,
 presents?    `~..                (_|  O
                >>                [__]_ )_|
                |\                |   |d| |

         Remember last                     OK, OK, just gotta
          christmas?               _         ,  get dressed.
                    `~--          (_|      OO
                     .>>.         [__]_ _|-||.
   ______________     || _____    |   || | dd _____


             What are you doing?                                In a
            Are you finished yet?  _                           minute!
                         `~..     (_|                                 `
                          .>>.    [__]_ _|
                     _____ || ___ |   || | ___________________________

                 It's not                             o  Yuf ud uf.
               -that- cold.        _                 /\ ,
                         `~--     (_|               |__|
                          .>>.    [__]_ _|           ||
        jg                 ||     |   || |           dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 112 (Nov. 22, 2001)
            My life sucks.        Nah, he doesn't
             God hates me.          ,  hate you.
                       `OO       ..~
                   ____((___    .<<.
                  |     bb  |    ||

                        OO           ''~
                   ____((___        .<<.
                  |     bb  |        ||

                        OO          ~``
                   ____((___        .>>.
                  |     bb  |        ||

                         Guess it's official. The Man
                          doesn't have a sense of irony.
                        OO                      `~--
                   ____((___                      >>
    jg            |     bb  |                     |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 113 (Nov. 23, 2001)
       Hello.                       Yep. Wanna
      Painting?               __    ,  see?
             `~..            |  | OO
               >>            ||||-||.-.
               |\             /\  dd`-'

                     |          _____  ||
                     |         /     \ ||
                     |        (  :-)  )||
                     |         \_____/ ||
                     |        o        ||
                     |     _ _         ||
                     |                 ||
                     |      |          ||
                     |      _          ||
                     |     / \         ||
                     |                 ||

                                   |       _____              _____
                                   |      /     \            /     \
That's             Oh, it's just   |     (  :-P  )          (  :-D  )
 very             a doodle. I call |      \_____/            \_____/
  nice.     __    , it "Sympathy   |            o      __    o
     `~..  |  | OO     fishing".   |             ~..  |  | OO
      .>>. ||||-||.-.              |             .>>. ||||-||.-.
       ||   /\  dd`-'              |jg            ||   /\  dd`-'
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 114 (Nov. 24, 2001)
                   | Look! Linda's     Oh no, let's
       __          |    here too!        , leave. __ ___
       ..#         |           `..~    OO        |  |   |
      .|(.         |           -<<.    ||        |o |   |
   ___ || _________|___________ || ___ dd _______|__|   |____

                   Let's go
       __           say hello!
       ..#                  `..~ OO
      .|(.                  .<<-((
       ||                    /|  bb

                                Hello. I'm Nerd Boy's friend. Remember
                              him? He dumped you a while ago? Remember?
                         __         ,
                        #..      ..~   OO
                        .)|.    .<<.   ||
                         ||      ||    dd

     Yes, how could                 Just checking whether you forgot
    I forget the most            since we last met. Half an hour is a
      painful moment in  __         ,      long time, after all...
       my entire life? `#--      ..~   OO
                        .)|.    .<<.    ))
 jg                      ||      ||    dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 115 (Nov. 25, 2001)
So, you're heartbroken             Yes...
because Nerd Boy broke           __ ,
   up with you?     `~..         ..#       OO
                     .>>.       .|(.       ||
                      ||         ||        dd

 And you think about it            Y-yes...
every day? Cwying in youw        __ ,
 widdle pillow...   `~..         ..#       OO
                     .>>.       .|(.       ||
                      ||         ||        dd

  Well, it was never   Nerd Boy, I love you!
   meant to be anyw-    Please forgive me!    OK!
                    `             ` __       ,
                     ~--           #..     OO
                     .>>.          -)|-   -||-
                      ||            ||     dd

                      ?!                __
                     ~oo               #.. OO
                     .>>.              .)|-||.
     jg               ||                || dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 116 (Nov. 26, 2001)
Where's Linda? I just               Oh, your ex-
got some punch for her,            girlfriend?
and now I can't find her.          ,
          ____          `OO     ..~
    _vvv__\~~/___       .||-v  .<<.
    |           |        bb     ||

  "Ex"? No, Mandy, we             Nerd Boy, Nerd Boy... Hate to break
 just got together again.          , it to you, but she was just toying
          ____          `OO     ..~    with your feelings. She left.
    _vvv__\~~/___       .||-v  .<<.
    |           |        bb     ||

                 Face it, Nerd Boy.
                  She's not coming        *sniff*
          ____    back. Let's go. `~..  OO
    ______\__/___                  .>>-((
    |           |                   |\ b b

                                      Church of Appliantology. This is
 /|\    |         |                 it, but where's Nerd Boy? I'm sure
|_|_|   |  .---.  |             __ , this is the address Mandy gave me!
|_|_|   | |  |  | |             ..#
        | | o|o | |            .|(.
        | |  |  | |     jg      ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 117 (Nov. 27, 2001)
                Ultraman          \                          _____
               speaking.          /     Nerd Boy! Listen to |PHONE|
                 ,                \     me very carefully. `|] __[|
              [OO                 /                         |]#..[|
              `|| __A__           \                         |].)|[|
 _____________ bb |___|________   /   ______________________|]_||[|___
Linda?! Why did you abandon me    \                          _____
at the party? Where are you?      /     Listen! I'm sorry I |PHONE|
I thought we had something!       \   left; I fell for the `|] __[|
             `[OO                 /    oldest trick in the  |][..[|
              `|| __A__           \     frickin' book...    |]`|([|
 _____________ bb |___|________   /   ______________________|]_||[|___
What do you mean "trick"?         \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Someone tricked you? Who?
Hello? Linda?!
              `|| __A__
 _____________ bb |___|________

Linda called and the line went
dead. Think it might be those
ferrets you saw earlier, Mandy?                   *whistle*
                         `OO   _                ''~
                          || _'A`_              <<
          jg_____________ bb |___|_____________ /| _________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 118 (Nov. 28, 2001)
      I thought you               I don't. It's
       didn't smoke.            )  ,  chocolate.
                   `~..        (_OO
                     >>          ||
                 ___ |\ ________ dd _____

           Uh, but...              It is?! Oh crap I-
             It's lit.             ,  Wait a minute.
                     `~..     (_ OO
                      .>>.      `||
                 _____ || ______ dd _____

                      ~..       _OO
                      .>>.       ||
                 _____ || ______ dd _____

                                   WOOHOO! THIS IS
                               )   ,  THE GOOD STUFF!
                      ~--     (_ @@
                      .>>.      `||
               jg_____ || ______ dd _____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 119 (Nov. 29, 2001)
      '   /            .       `          '                \
 `       /__________________________________________________\   `
          |           `      |    Can you        Maybe.    |'
    `   . |  ___  '  ______  |  believe it?!  `   , _____  |      '
  '       | |   |   |      | |'   |   | `~..    OO |     | |   `
     .    | |  o| . |_||||_| |  . |  o|   >>   ((  |_____| |_      `
       ___|_|___|____________|____|___|__ |\ _ b b ________|_`._ '
        \                 `   .
_________\  '
        |     That's not          It is if you're
 _____  |      an answer.         ,  a skepticist.
|     | | `             `~..    OO
|_____| |     .    '      >>   ((
________|________________ |\ _ b b ___________

               Hold on.            I believe a certain amount
             "Skepticist"?         ,  of skepticism is healthy.
                        `~..     OO
                         .>>.   ((
                 ________ || __ b b _________

                   Really?         Maybe.
                         `         ,
                         ~..     OO
                         .>>.   .||.
               jg________ || ___ dd _________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 120 (Nov. 30, 2001)
                           You know, I've
        ______________    been thinking.       Congratulations.
       |   / , '  \   |      ,                 ,
       |  /`     . \  |    OO                .~
       |-(___||||___)-|   ((     |_  ______  <_|
       |__\        /__|   b b    | | |    | /| |

        ______________Maths should be real    Don't you mean
       |   / '  . \   | easy for Greeks.       ,  geeks?
       |  / .    ` \  |           `O         .~
       |-(___||||___)-|         |_(  ______  <_|
       |__\        /__|         | |b |    | /| |

        ______________ Greeks KNOW the       No! Really?!
       |   /   , '\   | Greek alphabet!        ,
       |  / '     `\  |           `O         .~
       |-(___||||___)-|         |_(  ______  <_|
       |__\        /__|         | |b |    | /| |

        ______________ And the REST            Did you say
       |   / . `  \   |   is EASY!             , "thinking"?
       |  /,  `  ' \  |         `OO          -~
       |-(___||||___)-|      _  -||- ______  <_|
     jg|__\        /__|   __|_   bb  |    | /| |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 121 (Dec. 1, 2001)
              v .   ._, |_  .,
           `-._\/  .  \ /    |/_
               \\  _\, y | \//
         _\_.___\\, \\/ -.\||
           `7-,--.`._||  / / ,
           /'     `-. `./ / |/_.'
                     |    |//
                     |_    /
                     |-   |
                     |   =|
                     |    |
--------------------/ ,  . \--------._
                     '    `           `--._
                Wanna make                   `.
                  angels?        Too late.     `.
                         `        ,              `.   `.  ' *WEEEE!*
                          OO    ~..                `. `.    ,  *meep*
                          .\\.  '.77.`               ` __~==   `
                            bb   |_\\_`.              `. -[]-
                                                        `.`\\. '

<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 122 (Dec. 2, 2001)
                              Come on... Work! Crappy
                            internet connection! COME ON!
                        _   ,
                       (_| O
                 ____ |   |d| | ___

                        _    ,
                       (_|  O
                      [__]_ )_|
                 ____ |   |d| | ___

                            OK, might as well work on my Java
                            project. Hm... How do I do double
                        _   ,  buffering? Let's check on the..
                       (_| O
                 ____ |   |d| | ___

                        _    ,
                       (_|  O
                      [__]_ )_|
               jg____ |   |d| | ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 123 (Dec. 3, 2001)
       Euuf.. Shouldn't have          Ho ho ho!                |__|_|
 -)(-   had those 3 liters of        __ ,  ______________      |_|__|
  /\     cola before bed.. huh?     /-.\  |   /      \   |    _|__|_|_
 /'o\              `OO              ~~`*  |  /  .     \  |   |__|__|__|
/o_`_\             ((             .(" ).  |-(___||||___)-|   |_|  ) |_|
  || _____________ b b ____________ || __ |__\        /__| _ |_|(,,)|_|

          Santa! But.. How did         Never mind that. I'm    |__|_|
 -)(-      you.. Where'd that        __ ,  here to tell you    |_|__|
  /\      fireplace come from?      /-.\  that someone misses _|__|_|_
 /'o\                  `OO          ..`*    you very much.   |__|__|__|
/o_`_\                 .||.       .(" ).                     |_|  ) |_|
  || __________________ bb ________ || _____________________ |_|(,,)|_|

          Linda? Where is she?        Before asking, try to    |__|_|
 -)(-      And where did this        __ , answer your own      |_|__|
  /\        tree come from?         /-.\   questions. Ho      _|__|_|_
 /'o\                  `OO          ~~`*     ho ho-          |__|__|__|
/o_`_\                 -||.       .(" ).                     |_|  ) |_|
  || __________________ bb ________ || _____________________ |_|(,,)|_|

   Wouldn't you need hundreds of      HO HO, you're this close |__|_|
 -)(-  reindeer to reach Mach        __ , to ending up in my   |_|__|
  /\  3000, the required speed      /-.\  permanent naughty   _|__|_|_
 /'o\  to deliver all  `OO          --`*   file, kiddo...    |__|__|__|
/o_`_\  the presents?  .||.       `(" ).                     |_|  ) |_|
jg|| __________________ bb ________ || _____________________ |_|(,,)|_|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 124 (Dec. 4, 2001)
  You're leaving already?         Well, I -am- Saint Nick after all.
    But I have so many             I have a lot to do right now...
   unanswered questions!            __ ,           ______________
                   `               /-.\           |   /      \   |
                    OO             ..`*           |  /  .     \  |
                   .||.          .(" ).           |-(___||||___)-|
                ___ bb ___________ || ___________ |__\        /__|

                And please stop
              __ ,  asking stupid       What do
             /-.\    questions...      , you mean?
             ..`*                    OO
            (" )                    .||.
         ___ /| ____________________ dd ___
         Quit following      How do you deliver those?     /___________
      __   me around! I       Do you teleport them all  ____|      `|
     /.-\ , have to make     , over? Or are there no   | __ |   ___
     *'..   presents for   OO  nice children anymore?  ||__||  |_|_|
      ( ")   Christmas!   .||.                         |o   |  |_|_|
  ____ /| ________________ dd _________________________|.-._|__________

         OK, that's it! __            Bring it on,
           I am gonna `/.-\            , old man!
           kick your   *'--          OO
            -ass-!     .( ")-        .)).
    jg _________________ || ________ d d __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 125 (Dec. 5, 2001)
    OK... Santa's gonna          Stop talking and start fighting,
      give you a real __           you prissy pringle's chip!
       ass whooping `/.-\           ,
      for Christmas! *'--         OO
                     .( ").       .)).
                       ||         d d

           THAT'S IT!  __           HEEYA!
                     `/.-\           ,
                      *'--         OO
                      .( ")-       -))'
         ______________ |\ _______ d d ______________

        And then he totally      You deserved it.
           kicked my ass.          ,
                       `OO      ..~
                       ((      .<<.
                  _____ bb ____ || _____

                  Whaat!?           Drink that much cola before
                       `             ,  bed, and you're -bound-
                        OO        ~--    to have those weird
                       -||-        >>      recurring dreams!
                jg_____ bb _______ |\ __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 126 (Dec. 6, 2001)
        You do realise            "All I know is that I know nothing."
      that Santa doesn't            ,  I'm a skepticist, remember?
       exist, right? `~..         OO
                      .>>.       '||.
                  ____ || _______ dd _____

        It's "skeptic".             Oh, so I suppose a person who
                     `              ,  believes there's one god would
                      ~--         OO    be a "the" and not a "theist"?
                      .>>.       .||.
                  ____ || _______ dd _____

You have to accept the              My point is that one should strive
fact that English isn't             , towards formality and away from
 a formal language!  `~..         OO    this inconsistently evolved
                      `>>'       .||'    language -- it's stupid!
                  ____ || _______ dd _____

   Look, do you believe            Don't change
     in Santa or not?!             , the subject!
                     `~..        OO
                      ->>-       -\\.
                jg____ || _______ dd _____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 127 (Dec. 7, 2001)
 ________________ || __________

                    ___     ,
                      --- OO
                   --   -//-
                     -  hh
                                 __     ,
                               -- _   OO
                                __   -||-
                               __ -  h'`h *rrrip*
                                     :  ;

                                       Told ya.
                                             `~..              Shut up.
                                              .>>.         yy  ,
                                        jg____ || _________ \\ ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 128 (Dec. 8, 2001)
  ||              :                |                       :       ||
  ||                               |       :               :       ||
  ||                               |                       :       ||
  ||                       :       |                       :       ||
  ||                               |       :               :       ||
  ||     :                         |       :                       ||
  ||     :        :        :       |       :                       ||
  ||     :                 :       |                               ||
  ||     :                         |  *Are they here yet?*   *Shh!*||
  ||              :               O\         \                /    ||
  ||                              .\|              :               ||
  |                                                                 |
  ||    |    |      |   |   | HAPPY 128TH! |  |   |      |    |    ||
  ||    |    |      |   |   `--------------'  |   |      |    |    ||
  ||    |    |      |   |                 __  |   |      |    |    ||
  ||    |    |     /   /                 (  )_ \   \     |    |    ||
  ||    |   /     /   /      \   _        \(  ) \   \     \   |    ||
  ||    |  /    .'  .'      ' ` / `        )\/   `.  `.    \  |    ||
  ||   / .' _.-' _.' P4R-T4Y! ' .         ( (      `._ `-._ `. \   ||
  || .'.'.-'__.-'       `     ,            ` )        `-.__`-.`.`. ||
  || | | \ `.     ___   ,,, '   *flrneep!*__       __     .' / | | ||
  || | |  |  \   ()~~)   --/    ~.. OO__, ~~# ==~  ..'   /  |  | | ||
  || | |  |   |  -||-   .\\     .>>.||'  .|(. [[ .(  ). |   |  | | ||
jg|                                                                 |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 129 (Dec. 9, 2001)
                                        (_|  O
              _________________________ |   |d| | ___

                                        (_|  O
       ________________________________ |   |d| | ________________

                   It's 4 am! Go
                  to bed, weirdo!
                    ,                     _
                 ~..                     (_|  O
                 .>>.                    [__]_.)_|
 ________________ || ___________________ |   |d| | ___________________

     Fine! Whatever! Your sleep
    deficiency is not my problem!
          ,                               _    *zzzzz*
       ..~                               (_|  O
       <<                                [__]_.)_|
 _____ /| ______________________________ |   |d| | ___________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 130 (Dec. 10, 2001)
                  ' /              ==~
                 OO -            ,-__)
                 ||               `[[
             ___ bb ______________ || ___________

       You just ate my book!      *I have an internal scanner. It was a
      That was the_collected         ,  good book. Too bad my digestive
     works of Basho! Why?! `OO     ==~    system has destroyed it.*
                           //-     [[            *meep*
                      ___ b b ____ || ____

    I'll just continue reading his     *Really?*
          ,  personal diary. The       , *meep*
        OO   only surviving copy,   ==~
         ))     actually.           [[
 ______ d d _______________________ || ____________________________

Yep! He just met this                  *Ah yes, the best
beautiful girl; it's                   , part, I thought.*
all very exciting! `OO              ~==    *meep*
                   -||-              ]]
              jg___ bb _____________ |\ _____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 131 (Dec. 11, 2001)
     A-and, I'm right again.   _         ?
                          `O  |_)       ..~
                        |_(._[__]       <<
                        | |b|   |       /|

         These MysteryNet                How so?
      mysteries are getting    _          ,
       way too easy...    `O  |_)      ..~
                        |_(._[__]     .<<.
                        | |b|   |      ||

  Well, I can solve them!                Er. Weren't you complaining a
  And that obviously means    _           ,  month ago that they were
   they're not mysteries! `O  |_)      ..~  stupid and useless because
                        |_(._[__]     .<<.  you -couldn't- solve them?
                        | |b|   |      ||

    I guess that just goes
    to show that you can't     _
     please everyone...   `O  |_)        ~--
                        |_(._[__]         >>
                 jg     | |b|   |         |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 132 (Dec. 12, 2001)
   Mandy! Riddle me this!         No. For the last time, I don't know
 Ever wonder why "shigoto"         Japanese, and I'm not interested!
and "shimasu" are so alike?          ,
                         `OO       --~
                         ((       .<<.
               _________ b b _____ || ________

     Just trying to impress
       you with my immense             Dork.
      knowledge, is all...              ,
                         `OO         ~..
                         .||.         >>
                  _______ bb ________ |\ ___________

       .-|_                *
       .-|_`              OO
        _|_`              ||
  _____ |_| _____________ bb ________________________________________

                         Potted plant!
         _             Riddle me this!
      .-|_               ,
      .-|_`            OO
       _|_`             ))
jg____ |_| ___________ d d __________________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 133 (Dec. 13, 2001)
  HAAAAHAHAHAHAAAA!    _                            ,--.
                `O    |_)    ,---- ~.. -----.       | \ \
                |_\ _[__]    |`-.___>>_______`-.    +-+-+
                | |b|   |    |__|___\\________||    | | |

   Stupid. Stupid. Heh.      Why do you even read on-line comics?
    Pfft. Stupid. Not         Only 1 in a gajillion are funny!
      funny. Gross.    _              ,             ,--.
                  `O  |_)    ,---- ..~ -----.       | \ \
                |_(._[__]    |`-.__<<._______`-.    +-+-+
                | |b|   |    |__|___\\________||    | | |

Well... They're educational!       Short answer:
Just now, Hound's Home taught      You're stupid.
me how to teach rats   _              ,             ,--.
to tap dance to   `O  |_)    ,---- ~.. -----.       | \ \
Britney Spears! |_(._[__]    |`-.___>>_______`-.    +-+-+
                | |b|   |    |__|___\\________||    | | |

Maybe. If so, it's                I rest my case.
 clearly because I     _              ,             ,--.
  haven't read    `O  |_)    ,---- ~.. -----.       | \ \
 SinFest today! |_(._[__]    |`-.___>>_______`-.    +-+-+
                | |b|   |  jg|__|___\\________||    | | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 134 (Dec. 14, 2001)
      Take that, stupid orc!           Good! Maybe -I- can use -my-
       Hah! No more orcs.             computer now? I have a very
           I win!     `      _         ,  important programming
                       ~.   |_)      OO    project, you know.
                      |_>._[__]     .||.
                 ____ | |\|   | ____ dd ____

        Fine!                    Thaaank you.
      Whatever!              _      ,
              `~..          |_)   OO
               ->>-   |_  _[__]    ))
             __ || __ | | |   | _ d d ______

Frankly, I don't understand           Yeah yeah.
why you play MUDs. They're   _         ,
so repetitive. All you  `O  |_)     ~..
 do is slay orcs...   |_(._[__]      >>
                 ____ | |b|   | ____ |\ ____

      Take that, stupid bug!
        Hah! No more bugs.   _
             I win!     `O  |_)
               jg____ | |b|   | ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 135 (Dec. 15, 2001)
   YES! Finally, the beta     _
  version of Ragnarok!   `O  |_)
 I GET TO PLAY A MAGE! |_(-_[__]
               ______  | |b|   | ____________________

                  MANDY! MANDY!        If this is about a game again,
                  ,                     ,  I'll kill you. Slowly.
               \OO                   --~
              q//-                  -<<.
        ______ b ___________________ || ____________

                   THE RAGN.. eh.
                        `OO          --~
                       __ \\        -<<.
             _______ --    bb,,_____ || _______

                      That was
                    clo.. ehhrm.
                                `OO  ``~
                                 \\ -<<.
                          jg_____ bb || _______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 136 (Dec. 16, 2001)
I thought Ragnarok would be
fun, but I just sit around
waiting for the maps to  `OO         ..~
   finish loading...     ((         .<<.
                    ____ b b _______ || _____

My computer just freezes every
time I leave a zone, and it  `OO     ..~
starts swapping like crazy!  -||-   .<<.
                       ______ bb ___ || _____

  I can't understand why! Lorf          For what? I stopped
   knows I have plenty of RAM!          ,  listening, sorry...
  Can you think of a reason? `OO     ..~
                             .||'   .<<.
                       ______ bb ___ || _____

   I talk about computers, and          What?
  you just shut down. It never          ,
 fails. Why do you do that!? `OO     ..~
                             .||.   .<<.
                     jg______ bb ___ || _____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 137 (Dec. 17, 2001)
 Everything is soooo weeeeird!!!
             -.       ...
               `\        \
            _,..`.        '.
       _.-''     |        ,|
      '          |   __,-' \
     |          '   /      |
     \.     _.-'  ,'       /
      '----'      `._    _/
           ._        '--'
             '.       '
               \        \            Quit playing around
           __   \        |           and help me find my       ___/
        .''      |       |         grandmother's medication!  /
      .'         |       |                          \
      |          |      , |                                 __
      '         /      /  |                          ___   /_/
               /      /   |                          "--'       /
            _             :                                    /     _
           /          |    `--                         /      /
          |           |                               /      '----...__
          /           |                             .'__
         /            |                                 '''--.._
        _|            \                                 ,
       / \             \__.----':                       '          \
      /   `._             |     |                             /     \
      \      '.           \     |                           ,'       \
       ''-----'            `-._/                          .'          \
                                           jg            /
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 138 (Dec. 18, 2001)
                                          Look! I bought a baseball
                                        signed by some famous player!
                                       It was only a thousand dollars
                                       ,  or so... Cool, huh? Huh?
                        ~..          OO
                        .>>.         o)).
                  ______ || ________ d d _____

                        ~..      OO
                        .>>.    o||.
  ______________________ || ____ dd ______________________________

                 That's            But... -Real- men buy
                 stupid.           , this kind of thing.
                       `~..      OO
                        .>>.    o||.
                     ___ || ____ dd _____

 Real -idiots- buy                There's a difference?
that kind of thing...              ,
                   `--~          OO
                    <<          o||.
            jg_____ /| _________ dd _____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 139 (Dec. 19, 2001)
  I don't know... About                    What about it?
  this whole Christmas                _    ,
   deal, I mean...   `~..            (_|  O
                       >>            [__]_.)_|
                       |\            |   |d| |

It just seems pointless sometimes.          Hmmm. Yeah...
One measly day to make up for all     _     ,  You're right.
  the crap during the year?  `~..    (_|   O
                              .>>.   [__]_ /_|
             _________________ ||    |   |d| | ______________

No, no! You're supposed to talk            Oh... Um...
 at length about the spirit of        _    ,  Er...
  Christmas and restore my   `~..    (_|  O
  faith in all of mankind!    .>>.   [__]_ )_|
                               || __ |   |d| |

                              ~..    (_|  O
                              .>>.   [__]_ )_|
  ____________________________ || __ |   |d| | ______________________

      I'll just go rent               _
        "Scrooge"...  `--~           (_|  O
                       <<            [__]_.)_|
  jg                   /|            |   |d| |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 140 (Dec. 20, 2001)
        I'm going to the          *It's cold. Wear
        store to buy some           ,  a scarf.*
          milk. BRB...  `OO       ==~   *meep*
                        .||.    |-[[
                         bb     ' ||

                .   -    Great. Head       --
        `    -           ,  wind.              '       .   ---
                    ___OO       ,                      ___      '
        __           .//.                .      `
     _______________ b b ____________________________________ '

                       ___             '    -And- on the    --
           __          .         '           ,  way back...
     '             --               .      OO___     ,
             '              `    -         .\\.         .
     ____________________________________ (|d d _____________

                      Sure is windy
                       out there...      *meep*
                          ,              ,
                     ___OO             ==~
                       .||.           .[[.
              jg_______ bb ___________ || ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 141 (Dec. 21, 2001)
X------ CHATTING ------X----------------- PROGRAMMING ----------------X
| <nb> Hellooo!        | BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(    |
| <darkmoon> Hi nb!    |      new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()) |
| <koolkitten4311> asl | );                                           |
|             _        |          _                                   |
|         O  |_)       |      O  |_)  *                               |
|      |_(._[__]       |   |_(._[__]       *                          |
|      | |b|   |       |   | |b|   | *                                |
X---------- MAKING MUSIC ----------X------- LISTENING TO MUSIC -------X
|   *buh-DSHT-daka-DSHT*           |  *Alive in the Superunknown!*    |
|           _   *dididweee didwee* |           _  *First they steal   |
|       O  |_)     *pa-tang-kang*  |      O   |_)   your mind and     |
|    |_(._[__]                     |    |_\ _[__]  then they steal    |
|    | |b|   |                     |    | |b|   |      your...*       |
X-------- READING BOOKS --------X----------- PLAYING GAMES -----------X
| "Twelve years ago, I saw your |                                     |
| face in a dream, and it has   | Take     *blammo!*   *blam*         |
| haunted_me ever since."       |  that!   _ *Mein Leben!*            |
|    O  |_)                     |     `O  |_)   *blam*  *blam blam*   |
| |_( _[__]                     |   |_(._[__] *BLAM BLAM BLAM*        |
| | |b|   |                     |   | |b|   |                         |

                                        You've been using that thing a
                             _          , whole day! It's not healthy!
                         O  |_)      ..~   You need some variation!
                      |_(._[__]     .<<.
           jg         | |b|   |      ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 142 (Dec. 22, 2001)
          -)(-                                  Ah-HA!
           /\  *push*                            ,
          /'o\      ..~                        OO
         /o_`_\ _&_.<<.                       -||.
           ||  |_|_| \\                        dd

          -)(-  Nerd Boy! What are          I could ask you the very
           /\  you doing? It's 2 am!         , same question, but if
          /'o\           `~..              OO   you must know, I was
         /o_`_\_&_        .>>.            .||.   waiting for Santa.
  _______  || |_|_| ______ || ____________ dd _________________

          -)(-   I told you already!        Oh yeah? Then how did you
           /\      He's not real!            ,  get that present?
          /'o\           `~--              OO      -Prayer-?
         /o_`_\_&_        .>>.            -||.
       __  || |_|_|  ____  ||  __________  dd  ______

          -)(-    I bought it!               Oh, shop, eh? How
           /\      In a shop!                ,  -convenient-.
          /'o\           `~..              OO
         /o_`_\_&_        ->>-            .||.
    jg     || |_|_|        ||              dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 143 (Dec. 23, 2001)
  ||    |    |      |   |  | MERRY X-MAS! |   |   |      |    |    ||
  ||    |    |      |   |  `--------------'   |   |      |    |    ||
  ||    |    |      |   |                     |   |      |    |    ||
  ||    |    |     /   /                       \   \     |    |    ||
  ||    |   /     /   /                         \   \     \   |    ||
  ||    |  /    .'  .'                           `.  `.    \  |    ||
  ||   / .' _.-' _.'                  Woah.        `._ `-._ `. \   ||
  || .'.'.-'__.-'                    Deja vu.         `-.__`-.`.`. ||
  || | | \ `.     ___   ,,,           ,   __       __     .' / | | ||
  || | |  |  \   ()~~)   --/    ~.. OO    ~~# ==~  ..'   /  |  | | ||
  || | |  |   |  .||.   .\\     .>>.||.  .|(. [[ .(  ). |   |  | | ||
  |                                                                 |

  Why did jg reuse          It's Christmas,        *plink!*
 a panel? Isn't that         ,  give him          __
   cheating?      `OO     ..~   a break.         #.. vv ==~
                   ||    .<<.                    .)|'  `[[.
              ____ bb ___ || ____________________ || __ || ___

And isn't Christmas         The author is from         *That explains
tomorrow? Why are we         , Sweden. They do         ,  a -lot-.*
 celebrating now? `OO     ..~   things a bit         ==~   *meep*
                   ||    .<<.  differently...       v[[.
           jg_____ bb ___ || _______________________ || ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 144 (Dec. 24, 2001)
What did you get       A new computer! When I play Ragnarok
 for Christmas?         ,   now, the maps load so fast
             `~..     OO     it's.. it's scary! And
              .>>.   -||-    do you know what else?
          ____ || ___ dd ________

   Shut up for a minute         OK. Where
    and take a look at          , is it?
     -my- Christmas  `~..     OO
        present!      .>>.   .||.
   ___________________ || ___ dd _____

              I'm wearing it!          Looks like your
             I got a new dress!         ,  old one.
                             `~--     OO
                              .>>.   .||.
         _____________________ || ___ dd ____________________

          --~                                     #O
          <<                                      ||
jg     __ /| ____________________________________ dd __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 145 (Dec. 25, 2001)
*His fate is uncertain,
  not dangerous. The
 Council will decide  .--,
 Anakin's future...* / / |       .----- OO -----,           ..~
                     +-+-+    .-'_______||___.-'|           <<
                     | | |    ||______ dd ___|__|           /|

                                           You're watching "The Phantom
*That should be enough                     Menace"? I thought you hated
   for you. Now get                        that "midi-chlorians" stuff.
      on board!*      .--,                              ,
                     / / |       .----- OO -----,    ..~
                     +-+-+    .-'_______||___.-'|   .<<.
    ________________ | | | __ ||______ dd ___|__| __ || ___________

*I've been wondering...     LALALALALALA!
    What are midi-    .--,             `
      chlorians?*    / / |       .---- <OO> ----,    oo~
                     +-+-+    .-'_______||___.-'|   .<<.
                     | | |    ||______ dd ___|__|    ||

                   I'm sorry, what did you
                    say? "Midi"-something?
                      .--,              `
                     / / |       .------ OO ----,    --~
                     +-+-+    .-'_______//___.-'|   .<<.
      jg             | | |    ||______ dd ___|__|    ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 146 (Dec. 26, 2001)
Go watch TV or something.             Can't, I'm working on
I want to use the computer.      _    ,  my programming project
                   `~..         (_|  O     for Java class...
                    .>>.        [__]_.)_|
                  __ || _______ |   |d| | _________

Or so you claim. What is             I'm making a
this alleged project of          _    ,  game...
yours, if I may ask?   `~..     (_|  O
                        .>>.    [__]_.)_|
            ____________ |\ ___ |   |d| | ____________

  Oh deary me, why am I              Uh.. me.
   not surprised? So what        _    ,
    is it about, then?  `~--    (_|  O
                         .>>.   [__]_.)_|
                        _ || __ |   |d| | _

  You?! How egocentric!
 Why not make a game about
  -me- instead; now THAT         _
  would be interesting! `~..    (_|  O'
                         .>>.   [__]_.)_|
             jg__________ || __ |   |d| | ________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 147 (Dec. 27, 2001)
 ART DAY: My Plasma Ball
 -----------------------   _.od8888888bo._
                        .d8P"'         `"Y8h.
                      .dP'            ___  `Yb.
                     d8'              \  `.  `8b--._
                    dP        __       \   \   Y`.  `.
                   dP       .' /        |   |   Yb\   \
                  d8       /__|  ___    /___\    8b|___\
                  88       )__( /   \   )___(    88___(
                  88       \  / \___/   \   |    8|   /
                  Y8    __ |  |  |=|    |   |    8/  |
                   Yb .' / /___\ |=|   /____\   d/   \
                    Y/   | )___( |=|   )___(   dP`-._|
                    |    | \    ||=|  |    / .8P`-._(
                    |     \ |    |=| /    _.dP'    /
                     \    _\|___ |=||__.od8.      /
                     /'--'  /Y888888888P"' \ `.   |
                     `.__.-'     _.         '-.__/
                        )____.--'  .------.____(
                         `.                  .'
                           \                /
                            \    `. /      /
                             |     |      |
                             |     |      |
So now he's showing off his  |     |      |   Hey, it's -his- cartoon.
 Christmas presents? Pfft.   |     /`     |   And I think it's cool...
       ,                    /              \                   ,
    ~''          _________.'_ ______________`._________      OO
    .>>.        |            |           [#__]         |    .||.
 ___ || ____ jg |            |        OFF/ON/AUDIO     | ___ dd ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 148 (Dec. 28, 2001)
 Hey, did you hear about the            Yeah, saw the trailer. I think
    new Spider-Man movie?  `,,,     _    ,  it looks really cool.
                            '..    (_|  O
                            .||.   [__]_.)_|
                        ____ |\ __ |   |d| | _____

 Pretty nice digital doubles,             Yeah.
  but why the metal armour  `,,,    _    ,
   on the Green Goblin?      '..   (_|  O
                             .||.  [__]_.)_|
         ____________________ || _ |   |d| | ___________________

   Don't you hate it when they            Yeah.
     change stuff in movies?  ` ,,, _    ,
    You know, I haven't seen    '..(_|  O
  Harry Potter yet, because I  .//,[__]_.)_|
   think it might just suck! _ //_ |   |d| | _

 Not to -mention- Lord of the               WAIT a second, who ARE you,
    Rings! I'm terrified!   `,,,    _       ,  anyway?! I haven't seen
                             '..   (_|    OO   you around here before!
                             -||-  [__]_ -||.   _
     jg         _____________ || _ |   |  dd    _|_
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 149 (Dec. 29, 2001)
      So what games       I dunno... Mostly stuff like Zelda...
       do you play?        Wolfenstein... Phantasy Star...
                 ` ,,,      ,
                   '..    OO
                   .||.  .||.
               ____ || __ dd _____

  Ah yes. Ocarina of Time,            What the heck are you talking
Return to Castle Wolfenstein          about? "Ocarina"? "Return"?
 and Phantasy Star Online.  ` ,,,      ,   "ONLINE"?!
                              '..    OO
                              .||.  .||.
                          ____ || __ dd _____

Don't tell me you          There are
play the old games!        new games?
                ` ,,,      ,
                  '..    OO
                  .||.  .||.
              ____ || __ dd _____

               And you call yourself        I do no such thing!
                 a gamer... Sheesh.          TAKE THAT BACK!
                                  ` ,,,       ,
                                    ..'     OO
                                   .||.     -\\.
                             jg____ /|  ____ d d ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 150 (Dec. 30, 2001)
        Look. Who the heck        I'm...
         are you, anyway!?         ,               That's Fan Boy!
                       `        ,,,                  ,
                        OO      ..'                ..~
                       .||-    .||.                <<
                     __ bb ____ || _______________ /| ____________

            "Fan Boy"..?                    Yeah. A fan of everything.
                       `       ,,,          ,  You name it, he's the
                        OO     '..        ..~     biggest fan ever.
                       .||.    .||.      .<<.
               ________ bb ____ || ______ || ___________

 That can't be possible.          nnng..
You can't be the biggest           ,
fan of opposites like  `        ,,,
  subjectivism and      OO      oo'       ..~
    objectivism.       .||.    .||.      .<<.
      _________________ bb ____ || ______ || _

If you were, you'd also be
the biggest -opponent- of         NNNGGGK!
both beliefs, which must            ,        Keep going! Maybe we can
be totally impossible. `        ///          ,  make his head explode!
                        OO      @@`       ..~
                       .||>    .||.      -<<-
                 jg   _ db ____ || ______ || _
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 151 (Dec. 31, 2001)
          What's that                  Icewind Dale. Got
        you're playing?               it for Christmas.
                      `,,,            ,  _
                       '..           O  |_)
                       .||.       |_(._[__]
                 ______ |\ ______ | |b|   | ______

        This Christmas? But
          it's an old game.           OK whatever.
                           `,,,       ,  _
                            '..      O  |_)
                            .||.  |_(._[__]
                           _ |\ _ | |b|   | _

                                         _             ,,,
                                     O  |_)            ..'
                                  |_(._[__] *sizzle*  .||.
                             ____ | |b|   | __________ || ___

       What.. but.. I.. Everything's
       gone! Everything! That stupid
       game just wiped my harddrive!          Happy New Year!
                                   ` ',  _             `,,,
                                     O  |_)             '..
                                  |_(._[__]             .||.
jg                              _ | |b|   | ____________ |\ ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 152 (Jan. 1, 2002)
          -That's- the game
         you're making? That?         Mhm.
                           ` ,,,      ,  _
                             '..     O  |_)
                             .||. |_(._[__]
                       ______ ||  | |b|   | ____

    But it's a 2D platform
     game. In ASCII, no less.         Mhm.
                           ` ,,,      ,  _
                             '..     O  |_)
                             .||. |_(._[__]
              _______________ ||  | |b|   | ________________

                       But..          OK! Uh.. Wait, what would you say
                          |          if I told you it was old-school?
                           ` ,,,      ,  _
                             '..     O  |_)
                             .||. |_(._[__]
        _____________________ ||  | |b|   | ______________________

            Cool! Old-school
           totally kicks ass!         Thought so.
                           ` ,,,      ,  _
                             '..     O  |_)
                             -||- |_(._[__]
                 jg    ______ ||  | |b|   | ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 153 (Jan. 2, 2002)
Saved anything from the           No, all my stuff is gone. A game
onslaught of that game?          can't do this kind of damage.
          `,,,                  ,  _
           '..                 O  |_)
           .||.             |_(._[__]
            |\ ____________ | |b|   |

                                     It's a -hardware- problem...
                           ,,,       ,
                           '..    /_O
                           .||. _[__]\      _
             ______________ ||  |   |d  __ |_) ________

                         \ .      |      . /
                    -._   \ `.   | |   .' /   _.-
                       `-  )  `-'   `-'  (  -'
                       _ -'      KER      `- _
                         -.    BLAMMO!    .-
                      _.-  )  .-.   .-.  (  -._
                    -'    / .'   | |   `. \    `-
                         / '      |        \

                           Nice work.
                             |      I do try.
                        .``\ ,          `
                        ` ##             ##
                          -\\-         -//-
   jg______________________ \\         dd _____________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 154 (Jan. 3, 2002)
Great. What started out as a      Yeah, seeing as your computer was
hard drive failure became a        ,  -fully blown- up. Heh heh.
  full blown catastrophe.       ,,,
                      `OO       ..'
                       ||      .||.
                 _____ bb _____ || _____

                       OO       ..'
                       ||      .||.
       _______________ bb _____ || ______________________

                             OO oo'
                            // .||.
                         _ bb _ || _

                                     I'll just go stand
                                    ,  over there, OK?
                             OO  oo'
                            //  .||-
             jg___________ bb __ /( ___________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 155 (Jan. 4, 2002)
 All that's left of              There's this metal
  my computer... A                ,  thingy too.
    pile of ashes.             ,,,
                 `OO           ..'
                  ||         '-||
          _______ bb .--. ____ /| ________

         Put it on                              Where's your
          the pile.                               computer?
                 `         ,,,                    ,
                  OO       ..'                 ..~
                  ||     '-||                  <<
            _____ bb .--.  || ________________ /| _____

       It exploded.                   Good luck surviving without it
                 `       ,,,           ,   and not freaking out
                  OO     '..         ..~     from withdrawal.
                  ||      ||        .<<.
              ___ bb .-`. || _______ || ____

      I'll be fine.                     BWAHAAHAHAAHAHA!
                 `       ,,,            ,  OW, my RIBS!
                  OO     '..         ''~
                  ||      ||        -<<-
             jg__ bb .-`. || _______ // __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 156 (Jan. 5, 2002)
                Bummer your computer
                 exploded, Nerd Boy.          Shut up.
                                  `,,,        ,
                                   '..      OO
                                   .||.     ||
                             ______ || ____ dd _______

Well well. I thought you wouldn't          Like I told you, I have it
  survive without a computer.            all figured out. I'll be fine.
              `                    ,,,       ,
               ~..                 ..'     OO
                >>                .||.     ||
                |\ _______________ || ____ dd

                                             Yeah, because Fan Boy here
               Sure.                         will hook me up! He's got
                ,                 ,,,        ,  a computer I can use.
             ..~                  '..      OO
             <<                   .||.    .||.
         ___ /| __________________ || ____ dd ______________

                    What? I told             YES SIREE! I'LL JUST GO
                   you I don't h..          BORROW YOUR COMPUTER NOW!
                                 `,,,        ,   I'LL BE FINE!
                                  '..      @@
                                  .||.    -||-
                   jg       ______ || ____ dd ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 157 (Jan. 6, 2002)

     a portal?
where does it lead?     .
                `       '
                 OO     :
                .||.    |
  ______________ bb ____|____________________

              hey this is wrong, this is 3D...
        '    i can only move in two dimensions!
     '  '      ,
     .  |  OO
    _:  |_.||._______________
     | /   bb               /|_
  ___|/___________________ // /|_
                          |_ // /|______________
                            |_ //

    ____      LET ME OUT!
       /|_        `
  ___ // /|_        OO
     |_ // /|______.||.____
       |_ //        bb                         EXIT
         |_______________                           '
                                             '      .
                                             :      '
    ____                                     |      |
       /|_                              *    |______|
  ___ // /|_                          OO    /      /|
     |_ // /|_______________________.((.___/      /_|________
       |_ //                         bb

        '      .
        :      '
   okay, stay calm, there has to be a way.
        |______|    ,
       /      /  OO
  ____/      /__.||.______________
                 bb              /\
________________________________/  \
                                \   \
                                 \   \
                                  \   \________________
                                   \  /

   ___   wheeee
     /\   ,                                this place isn't so bad
 ___/ OO                                 after all. i wanna stay here
    \.\\'                                    ,
     \ bb\                               OO
      \   \____________            _____.||._____________
       \  /                              bb
        \/___________            ______________________

                  d'oh!                            '
                   ,                               '
                OO          [ EXIT >            '  |
   ____________.||.____________||_______________:  |
                bb                              | /|
 _________________________________        ______|/ |
                                  /      /      |  |
                                 /      /|      |  |
                                /      / |      |  |
                               /      /__|______|__|_________________
   lf                        |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 158 (Jan. 7, 2002)

          Mmm... Bungie.          Try it. It's cool.
         That should be fun.        ,
                      `         ,,,
                       OO       oo
                      .||'     .[].
      _______________  db_____  ||____ _____         _____________
                                      |_____|       |
                                      |             |
                                      |             |
                                      |             |
                                      |             |
                                      |             |

       ________________________________ _ ||_       _____________
                                       |_____|     |
                                       |  |        |
                                       |  |        |
                                       |  |        |
                                       |  |        |
                                       |  |        |
                                       |  |        |
                                       |  |        |
                                       |  |
                                          |   A-A-A-AH!
                                          q    ,

                                      John, come here, quick!
        ________________________________ _ ||_      ____________
                                        |_____|    |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  | OW!   |
                                        |  | ,     |
                                        | qp       |

                                    We need a deeper gap.
                                              ,            __
                                           ,,,        /\  /__]
                                           oo       /\/\\/:::\
                                          .[].     /__) )_:::|
        ________________________________ _ ||_      __ (oooooo)_
                                        |_____|    |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        |  |       |
                                        | qp       |
    Gr                                  |__\\,_____|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 159 (Jan. 8, 2002)

 _(   )_                             __(   )__
( Mandy )       Thinking about      ( NerdBoy )
  (___)                                (___)

               Merry Christmas
                  from Mandy

         ____________ (oo)`__________
        ( New graphics((+) New sound )
          *  *  *  *        *  *  * 

          She Knows! She always knew.

                 `O  |_)
        ______  | |Z|   \ ____________________


    tinker tinkeR ( yank ) tinkER ( jerk ) tinKER tiNKER ( push )
          tINKER ( pull ) TINKER ...... sigh

                  _      O`
                 |_)  _[_,\
     ____________| | |   |(\  [ ___________

===============.* INSTALLED *.=======================================

   Start - zzzzzzzzz - beep - new hardware detected - proceed - yes
                   O |_)_
                |_ |-_[__]
        ______  | |L|   \ ____________________


Notice that NerdBoy is as close to the monitor as he can be.

 For some reason its human nature to get as close as possible to 
potential danger. Much like sticking your face in the windshield of the 
car and watching it smack the pole.

 __(   )__                             _(   )_
( NerdBoy )     Thinking about        ( Mandy )
   (___)                                (___)

    (  Mandy,  (
     \          \
     (   E-mail (
      \          \
      (     Send (
               `.     _
                 `O  |_)
        ______  | |Z|   \ ____________________

NerdBoy is attempting to reach Mandy. Thanking her for the precious
gifts. Realizing that it is 31 December 2001 asking for her time.

    (  E-mail  (
     \ returned \
     (    NO    (
      \  SUCH    \
      ( ADDRESS  (
               `.     _
                 `O  |_)
        ______  | |Z|   \ ____________________

Where could she be ?

                *     .   *
          *    .   *
     *  .       *   .    *
      .    *            .
         *   .   *    .
               .   *  *
            *    .
               .   * .
                 * .
                 / -\
                /= * \
Maybe next year.  -.( o) .-
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 160 (Jan. 9, 2002)

What the heck is         []      It's my new time machine! Do
this supposed to be?   .-==-.    you like the design?
                `      |[][]|    ,
                 ~..   |[][]|  OO
                  >>   |[][]| .||.

Not particularly. Does   []      But of course! Would you like
it actually work?      .-==-.    a demonstration?
                `      |[][]|    ,
                 ~..   |[][]| \OO
                 .>>.  |[][]|  ||.

How could I say no?      []      Stand back!
No! Oh, go on          .-==-.    Here goes...
then...         `      |[][]|    ,
                 ~..   |[][]|  OO
                 .>>.  |[][]| -||.

              It is 10:45am  []      
                         ` .-==-.    Amazing, huh?
                           |[][]|          ,
                 ~--       |[][]|        OO
                 .>>.      |[][]|       .||.


 Not this stupid Time     []      Don't worry. I've ironed out
 Machine again...       .-==-.    the bugs and now it works
                 `      |[][]|    ,  perfectly.
                  ~--   |[][]|  OO
                  .>>,  |[][]| .||.

 Why do I have this       []      Don't worry. Nothing could
 impending feeling of   .-==-.    possibly go wrong... er,
 doom...         `      |[][]|    , stand back anyway.
                  ~..   |[][]|  OO
                  .>>,  |[][]| -||.

 Nothing happened, idiot.    []
 I thought you said you'd  .-==-.    Er... behind you...
 ironed out the  `         |[][]|        ,
 bugs!            ~..      |[][]|      OO
                  .>>.     |[][]|     -||.

                 `         |[][]|
             OO    ..~     |[][]|      OO
            .||.  \<</     |[][]|     .||.

 Probability of termination  []
 once joke is discovered   .-==-.    Heh. Still worth it.
 over 99%.  `              |[][]|        ,
            ~==            |[][]|      OO
            .||OO          |[][]|     .||.
E_Z      ____bb___=^-~_____|____|______dd___________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 161 (Jan. 10, 2002)

                  why are you dressed
       Hi         like a girl?
         `            '
           %oo%    ..~
           .>>.   .<<.
            bb     ||

    Tee Hee               Why am I what??
         `                         '
           %oo%    ..~         OO
           .>>.   .<<.        <||.
            bb     ||          dd

           %oo%   ~..          OO
           .>>.   .>>.        .||.
            bb     ||          dd

                      She better be a
                      relative, and I don't
                      mean a clone
           %oo%            ~-- OO
           .>>.            .>>--))-
            bb             / \ dd

 01110011 01101000 01100101
 01101001 01110011
 01100110 01110101 01110011 01110011 01111001
        `.            01110110 01100101 01110010 01111001
            %oo%         OO             ~--
            .>>.        .||.            .>>
             bb          dd              |\

                     You better not be
                      talking about me!
             We aren't             |
               |   No way          |
              ,       `            `
            %oo%         OO          ..~
            .>>.        .||.        -<<
             bb          bb          / \
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 162 (Jan. 11, 2002)

    It's 4 O'clock in the           I woke up and went to get a drink
    morning! Why are you            of water and decided to check my
    sitting at your computer?       email on the way back to bed.
            /                               /
      ~..                            (_|  O
      .>>.                           [__]_ )_|
  ____ || __________________________ |   |d| | ______________________

   You need to seriously
   reconsider your relationship        LOL. I don't have a problem.
   with your computer!
                /                            /
             ~..                     (_|  O
             .>>.                    [__]_ )_|
  ___________ || ___________________ |   |d| | ______________________

   Well for a start normal      I don't think that's a serious
   people laugh, they don't     problem. None of my close friends
   say "LOL".                   have ever suggested I have a problem.
                           \          _     /
                              ~..    (_|  O
                              .>>.   [__]_ )_|
  ____________________________ || __ |   |d| | ______________________

         Which close friends?         KK, Vapid, Redan..
                    \                 _     /
                      ..~            (_|  O
                     .<<.            [__]_ )_|
  ___________________ || ___________ |   |d| | ______________________

       ..and are these people            I don't know, I've never....
           male of female?               ah, I get your point.
               /                      _     /
          ..~                        (_|  O
         .<<.                        [__]_ )_|
  _______ || _______________________ |   |d| | ___________________dp_
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 163 (Jan. 12, 2002)
                                        ___ _   _
                                       |_ _| |_( )___
                                      * | ||  _|/(_-<   *
                                       |___|\__| /__/...

                                     ,--. /
              ,-------- OO --.       | \ \
              |`-._____((_____`-.    +-+-+
     ________ |__|_____ bb ____||    | | | ____

                                       *... Monty
                                     ,--. /
              ,------- OO ---.       | \ \
              |`-._____||_____`-.    +-+-+
     ________ |__|_____ bb ____||    | | | ____

                                     ,--. /
              ,------ <OO> --.       | \ \
              |`-._____||_____`-.    +-+-+
     ________ |__|_____ bb ____||    | | | ____

               `           ;
               :          ,
               |          :
               |          |
               |          :
               |          .
               |           .
               :            .
               ;             .
              ,               "--__      ___   And now for something
             ,                     """"""   )    completely different.
                                     . `. ,'           ,
            (                      `. `. `.           ..~
             .                    `._;._;-'          .<<.
 KaK_______   .____..----.._____,-"         ________  || __________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 164 (Jan. 13, 2002)
What's this? I thought      I got a new one.   I helped!
 your computer exploded!          ,  _             `,,,
                      `~..       O  |_)             ..'
                        >>    |_(._[__]            .||.
         ______________ |\ __ | |b|   | ___________ /| __

 Boy, what an ordeal that was! My       Yeah, and some parts were real
future self was there, and oh, the     scary, but then there was this
  time traveling back and forth!     _       `,,,  guy! "Oranges!"
                       ~..      `O  |_)       ..'
                       .>>.   |_( _[__]      .||.
         ______________ || __ | |b|   | _____ || ________

                                ,    _       `,,,
                       ~--     O    |_)       ~~'
                       .>>.   |_\ _[__]      -||-
                      _ || __ | |b|   | _____ || _

            I guess you      Not to -mention- the thing with the stuff!
          had to be there.     |       HAHA, you're killing me! OW, my
               ,               `     _      `,,,  ribs! HEE HEHEHE!
            ..~                 O   |_)      ~~'
            <<                |_\-_[__]      <\\>
       jg__ /| ______________ | |b|   | _____ || __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 165 (Jan. 14, 2002)
                                 *click*   ,,,  _
                                           '.  |_)
                                         | |\|   |

                                           ,,,  _   *click*
                                           '.  |_)
                                         | |\|   |

                                           ,,,  _
                      OO                   '.  |_)
                     ((                  |_(._[__] *click*
                     b b                 | |\|   |

           Any news about the        Not yet.
          City of Heroes beta?           ` ,,,  _ *click*
                            `OO            '.  |_)   *click*
                            .||.         |_(._[__]
                             bb          | |\|   |

 Well, keep refreshing               On it.
    their front page.                    ` ,,,  _
               `OO               *click*   '.  |_)
                 ))                      |_(._[__]*click*
  jg            d d                      | |\|   |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 166 (Jan. 15, 2002)
OK, what stupidities          Fan Boy persuaded me to buy
are you two up to now?         one of these rumble pads.
                `             ___   `     ,,,
                 ~..         (_(_|   OO   ..'
                  >>         [__|]   o))|.||.
           ______ |\ _______ || ||`-'dd|| || __________

                 Why?                 It's cool! When the skater bumps
                   `          ___        `,,,   his head in Tony Hawk
                    ~..      (_(_|   OO   ..'  Pro Skater, you can feel
                    .>>.     [__|]   o))|.||.   the control vibrating!
           _________ || ____ || ||`-'dd|| || __________

                              ___   `     ,,,
                    ~..      (_(_|   88   ..'
                    .>>.     [__|]   8::|.||.
           _________ || ____ || ||`='88|| || __________

                 Cool!              Told ya.
                   `          ___        `,,,
                    ~..      (_(_|    ##  ..'
                    ->>-     [__|]   o))|.||.
         jg_________ || ____ || ||`-'dd|| || __________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 167 (Jan. 16, 2002)
I got a virus?!     _
            `O     |_)
           |_\   _[__]
           | |b  |   |

                      @|   \\
                      //\_/ \\
    HOLY CRAP!       //  :  _))
             `O     ((  __`|_)
             |_\       / _[__]
             | |b        |   |

I must transform into     _____
my alter ego SuperNerd   /  @  \
and save the day! Yay   ||\___/||
for SuperNerd! heh.     ((  :  ))         _
            `OO            _:_           |_)
         _  .||'       |`|\.|./|'|     _[__]
       _|_   bb        | |  |  | |     |   |

  Fear not! The                  @|  \\
 Executor is here!      WHAT?!     \_||
         ` __            ,          :))             _
       ___|oo          OO          _:_             |_)
          .\/-     _  -||-     |`|\.|./|'|       _[__]
    jg     ||    _|_   db      | |  |  | |       |   |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 168 (Jan. 17, 2002)
                                                 @|  \\
   Stand aside!          Wait. Let me get this     \_||
          ` __            ,  straight. You're       :))
        ___|oo          OO     a superhero?        _:_
           <\/>         ||                     |`|\.|./|'|
    _______ || ________ dd ___________________ | |  |  | | ____

Yes! I fight virii        But.. Why don't you    @|  \\
 with all my might!      let -me-.. uh, I mean     \_||
          ` __            ,  SuperNerd, take        :))
        ___|oo          OO    care of this?        _:_
           <\/>        .||-                    |`|\.|./|'|
    _______ || ________ dd ___________________ | |  |  | | ____

SuperNerd? Hah hah!       WHAT? This is your       ___
He would be no match      arch-nemesis?! -I-     @|  \\
for my arch-nemesis!     want an arch-nemesis!     \_||
          ` __            ,                         :))
        ___|oo          OO                         _:_
           <\/>        -||-                    |`|\.|./|'|
  jg_______ || ________ dd ___________________ | |  |  | | ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 169 (Jan. 18, 2002)
Oh and another thing.        Nerd Boy, please             yeah ___
 Why the stupid hood        go away and let me              `@|  \\
 thing? It's dorky.      __ ,  fight the virus!             _//\_||
              `          oo|___                             -'  :))
               OO       -\/.                                   _:_
              .||.       <\                                |`|\.|./|'|
           ___ bb ________________________________________ | |  |  | |
                                                           @|  \\
   Oh, -excuse me-.       Now you shall meet                 \_|\\
       ,                 __ ,  your destiny!                  : ))
     OO              ___|oo                                  _:_
     -))-               .\/-                             /`|\././|'\
     d d _______________ || ___________________________ /  | /   |  \
                                                         @|  \\
                           Bring it on!                    \_|\\
                          __ ,                              : ))
                      ___|oo                            .  _:_   .
                         -\/-                          / `|.|./\' \
                 jg______ /> ____________________________ | ___ \

 Nerd Boy told me you                                      ___
 were in trouble. I'm     Nerd Boy?! You're actually     @|  \\
     ,  here to help!     dumber than Superman?! At        \_||
___OO                    __ , least -he- took off           :))
  .\/-                   oo|___   his glasses!             _:_
   />                   -\/-                           |`|\.|./|'|
    ____________________ || __________________________ | |  |  | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 170 (Jan. 19, 2002)
  I'll help you take     I don't need                @|  \\
   down the virus.      your help, OK?                 \_||
            ,       __ ,                                :))
       ___OO        oo|___                             _:_
         <\/>      <\/>                            |`|\.|./|'|
    _____ /\ ______ /\ ___________________________ | |  |  | |

                                                     @|  \\
                    __                                  :))
       ___OO        oo|___                             _:_
         <\/>      <\/>                            |`|\.|./|'|
    _____ /\ ______ /\ ___________________________ | |  |  | |

  Oh, come on.     I'm just standing.                @|  \\
  Stop posing.      -You're- posing.                   \_||
         `          __ ,                                :))
       ___OO        oo|___                             _:_
         <\/>      <\/>                            |`|\.|./|'|
  jg_____ /\ ______ /\ ___________________________ | |  |  | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 171 (Jan. 20, 2002)
  I want to help you      Well you can't.                @|  \\
   fight the virus!       It's my virus.                   \_||
             `          __ ,                                :))
           ___OO        oo|___                             _:_
             .\/.      <\/>                            |`|\.|./|'|
              || ______ /\ ___________________________ | |  |  | |

It is so not yours! It       Well, it infected          /|  @  |\
infected -my- computer!    mine first! So there!        ||\___/||
             `          __ ,                            ((  :  ))
           ___OO        oo|___                             _:_
             .\/-      <\/>                            |`|\.|./|'|
              || ______ /\ ___________________________ | |  |  | |

      Oh come on.         I.. but..                        //  |@
      Pleeease..?         Oh OK...                         ||_/
             `          __ ,                               ((:
           ___OO        oo|___                         /`.  _:_  .'\
             .\/.      <\/>                           /   /\.\./\   \
              || ______ /\ ___________________________   /    \  \

      He buggered         So he has.
           off.          He's scarpered.
             `          __ ,
           ___OO    ___|oo
             .\/.      <\/>
  jg_________ || ______ /\ _______________________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 172 (Jan. 21, 2002)
           / Let's fire up the games! Nah.  \
          O\ I should be doing my homework. /
        .o   __
      OO    |_))
    |((o.   [_|]
    ||bb `-'| ||

                 / I can do it later. I  \
               .o\ should clean my room. /
           ||b|| ||

                               /  Reasonably non-dusty.   \
                      _ , '  .o\ I should get some sleep. /
                     |_),` OO
               |_  _[__]>>-||.
               | | |   |   dd

                                  / Weird how time passes even though \
                    ___   _____ .o\ you're not really doing anything. /
                   |\__\ |\_OO_\
                   \|__|   \    \
      jg                    |    |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 173 (Jan. 22, 2002)
 What're you       Yep, found a cool
doing? Reading?     on-line manga.
      `,,,     _    ,
       '..    (_|  O
       .||.   [__]_.)_|
        ||    |   |d| |

                   __     What the..
       ,,,     _ .'  \    ,                               featuring
       '..    (_|__   )  O                              Unicorn Jelly
       .||.   [__]_`.'   /_|
        || __ |   | ___ d| | ___________________________

                                            _ _
                                           ( ' )
 I think it                   _                  _ _
  likes you!                 ( )          /|    ( ' )           AAAUGH!
      `,,,     _              \\  _.----./ |     \_/              ,
       '..    (_|    *jiri*    \`'          \                  \OO
       .||'   [__]_    *jiri*  /         | | \                q//-
jg_____ || __ |   | _________ |              | ________________ b ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 174 (Jan. 23, 2002)
 What's this heap of stuff?        You, my friend, are looking at my
Your computer exploded again?      newest invention. It's USB LEGO!
         `,,,                      ,
          '..                    OO
           ||          _.`,     -||.
        __ |\ ______ .`'-;'`. __ dd ____

      OK... What's            Computer components from which you can
     that, exactly?           build a computer as easily as putting
             `,,,             ,  two blocks of LEGO together. Here,
              '..           OO    let me show you what I mean...
              .||.     _.`, .\\
        ______ || __ .`'-;'`.dd ________

                             Here we go.. I'm connecting a processor,
              ,,,            ,  a small screen, and this block that's
              '..          OO     hardwired to print "Hello World"
              .||.     _.`,o\\      on any available display...
        ______ || __ .`'-;'`dd __

  OK, cool... But..             Aw crap. One of these must be one of
  It's not working.           the regular LEGO blocks I added to make
              `,,,             ,  the heap look more impressive.
               '..           OO
               .||.     _.`,o||
       jg______ || __ .`'-;'`dd __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 175 (Jan. 24, 2002)
     I'm bored. Let's          Like playing a
        do something.        role-playing game?
                  `,,,       ,
                   '..     OO
                   .||.   .||.
                ___ || ___ dd ____

         Live action?        Eh, OK.
         I like LARP.       Whatever.
                  `,,,       ,
                   '..     OO
                   .||.   .||.
                ___ || ___ dd ____

              I have some cloaks
               and props and stuff.
                           OO     '..
                          .||.    .||.
                __________ bb ____ |\ ___

                  Now what?           -I- don't know!
                          `__       __,
                          (OO Y     ..)
                          /||-|    ?||\
                    jg__ /_|b | ___ ||_\ __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 176 (Jan. 25, 2002)
Thou art presumptuous          This is not a mere accusation,
in thine accusations,         arch-mage. Mother nature herself
   -druid-.       `__       __,      has spoken to me.
                  (OO Y     ..)
                  /||-|    ?||\
                 /_|b |     ||_\

        -Hast- spoken.        No. That's -second-
                  `__       __,  person singular.
                  (OO Y     ..)
                  /||-|    ?||\
        ________ /_|b | ___ ||_\ _________

                  `__       __
                  (OO Y     ..)
                  /||-|    ?||\
                 /_|b |     ||_\

Crap, now I'm totally      As if you were ever
 out of character...        -in- character...
                  `                   `,,,
                 __OO  y              _'..
                 \/||./               \/||
    jg _________ /_|b/ ______________ /_|\ _____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 177 (Jan. 26, 2002)
Hmm.. Fan Boy, you know The       It's "ExecuTOR". And
Executive pretty well, right?      fine, I'll call   `,,,
 Could you get him for me,  `OO    him or whatever.   '..
or is it too much trouble?  .||.                       ||
                         ___ bb ______________________ |\ __

                        Enter... The
                         Executor! `__      _______  __
            Great, stay right       oo|____     ----  __
            there.. Wait... `OO    -\/.      --- __  -- -_
            OH, FAN BOOOY!  .||'    <\     ________ --
jg__________________________ bb _____________________________

                             OO      oo|___
                            .||.    .\/.
                         ___ bb ____ /\ ___

    Hmm. -That's- funny... Now          Oh ha ha, you figured out my
     -where- could -he- have         __ ,  secret identity, yay you.
      gone to? Oh -deary-.  `OO      oo|___   Are you happy now?
                            -||-    .\/.
                    ________ bb ____ /\ ________

I -so- don't know what you're             __
talking about. Could you go `OO       ___|--  *sigh*
see what's keeping Fan Boy? .||.         .\/.
                             bb _________ |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 178 (Jan. 27, 2002)
 What the heck                 Well... You remember that
is -that- thing?!    ___      USB LEGO invention of mine?
         `,,,       |_\_\      ,
          'oo       |_|_|    OO
          .||-      (o)))    ||
           ||       |_L_L    dd

      Yeah.          ___       I built this using my
         `,,,       |_\_\      ,  USB LEGO bricks.
          'oo       |_|_|    OO
          .||.      (o)))   -||.
           ||       |_L_L    dd

OK... What does                Well.. I haven't tried it, but I think
 it do, then?        ___       it'll walk around and.. um.. eat stuff.
         `,,,       |_\_\      ,
          '..       |_|_|    OO
          .||.      (o)))   .||.
           ||       |_L_L    dd

                     ___        Oh, come on! It's not
          __        |_\_\      ,  even turned on yet!
     -- -(_ )       |_|_|    OO
   *WOOSH*  _)      (o)))   -||-
    - --  `-'  jg   |_L_L    dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 179 (Jan. 28, 2002)
Have you guys checked out the          Yeah, Fan Boy did
City of Heroes website today?            this morning.
                 `             ,,,      ,              ,--.
                 ~..      ,--- '.. -- OO .             | \ \ *bleep*
                  >>      |`-._((o. _((o. `-.          +-+-+   *bloop*
          _______ |\ ____ |__|_ || \__bb \_||_________,| | | _____

                   Wait.. I thought    QUICK! TO THE
                     -you- did...       COMPUTER!
                             `,,,       ,              ,--.
                   ~..    ,-- '.. -- OO -.             | \ \
                   .>>.   |`-._||o. _||o. `-.          +-+-+
                    ||    |__|_ \\ \__bb \_||_________,| | |

                                       __  *bonk!*
                                    .-'  `.
                                   (     ,o,  o  *GAK!*,--.
                   ~..    ,-------- \ -- '##  '._OO    | \ \
                   .>>.   |`-._______`. -//-   .' \\b  +-+-+
                    ||    |__|_________ / \ | '._ b __,| | |

              ,                     ,,,                ,--.
            ..~           ,-------- '## -.       @@    | \ \
            <<            |`-._______ \\ _`-.   .==.   +-+-+
jg          /|            |__|_________\\ _|| o' db `-'| | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 180 (Jan. 29, 2002)
         Nerd Boy, you just
         -have- to see this!              What?
                           `,,,           ,
                            '..         OO
                            -||.       .||.
                             |\         dd

                         Sarbakan.       What's a "sarbakan"?
                               `,,,       ,
                                '..     OO
                                .||.   .||.
                                 ||     dd

       No, the correct question
      is "-who's- a sarbakan"...          Is it some kind of bird?
      uhh- no, "what sarbakan"..          A machine or something?
                               `,,,       ,
                                '..     OO
                                .||.   .||.
                                 ||     dd

              Oh, forget it.               Fine.
                         `,,,              ,
                          --'            OO
                          ||            ((
  jg                      /|            b b
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 181 (Jan. 30, 2002)
  Hey, robot. I've been           *As usual.*
   doing some thinking.           ,  *meep*
                      `OO       ==~
                      ((       .[[.
             ________ b b _____ || _______

        Have you ever read          *meep*
        any on-line comics?          ,
                          `OO      ==~
                          .||.    .[[.
                      ____ bb ____ || ____

   Ever notice how a lot of         *meep*
  them are influenced by the         ,
     Japanese culture?    `OO      ==~
                          .||.    .[[.
                      ____ bb ____ || ____

Well I think it's silly. Most
 comic authors haven't done           *Hai, hai..
any research on the Japanese         Sou desu ne.*
culture; they just throw in           ,  *meep*
 some Japanese phrases    `OO      ==~
     to seem cool!        .||.    .[[.
                     jg___ bb ____ || ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 182 (Jan. 31, 2002)
  Why the heck are
 you listening to                   *It's a great big white
Marilyn Manson? `,,,              _ world and we are drained
                 '..          O  |_)   of our colors...*
                  ||       |_(._[__]
                  |\       | |b|   |

                       I like the    *We used to love
                   ,,,   music.   _ ourselves, we used to
                   '..       `O  |_)  love one another.*
                   .||.    |_(._[__]
                    ||     | |b|   |

But.. You're a nerd!            You should talk, Mr. I'm-
You can't like this!          the-Biggest-Fan-of-Everything.
 Listen to Jarre  `,,,        ,   _    Silly Fan Boy...
  or something!    '..      OO   |_)
                   .||.    |_\\_[__]
                    ||     | |b|   |

        I have a name,       Sure you do
           you know.         -Fan Boy-.
                  `,,,         ,  _
                   '..        O  |_)
                   .||.    |_(._[__]
jg                  ||     | |b|   |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 183 (Feb. 5, 2002)
 Here it is! My very        / .--. \
  own time machine!        ( ( `- ) )
  Beauty, ain't she?        ) `--' (
          ,,,   `           | .--. |
          '..    OO         ||    ||
           ||   ((-         )|    |(
           |\   b b        /_|____|_\

                            / .--. \
       I dunno. Does       ( ( `- ) )     It tended to send things way
       it even work?        ) `--' (      back in time at first, but it
                   `,,,     | .--. |       ,  should be working great
                    '..     ||    ||     OO   now. Now all I need is
                    .||.    )|    |(    .||.  a volunteer to test it!
                     || __ /_|____|_\ __ dd

                            / .--. \
                           ( ( `- ) )      Aw, you're always
                            ) `--' (       so darn negative!
                            | .--. |       ,
         _      -  --       ||    ||     OO
        -  -- *zip* --      )|    |(    -||-
jg             -  - -      /_|____|_\    dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 184 (Feb. 6, 2002)
Have you seen my           Yeah, it's in
Busta Rhymes CD?            the closet.
             `,,,           ,  _
              '..          O  |_)
               ||       |_(._[__]
               |\       | |b|   |

                          |          |
                          |        Where?
                         .--. .--. , |
                      OO|    |  '.|  |
                     //-|o   | // |  |
                    b b |____|/|  |__|

                          |          |
                          |   .--. / |
                     OO   | -| -  | -| *slam!*
                    .||-  |- | _ o|\ |
                     bb   |__|____|__|

  Nerd Boy? Did you just    / .--. \    Great plan! He
lock me in that wacky time ( ( `- ) ) totally fell for it.
    machine of yours?     ` ) `--' (       |     But of course.
                            | .--. |       ,        ,
                            ||    ||     OO       ..~
                            )|   o|(    .||.      <<
  jg                       /_|____|_\    bb       /|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 185 (Feb. 7, 2002)
We've locked Fan Boy            ______
in your time machine.          / .--. \
 Are you gonna test           ( ( `- ) )
  it or will I die    OK, here ) `--' (  Hey! What's going
  of boredom first?    goes..  | .--. | ,  on out there!?
             `~..          `OO ||    ||
              .>>.         //-,)|   o|(
        ______ || _________bb /_|____|_\ ____________

                                ______      *bzzschweeeeee*
                 *gzoiii*  `   / .--. \  '
                           -  ( ( `- ) ) -
                            <  ) `--' (  >
          Cool.              > | .--. | <  *wywywy...*
             `~..   OO      <  ||    ||  >
              .>>. .||.    -   )|   o|(   -
               ||   bb      , /_|____|_\ .

 3002 A.D.                ___ _   |  2002 A.D.
                __       /_||) -  |
                \ \__      *zweee*|
I.. -think- I    \/ /     ______  |            ______
made a mistake.  / /\    |[][][]| |           / .--. \
    ~..  `OO    / /\ \___|[][][]| |          ( ( `- ) )
    .>>. .||.   \ \/ .---|[][][]| |           ) `--' (  Hello?
____ || _ bb _   \/ /    |[][][]| |           | .--. | ,
              |  / /\____|[][][]| |           ||    ||
              | / /\|    |[][][]| |           )|   o|(
              | \ \/|    |[][][]| |   jg     /_|____|_\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 186 (Feb. 8, 2002)
 3002 a.d.                  _|  I think it's safe to assume that
          __                \ \ my time machine sent -us- into
          \ \__             /_/ the future instead of Fan Boy.
           \/ /     ______   |                  `OO     ..~
           / /\    |[][][]|  |                  .||.   .<<.
          / /\ \_  |[][][]|  |                 _ bb ___ || _
          \ \/ .===|[][][]|  |
           \/ /    |[][][]|  |
           / /\____|[][][]|  |                -I- think it's safe to
          / /\|    |[][][]|  |    ?        assume that you're an idiot.
          \ \/| _  |[][][]|  |    __                       ,
           \ \||_| |[][][]|  |   '..             OO     ..~
            \ \```/|[][][]|  |    ||            .||.   .<<.
 Well,       \ \ | |[][][]|  |  _ |\ ___________ bb ___ || _
 crap.        \ \| |[][][]|  |
~..  `OO      |\ \ |[][][]|  |
.>>. .||.     | \ \|[][][]|  |  Nani o         Ah, Japanese; the future
_|| _ bb_     |  \ |[][][]|  | simasu ka?     tongue. Lucky I took that
         |    |  |\ [][][]|  |     `__             ,   course, huh?
         |....|  | |[][][]|  |     '..           OO    ..~
         |:  :|  | |[][][]|  |      ||          .||.  .<<.
         |:  :|  | |[][][]|  |  ___ || _________ dd __ || _
         |:  :|  | |[][][]|  |
         |:  :|  | |[][][]|  |
         |.  .|  | |[][][]|  |                   <My goat is ill. Can
         |.   |  | |[][][]|  |                   you please help it?>
         |    |  : |[][][]|  |      __             ,
         |    :  . :  [][]:  |     '..           OO    ..~
         |    .    .    []:  |      ||          .||.  .<<.
jg       |                .  |  ___ || _________ dd __ || _
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 187 (Feb. 9, 2002)
Well, apparently people speak        -You're- the one who
Japanese here in the future,        built the stupid time
so we can't communicate with        ,  machine, remember?
anyone. How do we get    `OO     ..~
back to our own time? __ .||.   .<<.
                 |      | bb     ||

Hmm.. We'll need something
like a remote, to activate
 my time machine   `OO           ..~
  back home...    __ ))_        .<<.
                 |  dd  |        ||

It has to operate at a              OK.
subchronic frequency                ,
to interact with   `OO           ..~
something in the  __ ))_        .<<.
 past though...  |  dd  | ______ || ____
                                                      |USED SUBCHRONIC|
                                                  ____|REMOTE EMPORIUM|
This is hopeless.       I'll be                  |   |`---------------'
We're stuck here.      right back.             __|   |  __________
               `OO           `~..             /\\\\\ | | 50% OFF! |
              __ ))_          .>>.             | ||| | |__________|
     jg_____ |  dd  | ________ |\ ____________ | ||| |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 188 (Feb. 10, 2002)
3002 a.d.                          | 2002 a.d.   ______
                                   |            / .--. \
With this, I can control my        |           ( ( `- ) )
time machine back in 2002          |            ) `--' (  Let me out of
and send us back there!            |            | .--. | , here! Hello?
              `OO /      ..~       |            ||    ||    .. Hmm...
              .||o      .<<.       |            )|   o|(    A switch?
               bb        ||        |           /_|____|_\
                                   |             ______
Then I can fix the time machine    |It opened the .--. \
so that it sends the stuff         |  door! I'm  ( `- ) )
-in- it instead of the stuff       | finally free!`--' (
-around- it through time.          |         . ` ,,, . |
Here goes...  `OO /      --~ *yawn*|        |    ..'  ||
              .||o      '<<.       |        |o   -\\  |(
               bb        ||        |        |____|/|  |_\
             *bzzschweeeeee*            *gzoiii*
                                   | It worked!  ______
                                   |  I wonder  / .--. \  Who cares?
                                   | where Fan ( ( `- ) ) Let's have
            Huh?                   |  Boy is?   ) `--' (   ice cream.
              `,,,                 |    ,    .--. .--. |      `
               oo'                 |  OO /  |    |    ||      ~..
               -\\                 | .||o   |o   |    |(       >>
jg              /|                 |  bb    |____|    |_\      |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 189 (Feb. 11, 2002)
  So do you think
   it's possible?                  What?
                 `,,,         _    ,
                  '..        (_|  O
                   ||        [__]_.)_|
              ____ |\ ______ |   |d| | ____

  ZeoSync's 100:1 non-            Aaugh, don't get
   lossy compression.               me started!
                   `,,,       _     ,
                    '..      (_|   O
                    .||.     [__]_ )_|
              ______ || ____ |   |d| | ____

                 OK.          It's impossible! They're raving lunatics!
               I just..      Look at the website! "A chip that empowers
                   ` ,,,      _    ,  the world." Geez, their chairman
                     ..'     (_|  O     is called "St. George"! Oooh,
                    .||.     [__]_ )_|   killing the big bad draconic
              ______ /| ____ |   |d| | __  Shannon's limit, are we?

    Are you saying it               Either that or
     must be a joke?               a frickin' -cult-.
                    `,,,      _    ,
                     '..     (_|  O
                     .||.    [__]_.)_|
jg            _______ || ___ |   |d| | ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 190 (Feb. 12, 2002)
                   Oh...              Hi, I
                   Hello.             guess.
                       `,,,           ,
                        '..        ..~
                        .||.      .<<.
                         |\        ||

                      Um..            So.
                        `,,,          ,
                         '..       ..~
                         .||.     .<<.
                          ||       ||

                         '..       ..~
                         .||.     .<<.
                          ||       ||

                         '..       ..~
                         .||.     .<<.
                          ||       ||

Well, it's been fun. Let's
never do it again sometime.          Sounds great.
                        `,,,          ,
                         '..       ..~
                         .||.     .<<.
 jg                       ||       ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 191 (Feb. 13, 2002)
           Ohayo!        ?
           ,            ,,,
        ~==             ..'
         ]]             ||
         |\             /|

                                                     Oh no, not
                                                     you again.
                                 ,,,                 ,
                                 '..               --~
                                  ||              .<<.
                                  |\               ||

Aah, Nerd Boy! You're the               Did you know that a member
only one here that I can                class can inherit the class
really communicate with!                of which it's a member? It
                     `,,,          _    ,   looks kinda weird...
                      '..         (_|  O
                       ||         [__]_.)_|
              ________ |\ _______ |   |d| | __________

        OK, forget what I               You mean you were
           just said...                 saying something?
                       `,,,        _    ,
                        '--       (_|  O
                        .||.      [__]_.)_|
 jg       ______________ || _____ |   |d| | ________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 192 (Feb. 14, 2002)
 Hey Nerd Boy, I
  got an idea.                         What?
              `,,,                _    ,
               '..               (_|  O
                ||               [__]_.)_|
                |\               |   |d| |

 You know how we really want
  to play City of Heroes,              Of course.
  but have to wait until `,,,     _    ,
    the beta comes out    '..    (_|  O
   like everyone else?    .||.   [__]_.)_|
                           ||    |   |d| |

  Maybe we could hack into             That's totally illegal!
    Cryptic's computers  `,,,     _    ,   Are you insane?!
    and just steal the    '..    (_|  O
     alpha version...     .||.   [__]_.)_|
                           ||    |   |d| |

                   Are you?            Good point.
                         `,,,     _    ,  Let's.
                          '..    (_|  O
                          .||.   [__]_.)_|
   jg                      ||    |   |d| |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 193 (Feb. 15, 2002)
So, Fan Boy, what do     ,,,                  __
you think about  `OO     '..                  ..#
clockless chips? ((       ||                 .|(.
             ___ b b ____ |\ ________________ || ___

                      Linda?!                    Hi..
                       ,  `,,,                __ ,
                     OO    'oo                ..#
                    -||-   .||.              '|(.
                ____ bb ___ || ______________ || ___

             How come -you- know Linda?!
                       ,  `,,,                __
                     OO    oo'                ..#
                   .((-   -||.               .|(.
                ____ bb __ || _______________ || ___

                 I was her boyfrien-
                       ,  `,,,                __
                     OO    ..'                ..#
                    .||.  .||.               .|(.
                ____ bb __ || _______________ || ___

                     *    ,,,                 __
                     OO   'oo                 ..#'
                    ((    .||.               .|(.
              jg____ bb __ || _______________ || ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 194 (Feb. 16, 2002)
              Linda? Last I heard,
             you were in Las Vegas!
                  ,,,    `              __
                  '..     OO            ..#
                  .||.   .||.          .|(.
             _____ || ___ bb __________ || _____

Vegas? That's where -we-                You are. I've been in Vegas
met! You told me -I- was                  twice; once before I met
your first love! `,,,                   __ ,  Nerd Boy, once after.
                  '..     OO            ..#
                  .||.   .||.          .|(.
     _____________ || ___ bb __________ || ____________

 She dumped you too,        She dumped you? Well
huh? Well -I- was her      -I- dumped -her-! Hah!
first love! Hah! `,,,       ,           __
                  '..     OO            ..#
                  .||.   .||.          .|(.
             _____ || ___ dd __________ || _____

You had a girlfriend       Hmm. Good
 and broke up! Hah!         one...
                 `,,,       ,           __
                  '..     OO            ''#
                  .||-    ||           .|(.
    jg____________ || ___ dd __________ ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 195 (Feb. 17, 2002)
 So, how's the hacking         Well, I've found the server where
  going? Any luck yet?         Cryptic keeps the latest version
                `,,,      _    ,  of City of Heroes... I think.
                 '..     (_|  O
                 .||.    [__]_.)_|
                  ||     |   |d| |

 So? Can you hack               Well, all attempts so far
into it and get the            have failed... This is hard.
 game or what?  `,,,      _    ,
                 '..     (_|  O
                 .||.    [__]_.)_|
                  ||     |   |d| |

What? You usually             Seems I can't concentrate. I have this
hack into servers              nagging feeling, like a voice in the
in a matter of  `,,,      _    ,   back of my head telling me I've
  seconds!       '..     (_|  O      forgotten something...
                 .||.    [__]_.)_|
        _________ || ___ |   |d| | _______

   What?              -I- don't                      Helloo?! Long lost
       `,,,      _    ,  know.                     __ ,  ex-girlfriend
        '..     (_|  O                             ..#    right here!
        .||.    [__]_.)_|                         -|(-
  jg____ || ___ |   |d| | ________________________ || _____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 196 (Feb. 18, 2002)
     I'm in! Now to copy the                  Hey! Are you guys going
      files before Cryptic                  to acknowledge my existence
       discovers the breach!                 or just hack computers?!
             ,,,      _  `                  __ ,
             '..     (_|  O                 ..#
             .||.    [__]_.)_|             .|(.
              ||     |   |d| |              ||

            ,,,      _                     __ ,
            '..     (_|  O                 ..#
            .||.    [__]_.)_|             .|(.
             ||     |   |d| |              ||

    Hello?!                 I'm sorry. You're right.
   Nerd Boy?              This is getting out of hand.
           `,,,      _    ,                __
            '..     (_|  O                 ..#
            .||.    [__]_.)_|             .|(.
             ||     |   |d| |              ||

                           Linda, could you please leave?
                          We require utmost concentration.
            ,,,      _    ,                __
            '..     (_|  O                 --#
            .||.    [__]_.)_|             .|(.
  jg         ||     |   |d| |              ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 197 (Feb. 19, 2002)
Well? Are you stealing the                  I'M STILL HERE! I want to
files or what? Are we still              talk to you two about -- oh I
hacking into Cryptic? Hello?            don't know -- why I disappeared
               `,,,    _                __ ,  without a single trace?!
                '..   (_|  O            --#
                .||.  [__]_.)_|        .|(.
             ___ || _ |   |d| | _______ || _____

 Almost.. done. Their monitor            Do you two not care about your
software is tracing my connection..       mutual ex-girlfriend AT ALL?!
                ,,,    _  `             __ ,
                '..   (_|  O            --#
                .||.  [__]_.\_|        -|(-
             ___ || _ |   |d| | _______ || _____

 AUGH! I had to disconnect, it
  was totally on to me! Crap.              HELLOOO?!?
                ,,,    _  `             __ ,
                '..   (_|  O            oo#
                .||.  [__]_.)_|        -|(-
             ___ || _ |   |d| | _______ || _____

                                        Haven't you ever played Uplink?
                ,,,    _              __ ,  You have to bounce your
                '..   (_|  O          ..#  connection! Let me see that.
                .||.  [__]_.)_|       |(
      jg________ || _ |   |d| | _____ /| _______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 198 (Feb. 20, 2002)
   There, I hacked Cryptic's               But.. Linda, these
  servers and stole the alpha             files are encrypted!
 version of City of Heroes.  ` __      _    ,         ,,,
NOW can I tell you about my   #..     (_|  O          ..'
mysterious disappearence?!    .)|.    [__]_.)_|      .||.
                         _____ || ___ |   |d| | _____ || ____

 Oh geez... Well, scoot
over and I'll crack them.         By all means.
                     ` __    _     ,        ,,,
                      #--   (_|   O         ..'
                      .)|.  [__]_  )_|     .||.
                  ____ |\ _ |   | d| | ____ || ____

 You know, I wonder where        Yeah.. Where did she disappear to?
 Linda was all that time.        Why haven't she told us already; it's
             .--.       `,,,     ,  not as if she hadn't had any time,
            / / |     ,- ..' - OO ---.  she's been here for weeks now!
            +-+-+  .-'__ || ___ )).-'|   Actually.. Let's go ask her.
            | | |  ||___//_____dd_|__|

        Hey..                        Shh, I need utmost concentration
        Linda.                         here..! I'm -this close- to
           `,,,                  _   _ ,  cracking these files!
       OO   '..                 (_|  .#
      ((     ||                 [__]_.\_|
jg___ b b __ |\ _______________ |   |/| | ________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 199 (Feb. 21, 2002)
  Hee hee, brilliant!                  No.. -Please- -do- tell;
 You know what I really               the suspense is killing me.
  love about SinFest?    _                ,           .--.
                    `O  |_)     ,----- ~.. ----.      | \ \
                  |_(._[__]     |`-.___.>>._____`-.   +-+-+
                  | |b|   |     |__|____\\_______||   | | |

  There are funny subtle           Oh, -subtlety-. Your
details in the background             "specialty"!
  of certain panels.     _                ,           .--.
                    `O  |_)     ,----- ~.. ----.      | \ \
                  |_(._[__]     |`-.___.>>._____`-.   +-+-+
                  | |b|   |     |__|____\\_______||   | | |

 I like to think that I'm
a connoisseur of the subtle               Idiot.
  things in life, yes.   _                ,           .--.
                    `O  |_)     ,----- ~.. ----.      | \ \
                  |_(._[__]     |`-.___.>>._____`-.   +-+-+
                  | |b|   |     |__|____\\_______||   | | |

In the strip I just read,               Oh, I was just
 I noticed that.. Wait,                  "agreeing".
 what did you just say?  _                ,           .--.
                    `O  |_)     ,----- ~.. ----.      | \ \
                  |_(._[__]     |`-.___.>>._____`-.   +-+-+
              jg  | |b|   |     |__|____\\_______||   | | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 200 (Feb. 22, 2002)
You know, I really hate
it when people celebrate          Why?
 "special" numbers. `,,,          ,
                     '..        OO
                      ||       .||.
                      |\        dd

 Well, they're totally             I agree. As for
arbitrary. Just because           base 2, however..
 a number looks nice  `,,,        ,
 in base 10 doesn't    '..      OO
  make it special.     .||.    .||.
                        ||      dd

Same thing. It's stupid            Isn't that what
 to even pay that kind            you're doing now?
  of thing any mind.  `,,,        ,
                       '..      OO
                       .||.    .||.
                        ||      dd

 Uh.. No, I'm just kind
 of meta-discussing it.           Right.
                      `,,,        ,
                       '..      OO
                       .||.    .||.
jg                      ||      dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 201 (Feb. 23, 2002)
                 it's four o' clock in the morning

                        my eyeballs are itching

                               stop bothering me

       ..Nerd Boy?       tomorrow  ok?

        (this poem brought to you by Tired Minds Inc.)

               bb                            .  _
                                   shut up   | |_|
                                            _|  _|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 202 (Feb. 24, 2002)
                         _   ?
  *giggle*              (_|  O
    *hee hee*           [__]_.)_|
                        |   |d| |

       *The koala is a herbivore...*
       __  ,,,        \ ,--.                    _
 ,--- #..  '.. -.       | \ \  OO              (_|
 |`-.__)|__(( ___`-.    +-+-+ .||.             [__]_   _|
 |__|___\\__\\ ___||    | | |  dd              |   |  | |

              *blah blah...*
       __  ,,,        \ ,--.       ?            _
 ,--- #..  '.. -.       | \ \     OO           (_|
 |`-.__)|__(( ___`-.    +-+-+    ((            [__]_   _|
 |__|___\\__\\ ___||    | | |    b b           |   |  | |

 *giggle*                     Oh come on! What
       *eehihihi*        _    ,  is so funny
                        (_|  O   over there?!
                        |   |d| |

 That tickles!                 Ewww! More than
,                        _    ,  I need to know!
- Shh!                  (_|  O>   Lalalaaalala!
                        [__]_ )_|
                     jg |   |d| |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 203 (Feb. 25, 2002)
 We're going on a trip to
rekindle our relationship.            Mhm.
                 ` __,,,        _    ,
                  #..'..       (_|  O
                  .)|.||.      [__]_.)_|
                   || ||       |   |d| |

   Well, I'm off to                   Huh.
   visit my uncle!              _    ,
                  `~..         (_|  O
                   .>>._       [__]_.)_|
                    ||_(|      |   |d| |

 Sayonara! I'm going                  Yeah.
to the robot convention!        _    ,
                  `~==         (_|  O
                   .]].        [__]_.)_|
                    ||         |   |d| |


                              Helloo-o?! Where the
                              heck -is- everyone?!
jg                          d d
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 204 (Feb. 26, 2002)
 I'm apparently all alone
   here. Everyone's gone.
                     __ b b _____________

                     The place seems...
 _________________________________ bb ________________________________

                                Without any people around, I might
                                  go crazy and... I dunno, start
                                 ,  talking to myself or someth-
                     _________ d d ______

                jg___________ dd _____________
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Episode 205 (Feb. 27, 2002)
                My friends have all deserted me. I'll
                ,  just have to accept it and move on.
      _______ bb _______

 But why did they leave?
 Maybe they thought I was
    boring or something.
               ________ b b __________________

                                 Wait, maybe I am. Maybe I've thrown
                                ,  away my life on silly things that
                              OO      are devoid of all meaning.
   __________________________ dd _____________________________

     jg___________ d d _________________
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Episode 206 (Feb. 28, 2002)
               Abandoned by my friends... What
               should I do? Oh yeah, wallow in
               ,    self-pity of course.
       _____ bb _________

                       Oh woe
                       is me.
                         __(( ___
                     ___|   bb   |___

               Well, that was boring.
                I'll just go play the
                C&C: Renegade demo now.
                         ________    .||.
                     ___|        |___ bb ___

                               (  *              Or not.
                               _ /              ,
                              (_| - *         OO
                              [__]_  _|       ||
         jg__________________ |   | | | _____ dd ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 207 (Mar. 1, 2002)
Well, my computer's             (
 dead and my friends             )
   have abandoned me.            _ ,*
                    `OO         (_|
                     ||         [__]_  _|
             _______ bb _______ |   | | | _______________

                      I wonder if I'll ever
                       ,  get them back?
             _______ db _______

                     No use crying over lost
                      ,  files... I wonder if
                    OO   there's anything on TV.
             ______ d d _______

                            (                        )
                             )        Oh -weak-!    (  *
                           ,--.      ,  Seriously!  _ /
    ,--------------.   * - | \ \   OO              (_|
    |`-.____________`-.    +-+-+  -||-             [__]_   _|
jg  |__|_____________|| __ | | | _ dd ____________ |   |  | |
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Episode 208 (Mar. 2, 2002)
                              No friends, no TV, no -computer-!
                             ,  My GOD, what shall I do now?!
                    _______ dd _________

      |    \  `.
      |     \   `.           *
             \    `         OO
                      _____ dd ______

      |    \  `.               -That's- my
      |     \   `.            ,  holy quest?
             \    `         OO
                      _____ dd ______

ON SUCH SHORT NOTICE.             Lucky I'm already an atheist, or you
      |    \  `.                  would have just lost a follower, bud.
      |     \   `.                ,
             \    `             OO
jg                    ________ b b __
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Episode 209 (Mar. 3, 2002)
   No friends to talk to, no
   computer, no TV. No nothing
   with nothing on the side...
                      ___|    bb|______

             Wait, I know! A
           joke'll cheer me up!
                      ___|     bb _____

               So anyway, this guy
               walks into a bar and
                sees this blonde...
                          ______  .||>
                      ___|      |_ dd _

                     Nah, I've
                     heard it.
                    jg___|    bb|______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 210 (Mar. 4, 2002)
             ,,,                                   _
             '..                             OO / `~`  _._
              ||                         ____.))|    .~_`-`.
              |\                        |__|_|d||   /-`.-'_,\

               What the heck                   Computer broke down.
               are you doing?                 I'm coding on paper.
                             `,,,              ,
                              '..            OO        _._
                              .||.       ____.))|    .~_`-`.
                               ||       |__|_|d||   /-`.-'_,\

      Pointless exercise.           I wrote a compiler in the machine
      You won't be able to          language of a chip I designed. I
      check for syntax errors       used it to convert my program to
      or anything. Give it up.      machine language, and I ran that
                             `,,,   through my chip architecture...
                              '..                 `OO  _._
                              .||.       ____  _| //. ~_`-`.
                               ||       |__|_|||| bb/-`.-'_,\

                       "Hello         Beautiful,
                       World"?        isn't it?
                             `,,,     ,
                              '..   OO                 _._
                              .||/ .||.  ____  _|    .~_`-`.
jg                             ||   dd  |__|_||||   /-`.-'_,\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 211 (Mar. 5, 2002)
 Cold outside.  ____                   Huh.
        ` ,,,  |    |                  ,
 |_       ..'  |    |                OO
 |       (: )  |   o|               .||.
_|_      d  d  |____|                dd

                                        That's weird. You treat your
                ____                  clothes like a stack; you always
               |    |     ,,,          ,    put them on in a certain
 |.            |    |     '..        OO     order and then take them
 ||            |   o|      ||       .||.    off in the reverse order.
_|_dd          |____|      |\        dd

                      That's          Well, yeah. I bet you even do
                ____   weird?         that with your underwear; put
               |    |       `,,,       ,  it on first and take it
 |.            |    |        '..     OO   off last. Well do ya?
 ||            |   o|        .||.   .||.
_|_dd          |____|         ||     dd

                     Well, of         Pfft. Well,
                ____  course!          -I- don't.
               |    |       `,,,             `
 |.            |    |        '..              OO
 ||            |   o|        .||.            ((
_|_dd        jg|____|         ||             b b
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 212 (Mar. 6, 2002)
Well, I went and saw Lord of
the Rings for the 42nd time                  None.
now. How many times have   `,,,         _    ,
 you seen it, Nerd Boy?     '..        (_|  O
                             ||        [__]_.)_|
                      ______ |\ ______ |   |d| | ____

                         What?!             Well.. Eh. I haven't read
                       BUT WHY?!             the books anyway, so...
                              `,,,      _    ,
                               'oo     (_|  O
                               .||.    [__]_.)_|
                            ___ || ___ |   |d| | _

       WHAT?! It's as if I don't            You got it backwards. It's
        even -know- you anymore!             as if you suddenly got to
                              `,,,      _    ,   know the real me.
                               'oo     (_|  O
                               -||-    [__]_.)_|
                            ___ || ___ |   |d| | _

                    Nah. I liked
                    mine better.              Drama queen.
                              `,,,      _    ,
                               '..     (_|  O
                               -||-    [__]_.)_|
                          jg___ || ___ |   |d| | _
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 213 (Mar. 7, 2002)
 Nerd Boy, I think               That's what you said yesterday, and
 a UFO landed right             it was just a cyberbeing from another
 outside our door. `,,,      _    ,  dimension, remember? Anyway,
                    '..     (_|  O        I'll go check...
                     ||     [__]_.)_|
         ___________ |\ ___ |   |d| |_________________________
_______________________________                             /  \
                               \                   Hello.  /  _/
                                \                      `  / o/
_________________________________\                        > /\___
__    _____    _____    _____   |                         |/\   -\
_|    |_|_|    |_|_|    |_|_|   |                            | \ -\
_|    |_|_|    |_|_|    |_|_|   |      HOLY                ___\| -|\
                                |     CRAP!!!             />---'\ ||
__    _____    _____    _____   |___   ,                 /|     ///|>
_|    |_|_|    |_|_|    |_|_|   |   |OO                        /|| |\
_|    |_|_|    |_|_|    |_|_|   |  o|-\\-                      \||
                                |___|_ bb _                     \\\
________________________________|          |___________________ /^|| _
                                                 /  \
                                                /  _/
                                               /o /
                         OK, so you were       > /\__
                        right -this- time.     |/\   \
       _         ,,,           ,                /\| \ \
      (_|        'oo         OO                 /\\\| |
      [__]_  _|  .||.         ))               //\`-' |
    jg|   | | |   ||         d d              /^| \__/
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 214 (Mar. 8, 2002)
                                         /  \
                                        /  _/
    So... You're an               Yep. /o /
    alien from outer                 ` > /\__
    space, is that it?                 |/\   \
                   `,,,                 /\| \ \
           OO       '..                 /\\\| |
          .||.      .||.               //\`-' |
      ____ bb ______ || _____________ /^| \__/ ____
                                                  /  \
                                                 /  _/
                  So, um... Did                 /o /
                   you eat any                  | /\__
                  humans lately?                |/\   \
                            `,,,                 /\| \ \
                    OO       '..                 /\\\| |
                   .||.      .||.               //\`-' |
                  _ bb ______ || _____________ /^| \__/ ____
                                                           /  \
         Hey, what kind of                 "It", huh?     /  _/
          question is that?               Well -thanks-. /- /
           Can't you see that                          ` > /\__
           you're insulting it?                          |/\   \
                            `         ,,,                 /\| \ \
                             OO       '..                 /\\\| |
                            .||.      .||.               //\`-' |
    jg______________________ bb ______ || _____________ /^| \__/ ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 215 (Mar. 9, 2002)
                                             /  \
                                            /  _/
So why are you here,     To learn all our  /o /
 Mr. Alien? To save      ancient secrets   | /\__
the universe, maybe?     in a single day?  |/\   \
                 `,,,      ,                /\| \ \
                  '..    OO                 /\\\| |
                  .||.  .||.               //\`-' |
           _______ || __ bb _____________ /^| \__/ ___
                              I kinda had a fight    /  \
                              with my girlfriend    /  _/
                             and she ran off. I'm  /o /
                              looking for her.   ` > /\__
                                                   |/\   \
                          ,,,                       /\| \ \
                          '..    OO                 /\\\| |
                          .||.  .||.               //\`-' |
                   _______ || __ bb _____________ /^| \__/ ___
                                                             /  \
                                                            /  _/
                                                           /o /
                       Ha, good luck                       | /\__
                        with -that-.       Yeah.           |/\   \
                                 `,,,      ,                /\| \ \
                                  '..    OO                 /\\\| |
                                  .||.  .||.               //\`-' |
                         jg_______ || __ bb _____________ /^| \__/ ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 216 (Mar. 10, 2002)
                        I don't mean to be    ___
                         rude, but do you    /   \
                         have anything to   /   _/
                         eat around here?  /  o/
                                         ` |> /\_
       Oh. Sorry, I'm not being            |_/`  \
        a very good host, am I?             /\| \ \
                          `OO               /\\\| |
                          .||.             //\`-' |
                   _______ bb ___________ /^| \__/ ___

You're always eating.                It's not for me,   ___ __
That's why you're fat.              it's for the alien.|   |  |
               `~..                   He's starved.  ` |   |  |
                 >>                                   /||  |  |
       _________ |\ _________________________________ b|___|__| __

                                   What a lame excuse. Do   __
                                   ,  you expect me to     |  |
                o,OO            ..~   buy that? Pfft.      |  |
                `v))           .<<.                        |  |
               _ d d __________ || _______________________ |__| __

                                                        ___ __
                                             OK, I'll  |   |  |
                                               help. ` |   |  |
                                                      >||  |  |
                                   jg_______________ /||___|__| __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 217 (Mar. 11, 2002)
                                                             /  \
                                                            /  _/
Woah! There really is an    Oh, don't be silly!    Well... /o /
alien! I hope he doesn't   This is a nice alien,         ` > /\__
eat humans or anything...  of course he doesn't!           |/\   \
        ,                                      `            /\| \ \
     ~..                                        OO          /\\\| |
     .>>.                                      .||-        //\`-' |
 ____ \\ ______________________________________ dd ______ /^| \__/ ___
                                          /  \
                                         /  _/
                       SHHKKRRGGRRK!!   /o /
                                     ` /_ /\___
                                       _/\|\   \
                           eeeek!!   _/   /\| \ \
                  ~..           `OO  `'   /\\\| |
                   >>            -\\-    //\`-' |
              ____ |\ ____________ bb _ /^| \__/ _____
                            /  \
      I'm terribly sorry.  /  _/
     I thought humour was / o/
   a well-known concept ` > /\_       Not on planet
     on this planet...    |/`  \       Nerd Boy...
                          /\| \ \     ,
                          /\\\| |  ~--
        pp               //\`-' |   >>
jg____ // _____________ /^| \__/ __ |\ ________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 218 (Mar. 12, 2002)
         Why aren't you    The novelty wore off.
          with the alien?   He's kind of lame...
                        `       `,,,    .--.
               .-------- ~.. -.  '..    | \ \
               |`-.______ >> __`-.||    +-+-+
            __ |__|_______\\ ___|||| __ | | | ___

                /  \
                \_  \  What on Earth are
                  \ o\ ,  you doing?
                __/\ <
               /   /\|          I'm programming,
              / / |/\              wise guy.   _
              | |///\                     `O  |_)
              | `-'/\\                  |_(._[__]
           ___ \__/ |^\ _______________ | |b |  | ______

                /  \
                \_  \  Stellar.
                  \ o\ ,
                __/\ <
               /   /\|
              / / |/\                 *sigh*   _
              | |///\                     O   |_)
              | `-'/\\                  |_( _[__]
         jg___ \__/ |^\ _______________ | |b |  | ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 219 (Mar. 13, 2002)
  You guys are NOT
going to believe this!      What?
              ` __            `     ,,,
               #..             OO   ..'
                ||            .||. .||.
         ______ |\ ___________ dd _ || ______

                                                          /  \
                                                         /  _/
                                                        /o /
I was at the mall,                                      | /\__
and I met an alie-                                      |/\   \
                 `__                ,,,                  /\| \ \
                 #..           OO   ..'                  /\\\| |
                 -||.         .||. .||.                 //\`-' |
     ____________ || _________ dd _ || _______________ /^| \__/____

                                                          /  \
                                                         /  _/
                                                 Sorry. /o /
 You just -had- to                                    ` > /\__
 meet one first...              Sorry.                  |/\   \
            `__                    `,,,                  /\| \ \
             --#               OO   ..'                  /\\\| |
             ||               .||. .||.                 //\`-' |
   jg_______ /| ______________ dd _ || _______________ /^| \__/____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 220 (Mar. 14, 2002)
                                            /  \
  Wait, Linda met an                       /  _/
   alien? Aren't you                Yeah? /o /
    looking for your                    ` > /\__
       girlfriend?!                       |/\   \
                  `        ,,,             /\| \ \
                   OO      '..             /\\\| |
                  .||.     .||.           //\`-' |
                __ bb _____ || _________ /^| \__/____
                                            /  \
                                           /  _/
                                          /o /
                                          | /\__
                                          |/\   \
                           ,,,             /\| \ \
                   OO      '..             /\\\| |
                  .||.     .||.           //\`-' |
                __ bb _____ || _________ /^| \__/____
                                            /  \
                                           /  _/
                                          /o /
Am I going too fast     Yes,              | /\__
 for you? Should I     please.            |/\   \
draw you a diagram?        `,,,            /\| \ \
                  `OO       ..'            /\\\| |
                  .||.     .||.           //\`-' |
            jg____ bb _____ || _________ /^| \__/____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 221 (Mar. 15, 2002)
                                                 /  \
                                                /  _/
  OK, Mr. Alien, your girlfriend           OK. /o /
   is definitely at the mall. We             ` > /\__
    are going there and you will               |/\   \
    straighten things out. End of               /\| \ \
        story. Is that clear?   `OO             /\\\| |
                                .||.           //\`-' |
                             ___ bb _________ /^| \__/____


                       __    __
                      /  \  /  \
                      \_  \/  _/
                        \- \-/        This is seriously
                      __/\ </\__     icky romantic stuff.
                     /   /\/\   \     Why did I do this?
                    /| \/    \/ |\           |
                   |  \`._/\_.'/  |          | To impress girls.
                   | / `--'`--' \ |          |   What else?
       Ewwww!       \\          //         Right!    |
        ,  `__       |\        /|             `      `,,,
      ~--   --#      |/        \|              OO     ..'
      .>>. .|(.     //          \\            .||-   .||.
jg____ || _ || ___ |^\ ________ /^| __________ bb ___ || __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 222 (Mar. 21, 2002)
And thus, the best strategy
in small areas is to attack     Amazing.
head on instead of gathering       `,,,
 resources, apparently...   `OO     '..
                            ((       ||
                        ___ b b ____ |\ ______

      Yeah, the intricacies of    Yeah, it's      YO, F4N
       Etherlords is truly a      way cool.        D00D.
      work of art; and that's       `,,,              \ ,,,
        just in the demo!    `OO     '..                --
                             ((       ||               .//.
                         ___ b b ____ |\ ____________ _/( ___

              You -know- that    Hey, bro.
             IDIOT Warez Dude?!      `,,,        ,,,
                              `OO     '..        --
                              .||-     ||       .//.
                          ____ bb ____ |\ ____ _/( ___

                              What did
                              you say?
            ,,,          nothing    `,,,
            --                `OO    ..'
           .//.               .||.  .||.
   jg_____ (/ ________________ bb __ || _________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 223 (Mar. 22, 2002)
                    gnrk!        What?     /_________________________
                        `          `,,,     |   _ _
                         OO         ..'     |  |_|_|
                         \\        .||.     |  |_|_|
                   ______ bb ______ || ____ | __________________

Oh, I just realised that you
called Warez Dude "bro", and
how awful it would be if you        ,,,
two were really brothers! `OO       ..'
Imagine the horrid shame! .||.     .||.
                           bb       ||

                               We are.
                           OO       ..'
                          .||.     .||.
      ____________________ bb _____ || ____________________

 Of course. What else,
after my silly diatribe?
                      `             ,,,
                       OO           ..'
                        ))         .||.
         jg___________ d d    _____ || __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 224 (Mar. 23, 2002)
 So you're saying Warez              Yeah.
  Dude is your brother.                  `,,,          ,--.  *bleep*
                    `OO         ,-------- '.. -.       | \ \
                    ((          |`-.______((o._ `-.    +-+-+
                    b b         |__|______ \\ _\_||___,| | |

  _ _
(_(.)_)     As in real     Yeah! What's the                 *kzzt*
 (/|\)        family?         problem?!  `,,,          ,--.  *wwzzz*
 __|-.               `OO        ,-------- '.. -.       | \ \
/)_|_(\              .||.       |`-.______((o._ `-.    +-+-+
' |_| '               bb        |__|______ \\ _\_||___,| | |

The guy is the antichrist!
He is a hellspawn! You're /               ,,,          ,--.  *weoeow*
  nothing like him!  `OO  --    ,-------- '.. -.       | \ \   *bloop*
                     -||-       |`-.______((o._ `-.    +-+-+
             ________ bb ______ |__|______ \\ _\_||___,| | |

   /'/)          I guess you're right. He
  ((.))          kinda takes after our dad.
   \|\                                   `,,,          ,--.
   ,|__               OO        ,-------- '.. -.       | \ \ *booom!*
  /)|_(\             .||.       |`-.______((o._ `-.    +-+-+
jg'|_| ' ____________ bb ______ |__|______ \\ _\_||___,| | | ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 225 (Mar. 24, 2002)
           Are you OK?           Of course not. I'm
                  `,,,           ,  shocked, to say
                   '..         OO   the very least.
                   .||.         ))
             ______ || _______ dd _______

I can understand your            More like
shock. My family isn't        "really freaky".
 what you'd call  `,,,           ,
  "normal"...      '..         OO
                    ||          ))
             ______ || _______ dd _______

Most people take a                I can't
while to accept my               blame 'em.
   relations...   `,,,           ,
                   '..         OO
                   .||.         ))
             ______ || _______ dd _______

Yeah, I had a xtian               You have a total lamer for
friend who totally               a brother, and you keep going
freaked out when he              on about your dad! Do you have
 met my dad, ol'  `,,,           ,  some kind of obsession?!
  Beelzebub...     '..         OO
                   .||.       -||-
           jg______ || _______ dd _______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 226 (Mar. 25, 2002)

 Let's see, where was I?          *  ;  ,      __ *woooooooooooooo...*
 Oh, yes, I just hooked            \  ><    __/ _\
  up that book to that               < `>  ///__ |
 field generator...  `OO            < >  > > >]_ |
                     ((              <  '  \\\  _|-.
                     b b              ><      \__/  `[==

                                           *   __
                         Now.. Let's  ><  / __/ _\ *...ooooooooo...*
                         see here... '  >  ///__ |
                                    `OO  > > >]_ |
                                    ((  <  \\\  _|-.
                                    b b<      \__/  `[==

              I'm in the book! My             Me's gonna knock
             genius is impeccable!        __ ,  ya ded, dwarfie!
                              `          _--\
                    (__)       OO        \__/\
                  (\_oo       -||-        |_||
    _______________ \bb ______ dd _______ d d(\ _______

       Bring it on,        My choice of   __
       stupid troll!      book though... _--\
                   `(__)      `OO        \__/\
                  (\_oo        ||         |_||
      jg___________ \bb ______ dd _______ d d(\ ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 227 (Mar. 26, 2002)
 I'm gonna hack that            Oookay, wait. Is that
 troll to pieces and             really necessary..?       __
  steal his teeth! `             ,                        _--\
                    (__)       OO                         \__/\
                  (\_oo       .||.                         |_||
              _____ \bb ______ dd ___________________      d d(\ ___

You don't understand.          The beards hamper the
Dwarfish has only two           use of a gender sub-       __
pronouns; "them"   `             ,   class, eh?           _--\
 and "us"...        (__)       OO                         \__/\
                  (\_oo       .||.                         |_||
                 __ \bb ______ dd ________________________ d d(\ ___

               Uh...           Tell me, do "us" and "them"
               Right.           in Dwarfish sound a lot    __
                   `             ,  like your words for   _--\
                    (__)       OO  "dwarf" and "troll"?   \__/\
                  (\_oo       .||.                         |_||
              _____ \bb ______ dd ________________________ d d(\ ___

Now that you mention
it... Yeah, they do!             Hoo boy.                  __
                   `             ,                        _--\
                    (__)       OO                         \__/\
                  (\_oo       .||.                         |_||
     jg____________ \bb ______ dd ________________________ d d(\ ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 228 (Mar. 27, 2002)
                    Do you -really- want             Me crush dwarfie!
                     to crush this poor             __  ,
                   dwarf? Think about it.          _--\
             (__)                      `OO         \__/\
           (\_oo                       .||.         |_||
          __ \bb ______________________ bb ________ d d(\ ___

                   Why not be the bigger                None taken.
                   man and walk away? Oh,           __ , Crush dwarfie!
                   uh, no pun intended...          _--\
             (__)                      `OO         \__/\
           (\_oo                       .||.         |_||
          __ \bb ______________________ bb ________ d d(\ ___

                               You're a                WHAT DID YOU
                               bit daft,            __ ,  SAY..?!
                              aren't you?          _oo\
             (__)                      `OO       __\__/\
           (\_oo                        ||        '`|_||
          __ \bb ______________________ bb ________ d d(\ ___

                                   Crush            __
                                  dwarfie!         _--\
             (__)                      `OO/        \__/\
           (\_--                       .||          |_||
    jg______ \bb ______________________ bb ________ d d(\ ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 229 (Mar. 28, 2002)
          Let's not kill each other,              __
          OK? It wouldn't be decent.             _--\
                (__)           `OO               \__/\
              (\_oo            -||-               |_||
                \bb             db                d d(\

                  Let's talk instead. Do       /)    (\
                   you have any hobbies?       |  __  |
                                     `          \_oo\/ - Crushing
                (__)                  OO         \__/    dwarfies!
              (\_oo                  .||.         |_|
                \bb                   bb          d d

                     And you like..
           Slicing trolls!    |
               |           So your common ground  __
                `            ,  is killing each  _--\
             (\ (__)       OO  other. Let's work \__/\
               \_oo       .||. from that. Err..   |_||
                 bb        dd                     d d(\

 He's not doing                                       Nope.
too well, is he?                                  __ ,
               `                                 _--\
                (__)       OO                    \__/\
              (\_oo         ))                    |_||
jg              \bb        dd                     d d(\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 230 (Mar. 29, 2002)
            C'mon, no troll           /)    (\
           vs dwarf war here!         |  __  |
                             `         \_oo\/
                 (\ (__)      OO        \__/
                   \_oo      -||-        |_|
                     bb       db         d d

              At least let me
             get out of the way!        __ (\
                             `         _oo\ /
                   (|(__)    <OO>      \__//
                    |_oo      ||      / |_|
                      bb      bd      \)d d

                                        __ (\
                                       /oo_ |
                     (__)     OO       \__//
                   (\_oo_     ||       ||_|
                     \bb      bb      /)d d

                     Thank God                                  *smack*
                     for elves.        .--. _                   *whack*
                   .--.      `OO      (  ( )_ --                *kapow*
                  (  ( )-    .||.    ( (  )_ - -                *slice*
jg                 (__)--     bb      `------                   *crack*
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 231 (Mar. 30, 2002)
                          You know what I love
 ,,,                      ,  most about this
 '..    ~==    ~..      OO    Easter thing?
 .||.   .]].   .>>.    .||.
  ||     ||     ||      dd

                   Eggs?         No. Not the stupid
        ,,,          `           ,  eggs. Bleh.
        '..    ~==    ~..      OO
        .||.   .]].   .>>.    .||.
         ||     ||     ||      dd

                    Robots?              What? What
               ,,,    `                 ,  robots?
               '..    ~==    ~..      OO
               .||.   .]].   .>>.    .||.
                ||     ||     ||      dd

     That Jesus Christ                         Uh.. No.
      Superstar is   `,,,                      ,  Eww.
     on TV all day?   '..    ~==    ~..      OO
                      .||.   .]].   .>>.    .||.
                       ||     ||     ||      dd

                                                        Great, now you
                             ,,,                       , made me forget
                             '..    ~==    ~..       OO   completely.
                             .||.   .]].   .>>.     ((
jg                            ||     ||     ||      b b
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 232 (Mar. 31, 2002)
 So, what did you            Cut it out.
 guys get me? Any              ,
   cool stuff?   `OO         --~
                 ((         .<<.
                 b b         ||

       But.. It's my          It's April Fool's! I'm not
      birthday today!          ,  falling for that!
                    `OO      ..~
                    .||.    -<<-
                     bb      ||

                     OO             ~..
                     ||              >>
             _______ bb ____________ |\ ____

                     OO                     ~..
                    ((                       >>
         ___________ bb ____________________ |\ ___________________

Hey! I told you about
my birthday MONTHS ago!
What's going on here?!
                    `OO                                       __  ~oo
                    -||-                                     _ -- ->>-
 jg                  bb                                       ---  |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 233 (Apr. 1, 2002)
 What's that           _
 weird noise?        Bjork.   _
            `~..         `O  |_)
             .>>.      |_(._[__]
      _______ || _____ | |b|   | _______________   ______________
                                        \__(_)__\ /__(_)__/
                           __  __             /\
                          /  \/  \           (__) \
                          :      :               --
                      ___  `.  .'               ___
            _________/___\___________          \ _ /  ____
                     -- _-                     /___\      \___
                 ~    -                                       \
           .::...__      ~                                    /
          :::'::::::.......__                                /
          ::.  '::::::::::::::::::....                       \
           '::.:::::::::::::::::'                         ___/
   ... Hey, are                                          /
  you listening?        Sure.   _                        \____
              `~..         `O  |_)                       /\__/
               .>>.      |_(._[__]              ,,,,    /
        _______ || _____ | |b|   | ___         '' _    /
                                               /   _\
                                              / \__|
            Then what     Oh, you meant
            did I say?    listen to YOU?_
                      `~--         `O  |_)
                       .>>.      |_(._[__]
jg_____________________ || _____ | |b|   | ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 234 (Apr. 2, 2002)
                                           ;   So where's this thing I
                          ,,,             ;    ,  just -had- to see?
                          ~~'            :   OO
                         .||.            :    ))
                        _ || ____________:__ d d ______

 Right here. Isn't this a                  ;
wonderful view? And the  `,,,       *     ;
 fresh air is amazing!    ..'      OO    :
                         -||.      ||    :
                        _ || _____ dd ___:__________________

     Aren't you gonna check           I'm busy.
     out the great view?  `,,,        ,
                           ..'     <OO
                          .||.      ||.
                         _ || _____ dd ______________________

              What are you            Using telekinesis to push
                 doing?  `,,,         ,  you off that ledge.
                          '..      <OO
                          .||.      ||.
                         _ || _____ dd ______________________
jg                        |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 235 (Apr. 3, 2002)
              '..                   O
               ||             __L:_:-)_|
          ____ |\ ___________ |    |d| | ____

 Those are LEGO dolls!               FYI, this is not just any LEGO.
You're playing with dolls!           This is Emperor Palpatine and
Are you some kind of  `,,,           ,  Darth Vader complete with
 girl or something?    '..          O   props from the final duel.
                       .||.   __L:_:-)_|
               ________ || __ |    |d| | ____

                       '..          O
                       .||.   __L:_:-)_|
        _______________ || __ |    |d| | _______________

              Can I play?            No.
                      `,,,           ,
                       '..          O
                       .||.   __L:_:-)_|
             jg________ || __ |    |d| | ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 236 (Apr. 4, 2002)
   Why did you fill                I can win $1000's worth of O'Reilly
  out a boring form                books. Don't know what that is, but
     just now?     `,,,            ,  _   $1000 is a lot of money!
                    '..           O  |_)
                    .||.       |_(._[__]
                     || ______ | |b|   |

 You mean you'd enter a           Hey, "quantitative" means continuous,
contest for $1000's worth          and "qualitative" means discrete.
of dog poo? Quantity  `,,,         ,  _
 over quality, eh?     '..        O  |_)
                        ||     |_(._[__]
                        |\     | |b|   |

                   OK...           Continuous stuff is a higher order
                    And?            of infinity than discrete stuff.
                       `,,,        ,  _
                        '..       O  |_)
                        .||.   |_(._[__]
           _____________ || __ | |b|   | _______________

                     So?        I'm just saying.
                       `,,,        ,  _
                        '..       O  |_)
                        .||.   |_(._[__]
 jg_____________________ || __ | |b|   | _____________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 237 (Apr. 5, 2002)
AT THE UNIVERSITY...                            ______________
                           ____________________|We're hiring! |
                          |             __     | We're cool!  ||
                       OO |        _    ..'    |  Work for us,||
                      ((  |      _(%)__.||.__  |____you fool!_||
                      b b |_____ |           | ________|_______|

 I see you have candy in that      No no, we pay
 bowl. Does that mean you pay      people money.______________
 your wages in candy or what? ___________ , ___|We're hiring! |
                          | `           __     | We're cool!  ||
                          |  OO    _    ..'    |  Work for us,||
                          |  ||  _(%)__.||.__  |____you fool!_||
                          |_ bb  |           | ________|_______|

 I have to buy the candy                        ______________
  myself? Too much work.   _____________ ? ____|We're hiring! |
               `          |             __     | We're cool!  ||
                OO        |        _    ..'    |  Work for us,||
                 ))       |      _(%)__.||.__  |____you fool!_||
                d d     jg|_____ |           | ________|_______|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 238 (Apr. 9, 2002)
     Hum di-dum...                                      *munch*
   __ ,                                     *          ,,  *munch*
  (|~~                                      O          .'
  ()PP                                   |_(-.,v____v__`)_|
    |\                                   | |b|        |/| |

           La la la...
         __ ,                                          ,,
        (|~~                               O           .'
        ()PP                            |_(  _,v____v_o-)_|
       __ |\ _________________ *screech*| |b |        |/| | __

                   Larira-  OK! WE KNOW YOU'RE GOOD-
                 __ ,        LOOKING! GET OVER IT!     ,,
                (|~~            `OO                    .'
                ()PP             -\\-   |_   _,v____v-. )_|
  _______________ |\ _____________ dd _ | |  |        |/| | __________

                                The -nerve- of          *chomp*
                 __               some people.         ,, *crunch*
                (|oo                       `O          .'
                ()PP                     |_(-._v____v__`)_|
     jg__________ || ___________________ | |b|        |/| | ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 239 (Apr. 10, 2002)
                                     Nerd Boy, we need
                                     to talk to you...       ,,,
                             OO                      `..~    ..'
                            .||.                      <<     ||
                      ______ bb _____________________ /| ___ /|

                   Why? What's        You've been acting weird lately.
                    going on?            ,     ,,,
                            `OO        ..~     ..'
                            .||.      .<<.    .||.
                        ____ bb ______ || ____ || _________

              You snap at people, make
             threats. Your social skills
              are actually getting worse
                 than they already were!       ,,,
                             OO       `..~     ..'
                            .||.      .<<.    .||.
         ___________________ bb ______ || ____ || ______________

         Maybe I don't want to        Maybe you listen to NIN too much.
        follow social standards.      You should give us all your CDs.
        Maybe I gave up trying                `,,,
         to figure it out!  `OO        ..~     ..'
                            -||-      .<<.    .||.
jg _________________________ bb ______ || ____ || ________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 240 (Apr. 11, 2002)
                              Stop following
      ,,,                     ,  me around!
      '..    ~..            OO
       ||     >>           ((
       |\     |\           b b

Look; unlike Fan Boy, who's just
a jerk, I'm beginning to worry!         About what?!
                 ,,,    `                ,
                 '..    ~..            OO
                 .||.   .>>.          -||-
               __ || ___ || __________ dd

                       Your mental
                 ,,,       ,
                 '..    ~..            OO
                 .||.   .>>.           ||
        _________ || ___ || __________ dd _________

   Isn't it a bit
   late for that?
                 '..    ~--            OO
                 .||.   .>>.            ))
jg_______________ || ___ || __________ dd ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 241 (Apr. 12, 2002)

  ____________________________________ bb ___________________________

     _    __ __
    /.\ .'  ( oo                       OO
  _// \\  //_`-'__                    .||.
 /.-'  `-'--)\'--)\ __________________ bb _______

                                  _  _
                               /( oo
                            /__ /
                           // //
                          // //
                        _//_//         OO
                        )/ )/         .||.
jg                   __ '  ' _________ bb __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 242 (Jun. 23, 2002)
 Hey, Mandy. Have                Nope. He's been a total
you seen Nerd Boy?               recluse for months now.
                `,,,              ,  _
                 '..            ~.  |_)
                  ||           |_>._[__]
               __ |\ _________ | |\|   | _______

   You live just down the        You got it,
   hall from him and you          Fan Boy!
   haven't seen him   `,,,        ,  _
   at all in months?   '..      ~.  |_)
                       .||.    |_>._[__]
               ________ || ___ | |\|   | _______

   It hasn't occured to you        Are you kidding? With him not
   that something might be        hogging the computer, I can play
    wrong? Aren't you   `,,,      ,  __ MUDs all day long.
    even the least bit   '..    ~.. |)_)
   concerned about him?  .||.  |_>>_[_]_]
                     ____ || _ | |\|  | | ___

        But.. That's -his-      ..and therefore..?
          computer..!   `,,,      ,  __
                         '..    ~.. |)_)
                         -||-  |_>>_[_]_]
                 jg______ || _ | |\|  | | ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 243 (Jun. 25, 2002)
MEANWHILE...                               \   /  :   --._ /
                                            \      \      /
     Wh- what's going on? What am I          \-.     /\  /
     doing here? What's that weird       ___  \_\    `: /
        machine? Did I build that?      |)__) _|  .   _|
                    ` OO                 \__\__|   _ |_|
                     ((                   \ / /| _:    |
                      bb                   \\_\/____))__\

oo       I'm getting out of here!                                 ___
-'        , That machine doesn't                                 |)__)
__      OO   look very safe...                                    \__\_
--)\   ((                                                          \ /
______ b b ___                              _______________________ \\_

you must destroy those
 who have opposed you
\___OO     nerd boy
 __ bb _____________________________________________________________

         VENGEANCE WILL BE MINE!          See?
         THE WORLD SHALL SUFFER!        He's fine!   ___ ___
                ,                              `    | ,,|LAB|
              OO                                ..~ | ..|   |
             -||-                              -<<. |.|||  o|
jg___________ bb _____                      ___ || _|_|||___| ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 244 (Jun. 27, 2002)
LATER...    Yees... Yesss,   \  \ ,      /
           this is perfect!  /______/   / Hold it! What are you doing
                         `___\      \  /  in Nerd Boy's lab, evildoer?
                         |||| )______\|                       ` __
                          \  \\_      |                         oo|___
                           \  \_/     |                        -\/>
       ____________________ \__\\___:__\                 ______ /\

Welcome, pesky Executor. I believe your         Oh, it's just you.
 question answers itself. How moronic!          See ya later then!
     ___`  \     `: /                         __ ,
    |)_ OO |  .   _|                      ___|oo
     \__|| |   _ |_|                         .\/-
      \ /bb| _:    |                          />
       \\_\/____))__\ ___________________

            Hey, wait! I'm taking
             over the world here!
                 HELLOOO-OO?!  `OO
                           ____ bb ________________________

     Aw crap. I didn't even get a
     chance to use my excessively
       elaborate death traps.  `OO
 jg____________________________ bb __________________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 245 (Jun. 30, 2002)
 what are                          Preparing to take
_ you doing                         over the world.
oo                                   , _
-'                                  O |_)
                                 |_( _[__]
             ___________________ | |b|   | ________

 yes.. perfecting the               No, memorizing the
__ doomsday machine                 Evil Overlord List.
 oo                                  , _
`-'                                 O |_)
\___                             |_( _[__]
'--)) __________________________ | |b|   |

 but.. surely NOW is          Ye-ess,        Hey, we should make
_ the time for revenge..     master...      a Star Wars fan film!
oo   come.. come...          ,         _               `,,,
-'                         OO         |_)               ..'
_))                         ))  |_   _[__]              ||
-'         _______________ d d  | |  |   | ____________ /| _

            So.. many feelings..                    ?
           colliding... EEUURGH!!  _               ,,,
                      `Oo         |_)              ..'
                      -||-  |_   _[__]            .||.
 jg___________________ db _ | |  |   | ___________ || ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 246 (Jul. 2, 2002)
                                Not now, Insanity; I'm working on the
                                lightsaber FX for our Star Wars movie.
             _    __ __               , _
            /.\ .'  ( oo             O |_)
          _// \\  //_`-'__        |_(._[__]
         /.-'  `-'--)\'--)\ _____ | |b|   |

           ___ __                       _
         .'   ( ,,                   O |_)
     ,-.( \ |`_`-'.__             |_(._[__]
    _)/`.__)`--)\`--)\ __________ | |b|   |

__                                      _
 ,,                                  O |_)
`-'_                              |_(._[__]
`--)\ ___________________________ | |b|   |

                                     O |_)
jg ______________________________ | |b|   | ___________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 247 (Jul. 4, 2002)
   Oh -Lorf-! -Crappy-     _    Uh.. What or who is this "Lorf"?
   free web servers! `O   |_)      `..~
                     |_\ _[__]      <<
                   _ | |b|   | ____ /| _________

      You know, the Lorf.             No. I really don't, and
      Our Almighty Lorf.   _          ,  you're a total wacko.
                       `O |_)      ..~
                     |_(._[__]    -<<.
                 ___ | |b|   | ___ || ________

Oh yeah?! Well, -you're- a            Uh.. I can get a
girl! -I- can get therapy! _          ,  sex change.
                      `O  |_)      ..~
                     |_\-_[__]    .<<.
               _____ | |b|   | ___ || ______

            Ewwww! PERV!   _ Oh, I -give up-!
                     `OO  |_)      `~--
                   _ .||-_[__]      ->>-
             __ __|_  bb |   | _____ |\ __

               ..I WIN!    _
                     `OO  |_)
                   _ -||-_[__]
jg         ____ __|_  db |   | _________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 248 (Jul. 7, 2002)

                      _  *click*        Go to bed already! Your
                   O |_)   *clack*        stupid clicking is  `--~
                |_(._[__]                  keeping me awake!  .<<.
     jg________ | |b|   | ____________________________________ || _


       -x-                    .::.
        |                       `::     _  _
                              .:::'     _\/_                     |
     ____ -__ ~==             `::::. .:(.(._)                   -x-
  __  _ -__- .//-     ...          `::::::::::            ___    |
       ---   //        `::         .::::::::::.         .'   `.
                        :::.    ..::::::::::::::.   .==/       \==.
                     :..:'`::..:::  `::::::::.  `; (( |         | ))
                      `'    `::'    ::  `::::::     `==+=======+=='
                                   :::.     `:::.       `.___.'
                    _\/_           `::::.     `::
                     /\               `:::      '

                  HOW SHOULD I KNOW?! GIMME A BREAK!
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 249 (Jul. 9, 2002)
        |                 *ZAP!*    *ZOT!*_ __   .:::.
       -x-            ~==  ,_ ____ ___ \|(x(x_).:::'
        |             .[]-( _-_ -__ _ -- ::::::::. ,.::.     _\/_
                       />  `     ..    /|::::::::::::::::     /\
                                  `:::.. .::::::'  ..`:::
                                 .:' `:::::::    .::::::'
                                        `""'      `'

 Our Star Wars fan film won't            Yeah, where they cut between
  have any of those stupid  `,,,        , the cool duel and some silly
  cuts like in Ep. 1 & 6.    '..      OO   crap you don't care about.
                             .||.    .||.
          ___________________ || ____ dd __________________________

             |               :::'     `:::::.
           _\|/_              ||`:.   _ __`:::.      .::::.
            /|\                      ('('_)::::.  ..:::' `::
   __  __    |                       `::::::::::::::::     ;      |
_-_- _(__)_                     ,:\____)__)::::::::::'           -x-
 -_ <_<__>_>                    :::::::::::::' ::::::::. ..:      |
                                 `::::::::'        `:::::::'

            They always leave           Yeah, wondering what'll happen
             you hanging!   `,,,        ,  next. Let's not have that.
                             '..      OO    Dramatic tension my ass.
                             .||.    .||.
 jg__________________________ || ____ dd ______________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 250 (Jul. 11, 2002)
             Nerd Boy?      ,,,
                    `~..    '..
                      >>     ||
         ____________ |\ ___ |\ ________________________
    ________________________________    ___________________
            He was here    Woah.       `Hey there! I kinda got inspired
          a minute ago...    `,,,        by Betty Bad and made antigrav
                       `~..   '``          boots. Aren't they cool?!
                        .>>.  .||.
         _______________ || __ ||  _____________________
    _______________________________    ____________________
                            ,,,       `What's up? Why are
                      ~``   '``          you staring?
                      .>>.  .||.
      ________________ || __ ||  _______________________
    _______________________________    ____________________
     We're waiting                  oo
  to see when you run       ,,,      *
   out of batteries. `~``   '``
                      .>>.  .||.
jg____________________ || __ ||  _______________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 251 (Jul. 14, 2002)
        I will
     DESTROY you!    ,,,
              `OO \/ ..'
       _____ /_bb __ || _____________________

                       . o o`-
                   // 'w,  ` s \
                 -((-\       \h |
                  ,'' \   ?
                  ```    OO  /
              ________ /_bb ______________

                             `` *SLICE!*
                           '..  /   |
                           .||-/\\- T
                    _______ || /_bb ____

 Hey! What are you        Er.. Just... -tweaking- the, erm,
doing at my computer?     cuts in our Star Wars fan film...
              `                     `,,, _
               OO                    '. |_)
              .||-                 |_(._[__]
  jg__________ bb ________________ | |\|   | ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 252 (Jul. 16, 2002)
So.. I tried to call you and        Hmm? Oh, I disconnected the phone
 kept getting a busy signal.          during a thunderstorm. Didn't
                     `,,,             , _  wanna electrocute it.
             ~..      '..            O |_)
              >>      .||.        |_(._[__]
          ___ |\ _____ || _______ | |b|   | ________

That was days ago.                  Um.. I started reading the PvP
So why haven't you                  archives, and now I can't stop.
reconnected it yet?   ,,,             , _
             `~..     '..            O |_)
              .>>.    .||.        |_(._[__]
          ____ || ____ || _______ | |b|   | ________

                              I feel a real connection with these
                      ,,,    characters,_as if I've known them all
              ~..     '..           `O |_) my life. We have so much
              .>>.    .||.        |_(._[__] in common it scares me.
          ____ || ____ || _______ | |b|   | ________

        *cuckoo!*     *giggle*
             `         ,,,              _
              ~,'      ~~'           O |_)
              ->>-    -||.        |_(._[__]
        jg____ || ____ || _______ | |b|   | ________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 253 (Jul. 18, 2002)
  Aah. I love cinema.     Well I sure as heck don't.
                  `,,,    ,
            .---.- '..  OO -.---.---.
            |   |   ||  ||  |  __   |
             .---.---.---.--- '.. ---.
             |   |   |   |   |(( |   |

       What? How can        You're kidding, right? The big screen just
        you say that?!      brings out the crappy image quality, it's
                    `,,,    ,     way too loud, and even then, people
            .---.--- '..  OO ---.---.  manage to laugh or talk in the
            |   |   |(( |(( |  __   |   wrong places so that I can't
             .---.---.---.--- '.. ---.  hear the movie. It -sucks-!
             |   |   |   |   |(( |   |

            .---.--- '..  OO --- Excuse me, could you
            |   |   |(( |(( | __ ,  please be quiet?
             .---.---.---.--- ..' ---.
             |   |   |   |   |(( |   |

                             See?! This is -exactly-
                             what I'm talking about!
                     ,,,    ,    YOU! SHUT.. UP!
            .---.--- '--  OO ---.---.
            |   |   |(( |((-  __    |
             .---.---.---.--- oo' ---.
           jg|   |   |   |   |(( |   |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 254 (Jul. 21, 2002)
                ,,,                        Tee hee!
                '..             OO                `~^^
                 ||            ((                   >>
            ____ |\ ___________ bb ________________ |\ _______

      Another experiment          Yeah. And as always, Mandy was
        gone bad?   `,,,          ,   there to add insult to
                     '..        OO    injury. I -hate- that!
                     .||.      -||-
                 ____ || ______ dd ________________

If it bothers you that
much, talk to her.  `,,,
 Explain how you     '..        OO
  feel and all.      .||.      .||.
                 ____ || ______ dd ____

                     '..        OO
                     .||.      .||.
                 ____ || ______ dd ____

                                  OK you lost me.
                     ,,,          ,
                     '..        OO
                     .||.       ||
    jg_______________ || ______ dd __________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 255 (Jul. 23, 2002)
There she is. Come         OK.. Mandy?      Yeah?
on, talk to her. `,,,          ,            ,
                  '..        OO          ..~
                  .||.      ((          .<<.
         _________ || _____ b b ________ || _________

                    The only thing you          Oh yeah? Fine!
                    ever do is heckle me.      I've had enough
                      I've had enough!         of -you too-!
                  ,,,          `               ,
                  '..           OO          ~--
                  .||.         <||>         ->>-
         _________ || _________ bb _________ |\ _____

                                  Wow. That was so easy! And
                  ,,,             ,  I feel so much better!
                  '..           OO    Thank you, Fan Boy!
                  .||.         .||.
           _______ || _________ dd ________

                                She's gone FOREVER now! YOU
                               RUINED MY LIFE! I'LL KILL YOU!
                  ,,,            ,
                  'oo          @@
                 -((-          -\\.
         jg_______ \\ _________ dd ________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 256 (Jul. 25, 2002)
       I know how       And she's been gone for what,
      to make Mandy      five minutes? Who cares?!
        come back!                  `,,,
                  `OO                ..'
                  //                .||.
            ____ b b _______________ || _______

   I'll woo her! She won't    Is that the "big white phone" I hear?
    be able to resist my       I'm expecting a call from "Ralph".
   charming boyish charms!         `,,,
                       `OO          '..
                       -||-         .||.
            ___________ db _________ || _______

   Wha- Nothing you say      Then at least
   will make me give up!       -shut- up.
                        `              `,,,
                         OO             '--
                       .//-              ||
            ___________ bb _____________ |\ ___

         OK, what's with      It's my pathetic attempt to
          the attitude?!      fill the void left by Mandy.
                       `               `,,,
                        OO              ',,
                       .||.             ((
          jg___________ bb _____________ )) ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 257 (Jul. 28, 2002)
Actually, I'm glad
Mandy left! She was
 so full of crap!  Um..
       `            `,,,
       OO            ..'
      .||.          .||.
______ bb __________ || ____________

               She's standing
              right behind you.
       OO               ..'
      .||.              -)).
______ bb _____________ /( _________

I knew that! I was joking!
You think I'm an idiot?!     ,,,
      `OO                    ..'
      .||.                  .||.
______ bb __________________ || ____

                                   OK, don't                  *laugh*
                                  answer that.                *point*
                                            `                      ,,,
                                             OO                    ~~'
                                            .||.                  -||.
jg__________________________________________ dd __________________ ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 258 (Jul. 30, 2002)
                 With Mandy gone, I                          /_________
                guess we'll have to         ,,,               |    ___
               buy our -own- milk. `OO      ..'               |   |_|_|
                                     ))     ||                |   |_|_|
     ______________________________ d d ___ /| _______________|________

                __              YIKES!
               _\=              ,     `,,,
           _   / |            Oo       oo'
          /(_.'  |           -//-     -//-
          `._    | _________ dd _____ //

    I Have Mandy.          And I have
               `__         a raygun!
               _\=             ,      ,,,
               / |       ___ OO       ..'
              /  |        `{-||      .||.
      ___ ._,'   `-; _______ dd _____ || ________________

    This Is Merely
      A Hologram.       -Always- when I
               `__      bring a raygun!
               _\=             ,      ,,,
               / |           OO       --'
           ,  /  |            ))      ||
jg_______ (`-'   `. ________ dd _____ || ______________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 259 (Aug. 1, 2002)
I Have Mandy. I Will Exchange        What?! I can't let that fall
Her For Your Time Machine. `__        into the clutches of evil!
                           _\=          ,      ,,,
                           / |        OO       ..'
                      ,__.'  |       -||-     .||.
            _________ \      `. _____ dd _____ || ______________

For Proof That I Have The Girl,       For a hologram, he
  Watch This Recording...  `__        sure packs a punch.
                           _\=               `,,,
                           / |                '..
                      |\_.'  |                .||.        pp
            _________ `.     | _______________ || _____ -//- ___

            Save me Nerd Boy!                  ,,,
             I love you! `~..                  ..'        O#
                          ->>-                .||.        -\\-
     _____________________ || ________________ || __ *pop* dd __

                                 Did you -see that-?
                                             |     Yes! Mandy loves me!
                               That guy totally looked      |
                                  like Darth Vader!     What guy?
                                             `,,,           ,
                                              '..         O#
                                              -||.        ||
  jg___________________ *vanish!* ____________ || _______ dd ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 260 (Aug. 4, 2002)
               Me from the future! You
              must know something about
     _          Mandy's kidnapping!  `        ,,,
    ".O                               OO      ..'
   .((                               -||.    .||.
 _ |b b _____________________________ dd ____ || _______

 Indeed. I've spent my                 Woah.. -There's- a future
 life travelling time                     to look forward to.
  trying to thwart  ` _                      `,,,
   the kidnapping.   ".O              OO      ..'
                    .((               ||     .||.
           ________ | bb ____________ dd ____ || ____

 Time travel will -not-       I won't! Let's
 work! Heed my warning!        go, Fan Boy!
  Don't throw your  ` _              `        ,,,
     life away!      ".O              OO/     ..'
                    .((-             .||     .||.
           ________ | bb ____________ bb ____ || ____

                     *Mission*                  Did you notice they
                  *Accomplished*               shut down the Ragnarok
                      _ ,                          beta servers?  `,,,
                      \|                                           '..
                  _  ((                                             ||
 jg_____________ ".O  bb __________________________________________ |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 261 (Aug. 6, 2002)
Well, if time travelling is         From her kidnapper or
 out, we'll have to find            ,  her bad attitude?
another way to save Mandy.       ,,,
                      `OO        ..'
                        ))      .||.
                    __ d d _____ /| ______________________

 No time for jokes!            You got your ass
Notice anything when            ,  kicked?
that hologram hit me?        ,,,
                   `OO       ..'
                   <||.     .||.
                ___ bb _____ || ______________________

The blow seemed to come        Just admit it; you got your
 from above, not from           ,   ass kicked by an
 the hologram itself.        ,,,   intangible entity.
                   `OO       ~~'
                   .||.     .||.
                ___ db _____ || ______________________

I have a feeling that          "Intangible entity".. HOHO!
hologram was projected         ,  HAHAHA.. OW, my ribs!
 from a spaceship...        ,,,
                `OO         ~~'
                  ))        -\\-
   jg___________ d d _______ // ______________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 262 (Aug. 8, 2002)
   So you're saying the               Exactly! Quick,
 hologram that took Mandy            to the hovercraft!
is somewhere in space?  ` ,,,         ,
                          '..      \OO
                          .||.      ||.
                       ___ || _____ dd _____

            Huh. Why not call it the          Give it a rest.
              "Nerdmobile" while  ` ,,,          ,
                 you're at it?      '..        OO
                                     ||       ((
                         ___________ |\ _____ b b ____

                                            There she is, interstellar
                        .-------.    ______  hyperdrive raring to go.
                       /         )__/_____(      ,    ,,,
                      /_|\______/   _____|     OO     ..'
                     (____________///////(    .||.   .||.
               ______  _|_        ```````` ___ dd ___ || ______

           \ `    /
        -  *CRASH!* -
       `. -.  || ,-  *fzzzt*      AND WE'RE OFF
      __  '.  []   .-   ______  TO A GREAT START!
   '-.  `.    ==~   -__/_____(      ,     ,,,
     ---  _ *meep* \   _____|     @@      oo'
        .-'_    _ |`\///////(    -||-    .//.
jg______  _(_  |     ```````` ___ dd ___ // ______________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 263 (Aug. 11, 2002)
   *Mission*                  Good.
  *Accomplished*                 `____
      *Sir!*            __       _\==/_       __
          _            _\/_      |    |      _\/_
         _\|           |\/|      |    |      |\/|
         |\/          _ || __ ._/      `-; __ || _
     ____ || ________/                            \____

           Soon I Will Have The Time             Ha! Revealing secret
         Machine With Which I Can Change         plans in front of us
            The Past To My Advantage.            prisoners so we can
                                 `____            tell the good guy?
                        __       _\==/_       __             _`____ ___
   _                   _\/_      |    |      _\/_           |  __  |
  |/_                  |\/|   _  |    |      |\/|           |  ..' |  .
  \/|                 _ || __ \`-'     \ ____ || _          |------|---
  /| ________________/                            \_________|  ||  |  d

                                   Right You Are.
                                  Kill Them All.
                                  __ ,                       *eep!*
                        __       _\=|         _              ______ ___
                       _\/_      |  |        _\|            |   __ |
                       |\/|   _.'   |        |\/-           |   oo'|
                      _ || __ `.    | _______ |\ _          |------|---
            jg_______/                            \_________|  //  |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 264 (Aug. 13, 2002)
Just sitting around?!            I know, I'm not a         *Hovercraft
 Mandy was kidnapped!             complete idiot.            rebuilt.*
                `,,,             , _                        ,  *meep*
                 '..            O |_)                     ==~
                  ||         |_(._[__]                   .[[.
          _______ |\ _______ | |b|   | __________________ || ____

              "Not a complete            Now we can finally use the
             idiot"? Hehehe...          hovercraft to save Mandy and
                _      `,,,               ,   then you might shut
               |_)      '~~             OO     up for a change.
          |_  _[__]      ||            ((
 ________ | | |   | ____ |\ __________ b b _________
                                       _.--'   _.--'\
                                   _.-'    _.-'      \
                                 .'      .'           \
                               .'      .'              \
                              /       /                 \______________
                             /       /                  /
                            /_______/                  /
                            \       \                 /  ______________
                             \_______\_______________/ .'`._
 It's         Eh. I liked the \  ____ \               /`._  `---.______
massive!      old one better.  \ \___\ \             /    `---.________
   `,,,       ,                 \ \___\ \            \`._
    'oo     OO                   \_\___\_\____________\  `---._________
    -||-    ||                                 `._     `._
  __ || ___ bb _________________________________jg`---.___`---.________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 265 (Aug. 15, 2002)
               Wait. The new hovercraft      *eeeto... Yes,
              is huge. Where did we get      about that...*
        ,,,    the money to build it?       ,   *meep*
        '..               `OO             ==~
         ||                ||            .[[.
    ____ |\ ______________ bb ___________ || ________________

 We borrowed the          From who?                   Y0.
    money.   `,,,            ,                          \ ,,,
              '..          OO             ==~             --
              .||.         ||            .[[.            -//.
          ____ || ________ dd ___________ || __________ _/ )_

I know you hate him,                       4ND N0W W3 C4N
but he was our only                        S4V3 D4T M4NDY
  chance!    `,,,                              B4B3!!   \ ,,,
              '..          OO            ~==              --
              -||-         ||            .]].            .//,____
    __________ || ________ dd ___________ || __________ _/<      |_

        / Little did they know that he had  \
       |  brought his raygun and that W3R3Z  |
        \D00D was in for a nasty surprise.../
              ,,,        o.                 *meep?*       ,,,
              '..          OO             ==~             --
              .||.         ||            .[[.            .//,____
    jg________ || ________ dd ___________ || __________ _/<      |_
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 266 (Aug. 18, 2002)
                    ____________                       Huh.
                   |  INCOMING  |                       ,
                   |TRANSMISSION|                    ..~
                   |____________|                   .<<.
     _______________________________________________ || _____

                    *So. Are We Enjoying
                     Our Captivity Yet?*             This place needs
                    ____________                     colour. How about
                   |\  ---. ,--/|                      ,   curtains?
                   | \  --- --/ |                    ..~
                   |__\___.-./__|                   .<<-
  __________________________________________________ || _____

                      *Enjoying it
 *vrrrrCLICK*        too much, maybe.*               Pfft. Call that a
._   ___            ____________                     raygun? Now, about
 _`-//  \_         |\  ---. ,--/|                      ,  the curtains.
[[ ((  =(_)        | \  --- --/ |                    ..~    I can..
 _,-\\__/          |__\___.-./__|                   .<<.
' __________________________________________________ || _____
              __                         _.-'| \    \|
            /| `'\                      |    |  \____\
           | |`.(O)                     |    |  /OOOO/
._   ___   | |__|   ____________        |_.-' \/OOOO/  nevermind
 _`-//  \_ |/      |\   `-. ,--/|      ,-.________     ,
[[ ((  =(_)        | \  --- --/ |     /._,-====--'   oo~
 _,-\\__/          |__\___.-./__|    / /             <<
'jg________________________________ / / ____________ || _____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 267 (Aug. 20, 2002)
                               Why are we so many? It's a
                             heroic rescue, not a field trip!
             ,,,     ,,,        ,
             '..      --      OO         ==~
             .||.     \\     .||.       .[[.
       ______ || _____ )\_ __ dd _______ || ____________

    Actually, Linda           Oh great! Why not the whole family?
   wants to come too.          Hey, let's invite Santa Claus!
     __     `,,,     ,,,        ,
    #..      '..     --       OO         ==~
     )|      -||.    .\\.    -||-       .[[.
   _ |\ _____ || ___ _/ >  __ dd _______ || _______________

           What?              Well, it ought to get lonely
             `                on the North Pole in summer!
        __   ,,,     ,,,        ,
       #..   '..     --       OO         ==~
       .)|.  .||.    .\\.    `||>       .[[.
      _ || __ || ___ _( \_ __ dd _______ || ___________________

   Is he being                OF COURSE                    Aw crap.
    sarcastic?                 I AM!!                          `  __
        __  ` ,,,    ,,,     `  ,        ?                       /-.\
       #..    ..'    --     - @@        ~==                      .. *
       .)|.  .||.    .\\.    -||-       .]].                    (" )
 jg____ || __ || ___ _( \_ __ dd _______ || ____________________ || __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 268 (Aug. 22, 2002)
                                     Didn't I Tell You Not
          *Sir!*                        To Disturb Me?   ` ___
             `_                                           _\__|_
             _\|_                                         |    |
             |\/|                                      __.'    |
              ||                                 _____ `.      |

 *Interstellar*                 So... He Figured Out Where
  *Hyperdrive*                   I Am, Built A Spaceship ` ___
 *Detected!* `_                 And Is Coming To Get Me?  _\__|_
             _\|_                 How Very Amusing..._    /    |
             |\/|                                    |`-.'     |
              ||                              _______ \        |

            *Yes*                                      Wait.
           *Sir*                                          ` __
          _ ,                                             _|=_/_
         |/_                                              |    |
         \/|                                              |    |
         /|                                      _______ /     |

                                         Disturbing Me With
                                        Insignificance... `___
          (                                               |    |
          _)                                             /     |
jg      .;-.`.                              ___________ /      |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 269 (Aug. 25, 2002)
I'll go see what the                               |__________|_ |
others are up to. `,,,      __                      | ,,,      | |
                   '..      ..#                     | --       | |
                   .||.    .|(.                    /__,//,____/  |
            _______ || ____ || ___________________|  _/<      |__|

Bro, don't hit on                            5UR3 TH1NG.  ____|_ |
my girlfriend. `,,,         __                      \ ,,,      | |
                ..'         ..#                       --       | |
                ||         .|(.                    /__,//,____/  |
                /| ________ || ___________________|  _/<      |__|

                                        D1D 1 3V3R T3LL Y00  _|_ |
                            __       ,,, /  H0W H0T Y00 R?     | |
                           #..       --  ____                  | |
                           .)|.      //   --       /__________/  |
            _______________ || ___ _/( ___________|           |__|

          Yes you did, and then                     _____________
          I kicked you in the..    R111GHT.        |__________|_ |
                          ` __         \ ,,,        | (o)  __  | |
                           #--    __      --        | ___ |__| | |
                           .)|.  `------  \\       /_/_//_..._/  |
jg_________________________ || ___________ )\_ ___|           |__|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 270 (Aug. 27, 2002)

            *fzeeeep*                              What's up?
  *blip*______                                             `,,,
       |    | \  ==~                     OO                 ..'
       |    |  |-[[.                    .||.                ||
       |____|__| ||                      dd                 /|

                               She's scanning to see where the
                               evil kidnapper is holding Mandy.
  *blop*______                              ,         ,,,
       |    | \  ==~                      OO          ..'
       |    |  |-[[.                     -||.        .||.
       |____|__| ||                       bb          ||

                  *Got it!*              Really?
  *tada*______     ,  *meep*               ,          ,,,
       |    | \  ==~                     OO           ..'
       |    |  |.[[.                     -\\-        .||.
  ____ |____|__| || _____________________ dd ________ || _______

  *Oops. That was just the secret Playboy space
 station. Erasing coordinates; continuing search.*     !
        ______     ,       *meep*                     ,,,
       |    | \  ==~                     oO           oo'
       |    |  |-[[.                     -\\-        .||.
     jg|____|__| ||                       dd          ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 271 (Aug. 29, 2002)
OUR HEROES HAVE FINALLY REACHED                          ___
THE EVIL KIDNAPPER'S LAIR...                            /   \
                                          *            /     \     *
                                                      /       \
                        .           |                /         \
       *                           -x-       .      /           \
                                    |              /             \
                *                                 /               \
   .                                  *          /                 \
                           .                    /                   \
                                               /                     \
 It's a huge black                      .     /_______________________\
featureless monolith!                         \                       /
            `         Look at the size         \_____________________/
            _______  ,  of that thing!
          _/___  \_\                                  .       *
   .     '-----`---'               .
             ,       \                       *
         *meep*      D00D.
               .           .                              *        .
   *                                              .


       ..if T was a pointer,           Dork girl! Can't you see
       'cause then he'd have          I'm working out? GO.. AWAY.
        to dereference.  `            ,
                          ~OO      --
                          .>>.    .||-o
jg                         ||      bb
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 272 (Sep. 1, 2002)
############# *Sir!* *Ship* ###########################################
######  _   ## *Approaching!* ################ Leave Me Alone. ########
###### _\|  ###########################################################
###### |\/  ###########################################################
######  ||  ###########################################################
####### `;.   #########################################################
########  "'    #######################################################
#########     #########################################################
########## ############################################################
############# *According* *To* ############ Very Well. Ready The ######
######  _   ## *Your* *Orders*.. ########## Ion Disruptor Cannon ######
###### _\|  ################################ And  Fire  At Will. ######
###### |\/  ###########################################################
######  ||  ###########################################################
####### `;.   #########################################################
########  "'    #######################################################
#########     #########################################################
########## ############################################################
######      ############################### And Get Someone To Fix ####
######|_    ################################# The Lights In Here! #####
######/|    ###########################################################
######|     ###########################################################
#######       #########################################################
########        #######################################################
#########     #########################################################
jg######## ############################################################
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 273 (Sep. 3, 2002)

My computer picked up
  a fluxing DPF  `
   reading!      ~OO             --
                  >>             ||-o
           ______ |\ ___________ bb _______________________________

   Do you realize what            Does it have something to
     this means?!   `              ,   do with my pecs?
                    ~OO          --
                    ->>-        o||
        ____________ || ________ dd ___________________________

 -Someone's- been using
  the interdimensional
    transporter...  `
                     OO~         --
                    .<<.        o||
     _______________ || ________ dd _______________________

               But who?!               The suspense is
                 WHO?!               killing me. Really.
                    `                  ,
                    ~OO              --
                    ->>-            ((o
jg__________________ || ___________ b b _____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 274 (Sep. 5, 2002)
  *They are readying         Fan Boy!     Way ahead of you. I've
 their ion disruptors!*      Shields!      seen Star Trek too.
           ,  *meep!*    ___  ,                `,,,
   ___  ~==             /\  OO                  '..  ____
  |   \ .[[             \ \_||_                  ||./    |
  |____| || ____________ \__\bb\ _______________ |||_____| ________

      |''''''''.         |''''''''.      <> |''''''''. |/      |
      |_______  :        |_______  :        |_______  :  -     |
      |___  \_\ :        |___  \_\ :        |___  \_\ : \      |
      |---`---' :        |---`---' :        |---`---' :        |

   *Our shields
   are holding.*           Good. Now..
           ,             ___  ,                 ,,,
   ___   ==~            /\  OO                  ..'  ____
  |   \ .[[.            \ \_||_                .||. /    |
  |____| ||              \__\bb\                || |_____|

                              -._  .                         ___
 Was that supposed           .--.\_/ .       This Is Not    /   \
   to happen..?             ' .--x--'       A Good Thing.  /     \
           `  _______        / .'\`--'                 `  /       \
            _/___  \_\        (  `._                     /_________\
           '-----`---' \                               , \_________/
jg                     D00D.                  *No* *Sir*
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 275 (Sep. 8, 2002)

 /             ?                             _
  _           --                        ~O  |_)
 -            ||                       |_>._[__]
 `.     _____ dd _____________________ | |\|   | ________

/                                            _   *clickety*
 ,'     --                              ~O  |_)
 _       ))                            |_>._[__]
\   ___ d d __________________________ | |\|   | ___________

 .'                                          _
 -    --                                ~O  |_)
  -   ||                               |_>._[__]
 `. _ dd _____________________________ | |\|   | ______________

        Is this wall supposed
      to glow eerily like this?         TAKE COVER!
 /_      ,                                ,  _
 _     --                               OO~ |_)
  -   -||                            _ -<<-_[__]
\ jg__ bb _______________________ __|_  || |   | __________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 276 (Sep. 10, 2002)

      ;  ___       `--.      Woah...          ___     `.
 |          `---.__    `     ,    |      .---'              \
                          qq      `
    :      ----._____    -//-    ~OO                      :
                         OO       -77-   --._____
                                   / \           `--     ;   /
     .             ___.
 \    `        .--'                    `-.__               \
                                            `-      ,'

|    /   You.. You're a nerd?!  \      |             \\               |
|      -.      ,     `             ,   |            -<<-              |
|            OO       OO~              |             OO~              |
| `.       .//-      -<<.              |    OO         `              |
|          bb          \\      -    \  |    -\\-      Let's stay here |
| /  -'          `.         \          |      bb        forever...    |


   Everything's back
    to normal again!        I'm back!         NOOOOOOOOO!!!
                `,,,          ,                 ,
                 '..       ~..                @@
                 -||-      ->>-              -||-
jg_______________ || ______ || ______________ dd ___________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 277 (Sep. 12, 2002)
Hey, why so glum?                                              ,,,
 Everything's  `~..                               OO           ..'
 normal again!   >>                                ))          ||
        ________ |\ _____________________________ dd _________ /| ____

                                    You're Wrong. I Am Still In
                                 ___ ,   This Dimension, And
                                |=_/     Stronger Than Ever!
                                |  \                          ,,,
                     ~oo     <  |   `.     <       oO         oo'
                      >>      > |    >' <   >      //         ||
            _________ \\ ____<  > *fzooom* <_____ dd ________ || ____

                                    ____                Where's
 Good job ruining your            __\==/__            Warez Dude?
element of surprise -and-          |    |                   `,,,
  telling us where   `~--         /     \   ,     OO         '..
 you're from, idiot.  .>>.    __.'       `-'|    .||.        .||.
               _______ || ____ \           / ____ dd ________ ||


                                 H3Y L33T B4B3.
                                 ,,, /          ?!
                                  --            OO~
                                 .\\-          .<<.
 jg_____________________________ _( \_ ________ || ____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 278 (Sep. 15, 2002)
           Hey there,
            handsome.              Uh...
                    ` __        ___ ,
                     (|~~      (..()
                     (|PP       .||.
           ___________ |\ ______ || ______________________________

                                   Could you please
                                   just leave now?
                         __     ___ ,
                        (|~~   (..()
                        (|PP    .||.
       __________________ || ___ || __________________________

                  What..?            I had a dream just like this
                    Why?            where the girl's head turned
                       ` __     ___ ,  into a killer squirrel.
                        (|..   (..()
                        (|PP    .||.
    _____________________ || ___ || _______________________

        You're cute. Your          T-that.. was w-weirder
          place or mine?          than the s-squirrel thing.
                       ` __         ___ ,
                        (|~~       (oo()
                        (|PP        -))
jg_______________________ || ______ /| ______________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 279 (Sep. 17, 2002)
If the evil kidnapper is from           What girl?
another dimension, he might be           ,
able to find that girl.  `OO           ..~
                         .||.          <<
                          dd           /|

 I saw a girl in that weird
swirl that turned everything
      back to normal.    `OO        ..~
                          ||       .<<.
                     ____ bb ______ || ____________________

        She looked like you,
          but with a brain.          !
                         `OO        --~
                         .||-      .<<.
           ______________ bb ______ || _____________

         I must find a way            Wanna find out if it was a
         back to that girl.           ,  near-death experience?
                         `OO       --~
                          ||      .<<.
 jg______________________ dd _____ /| _____________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 280 (Sep. 19, 2002)
 If you find the nerd                  No! Don't do it! Thank
girl for me, I'll give        ___       the Lorf I got here
you the time machine.        |=_/       in time to stop you!
                   `         |  \                   `         ,,,
                    OO       |   \                   OO~      --
                   .||-      |    `.__              -<<-      //
    _______________ bb _____ |       / _____________ /| ___ _/< ______

    Uhh.. Uh- There, I've Filled
       My Part Of The Deal.  `___
                             |=_/           What?!
                             |  \              `         ,,,
                    OO       |   \              OO~      --
                    ||       |    `._)\        -<<-     .//.
        ___________ bb _____ |       .'________ || ___ _/ )_

 Great! The time          |=_/    _
 machine is right         |  `._.'/ _            ?       ,,,
  this way...  `OO        |      (_.')          OO~       --
                -))       |         /          .<<.     .//.
       ________ d d ______ \        \ _________ || ___ _/ )_

      Heeeyy.. Wait       |=_/'
       a minute! `        |  \                           ,,,
                  OO      |   `.                OO~      --
                 //-      |     `-')            <<      .//.
jg_____________ d b _____ |       / ___________ || ___ _/ )_
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 281 (Sep. 22, 2002)
 Nerd Girl! We are         |=_/   Dork Girl, actually.
no longer separated!       |  \              `           ,,,
               `OO         |   `.   _         OO~        --
               -||-        |     `--')       .<<.        //
   ____________ bb _______ |      .-' _______ || _____ _/ )_

Let's run through          |=_/                Um..
the hologram and           |  \                 ,       ,,,
hug! Oh, the   `@@         |   \              OO~        --
 symbolism!    -||-        |    `._          .<<.        \\
      _________ bb _______ |     _.' ________ || ________ \>

                    *boff* |=_/   _
                         ` |  `-._)`.          !           ,,,
                 _ ____  O#|         )_,      OO~          --
                __ --_ q// |           /     .<<.           \\
        ________________ b |       _,-'______ || ___________ >\_

       Oh, I'm Sorry. I Failed To Mention
       That This Is Not A Hologram Of Me.
                          ` ___
                           |=_/                     H4 H4.
                           |  `.   _                   \ ,,,
                           |    \  \`.        OO~        --
                  qq       |     `-'  )       <<        -//
jg_______________ // _____ |       _,'_______ || _____ _/ )_
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 282 (Sep. 24, 2002)
          Um, hi.        |
               ` __      |              __
                '..      |             (|~~
                .||.     | o           (|PP  _______
                 ||      |               || |       |

  I was wondering         ______________  I'm busy. If you're asking me
   if you'd like         |                 out, just press that button.
    to go out  ` __      |              __ ,
    sometime..  '..      |             (|..
                .||.     | o           -|PP  _______
                 ||      |               || |       |

                         __  *bleep*    __
                        '..   *No!*    (|~~
                       .//-o           (|PP  _______
  _____________________ || _____________ || |       |________________

                                    Hello..  |              The button.
    __        __   ___      ,,,       `___   |              __ ,
    ..'      '--  (..   ..   --       ()..)  |             (|..
     ))      (  ) .||.  ||  .\\.       ||    | o           (|PP  ______
jg_  /| _____ || _ || _ LL  _( \_ ____ |\ ___|               || |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 283 (Sep. 26, 2002)
  Ow. That guy is           ____            Which is what I
  hard as a rock.         __\==/__          like about him.
              `            |    |            ,
               O#          |    |          OO~
               ||      __  |     \  _     .<<.
     _________ bb _____ \`-'      `-') ___ || _______

     Like?! Him?!     Sorry About That.    As long as you
     He's an evil          `___           promise not to do
      kidnapper!          __\ =|__         it again, dear.
              `            |    |            ,
               OO       _  |    |          OO~
              -||-     /(_.'    |         .<<.
     _________ bb ____ \         \ _______ || _______

         You're a        I Promise, Snookums.    Aww. I can never
        -couple-?!                    `___       stay mad at you,
              |                        \_=|       Warez Dude.
               `                   __.-'  |        ,
                @@                  )     |     ~OO
              .//-              _.-'      |      >>
     _________ bb _______________`._      | ____ |\ _

jg____________ bb _____________________________________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 284 (Sep. 29, 2002)
                                          _ *click*
                                      O  |_)
         _________________________ | |b|   | __________________

                                    `     _
                                     O   |_)
                                   |_\ _[__]
                __________________ | |b|   | ______________

                                          _ *click*
                                      O  |_)
                        __________ | |b|   | _________
Do you realize that you
have a space ship we're
 not flying around in?
     `,,,                                 _
      '..                             O  |_)
      .||.                         |_(._[__]
    __ || ________________________ | |b|   | _________________________

                                  _    _[__]
jg                             __|_    |   |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 285 (Oct. 1, 2002)
   I finally got enough        That's great, now we
 money to buy a computer!      can have a LAN party!
                  `,,,        ,
                   '..      OO
                   -||-    -||-
           ________ || ____ dd ______________________

        I'll go get          OK, I'll dust
        my computer.         off the hub.
                  `,,,        ,
                   '..      OO
                   .||.    .||.
              _____ || ____ dd _________________

                            OO     '..
                           .||.    .||.
                  _________ bb ____ |\ ____

                              OK. Now what?      I dunno.
                                   ,  _            _ `,,
                                  O  |_)          (_| .'
                               |_( _[__]._     _.[__]_ )_|
jg____________________________ | |b|   |  `---'  |   |/| |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 286 (Oct. 3, 2002)
                 This is the worst LAN
                 party ever. We're not
                playing any cool games!
              _            _ `,,
          O  |_)          (_| .'
       |_( _[__]._     _.[__]_ )_|
 _____ | |b|   |  `---'  |   |/| | ___

Uhh.. I only have RPGs,        This is the worst
point-n-click adventures        LAN party ever.
and stuff. No multiplayer_            _ `,,
 games at all...    `O  |_)          (_| .'
                  |_(._[__]._     _.[__]_ )_|
               __ | |b|   |  `---'  |   |/| | _____

                              _            _  ,,
                          O  |_)          (_| .'
                       |_( _[__]._     _.[__]_.)_|
      ________________ | |b|   |  `---'  |   |/| | _____________

            We -could- play on the actual     -That- wouldn't be
             NES by the TV instead of           a LAN party!
                emulating it.   `    _            _ `,,
                                 O  |_) *bloop*  (_| .'          ,-----
                              |_(._[__]._*bip*_.[__]_.)_|        |`-.__
jg___________________________ | |b|   |  `---'  |   |/| | _______|  |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 287 (Oct. 6, 2002)
         Hey, did I tell             GET A LIFE.
         you about the..               ,
                      `OO            --~
                      ((             <<
          ___________ b b __________ /| __________________

 No no. I figure that if              Stupid. It doesn't
 I get a life, I'll just              ,  work that way!
   die eventually.    `OO           --~
                      <||.         .<<.
       _______________ bb _________ || ______________

              Maybe so. But then
              , again, who knows?
            OO                      ..~
             ))                    .<<.
         __ d d ___________________ || _______

jg_________________________________ || ________________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 288 (Oct. 8, 2002)
      So.. um.. I was             Yeah?
     thinking that, er..        __ ,
        maybe you..  `OO       ..))
                     ((       .|(.
             ________ bd _____ || ___________

Aaargh! I don't need this!
I'll just build a thing to
stop time, and then I can       __
have anyone I want,  `OO       oo))
just walk up and..   -||-      |(
         ____________ bb _____ || ________________

                      OO       oo))
                      ||       |(
     ________________ bb _____ || _______________________

So, ever notice how Nik
 Kershaw's "Cloak and
 Dagger" is, like, the          __
   hackers' anthem?  `OO       --))
                      ||       |(
jg___________________ bb _____ || _______________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 289 (Oct. 10, 2002)
       What's that?           It's a wrist builder ball.
             `                ,   You knead it to get
             ~..            OO      a strong grip.
              >>            o))
 ____________ |\ __________ dd _________________________________

 Heh heh, trying to          Yeah, I might if it weren't
  get a grip on  `            ,   so darn slippery.
  reality? Hehe! ~^^        OO
                 .>>.       o))
    _____________ || ______ dd _________________________________

                 ~^^  o -.  OO
                 .>>.  *slip*))
               __ || ______ dd __

 Any special reason
 why Nerd Boy has a
 rubber ball down `,,,                            ,--.
   his throat?     '..     ,------- ~-# --.       | \ \
                   -||.    |`-.____ .>>. __`-.    +-+-+
 __________________ |\ ____|__|_____ \\ ____||  jg| | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 290 (Oct. 13, 2002)
  Woah, what           So -that's- why the desktop
  the heck are          looks different. Man, our
  you doing with      'puters look exactly the same!
    my computer?               `,,   _
             `OO                '.  |_)
             ((               |_( _[__]
             b b ____________ | |\|   | ____________________

         There's only one
        way to solve this!      ,,   _
                        `OO/    '.  |_)
                        .||   |_( _[__]
               _________ bb _ | |\|   | _________________

                         Case mods!
                           ,  `,,,   _
                         OO    '..  |_)
                        .||.  |(( _[__]
           _____________ bb _ ||\\|   | ______________


                     |       |         *            Stupid minds think
            *   \        |        /   ,,,            ,   alike...
           OO      ____     ____      oo'          --~
          ((   -  |/=.\|   |/=.\|  -  ||          .<<.
jg________ bb ___ |\# /|   |\# /| ___ || _________ ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 291 (Oct. 15, 2002)
 MYSQL * link = NULL;
 if (!mysql_real_connect(link, host, user, pass, NULL, 0, NULL, 0))
     throw Exception("Error connecting to database!");

 DataBase db(link); // OO approach
 if (USE_SELECT_FUNCTN || !"nerdboy"))
     if (!mysql_select_db(link, "nerdboy"))
         throw Exception("Error selecting database!");

 row = db.query("SELECT * FROM ratings");

 if (param.getBitString()==~P_VERBOSE)
     cout << "Seeking row[]." << endl;
 for (int i = 0; !(i > N || row[i]["strip"] == strip); i++);

 if (i == N)
     return false;

 ofstream temp("templogs..~");
 temp << row[i]["mean"] << endl;
 if (row[i]["mean"] < 1 || row[i]["mean"] > 6)
     throw Exception("Data error");

          |\ | _  _ _||)  __
          | \|(/_| (_||_)(_)\| .
                            _|    Soon in a source code
jg                                  listing near you!
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 292 (Oct. 17, 2002)
         It's snowing.        Well, there goes
          _____ `            the neighbourhood.
         |  |  | ,,,                      `    _
         |--+--| .''                       O  |_)
         |__|__|.||.                    |_(._[__]
                 ||                     | |b|   |

      Pop quiz: What do you           Lessee, it's cold, it shines and
      hate most about snow?           hurts my eyes, it melts and then
                        `,,,          ,  _   freezes into ice...
                         '..         O  |_)
                         .||.     |_(._[__]
                  _______ |\ ____ | |b|   | _____

                      Hate          That it's hard to walk in. Give me
                   -the most-.       asphalt any day. How about you?
                         `,,,         ,  _
                          '..        O  |_)
                          .||.    |_(._[__]
              ____________ || ___ | |b|   | ___________

         That it only comes          Sir, I will kill
          in the winter...          you where you stand!
                         `,,,        ,   _
                          ..'      OO   |_)
                         .||.   _ -||._[__]
jg_______________________ || __|_  dd |   | ___________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 293 (Oct. 20, 2002)
                         A sorta fairytale with you...
                         a sorta fairytale with you...
                                  _____ /|

 That song rocks!                     You like Tori
             `                        ,  Amos too?
              OO                   ..~
             ((-                  .<<.
     _______ b b _________________ || ____

     Wow, we actually have          Ewww. Shut up, or my fist will
  something in common! Let's         be in common with your face.
   build on it and form a            ,
  healthy relationship!  `OO       --~
                         -||-      <<
             ____________ bb _____ || ______

          What? That doesn't        That doesn't mean
          even mean anything.       it won't hurt...
                         `          ,
                          OO      --~
                          ||     .<<.
jg_______________________ bb ____ /| _______________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 294 (Oct. 22, 2002)
Sometimes I just hate               Hey Mandy! Listen to
  having long hair.                 this, it's hilarious.
              `                     ,
              ~..                 OO
               >>                  ))
           ___ |\ _______________ d d _______

   It gets dirty so            OK, so I was coding
 fast it's disgusting.        this small .NET app...
                   `          ,
                   ~..      OO
                   .>>.    .||.
        ___________ || ____ dd ___________

  I wonder why I even       So I was staring       Hey guys, we should
  bother cleaning it.       at some C# code..        get a Gamecube.
                   `          ,                              `,,,
                   ~''      OO                                ..'
                   `>>.    .||>                               ||
             ______ || ____ dd ______________________________ /| ___

 Hello?! We're having         Really!
 a conversation here!      The audacity!
                   `          ,                 ,,,
                   ~..      OO                  oo'
                   ->>-    .||.                 ||
jg_________________ || ____ bb ________________ || _____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 295 (Oct. 24, 2002)
                              Ask me what
                             I've invented!            No.
                                       `               ,
                                        OO           ..~
                                       .||.         .<<.
                                     __ bb _________ || __

           < :|: > It's a weather control system
           /%%|%%\ that uses an array of lasers       I said NO.
         _ \--+--/ _  and microwaves!  `               ,
         \\_) | (_//                   OO            --~
         / = - - = \                   -))          .<<.
        / - - - - - \ ________________ d d _________ || __

           < :|: >      It'll revolutionize the
           /%%|%%\        weather industry!
         _ \--+--/ _                 `
         \\_) | (_//                 OO                ..~
         / = - - = \                 -\\-             .<<.
        / - - - - - \ _______________ dd _____________ /(

           < :|: >          So, what do
           /%%|%%\          you.. Mandy?
         _ \--+--/ _                 `               *meep?*
         \\_) | (_//                  OO             ==~
         / = - - = \                  ||            .[[.
jg_____ / - - - - - \ _______________ bb ___________ || __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 296 (Oct. 27, 2002)
   You know                Snow?
  what I hate?                `,,,
           `OO                 ..'
           ((                 .||.
       ___ b b _______________ || _______________

   And also certain            ,,,
   progress bars. `OO          ..'
                  .||.        .||.
           _______ bb ________ || _______________

 BEFORE THE TASK  `@@          oo'
  IS COMPLETED!   -||-        .||.
                   bb          ||

                   OO          ..'
                   ||         .||.
    ______________ bb ________ || _________________________

                They should make a       Yep.
              nutritional chocolate        `,,,
                bar and call it  `OO        '..
                "Progress Bar".  ((          ||
jg______________________________ b b _______ |\ __________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 297 (Oct. 29, 2002)
I read that you're a Gen X:er             Then Nerd Boy must be
if AIDS was around before                 at least Generation Z.
you got sexually active.          ,,,                 `
           `OO                    ..'                  ..~
           ((                    .||.                  <<
       ___ b b __________________ || _________________ /| ________

                               Why?              Because AIDS will be
                                 `                -cured- once he's
                                 ,,,             ,  sexually active.
                 OO              '..           ..~
                .||.             .||.         .<<.
       _________ bb _____________ || _________ || ________

                         Hee hee! That
                         was hilarious!
                 OO              '~~                          ~^^
                 ||              .||-                          >>
         _______ bb _____________ || _________________________ |\

It wasn't hilarious,       Yeah, where does she get
 it was just mean!       off, saying things like that?!
                `               `,,,
                 OO              '--
                -||-             .||-
jg______________ bb _____________ || ___________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 298 (Oct. 31, 2002)
Euughh.. I hate being
sick. Runny nose, head       Yeah.
ache, sore throat.. `        ,         ,--.
                ,-- oO_-- ~.. -.       | \ \
                |`-.| _\__.>>.__`-.    +-+-+
                |__|`'bb___\\____||    | | |

                            It's a good excuse to stay in
                           and watch vampire flicks though.
                             ,         ,--.
                ,-- OO_-- ~.. -.       | \ \
                |`-.| _\__.>>.__`-.    +-+-+
  _____________ |__|`'bb___\\____|| __ | | | ____________

                                     *Touching you makes me feel alive*
                                     *Touching you makes me die inside*
                ,-- OO_-- ~.. -.       | \ \
                |`-.| _\__.>>.__`-.    +-+-+
                |__|`'bb___\\____||    | | |

                   `                   ,--.
                ,-- OO_-- ~.. -.       | \ \
                |`-.| _\__.>>.__`-.    +-+-+
jg_____________ |__|`'bb___\\____|| __ | | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 299 (Nov. 3, 2002)
You gotta listen to Morning Musume!
I just -luv- them all! Yaguchi-san,
 Kago-chan, Abe-san... Kawaii~~!!       You're insane.
              `,,,                       ,
               '~~                     OO
                ||                      ))
         ______ |\ ___________________ d d ______

 Aren't we all? Is not all deviation
to some degree insanity? Isn't it also
insane to adhere too much to normalcy?
                  '..          OO
                  ,||'        .||.
                   ||          dd

                  '..          OO
                  .||.         ||
           _______ || ________ dd _________________

                         Fair enough.
               ,,,        ,
               ~~'      OO
               ||        ))
jg____________ /| _____ d d _________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 300 (Nov. 5, 2002)
THE VERY NEXT MORNING...   |`._________,'|
                           ||| __   __ |||                         ___
,,,          *yawn*        |\|/_ \_/ _\|/|                        ||  |
'--             OO         |||  )- -(  |||                        ||  |
 ||            ((          `.|_(  -  )_|,'                        ||  |
 |\            b b              `-"-'                             ||__|

                           ||| __   __ |||                         ___
            ,,,            |\|/_ \_/ _\|/|                        ||  |
            'oO            |||  )- o(  |||       OO               ||  |
             ||            `.|_(  -  )_|,'      ((                ||  |
        ____ |\ ________________`-"-'__________ b b _____________ ||__|

Nerd Boy? Do you           |`._________,'|
notice anything            |||  __  __ |||           No, what? ____ __
 weird about `,,,          |\| /_ \/ _\|/|                  ` |    |  |
 the window?  'oo          |||  ) oo(  |||                    |    |  |
              .||.         `.|_(   - )_|,'                   /|    |  |
               ||               `--"'                        b|____|__|

                           |`. __  __ _
  I guess I'm              |||(  |/  ) AAAAAAAAAIIIIIEEEEEHHH!!!
imagining things.          |\| \ |  /  /                  \        ___
          `,,,             ||| ) @@(  ,                    `      ||  |
           ..'             `.|(    O)__|                    @@    ||  |
           ||                  `--"'                      -//-    ||  |
jg________ /| ___________________________________________ dd ____ ||__|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 301 (Nov. 7, 2002)
Hey handsome! Let's                                              ___
   do something!       Like what?                               [BUS]
      `__          ___ ,                                      ..  |
   __ (|~~        (..()                                      .||. |
)  \_ (|PP.        .||.                       _______________ || _|____
`) / \  ||  \ _____ || _____________________.'

 Let's have a big          That's probably not   |  ________         __
party at your place!        a very good idea.    | |_$.. _..|  ___  |
   Big party!   `__      ___ ,                   | |\((__\||| |[_]| |__
   _______      (|~~    ()..)                    D     __     |   |
)  \______\_    (|PP    .||.                  __ |___//  \\___|___|____
`) / \    / \ ___ |\ ___ |\ ________________.'        \__/

                 Why not?        i  uh  live with               [BUS]
                     `__      ___ ,  my p parents                 |
   _______           (|..    (),,)                                |
)  \______\_         (|PP.    ||              ____________________|____
`) / \    / \ ________ || ___ || ___________.'

      Eww.. What are you,        Well, I do have a
      some kinda freak?!         hammer for a head.
                     `__     ___ ,
                     (|--   (..()
                     (|PP-    ||
jg____________________ || ___ || _____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 302 (Nov. 10, 2002)
           N1C3                 It's not mine, I'm just watching it
           D0G.                   for a friend. I hate its guts.
        ,,, /                    _ ,
        '--                     $..
        .\\.             ,,___  $)|
     ____ )\_ _________ ''...' _ || ___________________

                 .       |       /
            `.    \  .-   ___,,  ` WHAT ARE YOU DOING
        __     '         `,,,oo     TO MY POOR BABY?!
               ,,,                _ ,    ___
           ;   '--               oo$   `
    __           \\__/          -|($    :   ___
          :       )_             ||

           BUT U                   I only said that to get rid
           S41D..                  of you because you're ugly!
               \ ,,,              _ ,
                 '--             --$
                .//.             |($   ,,___
       _______ _/ )_ ___________ ||   **,,,' _____

               ,,, /                          _
               '--                           $..
               .\\.                          $)|.   __,,
jg____________ _( \_ ________________________ |\ __`,.,'' ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 303 (Nov. 12, 2002)
        ~..        OO
         >>        ||
     ___ |\ ______ dd _________________________

                   OO     ~..
                   ||      >>
       ___________ bb ____ |\ ___________________

          Or so you say.
                  `                       ?
                   OO                    ~..
                   ||                     >>
         _________ bb ___________________ |\ ______

                                           What? I didn't
                                           say anything.
                   OO                     ..~
                   ||                    .<<.
           _______ bb ___________________ || ________

          ..or so you say!
                    OO                    --~
                  .//-                   .<<.
jg________________ bb ___________________ || __________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 304 (Nov. 14, 2002)
             "Klaxon" would be a good
             name for a supervillain.
   ,,,         ,
   '..       OO
    ||      ((
    |\      b b

                        Too bad it already
                         means something.
               ,,,         ,
               '..       OO
                ||      ((
                |\      b b

                   Yep.. Wait, why are         You said something
                  we talking about this?         about villains.
                                   `,,,           ,
                                    '..         OO
                                    .||.       ((
                              ______ || ______ b b ____

                        I was talking          What?! That's a -crappy-
                       about Bob Dylan!        name for a supervillain!
                                    `,,,               ,
                                     '..             OO
                                     -||-           ((
jg___________________________________ |\ __________ b b _____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 305 (Nov. 17, 2002)
  I've been thinking.                        There's a scary
              `,,,                            ,  thought.
               '..                          OO
                ||                           ))
                |\                          d d

 If the world isn't flat, then           Did you catch some kind of
how come there are four cardinal          stupidity virus or what?
   points; north, east,   `,,,             ,
    west and south?        '..           OO
                           .||.         .||.
                    _______ || _________ dd ________

  They can't call 'em "the
  four corners of the world"              Is it contagious?
   for nothing you know.  `,,,             ,
                           '..           OO
                           .||.          ||
              _____________ || _________ dd _____

        And how many continents            STAY AWAY FROM
           are there? FOUR!  `,,,           ,   ME!!
                              'oo         @@
                               ||        -//-
jg____________________________ |\ ______ dd _____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 306 (Nov. 19, 2002)
  You hate snow, but turned         Yeah. Turns out people like
  off your weather machine        snow. Also, the weather machine
   to bring back winter?           attracted giant bunny rabbits.
                       `,,,               ,                  .---.
                        '..             OO                   |   |
                         ||            ((                    |o  |
                 _______ |\ __________ b b __________________|___|

   *blaha*            So you need a way to              Yep.
  *blah* `              get rid of   `,,,                  ` .---.---.
          ~==   ..~    snow locally.  '..                    |  O|   |
           ]]   <<                    .||.                   | //|  o|
           |\   |\                     || ___________________| bb|___|

              *blah*       blablah            FLAME THROWER!
                   `        ,         ,,,              `     .---.---.
                    ~==   ..~         '..               OO_  |   |   |
                    .]]. .<<.         .||.         |>==:||)] |   |  o|
      ______________ || _ || _________ || _____________ dd __|   |___|

                      ,,,                        (        ,
     ~==  ~oo         'oo                         )     OO_
      ]]   >>          ||                         `|>==:||)]
jg___ )\ _ /( ________ )\ _____________________________ dd ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 307 (Nov. 21, 2002)
   Your driveway
    sure is icy.                   Huh?
            `,,,              _    ,
             '..             (_|  O
              ||             [__]_.)_|
       ______ |\ ___________ |   |d| | ____________

                                   Oh yeah, I melted the snow
                                   with the flame thrower, but
                    ,,,       _    ,  then the water froze.
                    '..      (_|  O
                    .||.     [__]_.)_|
              ______ || ____ |   |d| | ____________

     What if someone slips         Just walk
        and gets hurt?             carefully.
                   `,,,       _    ,
                    '..      (_|  O
                    .||.     [__]_.)_|
         ___________ || ____ |   |d| | __________________

                                                  Red button
                                                 fires, right?
           ,,,                _   *       )       ,
           oo'  ___          (_|  O      (     #.~
           -\\-  _----       [__]_ )_|    |>==:<<)]
jg_________ < \ --- ________ |   |d| | _______ || _________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 308 (Nov. 24, 2002)
 Idea! Everyone here is a                                         .
stupid jerk, so why not go                                     \  |  /
back in time to hang `OO                                      >*POWZ!*<
  out with myself?   -||-                                      /  |  \
                 ____ db ___________________________________      '

     ______                                                    ______
    / .--. \                                                  / .--. \
   ( ( `- ) )                                                ( ( `- ) )
    ) `--' (                    It worked! There I am.        ) `--' (
    | .--. |                     Hey, me! Let's hang!         | .--. |
    ||    ||    OO                                  `OO       ||    ||
    )|   o|(     ))                                 -||.      )|   o|(
   /_|____|_\__ d d ________________________________ dd _____/_|____|_\

     ______                                                    ______
    / .--. \                                                  / .--. \
   ( ( `- ) )                                                ( ( `- ) )
    ) `--' ( Can't talk; going                                ) `--' (
    | .--. |,  back in time.                 Hey! Wait!       | .--. |
    || |OO||                                       `OO        ||    ||
    )|o|/.|(                                        -\\p      )|   o|(
   /_|_|__|_\_______________________________________ d ______/_|____|_\

       .                                       Geez. Talk about
    \  |  /                                    ,  -stupid jerk-.
   >*ZWOP!*<                                 OO
    /  |  \                                  ||
jg     '     _______________________________ dd _____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 309 (Nov. 26, 2002)
 Yes, I got a Compaq.          Let's look at all the
  I'm weak I guess.            integrated hardware!
                  `,,,          ,                      _
                   '..        OO                      |_)
                    ||       ((                      [__]
        ___________ |\ _____ b b ___________________ |  |

                                        But..        I won't break
                                          `,,,       ,  anything.
                                           '..     OO __
                                           .||.    ||[__]   _
                    _______________________ || ___ bb|  |  |_)

   __          __          __                 !
  ([_)       _([_)_       ([_)               ,,,
 /\__/_,     |\ _/|      /\__/_,             oo'     O__/
 `;----'     " |( "      `;----'            -//-    /[__]   _
   | \ *stomp* | \ *march* | \ *stomp*      //      b|  |  |_)

                       *Your warranty is now void!*
                      *Step away from the computer!*
                         __ /
                __     _([_)_   __          ,,,
               ([_)__, (\ _/-- ([_)__,      oo' \@@/  __/
               <;--"-'  '||    <;--"-'      ||   ||  [__]   _
jg             _| >      ||    _| >         ||   dd  |  |  |_)
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 310 (Nov. 28, 2002)
   Hey, what if you were just a           Oh yeah?! Well, what if -you-
    figment of my imagination?             were a figment of -mine-!
                         `,,,             ,
                          '..          OO
                           ||          -\\.
                        __ |\ _________ dd ________________________

                                                 Huh? Who are you
                             ,,,                   talking to? `,,,
                             '..        OO                      ..'
                             .||.       ||                      ||
                              ||        bb                      /|

                                    You.. Uh?
                                       `             ,,,
                                        OO           ..'
                                       -||.         .||.
                _______________________ dd _________ || __

                 That means -you're- a figment
                  of -my- imagination! I WIN!        ?!
                                        `            ,,,
                                         @@          oo'
                                       .//-         .||.
jg_____________________________________ bb _________ || ____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 311 (Dec. 1, 2002)
 Oh woe is me! My               `         G1V3 M3 H3R NUMB3R, K1D.   /
girlfriend left me!     .                  /  1 C4N S0RT 1T 0UT.    /__
               `___           *         ,,,                          |
               (),,)                 __ -- __________________     `  |
                ||    '        ,    |   //                   |       |
           ____ |\ ________________,|_ </ ___________________|`-.____|_

    What's to say you won't           W0ULD 1 L13 2 U
   ask her out for yourself?           /   B4BY?
                          `___      ,,,
                          ()..)     --
                          .||.     .//.
                           || ___ _/ )_ ______________

        How would I know? I           WH1CH M34N5 1 H4V3 N0
        don't even know you!           /  M0T1V3 F0R LY1NG!
                          `___      ,,,
                          ()oo)     --
                          -||-     -//.
              ____________ || ___ _/ )_

       That sounds reasonable.     K4-CH1NG.
          Here's her number.        /
                          `___   ,,,
                          ()..)  --
                           ||-=  -\\.
jg________________________ || ___ < \_ ___________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 312 (Dec. 3, 2002)
     _|_                               Hey Fan Boy! You're stupid, and
    /___\                ,,,            ,   I've been meaning to ask:
                         '..          OO   Is ignorance really bliss?
  _________  _|          .||.          ))
_ |       | | | _________ || ________ d d _______________________

  Well, on one hand, one            Uh huh.
   doesn't have a care  `,,,         ,
     in the world...     '..       OO
                         -||.     .||.
                 ________ || _____ dd _____

 ...on the other, it might
   be frustrating at times...
                         '..       OO
                         -||-     .||.
              ___________ || _____ dd ________

               In short: I
               don't know!
                        `,,,        *
                         '..       Oo
                         -||-       ))
jg                        ||       dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 313 (Dec. 5, 2002)
     I demand to know why my     /     There's nothing wrong here, sir.
   internet connection is dead.  \      Must be a problem at your end.
             ,                   /                     `__
          [OO                    \                 ___  ..j
 ___A___  `||.                   /                _\__\_||__
 |     |   bb                    \               |        | |
          I -pay- you to fix     /             Should we go through our
           problems. Fix it!     \             logs and track down the
             ,                   /             _ ,    problem, sir?
          [OO                    \             .j
 ___A___  `||.                   /         __\_.)_|
 |     | _ bb __________________ \ ______ |___|/| |
                                 /        OK.. Our logs say you were at
           Well duh!             \ when
             ,                   /             _ ,  the error occured,
          [OO                    \             .j   is that correct?
 ___A___  `||>                   /         __\_-)_|
 |     | _ dd __________________ \ ______ |___|/| |
                                 \                  Hello?
                                 /                     `__
    _                            \                 ___  ..j
 __'A`__                         /                _\__\_||__
 |     |                         \             jg|        | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 314 (Dec. 8, 2002)
   Hey, Nerd Boy,                      Why do
  what's your IQ?                     you ask?
               `,,,                    ,
                '..                  OO
                 ||                 .||.
                 |\                  dd

  Well, I just took an
 IQ test, and I thought
  we might compare.  `,,,
                      '..            OO
                      -||.           ||
 _____________________ || __________ dd ___________________________


                        Hear that? He
                       stopped laughing!
                               |  Just catching
                               |   his breath.
                              Oh.     |
                                `     `,,,         ,--.
                            ,--- ..~   '-- .       | \ \
                            |`-._<< ___(( __`-.    +-+-+
jg_________________________ |__|__\\____\\___|| __ | | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 315 (Dec. 10, 2002)
                                         Huh? You have a
        _._   _._                         ,  drum set?
         | _  _|         OO             ..~
         |[_][_|=         ))            <<
        /|\(__)|| ______ d d __________ /|

 I might be a programmer, but         I thought you were
   I'm a drummer at heart!            an idiot at heart?
        _._   _._    `                 ,
         | _  _|      OO             ..~
         |[_][_|=    -||-           .<<.
        /|\(__)|| ___ bb ___________ ||

  Oh yeah? Well                        You look
 look at me now!                     like an idiot.
        _._`  _._                      ,
         | _OO_|                     ..~
         |[_][_|=                   .<<.
        /|\(__)|| __________________ ||

  Hey, you take          Fine. You look great;
    that back!              barely visible.
        _._`  _._                      `
         | _@@_|                       ~^^
         |[_][_|=                       >>
     jg /|\(__)|| _____________________ |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 316 (Dec. 12, 2002)
/  I wonder what I should  \       / What could they want? \
\ get my friends for Xmas. /o .  .o\ Think, darnit, think! /
               _______________ bb ____________

REZ. Cool game,     Tori Amos? Here?! But I don't
I soo want it!         have money for tickets!                /Think!\
        `,,   _                 `             ,--.          .o\Think!/
         '.  |_)        ,------- ~oo --.      | \ \       OO
       |_(._[__]        |`-.____ ->>- __`-.   +-+-+      .||.
   ___ | |\|   | ______ |__|______\\_____||   |_|_| _____ bb

         / Same thing  \
         \ every year! /      / What should \        ___
                     o .   . o\ I get them? /       ||  |
                      . OO                          ||  |
    (Hm, I'm hungry)o  ((                           ||  |
                       b b                          ||__|

                      / I wish they could just \
                      \  give me a clear sign! / ____ __
                                          O     |WISH|  |
                                            o . |LIST|  |
                                               /|~~~~|  |
jg____________________________________________ b|~~~~|__|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 317 (Dec. 15, 2002)
I decided we need to meet                       WHAT?!
 other people, so I'm  `__     ,,,           ___ ,
 with Warez Dude now.  (|~~    '--          (oo()
                       (|PP    .\\.          -||-
              __________ || __ _( \_ ________ ||

 So no hard feelings?
__ ,  Great, bye!                            ___
/~~                                         (oo()
PP-                                           ||
 \ __________________________________________ || _______

  ___________________________________________ || __________________

                 Hard feelings? Only as hard ___
                  as the rock your -heart- `(--()
                   is apparently made of!    -||>
             ________________________________ || _______

                                Yeah, that's what I ___
                                  should've said. `(),,)
jg_________________________________________________ |\ ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 318 (Dec. 17, 2002)
                      `OO              oo~
                     q//-U            .<<.
                       b               ||

     After years of research              A potion? What, does
      I've hit the jackpot!    '          ,  it cure cancer?
                           `OO ,       ..~
                           .||-U      .<<.
                ___________ bb _______ || _______

       I dunno. I do know I
     finally mixed some stuff   .          *sigh*
    that -didn't- blow up! `OO '        ~--
                           .||-U         >>
                     ______ bb _________ |\ _________________________

                            OO `,
                        ___ bb ___

               What about the    .
            bubbles? Look at the  ,
               cool bubbles!   `OO '
jg____________________________ b b ____________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 319 (Dec. 19, 2002)
         What's wrong                          ?
           with me? `OO                       ..~
                    -||-                      <<
               _____ db _____________________ /| _____

 Do these shoes clash                Yes.
  with this attire? `OO                `..~
                     .)).              .<<.
            ________ d b ______________ || _____

            Am I just              Oh yeah.
            boring? `OO                `..~
                    .||.               .<<.
         ___________ db _______________ || _____

  I can't figure                    Whatever.
     it out!  `OO                       `~--
               -))-                       >>
   ___________ d d ______________________ |\ __________


  They should make a
 hair conditioner and               Whatever.
  call it Pavlov.  `~OO                  `--
                    .>>.                 ((
jg__________________ || ________________ b b _________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 320 (Dec. 22, 2002)
  Yay! I can't wait till              That was yesterday,
  Christmas Eve and the                 you missed it.
   opening of presents!                       ,         ,--.
                   `OO            ,------- ~.. --.      | \ \
                   ((             |`-.____ .>>. __`-.   +-+-+
        __________ b b __________ |__|_____ \\ ____||   | | |

                               Just kidding. Cut it
                                out, quit staring.
                                          `             ,--.
                       Oo         ,------  ..~ --.      | \ \
                       ||         |`-.____ <<. ___`-.   +-+-+
           ___________ bb _______ |__|_____ \\ ____||   | | |

                                          Quit it!
                                            ,           ,--.
                       Oo         ,------ oo~ ---.      | \ \
                       ||         |`-.__ -<<- ____`-.   +-+-+
    __________________ bb ________|__|___ || ______||   | | |

Nice Nerd Boy                   Made it myself.
shaped lamp. `,,,      __                 `             ,--.
              '..     /__\        ,------- ~.. --.      | \ \
               ||      ||         |`-.____ .>>. __`-.   +-+-+
 _____________ |\ ____ bb ________|__|______\\_____|| jg| | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 321 (Dec. 24, 2002)
 ---------------------------------       ________           o
         o   oo                         /_______/        Ear ring
     o         o   o                   |\ o o o \
        ___o o   o                     \ \_o_o_o_\
       /`._;o       o                   \|_______|
      |   /   o                                                 _
      ;_  |                          Box of chocolate         /`.`.
        `-'                                                  /  //
   Bags of candy                                            (  ((
                                                             \  \\
                      _                                       `-''
                     (_)-.  |/    --.                ,-.     Socks
        _____________ | _ `%  -     ,-.             :_.'
        \   _________(')__  |\  -. /  ;        *pop*,--.
       o \   _____[]______)  \     `./              |--|
      o   \ (____________[]   \                     |  |
       oo  \  _______________  \                    |  |
      o     \/__________________\                   |  |  __
                                                    `--' (_(
         Powerpuff Girls boardgame                Pringles

           \\\\                            .------------------.
            \\\\ _                        (  MERRY CHRISTMAS!  )
             \\  \\                        `------------------'
                                                      ,,,     *meep*
       Black chocolate                  \OO    ~..    ..'   ==~
                                         ||.   .>>.  -||-  .[].
jg                                       db     ||    ||    ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 322 (Dec. 26, 2002)
                               Mandy, have some extra
                                ,   dark chocolate.
                  ~..         OO
                   >>        =-))
            ______ |\ _______ d d _______

       Don't mind if I          They should abolish milk
       do... *chomp* `           ,  chocolate; dark is
                      ~..      OO    so much better.
                      .>>'    .||.
       _______________ || ____ dd ______________________

            You're right.       And it's not just
                      `          ,  the taste.
                      ~..      OO
                      .>>.    <||.
             _________ || ____ db __________

                               The textu- I'm -WHAT?!-
                     ~oo      @@
                     .>>.     -\\-
jg___________________ || _____ dd ____________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 323 (Dec. 29, 2002)
  You are a nice guy! Girls           Hah! Says you, but you're
    would -love- you if   `__         ,  biased! You know me!
   they got a chance to   #..       OO
     get to know you!     -)|-     -||.
            ______________ || _____ dd ______________

        Uh, -yeah-. That's
         the point I was  `__
         trying to make!  #..       OO
                          .)|.      ||
                         _ || _____ dd _

I guess you're just                  Oh yeah?! Well, at
 too -stupid- to  `__                ,  least -I-, you
get a girlfriend.  ..#             @@      know...
                   |(              -\\.
      ____________ /| _____________ dd ______

                                    ..can't come up with
                  __                 ,  a good comeback.
                 #..               OO
                 .)|.              -\\.
jg_______________ || ______________ dd ______________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 324 (Dec. 31, 2002)
              |_| _  _  _     |\| _     \_/ _  _  _ |
              | |(_\|_)|_)|_| | |(-'\\|  | (-'(_\|  .
                    |  |   _|

                       ,,,         ___
                ~..    ..'   ~==  (..()         OO
   _\~~/_vv_    ->>-vv-||.   .]].   ||          ||
   |       | ___ || __ || ___ || __ || ________ dd __________

                      ,,,           ___
                ~..   '..    ~==   ()..)        OO
   _\~~/_vv_    .>>v  .||v   .]].   ||          ||
   |       |     ||    ||     ||    ||          dd

                      ,,,           ___
                ~..   '..    ~==   ()..)     @__OO
   _\~~/_vv_    .>>v  .||v   .]].   ||          ||
jg |       |     ||    ||     ||    ||          dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 325 (Jan. 2, 2003)
So I went back in time to hang          Err.. I'm you from the future.
out with myself. If you can do        _ ,  You can and -will- do it.
  it, so can I, right?   `OO         O."
                        |((  _______  ))|
                        ||bb |     | dd||

    Didn't work though. I              What, to when you were
   need to go further back.           _ ,   a little baby?
                         `OO         O."
                        |((  _______  ))|
                        ||bb |     | dd||

            Oh. Right. That           _
             won't work. `OO         O."
                        |((  _______  ))|
                     __ ||bb |     | dd|| __

  _________                           _         ___  ___     ___ ___
 |  )_|_(  |              OO         O."       |_|_|/___\   |   |   |
 |_/__|__\_|            |((  _______  ))|      _____ ___ ___|  ||  ||
 |_\     /_| __________ ||bb |     | dd|| ____|     |[_]|   |___|___|

        I could wait 'til              Genial.
      I'm -your- age and go           _ ,
         back to -now-!  `OO         O-"
                        |((- _______  ))|
jg_____________________ ||bb |     | dd|| ___________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 326 (Jan. 5, 2003)
                 / Aha! It's about time someone \
                 \  falls for my boyish charm.  /o
      __                                          .
     $~~                                          O
     $PP                                  |_  __v_ )_|
   __ |\ ________________________________ | | |  |d| | ___

                 Hellooo -hunk-! Is                Why, no.. Be
                 this seat taken? ` __             ,  my guest.
                                   $~~            O
                                   $PP.   |_  __v_-)_|
                        ___________ || __ | | |  |d| |

                              __ ,                *
                              ~~$                 O
                             .44\__           __v_ )_|
          ___________________ /| \ \ *scrape* |  |d| | _______

                          Dude! Where's
        _    __            my chair!? `,,,          *sigh*
      _##    ~~$                       '..        OO
     |_|.____44$                       -||-    __v_))|
jg__ | |\|  |/|| ______________________ || ___ |  |d||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 327 (Jan. 7, 2003)
   How many times have                          None. Gonna get it off
 you seen The Two Towers?                       the 'net and watch it
 I've seen it, like,  `,,,                  _    ,  here on the TV.
  70 times, I think.   '..                 (_|  O
                        ||                 [__]_.)_|
            ___________ |\ _______________ |   |d| |

            WHAT?! But the cinema!              Mhm.
           The big screen! The  `,,,        _    ,
            excellent sound!     'oo       (_|  O
                                 -||-      [__]_ )_|
                           ______ || _____ |   |d| |

                                         In any of those 70 times, did
                                         you have an unobstructed view?
                                    ,,,     _    ,   No one talking on
                                    '..    (_|  O    their cell phone?
                                     ||    [__]_ )_|
              ______________________ || __ |   |d| |

                                   *Ye caan't 'elp 'im
              ,,,               ,--.  Mester_Froedoe.*
         ,--- '.. - OO -.       | \ \      (_|
         |`-.__|| _(( ___`-.    +-+-+.    .[__]_  _|
       jg|__|   \\  bb    ||    | | | `--' |   | | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 328 (Jan. 9, 2003)
                                       How can you fall for
   ,,,                     __          ,  guys like him?
   ..'                     ..#      ..~
   ||                     .|(.     .<<.
__ /| ____________________ || _____ || ______________

                                       He's socially incompetent, has
                                      silly obsessions, and alternates
                           __          ,  between hyperactivity and
                          #..       ..~      complete laziness.
                          .)|.     .<<.
                        __ || _____ || __

  Sounds a lot like the guy                    Hey gals. What're you
   -you've- fallen for.  ` __                   ,   talking about?
                          #..       oo~       OO
                          .)|.      <<         ))
  ________________________ || _____ || ______ d d __________________

                                   OW! What was
                           __       that for?!
                          #~~              `O#           ~--
                          .)|.              ||            >>
jg________________________ || _____________ bb __________ |\ __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 329 (Jan. 12, 2003)
               __                         `  _ -_ ... _ '  _        ...
              $..       ..~                 -  -:::: |_)| |_||\/|| | ::
              $PP.     .<<.              .   - _`"::.|_)|_| ||  |o o.::
      ________ || _____ || ______________  `     - - - .  ,-  --  -  _

                                   I'm OK! The experiment was
               __                 a failure, but the strange
              $..       ..~      explosion didn't harm me. `OO
              $PP.     .<<.                                 -))-
      ________ || _____ || ________________________________ d d _

                     Huh? They can't see me! I'm
               __    ,  in a quantum phase shift
              $..  OO  ..~   of some sort!
              $PP. || .<<.
      ________ ||  db  || _______

                                  I must revert the effect
               __                   lest I be stuck in  `
              $..      ..~             limbo forever!    OO
              $PP.    .<<.                             q//
      ________ || ____ || ______________________________ b ____

I thought he'd          Me too!
never leave. ` __        ,
              $..      ..~
              $PP.    .<<.
jg____________ || ____ || ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 330 (Jan. 14, 2003)
                                    She orders a hamburger to the room,
                                    but kills the guy who -rented- the
                        ,,,         ,   room. I kept thinking; who's
                        '..       OO    gonna pay for that hamburger?
                        .||.      ||
                 _______ || _____ dd ________

 Who cares?! It's a cool                 It's called "suspension of
 thriller series that  `,,,              ,  disbelief". They lost
     totally rocks!     '..            OO   me at the hamburger.
                        -||-          ((
             ___________ || _________ b b ______________

             Yer an idiot.                  Huh?
                       `,,,                  ,
                        '..                OO
                        .||.               ||
                       _ || ______________ dd _

   Nothing, I just totally                      Oh.
     agreed with you!  `,,,                     ,
                        '..                   OO
                        .||-                 ((
jg______________________ || ________________ b b _____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 331 (Jan. 16, 2003)
                                  So I tried "Shogun:
                      ,,,          ,  Total War".
                      '..        OO
    |_  ______        .||.      .||.
___ | | |    | _______ || ______ dd _____________________

     Isn't that a really          I didn't even get past
        old game?    `,,,          ,  the tutorial...
                      '..        OO
                      .||.       ||
                     _ || ______ dd _

Isn't that a really really         And then you shut up forever and
really really really really       everyone lived happily ever after!
 -REALLY- old game?  `,,,          ,
                      '..        OO
                      .||.      -||-
               _______ || ______ dd ______

                   Huh?               Great, now we're doomed to
                     `,,,             ,  NOT live happily ever
                      '..           OO     after. Way to go.
                      .||.         ((
jg____________________ || ________ b b ___________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 332 (Jan. 19, 2003)
You're watching                 Yeah. Got it off
The Two Towers?           ,,,     , the net. ,--.        _
          `~..       ,--- '.. - OO -.        | \ \      (_|
            >>       |`-.__|| _(( ___`-.     +-+-+.    .[__]_  _|
            |\       |  |   \\  bb    ||     | | | `--' |   | | |

Essentially, you're
stealing. You haven't     ,,,                ,--.        _
paid for this. `~..  ,--- '.. - OO -.        | \ \      (_|
                .>>. |`-.__|| _(( ___`-.     +-+-+.    .[__]_  _|
                 ||  |  |   \\  bb    ||     | | | `--' |   | | |

             Hey, the best things
            in life are free, right?
                         `,,,                ,--.        _
                ~..  ,--- '.. - OO -.        | \ \      (_|
                .>>. |`-.__|| _(( ___`-.     +-+-+.    .[__]_  _|
    ____________ ||  |  |   \\  bb    || ___ | | | `--' |   | | |

                                Can't argue with
                          ,,,     ,  logic.  ,--.        _
         --~         ,--- '.. - OO -.        | \ \      (_|
         <<          |`-.__|| _(( ___`-.     +-+-+.    .[__]_  _|
         /|        jg|  |   \\  bb    ||     | | | `--' |   | | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 333 (Jan. 21, 2003)
_______\     .      '                                         '
     |`|                .                .             ,
     |    ,                   `                `
   __|                  *sigh*             .       *nng*   '
  |  |          .    | OO                         OO            .
  |o |  '           _|-||.   .          '        __\\>  .    `
  |.-'----------._ )__)dd______         --------'-.)d ____________

             ,   __    _
         `      (_(  -  `.              '    .   *nng*      .
            *uh!* \OO  \.;                      OO     .
        .         ((    `.                `    __\\>     '
      ---------._ dd __________         ------'-.)d ________.-.___

                 __    _
                (_(   _ `
                  \oO  ` ;
        *CRACK!*- ((    '
jg    ---------._ dd ____.-.___

 MUCH LATER... |                      \
---------------'                       \
 Where's Nerd Boy?     I don't care.  |
            `,,,         ,            | 
             '..      ..~             |            ,
_____  _|    .||.    -<<-             |      ,----._
    | | |     ||      ||              |-----'       `-----------------
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 334 (Jan. 23, 2003)
      Wouldn't it be cool if the           What the
      world was like a WikiWeb?          heck is that?
             ,                             ,
           OO                           ..~
          ((                           .<<.
       __ b b _________________________ || __

A collaborative site                  Oh. So it would be
 where -anyone- can                    like, say, moving
 change -anything-!                  this chair from here..
              `OO                           `~..
              -||-                           .>>-|_
           ___ bb ___________________________ /| | |

               OO            ~..
               ||            .>>-|_
 _____________ bb ___________ |\ | | _______________________________

Exactly! Our influence                   If you'll excuse me.. My New
 would know no limits!                    ,   Year's resolution was
               `OO                     ~..   "don't talk to idiots".
              -//-               |_     >>
jg____________ bb ______________ | | __ |\ ___________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 335 (Jan. 26, 2003)
       _                ,,,
      (_| O             ..'
     [__]_.)_|   ______.||
  __ |   |d| | _ |    | || _____________

                I'm borrowing
       _         a pencil. `,,,
      (_| O                 ..'
     [__]_.)_|   ______   |-||.
  __ |   |d| | _ |    | ___ |\ _________

          Careful, that's my     ?!
           pencil/laser gun!    ,,,
             ___      _ __ `OO  oo'
         *swish!*______ _- //-|.||
           --- _ |    | __ bb _ || _

      Nah, I'm kidding, it's       Can't even lend
       just a pencil.. see?        me a pencil.. `,,,
                          `OO       Cheapskate!   '--
                 ______   .||-|                    ||
               _ |    | __ bb ____________________ |\ __

                            @@  ,                   'oo
                 ______   .//--()-    *zot!*     --->))
               jg|    |    bb   `                   //
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 336 (Jan. 28, 2003)
  What're you                    Taking over the universe.
    doing? `,,,                  ,  What does it -look-
            '..                O     like I'm doing?!
             ||             |_( _u___
             |\             | |b|   |

  Eating breakfast?            Well then.
               `,,,             ,
                '..            O
                .||.        |_( _u___
          ______ || _______ | |b|   | ________

             --'            O    *Sir, should we prep the cyborg
             ||          |_( _u___   infantry for deployment?*
             /|       __ | |b|   | __

Did your ham sandwich
 just say something?!       Don't be silly.
            `,,,             ,
             'oo            O
            .//-         |_( _u___
jg__________ || ________ | |b|   | __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 337 (Jan. 30, 2003)
_________\  Thanks for the ride.         No problem.
 ___    |                    `,,,         ,         _____
|_|_|   |                     '..      ~..        _/__|__\
|_|_|   |                     .||.      >>      ,'_   | _ \
________| ____________________ || _____ |\ _____`(_)--'(_)'________

         You drive really well
             for a girl.  ` ,,,                     _____
                            ..'        ~oo        _/__|__\
                            ||         .>>.     ,'_   | _ \
       ____________________ /| ________ || _____`(_)--'(_)'_

                 And that's the last      BRUT4L.
                 we ever saw of poor         \ ,,,   __   ___ *sniff*
                    old Fan Boy.  `OO          --    ,,# (,,()
                                   ||         .//.  .|(.   ||
                          ________ bb ______ _/ )_ _ || __ || _____

Will you quit it?!       THE LAST WE
I'm RIGHT HERE! `,,,      EVER SAW!           ,,,   __   ___
                 '..             `OO          --    ..# (,,()
                 -||-             -\\-       .//.  .|(.   ||
jg_______________ || _____________ dd _____ _/ )_ _ || __ ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 338 (Feb. 2, 2003)
            What happened?                 Mandy hit me. I guess
                      ` __                  ,  it's that time of
                       #..                O#    the week, huh?
                       .)|.                ))
                     __ || ______________ d d __

Err.. Sexism aside, it's           She says it's weekly, and she
 a -monthly- cycle... ` __         ,  does hit me at least once
                       #..       O#    a week. Are you sure?
                       .)|.      ||
            ___________ || _____ dd ________

             Uh.. Hello?!             I'll ask her.
                      ` __             ,
                       #..           O#
                       -)|-         ((
                  _____ || ________ b b _______________

                        __                            ,
                       #..                          ##
                       .)|.                          ))
jg_____________________ || ________________________ d d ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 339 (Feb. 4, 2003) I poked my head
       around the corner         Hehehe.    Hihihi!
        to take a peek...           `,,,     ,
                        `~..         ~~'   OO
                         .>>.       .||.  .||.
                       __ || _______ || __ dd __

                      What?                 Peek and poke are memory
                         `           ,,,     , access statements in
                         ~..         ~~'   OO   the language BASIC.
                         .>>.       .||.  .||.
          _______________ || _______ || __ dd _________

     How many times do I have                 Hehe.. She
    to tell you?! Geeky jokes                said "goto".
     and I don't go together!        ,,,     ,
                        `~..         ..'   OO
                         ->>-       .||.  -||.
                     ____ || _______ || __ dd ______

                            Huhuh huh         Eheh heh
                             huhuhuh!        heheheehee!
                                    `,,,     ,
               ''~                   ~~'   OO
               <<                   .||.  .||.
jg____________ /| __________________ || __ dd ____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 340 (Feb. 6, 2003)
          Winter. Bringer of an             You've been ranting all
         absurd amount of clothes           day! Stop or I'll throw
         and icky wet cold stuff.            this snowball at you.
                          `                             `,,,
                           OO                            --'
______________________   ,(__)                         o(__).
                      `--. dd __________________________ || ___

           How can I be silent
            while SNOW SUCKS!?                       ,,,
                          `@@                        .''
______________________   -(__)-                    .(__)-o
                      `--. dd _____________________ / <

                    \        /
                 *smack!* ,                     ,,,
                    -   OO ===------- - -  -    ..'
______________________  (_`)b   -              -(__).
                      `--.d   \                  | \

          See? I rest                           Finally.
            my case.                               `,,,
                ` _pp                               '..
_________________(__)_                             .(__).
jg                    `--.__________________________ |\ ___________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 341 (Feb. 9, 2003)

         ,,,         ___    __
         '..        ()..)   ..#     OO             ..~
         .||.       ,//>   .||.    .||.           .<<.
      ___ || _______ |\ ___ || ____ dd ___________ || ____

         ,,,           ___  __
         '..          ()..) ..#     OO             ..~
         .||.          -))-((-     .||.           .<<.
 ________ || _________ / | | \ ____ dd ___________ || _________

                                    \ ' /
         ,,,            __        ___
         'oo        _  #oo   __- (oo()#O          ..~
         .||.      (___ -))-  - _//. //          .<<.
          ||            / |      /  dd            ||

         ,,,            __        ___
         '..           #..       ()..)            ^^~
          ||            )|       //     pp       -<<.
jg_______ || __________ || _____ || ____ \\ _____ || _____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 342 (Feb. 11, 2003)
  Hah! You have a                      Thanks. Most people just
 seriously big head!                __ ,  call me fat, which
              `~..                 c'_)   hurts my feelings.
               .>>-               .(__).
   ____________ |\ ________________ || ______________

                   *                __
                  ~..              c'_)
                  .>>.            .(__).
                   ||               ||

 Well I uh.. was..                     In that case, don't you
leading up to that!                 __ ,  mean "I was leading
                 `~..              c'_)   up to that, fatso"?
                  ->>-            .(__).
                   ||               ||

                  ~oo              c'_)
                  .>>.            .(__).
               ___ || _____________ || ___

                                       What a nice
                                    __ ,  person.
         oo~                       c'_)
        .<<.                      .(__).
jg_____  /| _______________________ || ________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 343 (Feb. 13, 2003)
                                     Geez. We should start living.
 ___     ,,,                          ,   We're total slackers.
|   |    .''                        OO
|  ||___v-\\____        |_   ______  ))|
|___|     ||    |       | |  |    | dd||

              We are?                 Yeah, we just sit around and
                  `,,,                ,   -talk- all day long!
                   '..              OO
                   .||v |_   ______  ))|
                    |\  | |  |    | dd||

 Wait.. Isn't that exactly
  what you're doing now? `,,,        *
                          '..       OO
                         |(( _v____  ))|
    ____________________ ||\\|    | dd|| ____________________

           You're quite the          Shush. I'm busy
             hypocrite.  `,,,         ,  slacking.
                          '..       OO
                         |((-v_____  ))|
                       jg||\\|    | dd||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 344 (Feb. 16, 2003)
                Yeah?           That's the first thing you've
                   `__            ,  said to me in all the
                   (|..         OO   time I've known you.
                    'PP        .||.
               _____ || _______ dd __

                Huh?             Easil-  No no, you're supposed to say
                   `__            ,   "You don't know me". Then I go
                   (|..         OO   "Easily remedied". Then we date.
                    'PP        .||>    OK? Start from "You don't".
                  __ || _______ dd __

  Sigh. Are you still           Easily remedied.. HEY!
   talking to me?  `__            ,
                   (|..         OO
                    'PP        .||.
                  __ || _______ dd __

                                You did that on
                  __             ,  purpose!
                 ~~|)          OO
                 99'           -\\-
jg______________ /| ___________ dd ______________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 345 (Feb. 18, 2003)
So where is this alleged         Heh heh. You're
 robot copy of you that        looking right at it!
  you say you made?   `__       ,  I'm the copy!
                      #..     OO
                      .)|.   .||.
                    __ || ___ dd ______

 You can't have made the
copy -and- be it! OK, is        Uhm..
there a copy or not?  `__       ,
                      #..     OO
                      .)|.   .||.
                    __ || ___ dd __

    __ ,
    ..#                       OO
    |(                        ||
 __ /| ______________________ dd __________________________________

                  Hey, I'm confused. Which       Again?! I AM, STUPID!
                   one of us is the copy?                ,
                                      `OO              @@
                                      ((               -\\-
jg___________________________________ b b _____________ dd ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 346 (Feb. 20, 2003)
      Soo.. I'm the real            *sigh*  Yes! -I- am
       Nerd Boy, right?              ,  the robot copy.
                     `OO           OO
                     .||.          ||
                   __ bb _________ dd __

 Well then go do the stuff                Very well.
I should be doing so I can                 ,
 totally slack off!  `OO                 OO
                      ||-               ((
            _________ bb ______________ b b _______________

          That worked out great! Now I can
         , finally catch up on my reading.
 _____ d d __________________________


               I.. can't believe I'm            It's the new me, baby.
                on a date with you!               ,
                                  `~.    .  .   OO
                                  |_>._v_|__|_v_ ))|
jg_______________________________ | |\|        |dd||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 347 (Feb. 23, 2003)
    Why did you go on                  I thought you built me to do
    a date with Mandy?!                ,  what you should be doing.
                  `OO                OO
                 q//-               .||.
           _______ b _______________ dd ___

 If anyone's supposed to go            Thus that's what -I- should
 out with Mandy, it's -me-!            ,  do, as per your orders.
                         `OO         OO
                         -||-       .||>
                      ___ bb _______ dd ___

        -I- should be using           Exactly.
        infallible logic to            ,
          win arguments!  `OO        OO
                         -//-       .||.
                      ___ bb _______ dd ___

                          `@@        --
                         .//-       .||.
jg_______________________ bb _______ dd _______________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 348 (Feb. 25, 2003)
OK, I did build you to do what     Whatever you say.
I -should- do. Just don't ask         ,  _
   Mandy out on dates.   `OO        OO  (_|
                         .||.      .||. [__]_   _|
                          bb        dd  |   |  | |

     Good. I'll be in my room
     reading "Shirayukihime".          OK.
     ,                                 , _
   OO                                OO (_|
    ))                              ((  [__]_   _|
__ d d ____________________________ b b |   |  | | ____________

                  ~..                   (_|  O
                   >>                   [__]_.)_|
               ___ |\                   |   |d| | _____

             Um.. Wanna go see a                Good idea, what do
             movie or something?         _      ,  you wanna see?
                              `~..      (_|   OO
                               .>>.     [__]_.||. _|
jg_____________________________ || ____ |   | dd | | _______________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 349 (Feb. 27, 2003)
Ah, how is the robotic                   We're late, Nerd Boy. Stop
 beauty this evening?                     ,  talking to that, it's
                   `OO      ==~        ~..   just a stupid -robot-.
                   ((       [[          >>
                __ b b ____ /| _______  |\ __

                         OO   ~==       ..~
                         ||   .]].     .<<.
   _____________________ bb __ || _____ || _______________________

 MOMENTS LATER... |                                     What's wrong?
------------------'                                   __ ,
                                        oo~           ..#
                                        <<           .|(.
                      _________________ || __________ /| __

                      Nothing! -I- broke up with
                     -him-! It was NOT the OTHER   __
                       WAY AROUND, GOT THAT?! `~-- oo#
jg____________________________________________ //  || ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 350 (Mar. 2, 2003)
So the Japanese IKEA robot        Yeah, but not to worry;
 eloped with a robot  `,,,        , I have a replacement.
     copy of you?      '..      OO
                        ||     ((
                 ______ |\ ___ b b _____

                                   ,,,             ,
                                   '..           OO
                                   .||.    __   -||-
                                    ||    |__|   dd

                That's just an empty              I'M TOO DISTRAUGHT
                  cardboard box!  `,,,            , TO BUILD THINGS!
                                   '..          @@
                                   .||-    __   -\\-
                                ___ || __ |__| _ dd ___

                                   'oo                           @@
                                    ||     __                   ((
 __________________________________ || __ |__| ________________ b b __

           Could at least paint
             a face on it... `,,,
                              ||           __
jg___________________________ /| ________ |__| _______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 351 (Mar. 4, 2003)
             What are -you-          *MEEP!*
            doing in -here-?  ___ ___ ,
                         `OO |   |==~|
                          ||-|o  |[[.|
             ____________ bb |___||| | ________

                 Turns out she hadn't eloped;
                  I had accidentally locked
         ,,,     ,  her in the closet again!
         '..   OO
         .||. .||.
    _____ || _ dd ______

                                                _   __              )
                                               ' `-/ _)            (
                                              /.- /  /\\           ) /|
                                              || /  /  \\ |  /    (_):|
Looks kinda      Yeah.. I hope those      ____||/  /-( *BOOM!* )-,'.::|
 angry. `,,,     ,  buildings aren't     |:::(((:|/    /  |.:\   |::::|
         ''.   OO   very important.      |:::::::|  __  .::::|   |::::|
         .||. .||.                       |:::::::| |::| |::::|   |::::|
jg_______ || _ dd ________               |:::::::| |::| |::::|   |::::|
                          `--.           |:::::::| |::| |::::|   |::::|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 352 (Mar. 6, 2003)
Fan Boy! I got a huge basket
  and sandwiches! Are you
thinking what I'm thinking?                      ,,,
                  `OO                            ..'
             __|__-||-                           ||
           _ \___/ bb __________________________ /| __

                         Yup, I thought "I wonder if
                        Nerd Boy is thinking the same
                          thing as I am?"  `,,,
                   OO                       ..'
             __|__.||.                     .||.
             \___/ bb _____________________ ||

               But..        Thanks for answering that
                  `         one. Would've bothered `,,,
                   OO       me for ages otherwise.  '..
             __|__.||.                               ||
             \___/ bb ______________________________ |\

jg__________ \___/ bb _______________________________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 353 (Mar. 9, 2003)
               You got up late.           Yeah, I was up all night
       .--.            `,,,                playing Knight Rider.
      / / |       ,---- '..  ----.                        `OO
      +-+-+    .-'______ ||___.-'|                          ))
  ___ | | | __ ||______ //____|__| _______________________ d d __

              HAAhahahahaaa!                  What's so funny?!
       .--.            `,,,                     ,
      / / |       ,---- '~~  ----.            OO
      +-+-+    .-'______ ||___.-'|           .||.
      | | | __ ||______ //____|__| __________ dd

             Knight.. night.. I                What? That wouldn't
            thought it was a pun.                make any sense!
       .--.            `,,,                     ,
      / / |       ,---- '..  ----.            OO
      +-+-+    .-'______ ||___.-'|           -||-
      | | | __ ||______ //____|__| __________ dd ________

                  Kind of like               That's it, I'm going
                your other puns.                back to bed...
       .--.             `,,,                                `
      / / |       ,----- ..' ----.                           OO
      +-+-+    .-'______ ||___.-'|                          ((
jg____| | |    ||______ //____|__| ________________________ b b ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 354 (Mar. 11, 2003)
  Hey Nerd Boy, what would              I'd change that weird
 you do as president of the              right to bear arms.
   United States?    `__                 ,
                     #..               OO
                      )|              .||.
                      |\               dd

        Really? You'd change             Well, duh! Who wants bear
          the arms laws?  `__            ,  arms anyway?! Let the
                          #..          OO   bears keep their arms!
                          .)|.        -||-
                     _____ || ________ dd _____

                   Wh- What?!            Yeah. If you're giving away
                          `__            ,  arms, make it something
                          #..          OO   cool like -robot- arms.
                          .)|.        .||.
  ________________________ || ________ dd __________________________

            Forget I asked.             And one arm could have a
             __ ,                        ,  laser gun maybe, or
             --#                       OO    some kinda saw...
             |(                       .||-
jg__________ /| ______________________ dd _________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 355 (Mar. 13, 2003)
    I finally did it! This machine                o   o
   can turn brain waves into music!           _____\_/_____
                               `OO        ___|##|  ___  |##|
                               .||.      (|:|)##| |o_o| |##|
                            ___ bb ________:_|##|_______|##|___

    No more lonely nights playing                 o   o
      the violin! Here goes... `____          _____\_/_____
                               (|OO|)        |##|  ___  |##|
                                `||' \       |##| |o_o| |##|
                                 db   `.___.'|##|_______|##|

                             |)\/\/|  |.          o   o
                                ____          _____\_/_____
                       *BZZT!*-(|##|)-*PAF!* |##|  ___  |##|
                                 ||  \       |##| |o_o| |##|
    ____________________________ db   `./\/\/|##|_______|##|________

    Wonderful music.      BUNDLE OF TULIPS?!      o   o        .~
           `,,,            ,   FOR ME?        _____\_/_____    |
            '..         OO>                  |##|  ___  |##|  o'
             ||         .\\            ___   |##| |o_o| |##|
jg&bug______ |\ ________ dd _________ (| |)-'|##|_______|##|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 356 (Mar. 16, 2003)
                           *Mail from*
                             *Mandy*     "Sailing's dandy"?! Ugh.. I'm
                  .------------- -        still deaf from trying that
                  | Remember, you    _   ,  stupid machine last week.
                  | owe me dinner.  (_| O
                  :                [__]_.)_|
                                   |   |d| |
 I have to tell you something.
This thing with the robot clone        Uh huh, could you pass
 of you made me realize.. I..         ,  the meat please?
         I love you.   `~.    .  .   O
                       |_>._v_|__|_v_ )_|
    __________________ | |\|        |d| | ________________________

                    __     \          /     __
                    \                        /
                       __       __ __      __
                 --   /__`/|/\ /_//   /_/ |_/  --
                     .__// / // / \_ /  / o
                   /_                       _\
                          /          \

             .--------------- -
             | NOTE TO SELF: ___
             | Mandy is a   (_(_|O# _
             | rabid vegan. [_|_]_))_|
jg&bug       :              | |  |d| |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 357 (Mar. 18, 2003)
   Nerd Boy was deaf?! That explains          ,,,
    a lot. I should apologize to  `~..        ..'
    him for my violent outburst.   .>>.      .||.
                         __________ || ______ || _____

                           Nerd Boy?
                   ,,,      ,
                   '..   ~..
                    ||    >>           _____  _|
 __________________ |\ __ |\ _________ |   | | | ___________________

Hey, here's a note. "I've moved out.
 I feel my mind is degenerating. `,,,
 I need change; new places, new   '.. _           ..~
   people. Good bye forever."      ||//_____  _| .<<.
                   _______________ ||  |   | | |  || __

                                  '..             ..~
                                   ||  _____  _|  <<
__________________________________ ||  |   | | |  || __________

Oops. Maybe I should've
written the note -after-           ,,,
packing my bags.  `OO              ..'            ..~
               _n_ ||             .||. _____  _| .<<.
jg___________ |___|bb ____________ ||  |   | | |  || __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 358 (Mar. 20, 2003)
   Finally, I'm moving out. Can't
 shake the feeling that I forgot to
  do something important though...
               _n_ .||.
         ____ |___| bb __________________

          Oh well. Taxi!
               _n_ .||
   __________ |___| bb ____________________________________________

             I'm sure it'll                ____
            come back to me.           .--'.---\---.
                       `OO         ___/___/____|____\___
                     __,//       o'-o-' _ |    |    |_  |
       ___ *draaag* /__/ b _____ '::'--(o)'----'----(o)-' _______

        So.. Where           That's it, deciding a
         to, pal?    ____    ,  destination! Crap.
                `.--'.---\---.      _   _____
             ___/___/____|_OO_\___   - __ -
           o'-o-' _ |    |    |_  | - _- - _
jg________ '::'--(o)'----'----(o)-' ____________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 359 (Mar. 23, 2003)
 You're looking for      Yeah, step
 a roommate, right?      right in.
     ___`____        ___ ,
    |   | OO |      (..()
    |o  | || |       .||-
    |___| bb |     __ || ________________

              Nice place.         Thanks.
                     `         ___ ,
                     OO       ()^^)           ___      __  _____   __
                    ((         ||            |\_ \_   || ||`. --`.|| |
   ________________ b b ______ |\ __________ | ()-()  ||_||_|____|||_|

 Well, as long as there are           Not closets, but there's the
no skeletons in your closets,        freezer where I keep heads...
 you've got a new roommate!       ___ ,
                         `OO     (..()
                         -||-     .||.
        _________________ bb _____ || __________________

                ..of cabbage?         Uh.. yes! That's
                         `        ___ ,  less weird!
                          OO     (..()
                          ||      -||.
jg_______________________ bb _____ || ________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 360 (Mar. 25, 2003)
                         You have all this cool stuff; how come
              ___        ,  no one wants to live with you? I
             ()..)     OO    could really get used to this.
              ||      ((
          ___ |\ ____ b b ________________________

Yeah, it's weird. I've had a number of roommates actually, but it
never seems to work out, like my first roomie; he was a giant robot--
actually, I think you two met some time way back when, when you were
looking to hire him for this job or something--anyway, we used to share
an apartment for a while, but after just a couple of days he was gone,
said he was going to get a smoke or something and he just never came
back, which incidentally is exactly what my third and seventh roommates
did, and it turned out they had smuggled their stuff out in advance,
not to mention those who didn't even take their stuff with them; I have
lots of stuff here that is just mine by default since they left, and
that's actually what all of my roommates do; they stay for a couple of
days and then just disappear!
                     ()..)      OO
                      ||        ||
    _________________ || ______ dd ___________________________

         And I have no            ..well.. I'm starting
          idea why!  `___         ,  to figure it out.
                     ()..)      OO
                     -||-        ))
jg___________________ || ______ dd _______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 361 (Mar. 27, 2003)
                                           HammerHead, we've got to do
                        ___                 ,   something about our
                       ()..)              OO   stupid single status.
                       .||.                ))
                 ______ || ______________ d d ____

Actually, I've given up.
We're going to die and `___
 forget we existed,    ()..)      OO
  so who cares?        -||-      .||.
                     __ || ______ dd _________________

                       ()..)      OO
                        ||        ||
        _______________ || ______ dd __________________________

                                     That works with the "sit at home
                        ___         ,  and let the girls come to you"
                       ()..)      OO  strategy I was about to propose.
                        ||        ||
               ________ || ______ dd _________

             Let's see what's         You have the Kikujiro no Natsu
                 on TV.   `___        ,  DVD, right? Let's watch that.
                          ()..)     OO
                           ||      ((
jg________________________ |\ ____ b b ______________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 362 (Mar. 30, 2003)
          Wow, it actually drove
           past us. This rocks!
               _       `       ___   _
     *wroo..  [#]    __ OO   _()..) [#]    __  _____   __  ..oom*
               |    |\_((_  |\_((_   |    || ||`. --`.|| |
             _ | __ | ()bb) | ()\\)  |    ||_||_|____|||_|

                                  Wait 'til you hear
                                  this next part...
               _               ___ , _
              [#]    __ OO   _()..) [#]    __  _____   __
               |    |\_((_  |\_((_   |    || ||`. --`.|| |
             _ | __ | ()bb) | ()\\)  |    ||_||_|____|||_|

            .     .               .     .
             \ _ /             ___ \ _ /            .      .
          * - [#]- *RATATATA*_()..) [#]  \ __  _____ \ __ /
               |    |\ *BOOM*\_*BLAM BLAM*|| ||`. --`.|| |
 _____________ | *FWOOOSH*) | ()\\)  |  - ||_||_|____|||_| __________

                        Cool, huh?
               _              `___   _
              [#]    ___     _()..) [#]    __  _____   __
               |  OO|\_ \_  |\_((_   |    || ||`. --`.|| |
jg             |   \| ()-() | ()\\)  |    ||_||_|____|||_|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 363 (Apr. 1, 2003)
You dumped your old
friends just because         Yeah.
 they bored you?   `___       ,
                   ()..)    OO
                    ||     ((
  _________________ |\ ___ b b __

What luxury. I don't make        Sure you do, I've seen you. You
friends so easily as  `___       , just can't -keep- friends well.
to dump them at will. ()..)    OO
                      .||.    .||>
                    __ || ____ dd __

Maybe people like me can't
keep friends because people
  like you dump us?   `___      *
                      ()..)    OO
                      -||-      ))
   ___________________ || ____ dd ________________________

                                Strange... I seem to have wandered into
                               "HammerHead's Guilt Trip Emporium". Must
                       ___       ,  have missed the sign on my way in.
                      ()..)    OO
                       ||     <||>
jg____________________ || ____ bb _________________
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Episode 364 (Apr. 3, 2003)
                            Hmm.. Tricky
                  ___       ,  shot...
                 ()..)    OO
                |-||.    .||.
   ___________ c| || ____ bb __o___________________________________

                            Nine iron.
                  ___       ,
                 ()..)    OO
                |-||.    -||.
            __ c| || ____ bb __o____

                 Here.     Thanks.
                    `___    ,
                    ()..) OO
                     |\c| bb   o

                                             - o
                        ___            ,
                         \\ ` `.
                   -   _ OO> _) )
                  -  /__  )) _ , /
jg________________ c/ _  b b *pok!*   - ____________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 365 (Apr. 6, 2003)
     Why did you want to       What?! I thought -you-
      come to this bar?      ___, wanted to go here!             __
                     `OO    ()..)                      ..        ..'
                     ((      ||                       (( _ v == -||.___
         ___________ b b ___ |\ ______________________|>|

                 Hey there,       And get stuck in a relationship with
                wanna dance?      you constantly trying to change me?
                         `__        ,    ___                     __
                         $~~      OO    (..()          ..        ..'
                         $>>     .||.    .||.         ((-v______.||.___
      ___________________ |\ ____ dd ____ || _________|>|

                             You'll just start hating me, break
                             up and we'll both be broken-hearted.
                            __      ,    ___                       __
                           $..    OO    (..()        ``,>         '..
                           $>>   .||>    .||.         \\'_________((___
             ______________ || __ dd ____ || ______ __|>|

            Idiot.   See?! She hates
           __ ,        me already! `     ___
           --$                     OO   (..()          ..
           <<$                    -||.    ||          ((-v_____________
jg________ /| ____________________ bb ___ || _________|>|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 366 (Apr. 8, 2003)
                                              Nerd Boy, can you explain
                                           ___ ,  programming to me?
                           OO             (..()
                          ((                ||
                      ___ b b _____________ /| __________

           ..storing the address on      ___
            a stack. So now we.. `OO    (..()
                                 .||.    .||.
                           ______ bb ____ || ________

             ..and then you have to      ___
             compile, which is.. `OO    (..()
                                 <||.    .||.
                           ______ bb ____ || ________

              ..and that pretty much         Umm.. Not really. Maybe we
                sums it up. Got it?      ___ ,  had too many of those
                                 `OO    (..()     10-minute breaks?
                                 .||.     ||
jg               ________________ bb ____ || __________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 367 (Apr. 10, 2003)
 I knew the broadband broad was   |
 gonna be trouble the nanosecond  |        Are you the private
 I saw her walk through the door. |          investigator?
------------------ __  -----------'                 `__    .---.
                  '..                                ~~@   |[_]|
                |_((._____               _|          <<    |  o|
           _____| |\| |   |____________ | | ________ /| __ |___| __

That's what it says                      Great. I've lost
  on the door.  ` __                   __ ,  a packet.     .---.
                 '..                   ~~@                 |[_]|
                |_\\-_____             <<_|                |  o|
           _____| |\| |   |__________ //| | ______________ |___| __

 Yep. It was gonna be one  |
 of -those- microseconds.  |
------------------ __ -----'           __                  .---.
                  '..                  ~~@                 |[_]|
                |_(( _____             <<_|                |  o|
           _____| |\| |   |__________ </| | ______________ |___| __

     All that when I just           Don't interrupt, next is
     access a web page? `___        ,  the interesting part.
                        ()..)     OO
                         ||      .||.
jg                       ||       dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 368 (Apr. 13, 2003)
   \     \(###########)  (##########"'  | Overflow bits dumping out of
 \   \ \   `""#"'`":#/    `"""#""#/ \  \| stack clouds. It was another
      \  \  \   \  \  _____\ \    \    \| one of -those- CPU cycles...
 \  \   \   \     \   )_ _(   \ \   \   `------------------------------
      \   \\    \     \| |      \____\  \   \   __\   \ __\     \   \
   \         \   \  \  | | \  \ |::::|   _\_   |[\| \  |:\| \  __ \
 \    \  _\__    \  ___| |  \___|:\::| \|  \|__|[]|\___|::|---| \|\\  \
___\____|   \|_\___|::\| \--|[]\|:::\|__| \ |  \ \ |   |\:|\  \  |__\__
 \   \\ |    |   \ |:::\ |  |[][|::::|  |   | \    |  \|:\|    \ |\   \

It was probably only my imagination, |
but these cycles seemed to come more |
and more often. Rather depressing... |
         ____    __   |                         .---.
        |\ \ |   .''  |                         |[_]|
        |_\__|   ||   |   |_   _____            |  o|
________________ || __|__ | | | |   | _________ |   | ___________

 What? My new processor is           Yep. So you should
depressing a little guy who        give me the processor.
  lives in my computer?  `___      ,
                         ()..)   OO
                         -||-   .||>
jg_______________________ || ___ dd ___________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 369 (Apr. 15, 2003)
 My investigation continued... |

 Charlie, old pal. Heard about           What's to know? They dissolve
  any lost packets of data?  `__       _ ,   into the bit rain that
                             '..      .."    drives my power plant.
                            |((  _____(_)|
                         __ ||\\ |   |//|| __

   -This- particular packet contains
   data that would stop packet loss         *tic*
    and put you out of business!  ` __      _
                                  _'--     :,"  *tic*
---------------------------.  __ ||\\ |   |//||________
 He knew something... His  |
 eye tics were a big hint. |
---------------------------'            ,------------------------------
                                        | Waking up a few milliseconds
_______________________________________ | later in a garbage collector
                                        | was also a substantial hint.
     __ __                       \\                      |
    |__|__|        __________                            |
     `|__|        /    __   /                         ___|
                 /___ '.. _/                        ,'___|
                |`-. __||__`-.                      |__|_|
jg______________|__|_________| _______________________|__|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 370 (Apr. 17, 2003)
 It was the big showdown; my |
 investigation was now over. |
                                              Just as I thought. You
              _     __                      __ ,  two work together.
             "oo   @oo                 ___  --'
            .(__). .>>.                 `'\-||
            _ || __ || ____________________ /| ________________________

                      Yeah.           You sent me on a wild goose chase
              _     __ ,               __ ,  to keep me out of the way
             "..   @..            ___  --'   while you pulled a heist.
            .(__). .>>.            `'\-||.   There was no lost packet!
        _____ || __ || _______________ || _____

      That's right.                      So...
            ` _     __                 __ ,
             "..   @..            ___  --'
            .(__). .>>.            `'\-||.
_____________ || __ || _______________ || _____________________________

                                        Do I still get
              _     __                 __ ,  paid?
             "..   @..                 ..'
            .(__). .>>.              ,.||
jg___________ || __ || _____________ | || _______________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 371 (Apr. 20, 2003)
It's kind of boring around       -You're- boring.
 here without Nerd Boy.  `,,,       ,         ,--.
                       ,- '.. -- ~.. -.       | \ \
                       |`-.||____.>>.__`-.    +-+-+
                   ___ |__|_\\____\\____|| __ | | |

      `,,,                                    ,--.
       ..'             ,-------- ~.. -.       | \ \
       ||              |`-.______.>>.__`-.    +-+-+
______ /| ____________ |__|_______\\____|| __ | | |

                       ,-------- ~.. -.       | \ \
                       |`-.______.>>.__`-.    +-+-+
      ________________ |__|_______\\____|| __ | | |

  FLAME THROWER!       (
          `,,,          )                     ,--.
           'oo     ,,,,, ------- ~oo -.       | \ \
          [(||:==<|--    - ______ >> __`-.    +-+-+
jg          ||     `````__|_______\\____|| __ | | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 372 (Apr. 22, 2003)
                 Hello Nerd Boy.       _____
                             `,,,     | ,,, |
                              'OO     | OO' |
                              .||.    |.||. |
                               ||     |_||__|\

           | So.. Did you have     |         Nah. Easter   |
           |   a nice Easter?      |   _____ ,  sucks.     |
           |                 `,,,  |  | ,,, |              |
           |                  '..  |  | OO' |              |
           |                OO-||. |  |.||. |              |
           |      ____________ || _|_ |_||__|\ ______      |
           |                       |                       |
           |                       |                       |
           |Really? I thought you  |     *                 |
           | liked all the candy   |   _____               |
           |    and stuff.   `,,,  |  | ,,, |              |
           |                  '..  |  | ..' |              |
           |                OO-||. |  |.||-O|              |
           |      ____________ || _|_ |_||__|\ ______      |

         *sigh* Can't think of a            Hah! I win!
          good Nerd Boy retort.        _____ ,
                             `,,,     |,,,  |
                              '..     |OO'  |
                              ,||.    |-\\. |
jg___________________________OO|| ___ |_||__|\ ______________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 373 (Apr. 24, 2003)
    I just realized that            You're right! We have to
     Nerd Boy may never               find him right now!
        come back.   `,,,               ,
                      '..            oo~
                       ||           -<<-
                     _ |\ __________ || _

                     Really?           Duh! I was being sarcastic;
                          `,,,          ,   I hate his guts!
                           '..       ''~
                           .||.     .<<.
                            ||       ||

         How do I know -that-          I'll make it easy for you: When
          wasn't sarcasm? `,,,          ,  I'm not punching you in the
                           '..       --~   face, I'm being sarcastic.
                           .||.     .<<.
     ______________________ || _____ || _______________________

               Ah, -that's-          You wish.
                sarcasm!  `,,,        ,
                           '~~     --~
                           .||-   .<<.
jg                          ||     /|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 374 (Apr. 27, 2003)
He's been gone too long!             Finally! Good bye and
I'm going to search `,,,              ,  good riddance!
 for Nerd Boy now!   ..'           ..~
                     ||           -<<-
           _________ /| __________ || ________________

______________________________________ |\ ____________

Well.. He's not
 in his room. `,,,
               '..                         --~
                ||                         <<
        _______ |\ _______________________ || ______________


                  Give me        o       Throw me the
                 the whip!        \    ___ , idol!
                       `OO         `._(..()
   __________________ o//- ___________`-||. ________________________
                       bb  /|        |\ /|
jg                        / |        | \
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 375 (Apr. 29, 2003)
                      ___         Why don't we ever do    _
 __   _____  __      (..()_          anything cool?  `O  |_)
| ||.'-- .'|| ||      _))_/|                       \_(  _[__]
|_|||____|_||_|| ___ (//() | _____________________ _|_b |   |

    This week we went ___           That's already in     _
 __  on a quest for `()..)_            my weblog. _ `OO  |_)
| || a sacred idol.   _))_/|                      \\((  _[__]
|_|||____|_||_|| ___ (//() |   __________________ _|_bb |   |

Oh. You also fought the                          Didn't we do something
 evil cybermonster.  `___                         , -cool-_this week?
 __   _____  __      ()..)_                     OO  _    |_)
| ||.'-- .'|| ||      _))_/|                     ))//   _[__]
|_|||____|_||_||     (//() |                    dd_|_   |   |

                      ___                                 _
 __   _____  __      (..()_                     OO  _    |_)
| ||.'-- .'|| ||      _))_/|                     ))//   _[__]
|_|||____|_||_|| ___ (//() | __________________ dd_|_   |   | _____

      We tried the new                        Perfect rant
      Fanta flavour. `___                       material! _  *click*
 __   _____  __      ()..)_                           `O |_)   *clack*
| ||.'-- .'|| ||      _))_/|                        \_(._[__]
|_|||____|_||_|| ___ (//() |jg_____________________ _|_b|   |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 376 (May. 1, 2003)
Mandy, you remember my                        Oh geez. Why didn't -you-
girlfriend Linda. She'll                      just move in with -her-?
live here, since  `,,,     __                   ,
 Nerd Boy's gone.  '..    #..                --~
                   .||.    )|               .<<.
               ____ |\ ___ |\ ______________ || _____

                        Um..            Yeah! Why?
                           `,,,        __ ,
                            '..        ..#   ..~
                             ||       .|(.  .<<.
  __________________________ || ______ || __ || _____________________

           OH LOOK! A THREE-
             HEADED MONKEY!           -What- did you call me?
                     `,,,              __ ,
                      '..   -- __      ..#   ..~
                     .//-  __---      .|(.  .<<.
              ______ /| ______________ || __ || _______

                         He's cute when he     Whatever.
                   ,,,    freezes up  `__       ,
                   'oo    like that.  #..    ..~
                  .//-                ,|(.  .<<.
jg_______________ /| _________________ || __ || _______________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 377 (May. 4, 2003)
       So.. Dork Girl.               My name is Linda.
                `            ___   __ ,
                ~..         (_(_|  ..#
                 >>         [_|_]_.|(|
                 |\         | |  |//||

Yeah, but you moved in to            I'm not taking anyone's place,
 take Nerd Boy's place,      ___   __ ,  stop calling me that.
  right Dork Girl?  `~..    (_(_|  ..#
                     .>>.   [_|_]_.|(|
                      ||    | |  |//||

       Well.. Bye,                    STOP CALLING ME
       Dork Girl.            ___   __ , "DORK GIRL"!
            `..~            (_(_|  @@#
             <<             [_|_]_ -\\-  _
             /| ___________ | |  |  ||   _|__  ________

        See? Dork Girl!             *
             ,               ___   __
          ~^^               (_(_|  oo#
          .>>-              [_|_]_ -\\-  _
jg         ||               | |  |  ||   _|__
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 378 (May. 6, 2003)
                Dork Girl!            OK.. This is getting
                     `              __ ,   really old.
                      ~^^           --#
                      .>>-          |(
                ______ || _________ /| ____

                   Huh?             I'm gonna skip ahead to where I
                     `           __ , can't take it anymore and have
                      ~..        ..#   to convince your secret love
                      .>>.      .|(>     Nerd Boy to move back in.
                ______ || ______ || _____________

            BKJT! FRKGL!?            Yeah, OK bye.
                     `                      `__
                      ~oo                   #..
                      ->>-                   )|
    _____  ___ _       ||       _ ____  ____ |\ ________________

jg____________________ || ___________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 379 (May. 8, 2003)
                               Here we are. Playing video games while
                               ___ ,   other people are starving.
                     __ OO   _()..)        __  _____   __
                    |\_((o. |\_((o.       || ||`. --`.|| |
                    | ()bb)\|_()\\)`._____||_||_|____|||_|

                              What if we'd been born in Africa?
                               ___ ,
                     __ OO   _()..)        __  _____   __
                    |\_((o. |\_((o.       || ||`. --`.|| |
                    | ()bb)\|_()\\)`._____||_||_|____|||_|

 I'm glad I wasn't. Wouldn't      Hehe! That's
  understand the language.     ___ ,  funny!
                     __`OO   _()^^)        __  _____   __
                    |\_((o. |\_((o.       || ||`. --`.|| |
                    | ()bb)\|_()\\)`._____||_||_|____|||_|

Starvation is funny? Can          i'm sorry
you at least stay serious      ___ ,
   for one second?!  __`OO   _(),,)        __  _____   __
                    |\_((o. |\_((o.       || ||`. --`.|| |
jg__________________| ()bb)\|_()\\)`._____||_||_|____|||_|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 380 (May. 11, 2003)
                                     There's nothing like the care-free
 __                              ___ , life of a bachelor, eh Nerd Boy?
#..                       OO    ()..)
 )|                      ((      ||
 |\                      b b     |\

Nerd Boy! Mandy loves                        Oh sure! He'll -gladly-
you and wants you  ` __                  ___ ,  go back to a life he
to move back home.  #..           OO    (..()     hated! Why not?
                    .)|.          ||     .||.
                ____ || _________ dd ____ || _______

                  Glad you're OK          *
        __         , with this.          ___
        ..#      OO     Bye!            (..()
        |(      .))'                      ||
  _____ /| ____ d d _____________________ || _______

                                             Sure! -Don't- understand
                                         ___ ,   sarcasm! Why not?!
jg_______________________________________ || _________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 381 (May. 13, 2003)
                                                   Did Mandy tell you
                                        __         ,  she's in love
                                        ..#      OO     with me?
                                        |(        ))
                         ______________ /| _____ d d ____

               Not in so many words,           So I'm supposed to move
             but it is pretty obvious.        back to take her insults
                                   `__             ,  based on one of
                                   #..           OO   your -hunches-?
                                   .)|.         .||.
                     ______________ || _________ dd ______________

                           Um.. Yeah..         Works for me,
                                   `__         , let's go.
                                   #..       OO
                                    )|        ))
            _______________________ || _____ d d ___________

 You found Nerd Boy?!         He was with HammerHead      Yo.
  Where was he? I  `,,,       __ ,  next door.        ___ ,
 looked everywhere! '..       --#              OO    (..()
                    -||-     .|(-              ||     .||'
jg__________________ || _____ || _____________ dd ____ || ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 382 (May. 15, 2003)
                 I'm glad you're           As Did I; Your Arch-Nemesis.
                  back, Nerd Boy.                           ` ___
                   I missed you.                             |=_/
                             `,,,                            |  \   ,|
                              '..    OO                      |   `-' \_
                              .||.  .||.                     |        (
             _________________ || __ dd _____________________ \       /

                                       Yay! I have an    |=_/'
                              ,,,      , arch-nemesis!   |  \
                              '..    OO                  |   `-'\
                              .||.  -||-                 |      (__
                               ||    bb                  |        /
   //  |@                                                 ___
  //__/                  So? Me too.                     |=_/
  (( :((                      `,,,                       |  \
    _:_                        --'   OO                  |   \    _
/\|\.\./|/\                   -||.  .||.                 |    \_.'/
  |   \ | ____________________ || __ dd ________________ |       ( ___

         //  |@                                           ___
         ||_/              Holy       crap.              |=_/
         ((:                 `,,,      ,                 |  \
          _:_                 'oo    @@                  |   \
      |`|\.|./|'|              ||    ||                  |    `-')
jg    | |  |  | |              ||    dd                  |      '-.
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 383 (May. 18, 2003)

        //  |@    This is        Nah, having     ___
        ||_/     not good.     an arch-nemesis  |=_/
        ((:             `,,,     , is cool!     |  \
         _:_             ..'   OO               |   \
     |`|\.|./|'|         ||   .||.              |    \
     | |  |  | | _______ || __ bb _____________ |     `-._

        //  |@                                   ___
        ||_/\\  Ow. Not good.     Woah! Cool!   |=_/
        ((:  `=.._       `,,,     ,             |  \
         _:_     `"*=--.__oo'   OO              |   \
     |`|\.|./|'| *whip*  `"=   -||.             |    `.__
 ___ | |  |  | | _______ //____ dd ____________ |      ,'_____________

       //____  ,,,           Hey, aren't            Virus! Care To Swap
       \\  @ |_oo'           you gonna do        ___ , Heroes? Mine Is
        \___/-/=            something cool?     |=_/      An Idiot.
          :  < \                       `        |  \
         _:_                            OO      |   \
     |`|\.|./|'|                       -||-     |    `--.
jg   | |  |  | |                        bb      |      (
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 384 (May. 20, 2003)
  | |     Great! You got us         -I'm- not the one who          | |
  | |     locked up by our             got caught by a        ___  | |
  | |      arch-nemeses! `,,,          , giant virus!        |[_]| | |
  | |__                   '..        OO                      |\\\| | |
  |/__/|_________________ -||- ____ .||. ____________________|___|_| |
  |___/___________________ || ______ dd ____________________________\|

  | |                                                              | |
  | |       Oh yeah?! Well           You're -stupid-!         ___  | |
  | |       you're -fat-! `,,,        ,                      |[_]| | |
  | |__                    'oo      @@                       |\\\| | |
  |/__/|_________________ .//- ____ -\\> ____________________|___|_| |
  |___/___________________ || ______ dd ____________________________\|

  | |                                                              | |
  | |    Sorry... I'm just           Yeah. I know. I miss the ___  | |
  | |     a bit torn up, `,,,          ,  outside world, and |[_]| | |
  | |__    you know..?    '..        OO     our friends...   |\\\| | |
  |/__/|_________________ .||. ____ .||. ____________________|___|_| |
  |___/___________________ || ______ dd ____________________________\|

  | |                                                              | |
  | |      I'm missing the                                    ___  | |
  | |        premiere of `,,,                                |[_]| | |
  | |__       Matrix 2.   ',,        OO                      |\\\| | |
  |/__/|_________________ .||. ______ )) ____________________|___|_| |
jg|___/___________________ || ______ dd ____________________________\|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 385 (May. 22, 2003)
Shut up!   U 5HU7 U9!     Heh heh.       Hm. Once again using your
   `___       \ ,,,        ,           __ ,  charms to make people
   ()..)        --       ..~           --#    turn on each other.
   .||-        -//.     .<<.           |(
    ||        _/ )_      ||            /|

                   Yeah?           Nerd Boy and Fan Boy have been gone
                  So what?         for several days. My theory is that
                        `       __ , you made them turn on each other,
                        ~..     --#  starting a violent fight in which
                        .>>.   `|(,  they were both gruesomely killed.
             ___________ || ___ || ___________

                        ~..     ..#
                        .>>.    |(
     ___________________ || ___ || ______________________

                      What?      SO YOU ADMIT!
                        `      __ ,
                        ~..    oo#
                        .>>.   -\\.
jg                       ||     ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 386 (May. 25, 2003)
      Nerd Boy and Fan Boy        Yeah. You killed
      are -both- gone now?        them, didn't you?
                       `        __ ,
                        ~..     --#
                        .>>.   -|(.
             ___________ || ___ || ___________

                  Not yet.         Then I should be able to track the
                        `       __ , GPS footcuff Fan Boy's wearing.
                        ~..    #.. _
                        .>>.   .)|//
             ___________ || ___ || ___________

       Cool, you've got him        Strange.. According to these values
         totally whipped. `     __ ,  they're somewhere underground.
                           ~.. #.. _
                           ,>> <)|// *bip*
                    ______ /| _ || ____*bip*

            |                                         |
            |   What's that noise?       NOTHING.     |
            |        ,                       `,,,     |
            |      OO                         oo'     |
            |    _((__                 *bip*  _))__   |
          jg|   | |bb |                  *bip*// | |  |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 387 (May. 27, 2003)
No One Can Find Me In This Underground
Lair! Nerd Boy Will Soon Do My Bidding!
                 ` ____                                Or maybe not!
                  _\==/_                                    ,
                  /    |                                  __
                ,'     |                           --~    --#
             ,-'       |                          .<<.   .|(.
             `.________| _________________________ /| ___ /| ___

What?! How Did You
 Find My Lair?  `___              GPS, pal!
                 \_=|            Look it up!
                 /  |                 `       __
                /   |                 --~     --#
             _,'    |                .<<.    .|(.
             \______| _______________ || ____ || ______

       Sure. Meanwhile,
   ___ , Please Die.       We have some kind
  |=_/                      of plan, right?    Or maybe not.
  |  \   ,                _   _      `        __ ,      _    _
  |   `-'/_, *swish*     _\| _\|      oo~    #oo       |/_  |/_
  |      _.'             |\/ |\/      <<      )|       \/|  \/|
jg \      `-.             |\  |\      ||      ||       /|   /|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 388 (May. 29, 2003)
Great job, getting          Oh shut up.
 us captured by `__  _____    ,
 a giant virus. #--_/   @ |_..~
                 ||    :    ||
          ______ '   |/   | ____________

   I think he's gonna eat          77
     us! Do something!  `__  __@__//>>
                        #oo_/ (__)/
                         />    :
jg_______________________ | |  |  | | ________________________________

               You Want A Dental Plan?!
    ___        Do Virii Even Have Teeth?
   //  |@       ___ ,
   ||_/        |=_/       Your powers of spite      shh, we're supposed
   ((:         |  \          strike again! ` __     , to be -sneaking-
    _:_        |   \  _                     #..  ~oo
|`|\.|./|'|    |    \_)\                    .)|. .>>.
| |  |  | |    |______,'____________________ )\   )\ _______________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 389 (Jun. 1, 2003)

                ,,,                                 ___
          OO    ..'                                | | |
         .||.  .||.                                ||_:| *zwoooshBLIP*
   ______ bb __ || ________________________________|   |______

                                 Come on! Time
               ,,,              to get you out!    __ _
          OO   '..                           `oo~  oo# |
         .||.  .||.                           <<   |(  |
       __ bb __ || __________________________ /| _ /|  |

  "Aren't you a little
short for a stormtrooper?"
              `,,,                           __     ___
          OO   '..                     ..~   ..#   |   |
         .||.  .||-                   .<<.  .|(.   |   |
  _______ bb __ || ___________________ || __ || ___|   |________

         Hehehehehe!        Did I say "out"? I
            |  `              meant "killed".
            ,  ,,,                     `     __     ___
          OO   ^^'                     --~   ''#   |   |
         -||- .||.                    .<<.  .|(.   |   |
jg     __ bb _ || ____________________ || __ || ___|   |____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 390 (Jun. 3, 2003)
  # . #                .      .    #       .:  # .     : " .     .
        . :    .  "     : ,-.,          :          #   .        :   :
 :    #   :     .#       /,'|/    :   #      .  :     "    #      o   #
              *      :  //`-/  :         "  o      .    :    . #   .
   . o    #      .     //  /   .  .  :         #   "       .    . "  :
       .     :        /,`-/   o        .  #        *  #  "    *
 #  :    "        :  /'/'/ :   #    :       "  :   .      :  .  #   :
     .   : .      # /   /      :       #     .         :          o   :
  :           :    /   /  *                  :      #      :    : .
                                 _ __
                      ,,,  _.-`-._`-._\
                      ..',-`-.___ `-._\
       We made it! /`._\/`---.__ `--._\
      __     `    /    /  o     `---._\
     #^^     ..~  `-._/        o      /    OO
     .)|.   -<<-     /  .           o/     ||
    _ || ___ || _,-./________.______/-.___ dd __

  By the way, why'd      Who cares? Let's just agree
  he kidnap you two      that the ends don't justify      Do we have
  this time around?      the means and then move on!      any chips?
       __     `                              ,                  `,,,
      #..    ~..                           OO                    '..
      .)|.   .>>-                         -||-                    ||
jg____ || ___ || _________________________ dd ___________________ |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 391 (Jun. 5, 2003)
                                 Loser!                Waaaah!
                  __                `               ___ ,
                 #..                ~--          _ ();;)
                  )|                .>>-       - _ .//.
              ___ |\ _______________ || __________ / > __

Mandy, why are you always
insulting people? Are  ` __
you afraid of getting   #..          ..~
 too close to them?     .)|.        .<<.
                     ___ || ________ || ___

                        #..          ..~
                        .)|.        .<<.
    ____________________ || ________ || _______________________

                         __             ,
                        #..          ..~
                        .)|.        -<<.
                     ___ || ________ || ___

                                                     Heh heh..
                         __                           ,
                        #--                        ~..
                         )|                         >>
jg______________________ || _______________________ |\ ______________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 392 (Jun. 8, 2003)
                                  Hahaa! I captured your
                          ,,,     ,  dice! They're mine!
                         _'..    O
                        | |\|   |d| |

Yeah, the object of the game       LIAR! They belong
is to capture dice, but only       to -me- now, ME!
 for scoring. You don't  `,,,       ,
  actually keep them.    _'..     OO
                        |_((_____ //> _
                        | |\|   | bb  _|__

                          ,,,                          ,
                         _'oo                _ -__   @@
                        |_((_____     _     ___--  q//>
       ________________ | |\|   | ___ _|__ ________ b _______

Yeah.. That might be why I
vowed never to play Button
Men with him ever again. `,,,
                        |_((_____     _
jg_____________________ | |\|   | ___ _|__ ______________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 393 (Jun. 10, 2003)
      It's finally arrived!        What?
             ,                       `,,,            _
           OO___                      ..'           (_|
          (|_|__|                    .||.           [__]_  _|
     ____ b b _______________________ || __________ |   | | | __

                                A cybernetic interface to the brain, so
                                 I can finally create a virtual reality
                    ,,,          ,  _ that's as real as reality itself!
                    '..    ___ OO  (_|
                    .||.   \__\.\\ [__]_  _|
                 ___ || ___|__|_|d |   | | | __

But what if you got stuck             *click*
in a buggy VR like they `,,,        _  *clack*
always do on Star Trek?  '..__     (_| OO:-. *zwww..
                        -//\__\_  ,[__]_))_|)
                     __ /| |__|_|(_|___|d|,| __       __   _
                                                     /  \ |_) |  _\/_
                                       o o \/\/ \/\/ \__/ |   o   /\

                                 He just -had- to say
              Kill!  Destroy!     that, didn't he?!
               ,     ,            ,
   ~oo ~oo  ~oo   ~oo           @@         oo~   oo~  oo~   oo~   oo~
    >>- >>-  >>-   >>-         -||-       -<<   -<<  -<<   -<<   -<<
jg  |\  |\   |\    |\           dd         /|    /|   /|    /|    /|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 394 (Jun. 12, 2003)
                                   `,,,                           ?
                             __ __  '..                          ..~
                            __--_  -//-                         .<<.
                              ---  / \                           ||

                Nerd Boy's stuck in some kind of           What?! Where
                   virtual reality program!  `,,,            ,  is he?
                                              '..          ..~
                                              -||.         <<
                                  ____________ || ________ /| ________

                                   That's horrible!
     Here.                        Quick! Unplug him!
        `,,,    _                       ,
         '..   (_| @@:-.              oo~ ___
         .||- ,[__]_))| )            .<<   - _
_________ || (_|___|d||' ____________ < \ --  _________

  WAIT! According to the manual,    Oh.. I was hoping you
    that would FRY HIS BRAIN!!      hadn't read that part.
                _         `,,,      ,
               (_| @@:-.   'oo    ..~
              ,[__]_))| ) -//-   .<<.
jg           (_|___|d||'  /|      ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 395 (Jun. 15, 2003)
So, can you get him out      No, but I found a program
of the virtual reality?      that lets him control it.
                    `           _  `,,,
                    ~..        (_|  ..'      ,-:@@
                    .>>.      ,[__]_,\\     / |((
                  __ || ____ (_|___|_||___,'  ||bb __

Are you starting it? Can        Yeah, it's.. Hey, -you're-
you see what's happening?      in the VR. But what are you..
                    `           _  `,,,
                    ~..        (_|  ..'      ,-:@@
                    .>>-      ,[__]_,\\.    / |((
                  __ || ____ (_|___|_||___,'  ||bb __

                                                 oh mama
                                _   ,,,           ,
                    ~..        (_|  oo'      ,-:@@
                    .>>.      ,[__]_ \\     / |((
   _________________ || ____ (_|___|_||___,'  ||bb _________________

      Well? What's going on?!     NOTHING.
                    `           _    `,,,
                    ~..        (_|    oo'    ,-:@@
                    ->>-      ,[__]_  ||    / |((
jg                   ||      (_|___|__||__,'  ||bb
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 396 (Jun. 17, 2003)
                                Good thing I got Mandy out of here
                              before she discovered what Nerd Boy's
         _                        doing in the virtual reality. `,,,
        (_|      ,-:@@                                           ..'
       ,[__]_   / |((                                            ||
_____ (_|___|_,'  ||bb _________________________________________ /|

                   But I have to get him out of the VR
                     before Mandy realizes there's no
         _            shoe sale and comes back. `,,,
        (_|      ,-:@@                           ..'
       ,[__]_   / |((                           .||.
      (_|___|_,'  ||bb _________________________ ||

                        I could use this extra VR set to
         _                go in after him, but then  `,,,
        (_|      ,-:@@    I might get stuck too...    '..
       ,[__]_   / |((                                 .||-:
   __ (_|___|_,'  ||bb _______________________________ || __

                    oh yeah that's
                      the spot            I'M GOING IN!
         _            ,                       `,,,
        (_|      ,-:@@                         oo'  ___
       ,[__]_   / |((                         :-\\.  _--
    jg(_|___|_,'  ||bb                          / \
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 397 (Jun. 19, 2003)

I put you in control of the             I'll log off soon,
VR, and you only created `,,,           wait your turn. `  ..~
 a massage simulation?!   'oo                           OO,<<
                          -||-                       ___ ))|| _
                      ____ || ______________________|   dd     |

  You're not stuck in here?           Just tap your heels
    How do I log off?   `,,,          together and say  `  ..~
                         '..         "There's no place  OO,<<
                         .||.           like home".  ___ ))|| _
                      ___ || _______________________|   dd     |

Oh come on, we're not somewhere
over the rainbow.. I don't even                 You don't?
  have any red shoes.   `,,,                           `   ..~
                         '..                            OO,<<
                         <||>                        ___ ))|| _
                      ___ || _______________________|   dd     |

                  Oh haha.
                        `,,,                     *giggle*  ^^~
                         '--                            OO,<<
                         .||.                        ___ ))|| _
jg                    ___ kk _______________________|   dd     |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 398 (Jun. 22, 2003)
  I love biking in the                                       ___
   summer. What do you               Nothing. I hate        (^^()
  like about summer? `,,,             ,  summer.             `||'   /
 ____________________ '^^ ________  OO _______________________||___//
   ---------------- _ (.-, ----- _ (.-, ---------------------------'
    -      -       (_)>(_)      (_)>(_)     -      -      -      -

      ___     /                  /
     (),,)   //                 / I hate the heat, I hate the bugs,
      ||    //        ,,,      /      ,   I hate sunburn...
______||___//         '..     /__   OO  ______________________________
-----------'        _ (.-,   '-- _ (.-,  -----------------------------
  -      -      -  (_)>(_)    - (_)>(_)     -      -      -   o  -

                                                           And I hate
                                                    qq   instant karma!
                                                    -\\- ,
                                       _              OO
                        ,,,           (_).
                        'oo             X_\,
                       _ |.-,           (_)'
jg                    (_)/(_)             o
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 399 (Jun. 24, 2003)
   Hey, what are you doing out
  of bed so early? It's another
    four hours 'til noon.  `,,,
                            '..                        oo
                      _______))|                        ))
   __________________ | |   |/|| _____________________ d d _____

           oo               ..'
            ))        _______))|
       ___ d d ______ | |   |/|| __________

 *flush*              _______))|
               ______ | |   |/|| _______

       That's weird. I didn't
       know zombies needed to
         use the bathroom. `,,,                       uurrrgg...
                            '..                             `oo
                      _______))|                            ((
                    jg| |   |/|| __________________________ b b ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 400 (Jun. 26, 2003)
                                        So there she was, building this
                                           ,  -huge- house of cards,
                               OO       ..~       card by card.
                              .||.     -<<-
        ______________________ bb _____ || ________

                          Uh huh.         She paused and reflected. It
                              `            ,  felt nice; like she was
                               OO       ..~   accomplishing something.
                              .||.     .<<.
             _________________ bb _____ || ______

                               OO       ..~
                               ||       <<
                        ______ bb _____ || _____

That's the story that's so important    Yeah. And here comes
that you interrupted my artificial      ,  the punchline...
    earthquake experiment?!   `OO     --~
                              -||-   .<<.
jg____________________________ bb ___ /| _________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 401 (Jun. 29, 2003)
You're so nerdy. If you're not in        Hey, I do non-nerdy
 front of your computer, you're          stuff too, you know.
 working on some gadget. `,,,              _   ,
                          '..             (_| O
                           ||            [__]_.)_|
                    ______ |\ __________ |   |d| |

                         Nerdily.              Is that even
                              `,,,         _    ,  a word?
                               '..        (_| OO
                               .||.      [__]_ ))|
                         ______ || _____ |   |dd|| _____

  You might be less nerdy if you             A make-over? Have you been
    got rid of the glasses.   `,,,         _    ,  watching corny teen
                               '..        (_| OO     movies again?
                               .||-      [__]_ ))|
                    ___________ || _____ |   |dd|| __________

Just saying that if you wanna dance
with the most handsome guy at the            I'm sure he's very dreamy,
 prom, you need a make-over!  `,,,         _   ,  now please go away.
                               'oo        (_| O
                               -||-      [__]_.)_|
jg_____________________________ || _____ |   |d| | ___________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 402 (Jul. 1, 2003)
           So there I am, totally
           absorbed in my work...     *meep*
                            `__       ,
                            #..     ==~
                            .)|.   .[[.
                  __________ || ___ || _________

 And then someone taps me on the
shoulder, scaring me half to death!   *meep*
 Don't you just hate that?  `__       ,
                            #..     ==~
                            -)|-   .[[.
                  __________ || ___ || _________

               Wait a minute...
                            #..     ==~
                            .)|.   .[[.
  __________________________ || ___ || _____________________________

Does "meep" mean "yes" or "no"?      *meep*
                            `__       ,
                            #..     ==~
                            .)|.   .[[.
jg__________________________ || ___ || _______________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 403 (Jul. 3, 2003)
      What the heck          It's a machine that
      is that thing?           can do anything!
                  ` __               `           ______
                   #..                OO        / /__\ \
                   .)|.              .||-     `( ([__]) )
          _________ || ______________ dd ______ \_\__/_/ _

 Can it make an unstoppable
force and an unmovable object?      Of course!
                  ` __                      `    ______
                   #..                      OO  / /__\ \
                   .)|.                    //-,( ([__]) )
          _________ || ___________________ bb _ \_\__/_/ _

                __                               ______
               #oo                       OO     ///||\\\
                   \\  _               //     ,((((()))))
  _ _        ___ __ __\ __ _     __ bb ______ _ \\\||/// ____    _ _ _

                                      *Go go Power Rangers!*
                                          |        \
                                         ,         ,--.
                            ,--------- OO -.       | \ \
                            |`-._____-((- __`-.    +-+-+
                          jg|__|______ bb ___|| __ | | | ____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 404 (Jul. 6, 2003)
NERD BOY TAKES A BATH                                     ____|
                                   OO          -:""":-   |  |  |
                               ,.-((--------.   :,,,:    | .|  |
                       _______ \`----------'| ___________|  |  |
                           7o   `-----------'             `-:__|


                             7o-\\ ---------.
                    __________ \`----------'| ______


                            *quack*  OO
                               ,.- 7o-)) ---.

         So how was your bath?      Great 'til my brain overheated
                         `,,,        ,   and I started thinking
                          '..      OO      monosyllabically.
                          .||.    .||.
jg________________________ || ____ dd ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 405 (Jul. 8, 2003)
                               Nerd Boy, now that school's
                               ,  out for summer, shouldn't
               OO           ..~   you get some kind of job?
              ((           .<<.
        _____ b b _________ || _______________________

       Job?! I.. er..                   SCHOOOOL'S OUT.. FOR.. SUMMER!
        well... Um..                                  `,,,
                `OO         ..~                        ~~'
                 ||        .<<.                       -||-
    ____________ bb _______ || _______________________ /| ____

                     Fan Boy, we're       SCHOOOOL'S OUT.. FOR.. EVER!
                     trying to have..            `,,,
                 OO       `~..                    ~~'
                .||.       .>>.                  .||.
              __ bb _______ || __________________ /| __

    Fine. Whatever.        Thanks, man.    No problem.
         ,                          `           `,,,
      --~                            OO          ..'
      <<                            .||.        .||.
jg___ /| ___________________________ bb ________ || __________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 406 (Jul. 10, 2003)
  Fan Boy, do you always
   agree with everyone?   Yes.
                  |        |  No you don't.
                  |       No.       |
                 ,         `,,,     `
               OO           '..     ..~
              ((             ||     <<
      _______ b b __________ || ___ /| _________

  So now you're disagreeing
   with me, aren't you?     No!      What? Now you're
                    |       |        disagreeing with
                    `       `,,,       ,  both of us!
                     OO      oo'    ..~
                    .||-    -||-   -<<.
                ____ bb ____ || ___ || ____

 Hey! What did you           (
do to my boyfriend?           )
      ` __                   ,,,       *whistle*
       #--                   oo'               OO   ~''
        )|                   ||               ((     >>
jg_____ |\ _________________ || _____________ b b __ |\ ________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 407 (Jul. 13, 2003)
  I was cleaning, so I vacuumed             Really? That
  your computer, inside and out.            , was nice.
                            `~..          OO
                             .>>.         ||
              _______________ || ________ dd __________

 Vacuum cleaner's kinda strong       Wh- WHAT?! Where
 though; swallowed some pieces.      are the pieces?!
               `                     ,
               ..~                 OO
               <<                   \\p
    __________ /| _________________ d ___

     Oh, in the        GBRMFL! WHA- Don't panic!     Hey, isn't that
    trash outside.       It might still be OK.      the garbage truck?
              `           ,  I'll just get..          It's early.  `,,,
              ~..       OO                                          ..'
              ->>.      ||                                          ||
jg____________ || _____ dd ________________________________________ /|

  NOOOOOOOO!             Classic!    Told ya he'd fall for it.
     ,                      `                `,,,
   @@   _ -__--              ~^^              ~~'
   -\\p   - -                .>>.            .||.
___ d _______________________ || ____________ || ___________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 408 (Jul. 15, 2003)
                zz   zz
...._____.... zz  z z  z           ARGH! KILLITKILLITKILLITKILLITKILLIT
|  |     | zzz     z    zzz           ,
|_/_____bzz_|              zz '.'   @@             ..~
| \-------/ |                     -//-             <<
|__)     (__| ___________________ dd _____________ /| _______________

                There.             You.. You saved me from the evil
                    `               ,  of open windows in summer!
                    ..~           OO
            *clap* -<<            ||
                 __ || __________ dd __

     Don't get all mushy.          Admit it. You like me on
     I only did it so you           ,  some level, right?
      would shut up.  `~..        OO
                        >>       .||.
                  _____ |\ ______ dd ______

   You killed that fly because we..            To open another
      Hey, where are you going?  `               ,  window.
                                  OO          ~--
                                 .||.          >>
jg______________________________  bb _________ |\ ________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 409 (Jul. 17, 2003)
We should play more          Real table-
role-playing games.          top games.
             `,,,            ,
              '..          OO
               ||         .||.
     _________ |\ ________ dd __________

       The real thing.      Word.
                 `,,,        ,
                  '..      OO
                  .||.    .||.
         _________ || ____ dd _________________________

   But with my new job at the        Ohhh, so -that's- why
   gaming store, I never have        you're never at home.
       time anymore.     `,,,         ,
                          '..       OO
                           ||      ((
                   _______ |\ ____ b b _________________

             And why you think there's an evil
            clone of me working there every time           Ohhhh!
             you come by and try to kill me!  `,,,          ,
                                               '--        OO
                                                ||       ((
jg_____________________________________________ |\ _____ b b ________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 410 (Jul. 20, 2003)
                                        Why am I friends with you? You
                                        like sports and Oasis! Give me
                            ,,,         ,   one reason why I shouldn't
                            '..       OO     hang out with HammerHead.
                             ||      ((
             _______________ |\ ____ b b _________________

                 / OK, think! Just  \               Well?
                 \ one good reason! /o . ,,,        ,
                                         '..      OO
                                         .||.    .||.
               __________________________ || ____ dd __________

/ I can't think of anything! Agreeing \
\ with everyone has weakened my mind! /o .
                                         ,,,        *yawn*
                                         'oo      OO
                                          ||     .||'
jg_______________________________________ || ____ dd _____

                          I AM INCAPABLE OF
                          ORIGINAL THOUGHT!        Good reason.
                                        `,,,        ,
                                         'oo      OO
                                         -||-     ||
                                    _____ || ____ dd _____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 411 (Jul. 22, 2003)
         I don't think you've
          been living up to               Huh?
         your name lately. `              ,
                           ~..          OO
                            >>         .||.
                       ____ |\ ________ dd ___________

                   You're Nerd Boy,     Stop calling me that!
                     remember? `          ,
                                ~..     OO
                                .>>-    ||
                   _____________ || ___ dd _________________

                                         It's not like I -try- to be a
                                          nerd. I have friends, I work
                                          ,  out sometimes, and I don't
                                ~..     OO   even like techno or Linux!
                                .>>.   -||-
          ______________________ || ___ dd _______________

      Sure, I wanna be the first
      to write sentient software,
         ,   but who doesn't?
       OO                        --~
        ))                      .<<.
jg____ d d  ____________________ || ______________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 412 (Jul. 24, 2003)
        Seems to me like all          Seems to me like all you
        I ever do is eat. `            ,  do is sit in front
                           O         .~   of your computer.
       ________________ | |b|      |/| | _________________

 Seems to me like all you do          Shut up and eat.
is complain about me sitting           ,
 in front of my computer. `O         .~
       ________________ | |b|      |/| | _________________

   Seems to me like you lost          What are you
    the "seems to me" game!          talking about?!
                         `            ,
                          OO         ..~
                     _  .//-__v__v__ <<|
             ____ __|_   bb |      |//|| __________

                 Seems to          Seems to me like your next "seems to
                 me like..         me" will win you a knuckle sandwich!
                         `           ,
                         OO        --~
                     _  .||.__v__ .<<.  _|
jg_______________ __|_   bb |      /|  | | _______________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 413 (Jul. 27, 2003)
     You look buff today.               You know how in some games,
     What's going on?  `              repetitive tasks give experience
                       ,,,              ,  that you can assign to
                       '..            OO   any attribute or skill?
                        ||           .\/.
               ________ |\ __________ dd ______________

                         Yeah?        I invented "The XP Assigner(tm)",
                             `         and turned 5 years of stupid
                             ,,,        ,  debugging sessions into
                             '..      OO    upper body strength.
                             .||.    -\/-     Look at my pecs!
                     ________ || ____ dd _______

Um, doesn't that mean you're now       "Pecs" is short for
much worse at programming?  `,,,        ,   "pectorals".
                             '..      OO
                             .||.    .\/.
                           __ || ____ dd __

  You also seem to have traded         ... Pecs?
  away your intelligence... `,,,        ,
                             '--      OO
                             .||.     \/
jg                            || ____ dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 414 (Jul. 29, 2003)
  OK, exchanging intelligence        On so many levels.  _______
  for pecs was pretty stupid.         ,                 |   |   |
                      `OO          ..~                  |   |   |
                      ((          .<<.                  |  |||  |---.--
            _________ b b ________ || __________________|___|___|[_]|__

 Now I've found a much better        I kinda doubt that.
 use for my XP Assigner(tm)!          ,
                        `OO        ..~
                         ||-()    .<<,
               _________ bb ______ || __________

I'll convert years of speaking        With -your- luck,
English into Japanese skills!         ,  you won't be..
        Here goes!      `OO        ..~
                        .||-()    -<<.
               _________ bb ______ || __________

                __               ____  ___  ___
         ____  |    \__\ \     | \   \   /  \ _\ \  _____
            --  \\__ \\ \ \\_/\|  \\__\ //__ \\   .  --

                   Nani?    to speak a
                Wakarimasen.          ,  word of English.
                        `OO        --~
                         ||-()     <<
jg______________________ bb ______ || ______________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 415 (Jul. 31, 2003)
What's all                      I finally forgot the entire
the racket?                  "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy!"
        `                    ,
        ~..                OO
         >>               -||-
     ___ |\ ______________ dd __________________

                           Now I can enjoy the books as if it were the
                          first time! I'll rediscover the improbability
    Whatever.              drive, sympathize with Marvin again, revisit
      ,                      ,  Eccentrica Gallumbits on Eroticon IV...
    --~                    OO
    <<                    .||.
___ /| ___________________ bb _________________________

                      ____ bb ____

I thought you were going            Go away.
   to read a book.   `               ,  _
                     ~..            O  |_)
                     .>>.        |_(._[__]
jg___________________ || _______ | |b|   | __________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 416 (Aug. 3, 2003)
  People argue about anything;                No they don't.
stupid stuff that doesn't matter.              ,
                           `OO              ~..
                           ((              |.>>______  _|
          ________________ b b ___________ ||\\|    | | | ______

           Are you arguing with me          Just saying that if people
           just to prove my point?!         ,  argue about stuff, it
                               `OO        ..~   matters.. to -them-!
                              .//-        <<|  ______
                ______________ bb ______ //||  |    | ___

         Sorry, I know for a fact        What?! How?
           that you're wrong.  `          ,
                               OO       oo~
                              <||>     -<<- _
                    __________ bb _____ ||  _|__ ____

Because this argument doesn't
  matter to me one bit.  `
                         OO             --~
                          ))            <<
jg______________________ d d __________ || ____________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 417 (Aug. 5, 2003)
It's the greatest     Bah. Basically just               What's this
invention ever!       books, phone and TV                  about?
           `,,,       ,  rolled into one.                     `__
            '..     OO                               ..~       ..#
            .||.   .||.                             .<<.       |(
         ___ || ___ dd _____________________________ || ______ /| ___

  INNOVATION!       COALESCENCE!           The internet,
           `,,,       ,                      I think.      __
            'oo     @@                             `~..    ..#
            -||-   -||-                             .>>.  .|(.
         ___ || ___ dd _____________________________ || __ || ___

 If not for the        True. I yield;
internet, no 87k!     you win. In fact..
            `,,,      ,                        __
             '..    OO                         ..#   ..~
            .//-    ||                         |(    <<
         ___ || ___ dd _______________________ /| __ || ___

Let's listen            It's over?! What       If you knew, you'd be as
to it -now-!           the heck happened?       weird as you think they
     `       ,,,                      `__              ,   are now.
     OO      ..'                       ..#           --~
      ))     ||                       -|(-          .<<.
jg__ d d ___ /| ______________________ || __________ || _______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 418 (Aug. 7, 2003)
      Why are you wearing                What? You'll have to speak up,
         ear muffs?   `                __ ,  I'm wearing ear muffs.
                      ~..             [OO]
                       >>              ||
      ________________ |\ ____________ dd ____________

          WHY IN THE HECK ARE           See, that's exactly why I wear
          YOU WEARING THOSE?!            these. I just want some peace
                          `              ,   and quiet. Some personal
                          ~oo          OO  _ time. Some privacy, even.
                          ->>-        <||-[ ]
             _____________ || ________ dd ______

                                         I can't think in here! I wish
                           *             ,   humans could close their
                          ~--          OO  _   ears, like dolphins!
                           >>         -||-[ ]
        __________________ || ________ dd __________

              I wish you would           Um.. I think I'll just
            shut up, like clams.           leave.. like trees.
                             `                   `
                             ~--                 OO'  _
                             .>>.                .))-[ ]
jg___________________________ |\ _______________ d d ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 419 (Aug. 10, 2003)
        Hmm. I haven't met my                Here I am!
       future self for a while.             _ ,
                           `OO             O."
                           .||.             )).
                      _____ dd ___________ d d ) _____

Wow, you came back in time right         1:1. You used your subchronic
when I was thinking about you!          _ ,  remote to call me here.
    What are the odds?!    `OO       \ O."   One of these, remember?
                           .||-       o-)).
       ____________________ bb _______ dd | _________________

                I was going to,          Oops, I pressed
                but I never did.        _ ,  the button.
                           `OO       \ O."
                            ||  *bip* o-)).
           ________________ bb _______ dd | ______________

-You- brought -yourself- into the         Much like talking to your
past? That messes with the whole        _ ,  future self might do.
 cause and effect thingie!  `OO        O-"
                           -//-         )).
jg_________________________ bb _______ dd | ___________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 420 (Aug. 12, 2003)
         So, do we speak fluent           By "we in the future", do you
         Japanese in the future?         _ , mean your future self; me?
         I'm trying to learn. `O        O."
                            |_( ________'))|
                ___________ | |b|      |dd||______

                 Yes. Just answer        You have a time machine. Go to
                   the question.         _ ,  the future and find out.
                              `O        O."
                            |_( ________.))|
                ___________ | |b|      |dd||______

Tried that once. Didn't understand        So..?
anything; everyone spoke Japanese.       _ ,
                              `O        O."
                      _____ | |b|      |dd||____

            So.. We went back to         This is what I get for
            our time, what else?         _ ,  travelling into
                              `O        O-"   the stone ages.
                            |_( ________ ))|
jg_________________________ | |b|      |dd||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 421 (Aug. 14, 2003)

                        You won't get            Yeah!        CHAAARGE!
                         past us! `,,,               ` __         ,
                                   '..     ~..        #..       OO  -__
                                  .//.     .>>.       .)|.      o\\p _-
          ______________,-.______ / \ _____ || _______ || ______ d ____

                     pp  ___
                  o-//-   _ `-.    |
                   OO      `-. \        /
                          `.  `             ,-'
                             ,,,  *TACKLE*   __
                         -   'oo  __ _                 __
                             -\\-  -_       oo~        oo#
                        -      \\ - --      <<         |(
jg______________________,-.__           `.  || _______ || ______

      Is it a              Dunno. You knocked out the
     touch-down?          only one who knows any rules.
         |                                 `           __
         ,              ,,,                 --~        ..#
      pp                'xx                .<<.        |(
__ o-//. ______________ ,\\__ _____________ || _______ || ____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 422 (Aug. 17, 2003)
 I found my old deck of           Oh no.
cards! Let's see if I can         ,
remember a trick. `OO           ..~
                  ((-[]        .<<.
             ____ b b _________ || _________________

  No, it'll be cool. I put
 this card here.. and now...
                   `OO          --~
                    ||-[]       <<
               ____ bb ________ || ______________

                            Hey, that -is- cool!
                 *sssZWP!*     -<<-
          _____________________ || _____________________


As You Can See, I Have Acquired
 A Teleport Device. Take   `___           OR, you could watch a card
Him To the Torture Chamber! \_=|          trick and then let me go!
                            /  |              ,       _     _
                           /   |            OO       |/_   |/_
                      _   /    |          []-)).     \/|   \/|
jg                    \`-'     |            dd       ||    ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 423 (Aug. 19, 2003)
  Trying Something Silly Will
   Only Make Your Inevitable
     Death More Painful.  ` ___         I.. I just thought you
                            \_=|      might wanna see a card trick
                            /  |        ,  before you k-k-k-kill me.
                       _   /   |      OO
                      /(_.'    |    []-)).
     _________________`.       | ____ dd _____________________

                .. I'll Allow It.
                          ` ___
                            /  |
                           /   |      OO
                        _.'    |   []-||
            ________ .-'       | ____ dd ________________


                      Ged Him! Add Hepp Me Ged Dese
                   ___ ,   Cadds Oud Ob My Mouf!
                  |  \   _             _    _    _
                  |   `-'/__          |/_  |/_  |/_
                  |       <_          \/|  \/|  \/|
jg                |      _.-`         /|   /|   /|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 424 (Aug. 21, 2003)
                   I Have Captured You -And- Your Friends
                   By Way Of Teleport. Now Surrender Your
                 ___ ,   Time Machine To Me, Or Else!
                |=_/                     ______________________________
                |  \                    |  ,,,         __    ___   ,,,
         OO     |   `._,-,              |  ..'   ~..   ..#  (..()   --
        .||.    |       (_              |------------------------------
 _______ bb ___ |        / _____________|  ||     ||   ||     ||  _/ )_

                         Wait, if you can teleport us here, why
                 ___       not do that with the time machine?
                |=_/                    `______________________________
                |  \                    |  ,,,         __    ___   ,,,
         OO     |   `.                  |  ..'    ..~  ..#  (..()   --
        .||.    |     `-._              |------------------------------
   _____ bb ___ |         \ ____________|  ||     ||   ||     ||  _/ )_

                              Did I just say
                 ___      something very stupid?
                |o_/                    `______________________________
                |  \                    |  ,,,         __    ___   ,,,
         OO     |   \                   |  ..'    --~  --#  ()..)  --
        ((      |    \                  |------------------------------
jg       bb     |     `-.               |  ||     ||   ||    ||   _/ )_
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 425 (Aug. 24, 2003)
   Now That I Have The Time Machine,
  I Will Imprison The Future Version       Don't worry. The future
    ___ ,   Of Nerd Boy! Ta Ta!             me will be prepared.
   |=_/                                 ____ , ________________________
   |  \   ,                            |                  __     ,,,
   |   `-'|                            |   OO     ..~     ..#    ..'
   |     (                             |-------------------------------
    \     `. __________________________|__ bb ___ || ____ || ___ || ___


        I Have You Now, Future
      ___ ,   Nerd Boy!                   Not if I throw
      \_=|                                 this switch!
      /  |                               _ ,
 /\_,'   |                              O."
 )       |                              -)).
 `.     / _____________________________ dd | ______

                What Switch?
              ___ ,
              \_=|                        Oh. Riiight. I -knew- I'd
              /  |                       _ ,  forgotten -something-.
             /   |                      O."
            /    |                       )).
jg       .-'     |                      dd |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 426 (Aug. 26, 2003)

   Time To Wreak Havoc                   Psst! Guys. I smuggled in
 ___ ,  On Time! Hah!                      a tiny time machine!
|=_/          _______________________________ , _______________________
|  \    _    |          __    ,,,           _       ___       ,,,   __
|   `._/(    |   OO     ..#   ..'   ..~    O."     ()..)       --   ~~$
|      ,'    |---------------------------------------------------------
 \____( _____|__ dd ___ || __ || __ || ___ dd | ___ || _____ _/ )_  ||

Now we can fix every        Why not just go back and foil his plan
change he makes in        to get our time machine in the first place?
 world history! `       __   `,,,           _
                 OO     ..#   ..'   ..~    O."
                -||-   .|(.  .||.  .<<.     )).
          ______ bb ___ || __ || __ || ___ dd | ______

                 *      *            *      *
                        __   ,,,            _
                 OO    #..   '..    ..~    O."
                 ||     )|   .||.   <<      )).
             ___ bb ___ || __ || __ || ___ dd | ____

            Spoilsport!                      Yeah, absolutely no
                 `      __    ,,,           _ ,  sense of drama.
                  OO   #--    oo'   --~    O-"
                .//-   .)|.   ||   .<<.     )).
jg               bb     ||    ||    ||     dd |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 427 (Aug. 28, 2003)

 There, tied up before    But then, who kidnapped       Unless we dress
  he kidnapped us! `      us? It's a paradox! `,,,      _ ,  up as him
__                 OO                          '..     O."   and kidnap
\\`, *mmf!*       .||.                         -||.    -)).  ourselves!
_\\_) ____________ dd _________________________ || ___ dd | ___

AND THUSLY...               ___
                            /  | Shh!
         Ow, your elbow    /   |,     OO
         is in my eye! `_.'    |   []-||
            ________ .-'       | ____ dd ________________

              ___ What Switch?
              \_=| ,                      Oh. Riiight. I -knew- I'd
              /  |                       _ ,  forgotten -something-.
Hey, that's  /   |                      O."
 my foot! ` /    |                       )).
________ .-'     | ____________________ dd | _________________

              \_=| And you'll need        Oh cool, resolving a
              /  L , this miniature     _ ,   paradox again?
             /  ".O  time machine.     O."
            /   /(-o                    )).
jg______ .-'    |bb  ________________  d d ) ________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 428 (Aug. 31, 2003)
                         Hm. Dust. *blow*
                                `OO _\        ..~
                                //_[__]       <<
    ___________________________ bb|   | _____ /| ______________

                         -   ,     '   .    `
                                 .       -
                         Whoops.   -  .    , *cough*  Don't you
                             `    ,     '    ,  ever clean your
                          '   OO    _\ .   oo~    computer?!
                             .||. _[__]   -<<-  .
                       ______ bb  |   | __ || ___

             Time to bring in the         ,
              big guns, I guess.       .        '
                        `                   ?
                  ,      OO    -    _\     ..~     .
                     '    ))      _[__] '  <<
                ________ d d ____ |   | __ || ______

                The window: Nature's own
    _ ___ _      ,   vacuum cleaner!
   |_|   |_|   OO                   _\     --~
   |_|___|_|  -||.                _[__]    <<
jg             bb                 |   |    ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 429 (Sep. 2, 2003)
        Err.. so how about
         'em yankees, huh?        Pfft.
                        `       __ ,                 ,,,
                         OO     ..$                  ..'
                        .||.   .<<$                 .||.
                      __ bb ___ || _________________ || __

                                                    ,,,          __
                         OO                         '..         $~~
                        ((                          .||.        $>>
                  ______ bb ________________________ || ________ |\ __

                                  I said "be yourself"! Since
                                  when are -you- into sports?!
                         OO          ..'
                         ||         .||.
             ___________ bb ________ /| ____

       What?! I was talking
       about the civil war!       ,,,
                        `OO       --'
                        -||-      ||
jg                       bb       ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 430 (Sep. 4, 2003)
                      Can't talk.        What if life were like a game?
                      Meditating.                 `,,,
                             `OO                   ..'
                             .||.                  ||
                        _____ db _________________ /| ________

                         *sigh*        It is?
                          It is.          `,,,
                             `OO           ..'
                              ||          .||.
                            _ bb _________ || _

     It's a game of conspiracy,       I meant a popular kind of game!
    corruption and strife! Also,          `,,,
     you only have one life  `OO           ..'
    and a first-person POV.  .||.         `||.
                     ________ bb _________ || ________

     More popular than 6 billion       Fine, I'll let you meditate.
     copies sold? Good luck!  `                 `,,,
                              OO                 '--
                             -||-                 ||
jg                            bb                  |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 431 (Sep. 7, 2003)
Hey Nerd Boy. I finished           Cool! Can I read it?
  writing my novel   `___             ,
    yesterday.       ()..)          OO
                      ||           .||.
                 ____ |\ __________ dd _________

           Nope, I deleted it!        What?!
                         `___         ,
                         ()oo)      OO
                         .||.      -||-
       __________________ || ______ dd _______

Well, half-way through, the           Oh.
plot got too repetitive; `___         ,
nothing ever happened!   ()..)      OO
                         -||-       ||
                  _______ || ______ dd _______

 Or maybe I'd fallen asleep
  on the keyboard again. `___        *
                         (),,)      OO
                         -||-       ||
jg                 ______ || ______ dd ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 432 (Sep. 9, 2003)
        Yeah, I work in            An animator, huh? Can't introduce
           animation.              you to my medieval friends; they'd
                  ` __              ,  burn you alive for necromancy!
                   '..     ..~    OO
                   .||.   .<<.   .||.
                 __ || ___ || ___ dd _____________________________

                What?              Whooosh! That went way over
                   `__              ,   your head, pal!
                   '..    ~..     OO
                    ||     >>    .||'
               ____ || ___ || ___ dd _________

      Why make stupid jokes        Actually... Yes. I didn't mean to
       that no one gets? Is        offend; I'm just training for the
  __   it like some kind `          ,   try-outs later this week.
  --'  of sport for you?  ~--     OO
  ||                      .>>.    ||
_ /| _____________________ || ___ dd ________

                        What?      Whooosh!
                          `         ,
                          ~..     OO
                           >>    .||'
jg________________________ || ___ dd _____________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 433 (Sep. 11, 2003)
 I learned to play the                        ,,,
 harmonica; listen!  `OO                      ..'
                     ((                       ||
              ______ b b ____________________ /| ___

                            *weeEEEeEeE*    ,,,
                         OO_                oo'
                        ((`'                ||
                         bb                 ||

     Yay! I finally hit that                    Yay! You finally
         tricky high note!                     , stopped playing!
                         `                  ,,,
                         OO_                ..'
                        -||'               -||-
                         bb                 ||

                I- What did                    Whatever -you- said;
                  you say?                     ,  I wasn't listening!
                         `                  ,,,
                         OO_                oo'
                         ||'               -||-
jg                       bb                 ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 434 (Sep. 14, 2003)
 Could you help me out?              What does that mean?
When it comes to cooking,             ,  "Total idiot"?
I'm a total newbie.  `OO           ..~
                     ((           .<<.
     _______________ b b _________ || __

        You don't know what          Why should I?!
        "newbie" means?! `            ,
                          OO       ..~
                         -||-     -<<-
  _______________________ bb _____ || _________________________

            OK, I'll use              Haven't you already done
          it in a sentence.           ,  that twice just now?
                         `OO       ..~
                          ||      .<<.
                   ______ bb _____ || _______

Like this.. Mandy is a newbie      Are you making fun of me?
  to the word "newbie".  `          ,  'Cause if you are...
                          OO     --~
                         <||.   .<<.
jg                        bb     /|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 435 (Sep. 16, 2003)
 -----------------              ow.
                             __ ,        __
                            '.x         #..        /               /
                            ((           )|       // __  __  __   /
                             \\          |\      // / / / / / /  /
         _ _____________________________________// /_/ /_/ /_/  /______
             -----------------------------------'              '-------

                               *click*          *whimper*
                            _    *clickety*          ,,
                        /|  .#(/    *clack*         '.x
                  _  __,\|_.|(/                     .\/.
          ______ [_]-|'   |/_|_ ____________________ |\ _____

That'll be
 3.50.  `__      __      __     ,,,  ___,      __
        (..      ..#     x.'    -x    x.'     'x.
        ,||-/|_ .|(     (__)    //   .||.      ||
    ____ |||   | || ____ ||   _/ )_   || _____ LL _________

        You look like you've        A beautiful girl like me in this
          had a rough day.         town full of perverts? Do the math.
                       `,,,             __ ,
                        '..             --#
                        .||.            |(
jg                       ||             /|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 436 (Sep. 18, 2003)
What's going on?           I've been chatting with a girl on the
          `,,,             , Internet, and tomorrow we're meeting
           '..           OO    in real life for the first time!
            ||          -||-
       ____ |\ _________ dd ______

 I bet she's fat          How shallow of you! She's smart, witty, and
   and ugly!  `,,,         ,  she sent a picture already, wanna see?
               '~~       OO
               .||.     .||.
  _____________ || _____ dd ______________

     What? This is just a picture           I'm going on a date with
          of Angelina Jolie.   `,,,   _      ,   Angelina Jolie??
                                '..  |_)   @@
                              .//- _[__]  -||-
                    __________ ||  |   | _ dd ______________

               Err.. No, I think-           THIS IS GONNA BE SOO COOL!
                             `,,,     _        ,
                              '--    |_)     @@
                              .||. _[__]    ((
jg____________________________ ||  |   | __ b b ___________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 437 (Sep. 21, 2003)
What if one's life had             Yeah?
 an episode guide?  `,,,            ,
                     '..          OO
                      ||         .||.
     ________________ |\ ________ dd __________

     Well.. You could read..          As I thought. You didn't have
       about your life.  `,,,         ,  anything profound to say.
                          '..       OO
                           ||      ((
           _______________ || ____ b b _____________

        Uhh... Yeah, but what            Please stop
           if I -did-?!  `,,,            ,  talking.
                          '..          OO
                          -||-         ||
                    ______ || ________ dd _____

   See how I added a twist and             Please stop
    made it a real -thinker-?           talking -forever-.
                          `,,,           ,
                           '..         OO
                          -//-         ||
jg                         ||          dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 438 (Sep. 23, 2003)
LIFE ON THE ROAD...                           Here's your key. Welcome
                                              to the hotel California.
                                 ,,,               __ ,   ______
                                 '..     OO        ..'   |[][][]|
                                 .||.   .||.    _.-||____|[][][]|_
                     ____________ || ___ bb __ | |                | __

                                   We're doomed!
                          ,,,       ,
                          ..'     Oo
                          ||      ||
        _________________ /| ____ dd _________

             Whaddaya mean?         Haven't you heard the song?! "You
                       `,,,         , can check out any time you like
                        '..       OO     but you can never leave"!
                        .||.     .||.
                    ____ || _____ dd ____

     Dewdle dewdle -dwee-,          THIS IS NO TIME FOR
    dewdle dew, dededweede..         AIR GUITAR SOLOS!
                       `,,,         ,
                        '~~       @@
                        <||"     -||-
jg                       ||       dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 439 (Sep. 25, 2003)
 So you're a hypochondriac?          No, I'm an antichondriac.
                   `              __ ,
                   ~..    OO      ..'
                   .>>.  .||.    .||.
          _________ || __ bb ____ || __________________

                What the heck         I always think I have the
                is that then?        opposite of whatever medical
                         `        __ ,  condition I actually have.
                   ~..    OO      ..'
                   .>>.  -||-    .||>
       ____________ || __ bb ____ || _____________________________

So, you're the opposite of an
antichondriac, but only if you
actually -are- an antichondriac.   *
                         `        __
                   ~--    OO      ..'
                   .>>.  .||.     ||
               ____ || __ bb ____ || _______

       You just drove    As if he wasn't
         him insane!        already!
                   `        ,      __
                   ~--    OO       oO'
                   .>>-  .||.       ))
jg                  ||    dd       ((
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 440 (Sep. 28, 2003)
 I wrote a list of
my 10 worst traits.                     Why?
             `                          ,
              OO _                   ..~
             ((-//                  .<<.
             b b ___________________ ||

            OK, here goes.
        1. I'm self-centered.          Oh so that's why.
                          `             ,
                           OO _      ..~
                          .||//     .<<.
         _________________ bb ______ || _____

          B. I'm inconsistent.          Uhh..
                          `             ,
                           OO _      ..~
                          .||//     .<<.
             _____________ bb ______ || _________

        10. I'm lazy.
                  `       _
                   OO     ))         --~
                    ))-              <<
jg                 d d               ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 441 (Sep. 30, 2003)
                 I think the brain's clusters are too big.
        ,,,       ,                      ___
        '..     OO                      |   |
         ||    ((                       |o  |
   _____ |\ __ b b _____________________|___|__

____\                        Store a 1 kB file on a harddrive that has
_  |             Huh?       16 kB clusters. That file will use a whole
_| |               `,,,       ,  cluster. You'll have 15 kB of nothing.
_| |                '..     OO
   |                 ||    ((
   |--._____________ |\ __ b b ________________________________

          ,-(       )
         (   `    ,  )             I think it's the same with thoughts.
          `,_\  \V/-'               Think small thoughts, and you'll
             \\/ /          ,,,       ,   waste brain space, right?
          '   | |  ______   '..     OO
              | |  )_____)_  ||    ((
          ., /  `. / \   / \ |\ __ b b _________________

               Uh.. I didn't understand       Exactly!
                 a word of that.   `,,,       ,
                                    '..     OO
                                     ||     -\\.
jg                                   ||      dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 442 (Oct. 2, 2003)
So I'm making mobile phone games now.
They only have 256 colours, there can
only be 255 map tiles, which can only  ,,,
be 8x8 pixels in size...    `OO        ..'
                            <||.      .||.
              ______________ bb ______ || _______________

...the phones are slow, so the    That sucks!
frame rate is low, and the only       `,,,
sounds are beeps and MIDI!  `OO        ..'
                            -||-      .||.
                       _____ bb ______ || ____

                         What?      Why not make games for Xbox
                            `         `,,,   or Playstation?
                             OO        ..'
                             ||       .||.
                 ___________ bb ______ || ________

        Whoops. Can't talk to you,
           ,  you're an idiot.         ,,,
         OO                            oo'
          ))                           ||
jg       d d                           ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 443 (Oct. 5, 2003)
    Hmm.. It's been ages           True.
  since our last adventure.         ,    ,,,   __
                    `OO           ..~    ..'   ..#
                    .||.         .<<.   .||.  .|(.
              ______ bb _________ || ___ || __ ||

   So let's go to Mars          Roadtrip! Yay!
 and meet some Martians!                `,,,   __
                    `OO           ^^~    ~~'   ~~#
                    -||-         -<<-   -||-  -|(-
       _____________ bb _________ || ___ || __ || _____


    Are we there yet?    No.
    Are we there yet?    No.
    Are we there yet?    No.              |           .
                 `        |        *     -x-
            .    _______ ,                |              *        .
               _/___  \_\
       *      '-----`---'        .
   .                                                 .

              .             Are we lost?                        *
        *                            `      Err.. Shut up.
                       .            _______ ,
                                  _/___  \_\               .
jg      .                        '-----`---'
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 444 (Oct. 7, 2003)
_______________________________________        It's pretty cool having
                              /`--._   `--._    ,  a huge spaceship.
   ///                       /      `-._    `-._
  ///                       /           `.      `.                   .
                           /              `.      `.         .
__________________________/                 \       \
nleaded                   \                  \       \
el only                    \                  \_______\           *
__________________________  \                 /       /
 (_)                   _.'`. \_______________/_______/ `
__________________.---'  _.'\               / ____  /  Yeah.
____________________.---'    \             / /___/ /
                          _.'/            / /___/ /                  .
_____________________.---'  /____________/_/___/_/
                         _.'     _.'                  '        *
____________________.---'___.---'          .
|       \       |                            o  __  o  \              |
|\       \      |        ........             `(oo)'    \         _.-'|
| \       \     |      ;  ______  :          o' [] `o    \    _.-'    |
|__\       \    |____ /  /------\  \____   _______________\.-'        |
|   \       \  /     /  /        \  \   \_/                        .  |
| .  \_______\/      \ |          | /   (o)                           |
|                     \| ........ |/    /       |       .             |
| Too bad we have no   ,' _______`.  .:'       -x-                    |
|  weapons to fight ` ; _/___  \_\ ::'          |                     |
| off space pirates. : '-----`---' ;                      *           |
|                     `...........' `            .                    |
|         *                         Yeah.                           jg|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 445 (Oct. 9, 2003)
             Could've used the air lock..              _)/   __   \`.-
     ,,,              ,                   __      __ _) |   /__\   | \_
     'oo    ~..     OO                    =/_     =/_`-.|   _==_   |(_
     .||.   .>>.   .||.                  -\||    -\|| _/|   |[]|   |,-`
      ||     ||     bb         __________ || ____ || _ >_\__ db __/( __

                                      We are the robot space pirates!
                                    __ ,  Surrender your processing
     ,,,                           /_\\   __ power_immediately!
     '..    ~..     OO              =_    =/_     =/_
     .||.   .>>.   .||.             [|   -\||    -\||
   __ || ___ || ___ bb ____________ dd __ || ____ || ____

      Processing power?               Being robots, it is
        Our computers?              __ ,  our lifeblood.
     ,,,           `               /_\\   __      __
     '..    ~..     OO              =_    =/_     =/_
     .||.   .>>.   .||.             [|   -\||    -\||
      || ___ || ___ bb ____________ dd __ || ____ || _____________

OK. Without our ship computer       Well.. Brains count as processors,
 we'll be marooned in space,         and I'm afraid you'll be quite
 but at least we'll be alive.       __ ,   dead without those.
     ,,,            `              /_\\   __      __
     '..    ~..     OO              =_    =/_     =/_
      ||     >>     ||              [|   -\||    -\||
jg    ||     ||     bb              dd    ||      ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 446 (Oct. 12, 2003)
Woah, wait. Before you kill us                     Well.. You summed it
and take our brains, aren't you                     up pretty well just
going to reveal your evil plan?                    __ ,  now, actually.
        ,,,       `                    __   __    /_\\
        '..  ~..   OO                  =/_  =/_    =_
         ||   >>  -||-                -\|| -\||    [|
      __ || _ || _ bb ________________ || _ || ___ dd _

                    Oh.. I..       KILL THEM AND TAKE
                      but            THEIR BRAINS! __
        ,,,          ,                 __   __   `/_\\
        'oo  ~oo   OO                  =/_  =/_    =_
         ||   >>   ||                 -\|| -\||   -[|
      __ || _ || _ bb ________________ || _ || ___ dd _

                     <  __    ___   >
             ___--  <    / /\  |  |  >  --___
                --  <   /_ \/  |  .  >  --
                     <              >

                I said "kill", not "disintegrate!"
               You've ruined perfectly good brains!__
                                       __   __   `/_\\
                                       =/_  =/_    o
                                       \||  \||   -[]-
jg     _,.;._.:\,_,OO.__               ||   ||     dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 447 (Oct. 14, 2003)
Whew. Good thing I made   Yeah, your robot making
  robot copies of us.     skills came in handy. ,,,
              `OO                       `..~    ..'
              ((                        .<<.   .||.
          ___ b b ___,.;._.:\,_,OO._____ || ___ || __

Thanks. Too bad our organic             Wait, the -robot copies- were
 originals got vaporized.              vaporized. We're the originals.
               `                               `,,,   ..right?
                OO                       ..~    ..'
               .||.                     .<<.   .||.
             __ bb __,.;._.:\,_,OO._____ || ___ || __

                  ,                             ,,,
                OO                       oo~    oo'
                ||                       <<     ||
_______________ bb __,.;._.:\,_,OO._____ || ___ || ___________________

      Yeah, that makes sense.
      You're probably right.             Probably?!
            ,                              ,   `,,,
          OO                             oO~    @@'
           ))                            <<     ||
jg        d d       _,.;._.:\,_,OO.__    ||     ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 448 (Oct. 16, 2003)
                                      The space pirates looted most of
                        ,,,           , our equipment, but some things
                  ~..   '..         OO    are still operational...
                  .>>.  .||.       .||.
        __________ || __ || _______ dd ____________

         Our three holodecks!
                .--.   `                .--.   ,,,          .--.
                |  |    OO         ..~  |  |   ..'          |  |
                |  |   -||-       .<<.  |  |  .||.          |  |
    ___________ |  | __ bb _______ || _ |  | _ || _________ |  | ___

By escaping reality, we
won't go insane and kill     Works for me.       Yay! My own holodeck!
   each other.  .--. `             `    .--.          `,,,  .--.
                |  |  OO            ~.. |  |           '~~  |  |
                |  |   ))            >> |  |           -||- |  |
    ___________ |  |  d d __________ |\ |  | __________ |\  |  | ___

 Yay. My own door to  - - I think I'll skip the insanity  - - - - - - -
  one big holodeck.  | |  and kill Nerd Boy right away.    | | | | | |
 - - - - .--.`,,,   - - - -  .--.    ,  - - - - -    .--. - - - - - - -
  | | |  |##| '..  | | | | | |##| ~..  | | | | | OO  |##|  | | | | | |
 - - -   |##|  ||   - - - -  |##| .>>.  - - - -  ||  |##|   - - - - - -
  | |    |##|  ||    | | |   |##|  ||    | | |   dd  |##|    | | | | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 449 (Oct. 19, 2003)
AT THE HOLODECK...      /     \  /\
                       /       \/  \                              /\
_   Nerd Boy,   ,---._/         \   _ Fan Boy, did you start     /__\/\
 '.is that you? __    `.           /| , a fantasy program?_______ ||/__
   \        / `(..      \         OO'       __.-----.__,-'       `': ||
    '._    /  (|||/      \        " \    ,-'           '-.          `:|
       '-./____ || ______________ |_\\                    `           \

 Yeah! Don't I look     /       Yes.. What inspired
  cool as a knight?    /        you to make me the                /\
_ Look at my sword! ._/      _ silliest wizard ever?             /__\/\
 '.           ` __    `.    /| ,                          _______ ||/__
   \        /  (.. |    \  OO'              __.-----.__,-'       `': ||
    '._    / (|-||-T     \ " \          _,-'           '-.          `:|
       '-./____ || _______ |_\\ ______.'                  `           \

    What do you mean?        _ I mean the silly beard,
               `__          /| ,  the silly hat, the
               (..         OO'     silly cape. Why?!
              (|||/        " \
            ___ || _______ |_\\ ______

I thought you'd             _  A WAND WITH A          ,~ Move over.
   like it.   ` __         /| , STAR ON IT?!         /| ,  My turn.
               (..      * OO'                       --~
              (|||/     |-" \                      .<<.
jg              ||        |_\\                      |_\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 450 (Oct. 21, 2003)
                       Are you a            That's what I'd
                      wizard too? _       ,~ like to know.
                   __            `|\     /| ,
                  (..             OO    --~
                 (|||/           / "    <<
               ___ || ________  //_| __ |_\ ___

  She's the fair                  "Fair maiden"?
maiden! Look at her            ,~ Helpless twit?! _
hat-flag-thingy!  `__         /| ,               /|
                  (..  /     --~                OO'
                 (|||-y      <<                 " \
             _____ || ______ /_\ ______________ |_\\ ___

It was that or Amazon
warrior. That outfit           ,~ Oh.             _
 would.. well..   `__         /| ,               /|
                  (..        ..~                OO'
                 (|||/       <<                 " \
             _____ || ______ /_\ ______________ |_\\ ___

        ..reveal your                               And that's the last
          fat calves.          ,~                 _ we ever saw of poor
                  `__         /|                 /|,   old Fan Boy.
                  (..        --~                OO'
                 (|||/       <<                 " \
jg                 ||        /_\                |_\\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 451 (Oct. 23, 2003)
Save us from the                     Cool, an NPC!
horrible curse!       Curse?       This is like_D&D!  ,~ "NPC"?
         `__        __ ,                    ` /|     /| ,
      _ _ \..       ..)                      OO'    ..~
     _ -  -)|-    (|||/                     -" \   .<<.
 _________ /\ _____ || _____________________ |_\\ _ /_\ ________

Yes, a curse                     "Non-player             We're in
of animosity!                    character."_         ,~ a game?!
         `__        __                    ` |\       /| ,
          \..       ..)                     'OO     --~
          .)|.    (|||/                     / "    .<<.
         _ || _____ || ___________________ // | ___ /_\ __

Everyone is fighting;      Yeah, an RPG, like     One more abbreviation
the land is in chaos!       D&D, CoC or VtM._         ,~ and I'll kill
         `__        __                    ` |\       /| ,  you dead.
          \..       ..)                     'OO     --~
          -)|-    (|||/                     / "     <<
           || _____ || ___________________ // | ___ /_\

She is a victim     Her? But she's
 of the curse!     always like that.    OK. _        ,~ That's it!
         `__        __ ,                  ` |\      /| ,
          \oo      (..                      'OO    --~
          .)|-    (|||/                     / "   -<<.
jg         ||       ||                     // |    |_\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 452 (Oct. 26, 2003)
Will you help us      Well.. We are
lift the curse?       adventurers.    _       ,~
          `__       __ ,             /|      /|
           \..      ..)             OO'     ..~
           .)|.   (|||/             " \    .<<.
          _ || ____ || ____________ |_\\ __ /_\ ___

                     And as such, I believe we have
           __       __ ,  a certain responsibility
           \..      ..)    toward the community.
           .)|.   (|||/             " \    .<<.
          _ || ____ || ____________ |_\\ __ /_\ ___

                      Indeed, I think that we should
           __       __ ,  heed every maiden's call
           \..      ..) /   for help! Undo every
           .)|.   (|||-y  wrong-doing in the land!
          _ || ____ || ___  For we are -heroes-!

 Then maybe you should save              munny or
your friends from the goblins.           yer life!      _ ~,
          `__       __                   _    ` _      /|  |\     _
           \..      ..)               | ^oo    ^oo   \OO'/ ~..  \oo^
           .)|-   (|||/               T-((   \((-     " \  ->>-  v))
jg          ||      ||                   ))    )\     |_\\ /_\   ((
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 453 (Oct. 28, 2003)
 Don't worry, I'll               hee hee             _    ,~
   save you!    ` __                 ` _       _    /|   /|    _
                 (..                \ oo^     ^oo  OO'  ..~   oo^
                (|||/                v-))   \((.   " \  <<  -+-)).
         ________ || ________________ (( ____ ))   |_\\ /_\   ( \ __

          Hey! Shut             I never knew you're
           up, you.            left-handed, Fan Boy. _    ,~
                ` __                  _        _  ` /|   /|    _
                 (.. /             \ --^   \  oo^  OO'  ..~   oo^
                (|||y               v-))    v((    " \  <<  -+-))
         ________ || _______________ /( _____ ))   |_\\ /_\   ((  __

             What?              Then why is your sword
            I'm not.              in your left hand? _    ,~
                ` __                _       _     ` /|   /|    _
                 (..             \ oo^   \ oo^     OO'  ..~   oo^
                (|||/             v-))    v-))     " \  <<  -+-))
         ________ || ____________  ( \ __  ( \ ___ |_\\ /_\   ((  __

              oops           _                       _    ,~   hee hee
                ` __        oo^/       _            /|   /|    _ ,
                 (oo |     ((-y       oo^ ___ _    @@'  oo~   oo^
                (|||-T      \\     --+-\\ - _- _   " \  <<  -+-))
jg                ||                   < \         |_\\ /_\   ((
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 454 (Oct. 30, 2003)
                                                  Shouldn't you help
          \     *smack*                   _     ,~ him with a spell
        _  _.--._ /                      /|    /| ,  or whatever?
       ^oo(   (  )  |                   OO'   ..~
     -- (  .-    _)-T                   "  \ .<<.
    _____`(___.__) ____________________ |__\\ /_\ _____

                      Awww.. but I can't use       So you'd rather
     *slice*       /   this wand. It looks_     ,~ have your best
         \ .---.-.      really silly.  ` /|    /| , friend hacked
         _(   (_  ) -                 * OO'   ..~   into pieces?
      - (   _  _,'-                   |-"  \ .<<.
         `(__)-'oo ____________________ |__\\ /_\ _______

                 OK.. Hey, wait.. Since when
                  do you care about Fan Boy?
                                      |    You saw what I did to that
                                      |       third goblin, right?
                                    Yeah?          |
                                      |     Wanna see it again?
                      I'll start working           |
    *b1ff*      /     on that spell now. _      ,~ Good idea.
       \ .----.                        ` |\    /| ,'
       ,'      )-.                       'OO  --~
    - (     -.    )                     /  " .<<.
jg     `-(____)_.' ___________________ //__|  /_\ _______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 455 (Nov. 2, 2003)
   \ `-'(__,'/                          _ Achalamnaug..        ,~
    |    .--' *cut* ___    OW!         /| ,  Zrathanagara..   /|
    | () |      \ _(   )-. ,       *  OO'                    ..~
    |    |       (       _) -*      \-" \-                  .<<.
   /,-,.-.\ ____(__.(______)_________ |_\\ _________________ /_\ __

 -. \   ,/   /.-                         Chalethurinor..
   \ `-'(__,'/          *crack*     *   _ , Yudronogob..       ,~
    |    .--'       ____  /         |  /|                     /|
    | () |       ,-(    `--.         \OO'/                   ..~
    |    | oof -(           )         " \                   .<<.
   /,-,.-.\ ____ `(___(__)-' ________ |_\\ _________________ /_\ __

 -. \   ,/   /.-
   \ `-'(__,'/             *            _ THAUM!               ,~
    |    .--' hee hee__   /            /| ,                   /|
    | () |      `_,-(  `.-.       ,   OO'                    ..~
    |    |      (      (   )  ===( *--" \                    <<
   /,-,.-.\ __   (___(___.'       `   |_\\      ____________ /_\ __


        I heard a noise from          You wouldn't happen to mean
        Nerd Boy's room.  `___       __ ,  the explosion that's
        Did you hear it?  ()..)      --#    all over the news?
                          -||.      .|(.
jg                         ||        ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 456 (Nov. 4, 2003)
 -. \   ,/   /.-                   Whoops. I blasted
   \ `-'(__,'/                     them all, Fan Boy _       ,~ IDIOT!
    |    .--'                         included.   ` /|      /| ,
    | () |                                         OO'     oo~
    |    |                                         " \    -<<-
   /,-,.-.\ _             ________________________ |_\\ __ /_\ __
              '  ,   .  `

 -. \   ,/   /.-     We can't stand around and mourn.
   \ `-'(__,'/      He started this quest. He'd have _       ,~
    |    .--'          wanted us to complete it.  ` /|      /|
    | () |                                         OO'     ,,~
    |    |                                         " \     <<
   /,-,.-.\ _             ________________________ |_\\ __ /_\ __
              '  ,   .  `

.--. ,'    `-._,----.
    '          `.    `.--.
        .-       )      ,-'.
       (      ,        '    )
,-'\.-    -._|  _,' - .__,-'
.__|| `--'_, \\___ __.'
`-. \   //   /.---\\,,
   \ `-'(__,'/    /'oo                                     ~,      _
    |    .--'         `                                     |\     |\
    | () |            Help?                                 ~..    'OO
    |    |                                                   >>    / "
jg /,-,.-.\                                                 /_\   //_|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 457 (Nov. 6, 2003)
  Hmm, where's that cursed             Maybe you blew her up too,
town we're supposed to save?_      ~,  like you did with Fan Boy.
     Where's that NPC?    ` |\      |\ ,
                            'OO     ~--
                            / "      >>
               ___________ //_| ___ /_| ________

               Nag nag nag. Always
              when I kill someone,  _         ,~
             people nag about it! ` |\       /|
                                    'OO     oo~
                                    / "    .<<.
               ___________________ //_| ___ /_\ ________

                      That was a joke;
                        lighten up! _         ,~
                                  ` |\       /|
                                    'OO     --~
                                   -/ "-    <<
                       ___________ //_| ___ /_\ ________

                   Hey.. that's not
                    lightening up.  _       ,~
                                  ` |\     /|
                                    'OO   --~
                                    / "  .<<.
jg                                 //_|   |_\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 458 (Nov. 9, 2003)
Nerd Boy! Where's that ~,         _ I'll go up this hill
 town we're supposed  ` |\       /| ,  and have a look.
    to be saving?!      ~..     OO'
                        .>>.    " \-
                    ___ /_\ ___ |_\\ ___

      ~,  You do that.                 _  I am. Sheesh.
       |\ ,                            |\ ,
       ~..                             'OO                  ________.-'
       .>>.                            / "            __.--'
   ___ /_\ __________________________ //_| ________.-'

 Nerd Boy!                      Oh, what now?! _                  __.--
,                                            ` |\             _.-'
                                               'OO        _.-'
                                              -/ "-    _.'
                                            _ //_| _.-'

                    Help.                       _                 __.--
            __      ,                          /|             _.-'
          _/ oo_ ~oo                          @@'         _.-'
         / ,\__/._>>                          " \      _.'
         \ | |-`-/_=                        _ |_\\ _.-'
          \\| \                       __.--'
jg_______ /"/|_)_ _________________.-'
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 459 (Nov. 11, 2003)
           _/ xx_ ~..                  _  There, I've plonked it.
          / ,\__/._>>                 /| ,  Try to wriggle free!
          | ) |-`-/_=             *  OO'
          |/ ||                    \-" \
      ____"|_||_ ___________________ |_\\ _______

                What about the other trolls?
             __      ,
           _/ xx_ ~..                * _  I'll blast them!
          / ,\__/._>>               / /| ,
          | ) |-`-/_=               \OO'
          |/ ||                      " \
      ____"|_||_ ___________________ |_\\ _______

                    But they have Fan Boy!
             __      ,
           _/ xx_ ~..                  _  Fan Boy is
          / ,\__/._>>                 /| ,  alive?!
          | ) |-`-/_=                OO'
          |/ ||                      " \
      ____"|_||_ ___________________ |_\\ _______

                                               Not for long.
     __   oooooow!        __              __      ,
   _/ --_   `           _-- \_          _/ xx_ ~..                 _
  / ,\__/._ ,,,       _.\__/, \        / ,\__/._>>                /|
 | )  |-`-'='xx__ _.-='-'-|  ( \       | ) |-`-/_=               @@'
  \\ \ \      `--'-      / , )`.\      |/ ||                     " \
jg "\_|_\              _(_/ \_\ "      "|_||_                    |_\\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 460 (Nov. 13, 2003)
 Hey, Mandy's role-playing is great.
Really_seems like she cares_about me.
   _/ --_   `           _-- \_                              _  I agree.
  / ,\__/._ ,,,       _.\__/  \           *                /| ,
 | )  |-`-'='..__ _.-='-'-|  ( \         oo~              OO'
  \\ \ \      `--'-      / , )|/         <<               " \
 __"\_\/_______________ _|/\_\" ________ /_\ ____________ |_\\ ___

     __                    __    He's not in danger?! Then
   _/ --_                _-- \_ just turn off the hologram! _  OK..
  / ,\__/._ ,,,        _.\__/  \            ,              /| ,
 | )  |-`-'='..__ __.-='-'-|  ( \        ~--              OO'
  \\ \ \      `--'-       / , )|/        ->>-             " \
 __"\_\/_________________/,'<_<" _______ /_\ ____________ |_\\


 What, you thought the                    So this is where the noise
   trolls were real?                     came from. You need to turn
                  `,,,                   down your holograms. ` __
                   '..     --~      OO                          ..#
                   <||.   .<<.     .||.                         |(
             ______ || ___ || _____ bb ________________________ /| ___

We're at home?! But..                What, you thought the space
 the space ship?! `,,,                ,  pirates were real?         __
                   'oo    ~--       OO                             #..
                   -||-   .>>.     .||>                             )|
jg_________________ || ___ || _____ dd ____________________________ |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 461 (Nov. 16, 2003)
Do you think events in time             Diverge. Everything matters; a
  converge or diverge? ` ___         __ ,  butterfly flapping it wings
                        ()..)        ..#     might cause a typhoon.
                         ||         .|(.
            ____________ |\ ________ || _________

I think things converge, so
all major events remain even            But.. If you don't affect the
if you go back in time and `___      __ ,  world, you needn't exist.
  try to change things.    ()..)     ..#
                           .||.     .|(.
                   ________ || _____ || _________

   Good point! I'll go                 That's selfish! If the world is
  kill myself right now!               divergent, you might be ruining
                     `___            __ ,   it for the rest of us!
                     (~~()           ..#
                      .\\.          -|(-
         _____________ < \ _________ || ________________

                    Oh.                 Well -excuse me- for
                     `___            __ ,  saving your life!
                     (,,()           --#
                       ||            |(
jg                     ||            ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 462 (Nov. 18, 2003)
    You know what really bugs          Huh? What?
     me about you, Linda?  `,,,     __ ,
                            '..     ..#
                            .||.   .|(.
     _______________________ || ___ || __________________

                       Nothing!        If you want our relationship to
                           `,,,     __ ,  work, you should tell me if
                            '..     ..#  there's some kind of problem.
                            -||-   .|(.
                       _____ || ___ || ___

What? No! It's just a cute thing to
say! "What bugs me?" "Nothing!" See?
                          |        Yeah right.
                  Ask Nerd Boy!        |
                           `,,,     __ ,
    OO                      '..     --#
   ((                       -||.   <|(>
__ b b _____________________ || ___ || ___

You should be more       What?!
 honest about your      SHUT UP!
  feelings, man.            `,,,              __
         `OO                 oo'             #--
         .||.               -||-              )|
jg        bb                 ||               |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 463 (Nov. 20, 2003)
                             Where the heck
                             is everybody?
    _________________________ db _________________________________

  Hey, is this the dream where I'm the last person
    on Earth, and I jump off the roof and fly?
    __________________________ b b _______________________________

    *..YES IT IS.. S.. s..*        Cool! I'll go jump off the
                                    ,   roof right now!
    _____________________________ db _____________________________

You're cruel.    Hey, it's not my fault
      ` __       ,  he's so gullible.
       #--    ~^^                                              __   OO
       .)|.   .>>.                                            --  q//
jg_____ || ___ || _________________________________________________ b
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 464 (Nov. 23, 2003)
       That's why I strive to become      But.. That isn't even
         a totally rational person!         a rational goal!
                                 `       __ ,
                                  OO/    ..#
                                 .||    -|(-
                      ___________ bb ___ || ____________

    Exactly! The brain itself can't
     remove its own irrationality
     using an irrational system. `       __
                                  OO     ..#
                                 .||-   .|(.
                      ___________ bb ___ || ____________

        Our obsolete genetic luggage
         can only be totally removed
          using a rational system!       __
                                 `OO     ..#
                                 -||-   .|(.
                      ___________ bb ___ || ____________

       That's why I strive to become
         a totally rational person!
                                 `       __
                                  OO/    --#
                                 .||     |(
jg                                bb     ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 465 (Nov. 25, 2003)
And since Strong Bad won't          Oh shut up, Nerd Boy. Only
answer that question, they         you would find that amusing.
asked the Internet Oracle!         ,
                        `OO     ~--
                        <||.     >>
                   _____ bb ____ |\ _____

        Oh? What about the
         person who wrote          *
          the question? `OO       ~..
                        -||-      .>>.
                 _______ bb ______ || _______________

Or the many fans of
Strong Bad and the
Internet Oracle? `OO              ~oo
                   ))              >>
         ________ d d ____________ || ____________________

       _  .-----------.                   I'm sorry. We offer no
___   /_\ |ACME TRAVEL|                __ , one-way intergalactic
||||   |  |  AGENCY   |    ~oo      __ ..'   trips at this time.
||||   |  `-----------'    .>>.   _((_|||
|o_|jg |                    ||   |__|_|||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 466 (Nov. 27, 2003)
                   What's up?            I got a Dolby 5.1 system
                          `,,,           ,  for my computer, and
                           '..         OO  it really freaks me out.
                            ||        .||.
                ___________ |\ _______ dd __________

                          How so?      Like, in Broken Sword 3 there's
                               `       occasional scratching noises in
                                ,,,      ,   the back speakers, as if
                                '..    OO   something's following you.
                                .||.  .||>
                      __________ || __ dd ________________

                   Really? Neat!
                 But.. It's weird.      What is?
                               `,,,      ,
                                '..    OO
                                .||.  .||.
                 _______________ || __ dd _____

 I didn't hear anything, and I was
 watching you play the whole time.
                               `,,,     *
                                '..    Oo
                      *scratch* <||    ||
jg                     *scratch* ||    dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 467 (Nov. 30, 2003)
     I'm bored.           Why? You have
           `           __ ,  lots to do!
            O          ..#
         |_(.______   -|(-
    ____ | |b|    | __ || ____

      Like what?          Finishing your thesis, doing your Japanese
           `           __ ,  homework, writing your history report,
            O          ..#   programming your mobile phone game, or
         |_(.______   .|(> whatever other hobby project you got going.
     ___ | |b|    | __ || ____________

            O          ..#
         |_(.______   .|(.
  ______ | |b|    | __ || __________________________________________

            I'm bored.
             ,         __
            O          --#
         |_(.______    |(
jg       | |b|    |    ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 468 (Dec. 2, 2003)
              'sup?                Not much. Just saw "Bill & Ted's
                  `,,,              ,  Excellent Adventure" again.
                   '..            OO
                    ||             ))
              _____ |\ __________ d d ________

      Yeah, that movie is          You've seen "Bill & Ted's
       excellent, man. `,,,        ,  Bogus Journey," right?
                        '..      OO
                        .||.    .||.
                    ____ || ____ dd _____

       That movie was bogus.     What? It.. Hey, why are you
                       `,,,        ,  just repeating words
                        '..      OO     from the title?
                        .||.    -||-
                 _______ || ____ dd ______

 That movie was repetitive,         Yeah, I'll go have a more rewarding
  but in a good way!   `,,,          ,  conversation with a chatbot.
                        '..        OO
                        .||.      ((
jg                       ||       b b
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 469 (Dec. 4, 2003)
                                      I don't like to plan my life,
                              _       ,   because you never know
                             "..    OO   what the future may hold.
                             .||.  .||>
                         ____ || __ dd _______

                                      Planning restricts your will,
                              _       ,  quenching your creativity.
                             "..    OO
                             .||.  -||-
     ________________________ || __ dd _______

                                      I refuse to become
                              _       , a mindless robot!
                             "..   \OO
                             .||.   ||.
            _________________ || __ dd _______

Look, the report should've been      FASCIST!
 done by yesterday. You're  ` _      ,
    failing the course.      "--   @@
                             .||.  -\\.
jg                            ||    dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 470 (Dec. 7, 2003)
So have you bought all your      What the heck happened to
   Christmas presents? `,,,      ,  the spirit of giving?!
                        '..    OO
                        .||.  .||.
              __________ || __ dd _____________

                     What?       What about cherishing
                       `,,,      ,  someone's gratitude?!
                        '..    OO
                        .||.  -||-
                ________ || __ dd _________

                     But..     Now you're making me BUY MY OWN GIFTS,
                        `       instead of GIVING me something for
                        ,,,     ,  Christmas?! That's INSANE!
                        'oo   @@
                         ||   -\\-
                ________ || __ dd _________

    I meant -your- gifts         What? I'm not giving
    to -other- people! `,,,      ,  anything away.
                        'oo    OO
                        -||-   ||
jg                       ||    dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 471 (Dec. 9, 2003)
 Nerd Boy, come       What? I haven't          __
and see the mess     done anything! `         _\/_  *whirrr*
 you made. `~--                     OO      __(__)__
            .>>.                   -||-     ) ,,  o(
    ________ || ___________________ dd ___ /_____.__\ ______

                                                       ` _ '
_____________   The sun is moving.                   -- (_) --
             \          |         It always does.      ,   .
              \ Not south to north.  |                   |
_______________\        |         Oh. And you assume
   ___        |          `        , that's my fault?
  |_|_|       |           ~..   OO
  |_|_|       |           .>>. .||.
______________|--.________ || _ dd _______________________

   What's that machine you        That's just my axis displacer. It'll
  were working on in there?       ,  move the axis of the earth so we
                         `~..   OO    end up at a warmer latitude.
                          ->>. .||.
              ____________ || _ dd _____________

                          ~--   OO
                           >>  -||-
jg                         ||   dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 472 (Dec. 11, 2003)
        Here comes the sun,    Nerd Boy, you need to turn the earth
        ,  doo-do-doo-doo.        ,  back and restore winter.
      OO                       ..~
     ((                       .<<.
____ b b _____________________ || ___________________

Why?! It's better                 Let me introduce you
  this way!   `                    ,  to some people.
               OO               ~--
              -||-               >>
      ________ bb ______________ |\ ________________________________

_________________________                                  |
               /         \                               . _ ,
              /           \                            -- (_) --
_____________/_____________\       There he is!          '   `
               |   __    '          Get him!      \\\      |
     ___       |  |  |  Oo        __ , __     ,,,   \   __   __   __
    |_|_|      |  | o|  ||        oo'  --' oo --  oo/\  --)  --"  oo$
    |_|_|      |  |__|__bb       -||  (_ ) || // .||   .||.   )) .|(.
_______________|__|___|---'-.____ ||   ||  '_/ )_ ||    dd    ||  ||

        Democracy sucks!
jg       d d
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 473 (Dec. 14, 2003)
          "Blah blah snow, blah blah skiing is so fun."
          ,  Let's see how fun these things really are.
      _ OO  _
__.--' .||.  '-.
       |bb|     \__
         \\        `-.                                            ___.'
|       Hmm. Pretty fun downhill.  |           Up is an entirely      |
|  \ \   ,       \     /\          |          different matter...     |
|   `  OO         `.  //\\         |                .-'       `OO     |
|    .((.           \ //\\     A   |               /         .((.     |
|   /  bb            `.||     /A\  |           __.'         ( bb )    |
|       \\              `-.____|___|_________.'              //       |
|                      .-'                         '-.                |
|           OH CRAP. Backwards    ,                   \               |
|            is no fun at all!   /                     `-.            |
|                 /          `OO  /                       `.          |
|             _.-'       --+-((.                            '-._      |
|          _.'               bb \                               `--._ |
|     ----'                 //                                       `|

   In retrospect, I
   really should've
   seen this coming.____
         _____   `   pp `
     __,'     `---._//_
jg.-'                  `-._____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 474 (Dec. 16, 2003)
Where's Nerd Boy?         I dunno. Haven't
          `              seen him for days!
          ,,,              ,
          '..           ..~
          .||.         -<<-
      ____ || _________ || _____

        There he is.     Have you been in your
               `         room this whole time?            Yeah.
               ,,,        ,                                  `
               '..     ~..                                    OO
                ||     .>>-                                    ))
         ______ |\ ____ || __________________________________ d d

              Been working on that         Um. When's
 Whatever.    history report, huh?          that due?
       `                   `,,,             ,
        ..~                 '..           OO
        <<                  .||.          ||
        /| _________________ || _________ dd ______

                        Friday.                    Excuse me for a
                            `                      couple of days.
                            ,,,                     ,
                            '..                   OO
                            .||.                 ((
jg                           ||                  b b
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 475 (Dec. 18, 2003)
And then I realized that all my            How fascinating.
 socks have holes in them!                 ,
              `OO                       ~--
               ||                        >>
            __ bb ______________________ |\ _______

                    / Why did I say that? Now she'll get me socks  \
                 . o\ for Christmas! I have to talk her out of it! /
        ______ bb __________________________

                    Oh, hey.. About              I know, don't worry.
                     the socks...                 ,  I'm not getting
                                `OO            ..~   you anything for
                                .||.          .<<.      Christmas.
                ________________ bb __________ || ________

                      OO                                ~..
                       ))                                >>
        _____________ d d ______________________________ |\ ____

jg              dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 476 (Dec. 21, 2003)
I gotta ask: Why aren't you            In fact, yes. -You're- not
getting me Xmas presents?             getting -anyone- any presents!
Was it something I did?               ,
          `OO                      --~
          ((                      .<<.
      ___ b b ____________________ || ___________

I wasn't serious! I just said       I knew it!     A-haa!
that to give Fan Boy a scare!         ,              `,,,
                     `OO           ..~                ..'
                     -||-         -<<.                -\\.
               ______ bb _________ || ________________ || ____

A trick?! Threatening not               Exactly.
to give presents for Xmas                   `,,,
   is really mean!    `@@          ..~       ..'
                     -//-         .<<.       ||
                  ___ bb _________ || ______ /| ___

... I don't see the irony,
there's no irony, shut up.
         ,                              ,,,
       OO                          --~  --'
        ))                         <<   ||
jg     d d                         ||   ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 477 (Dec. 23, 2003)
           Yes! I got the ZX-42       What the heck is      _\/_
           Holotronic component!      that? Who would        /\
            Just what I needed!        get you that?        /o'\
        __                 `             ,            ,,,   /'o\
       #..    ==~           OO ,_     ..~             ''.  /o.-'\
       .)|.  .[[.          .||-\|    .<<.            .//.  /'_o_\
        ||    ||     ______ bb ______ || _______      ||     ||

                        Um...         Does anyone except you know what
        __                 `                `,,,  a Holothingy -is-?
       #..    ==~           OO        ..~    ..'
       .)|.  .[[.          ((         <<    -||-
        ||    || __________ bb ______ || ___ /| ____

Did you buy that
 for yourself?               Uh...
      ` __                    ,            ,,,
       #--   ~==            OO        --~  --'
       .)|.   ]]             ))       <<  .||.
    ___ || __ || __________ dd _____  ||   ||

                       MERRY                                 /\
                     CHRISTMAS!                             /o'\
        __                 `               ,,,              /'o\
       #..   ~==            OO        ..~  ..'             /o.-'\
       .)|.   ]]           -||-       <<  .||.             /'_o_\
jg      ||    ||            db        ||   ||                ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 478 (Dec. 25, 2003)
 ------------------------------                  _ __
          _ _        \  ,--.  /                /_/_/
        ,'.'_\      -- (|@@|) --              /_/_/
       |_/ _\_|      /  -||-  \
       \_|//(##)         db               Black chocolate!      *drool*
       ( o)  \#|                                              OO
        \_|                                                   '))
         |   Dolby 5.1 headphones                             dd
  =>-.__,'                                         >O<   __
                                               o   _     `-'
                                             o    //  >O<
                                              o         _
                   ,'''.                           \   _))
                   |___|                               "
                   ||o|| CommuniCam             Candy!
          ,        '---'
        / '/ /                          .
       /  / /                          /|\
      (  ( (                          /-|+\
       \  \ \                        /-.|\-\
        `-'-'                       /#-_|,-'\
     Obligatory                    /'-< |_+-'\       IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!
       socks!                      `-._`| _.-'        ,
                                       `"'        _ @@
                                  Pyramid Maze    V-||-
jg                                                  dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 479 (Dec. 28, 2003)
  Hey guys, I learned        Let's see it.
     self-hypnosis.               `,,,
                 `OO               ..'     ..~
                 ((               .||.    .<<.
         _______ b b _____________ || ____ || ___

I will turn into a frog, and
awake from hypnosis when I
 snap my fingers!  `               ,,,
                   <OO>            ..'     ..~
                    ||            .||.    .<<.
      _____________ bb ___________ || ____ || __________

                           That's pretty
               ribbit             `,,,
                   `               ..'     --~
                    OO            .||.     <<
          ________ d||b __________ || ____ || ______

  Do you think that frog will
snap its fingers any time soon?       Who cares?
              ,--.          `,,,       ,                ribbit
             / / |         ,-'.. -- ..~ --.                 `
             +-+-+      .-'__ || __ << .-'|                  OO
jg           | | |      ||__ // ___ //_|__|                 d||b
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 480 (Dec. 30, 2003)
                                           So, New Year's Eve, huh?
                       ,,,                 ,   What's the point?
                       '..               OO
                       .||.               ))
              _________ || _____________ d d _____

              Whaddayamean?           Why celebrate the fact that some
                      `,,,            ,  monk or whatever decided that
 ~..                   '..          OO    the year starts tomorrow?!
  >>                   .||.        -||-
_ |\ __________________ || ________ dd ______

 Is this the "we should
have New Year's presents
like they do in Japan"  ,,,
speech again?  `~..     ..'         OO
                .>>.   .||.         ||
    ____________ || ___ || ________ dd __________________

                       ,,,                         ,
                ~..    '~~                       OO
                 >>    .||.                     ((
jg               ||     ||                      b b
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 481 (Jan. 1, 2004)
                                 Why do people always believe all
                       ,,,        ,  the stupid New Year's hype?
                       '..      OO
                        ||     .||.
           ____________ || ____ dd ___

                                As if this year is gonna be different!
                               Like we're all suddenly new people now!
                       ,,,        ,
                       '..      OO
                        ||     -||-
               ________ || ____ dd ________

         -I'm- a new person.      Really.
                      `,,,        ,
                       '..      OO
                       .||.    .||.
                 ______ || ____ dd ____________

My New Year's resolutions make       Makes sense. You if anyone was
  me feel totally reborn!              certainly born yesterday.
                      `,,,                ,
                       '^^              OO
                       -||-            ((
jg                      ||             b b
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 482 (Jan. 4, 2004)
 So you finally finished                Yeah. Now I just need to write
 your QuestBook project?                a "choose-your-own-adventure"
                    `,,,                  ,  so I can demonstrate it.
                     '..                OO
                   |_((  ________        ))
          ________ | |\\ |      | _____ d d _______

        Hey! I could help!           You could? Do you have any
                    `,,,              ,  writing experience?
                     '..            OO
                   |_((. ________  .||.
                   | |\\ |      | _ dd _________________

 Well.. I've written              Oh come on! That's crap!
 some fanfiction.. `,,,               ,
                    '..             OO
                   |((   ________  -||-
           _______ |"|\\ |      | _ dd ______

      Oh yeah? What have -you-          ... Shut up, we've got
     written that's so awesome?!        an adventure to write.
                    `,,,                   ,
                     '--                 OO
                   |_((- ________       ((
jg                 | |\\ |      |       b b
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 483 (Jan. 6, 2004)
 The castle looms eerily ahead of you, its precious treasures |
 well hidden within. But how will you get in? Will you climb- |
     __                       /\     /\     |  BOOOORING!      \
    (..                      ( _)   (  )    |      `,,,         \
    .\\_                  ()  ||_____||  () |       '--         OO
 ____ ) ` ____            ||  ||     ||  || |     |_(( _________.))_|
              `-. _______ ||"""""""""""""|| |  __ | |\\|       |dd| | _
                 `.       ||    .--.     || |
                   \      ||____|##|_____|| |
                    \                       |
 A guard is patrolling down this corridor! Luck |
 has taken you this far, but you need skill to- |
-----------------------------------------------.(   Skipping the intro
            (       __           |            |  \  and jumping to the
           (,) |   [==]     \  |\|            |   \ action? That sucks!
           /   |   |)|,      \  \|_  __       |    ,,,         `
___|___   y    |    |\        \ ||_| oo)      |    '..          O
_|___|__       |               \ |   -))-     |  |_((._________ -)_|
___|___|____.-'_________________`--- /( ------|  | |\\|       | d| |

                 -You- suck!          Three cheers
                       `,,,           , for creative
                        '--          O   differences.
                      |_(( _________  )_|
jg                    | |\\|       | d| |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 484 (Jan. 8, 2004)
  | Just as you're nearly done picking the lock to the |
  | treasury, you hear the unmistakable grumbling of a |
  | guard on patrol. You'll have to hide, and quickly! (
########::::' . ' . ':::::####  __    |                 `\
######::::' .   (   . '::::### [==]   |      ,,,
#####::::' .   (,)   . .::::##--|(|---|      '..          OO
####:::---. .  /    . ':::###"  /|    |    |_((  _________,))_|
##__::|   |.  y   . ':::::#"          |_   | |\\ |       |dd| | ____
#(oo :|o  |:.' .':.::::''             |_|_
.((. :|___|::::::'''                  |___|_
  )\                                  |_|___|_

                 Into the              "The dimly lit corridor splits
                 corridor!              off to the left and right."
                        `,,,            ,
                         '..          OO
                       |_((  _________,))_|
                 _____ | |\\ |       |dd| | _________

                     Left!               "You-" Hey, write your part
                        `,,,             ,  instead of playing mine!
                         '..           OO
                       |_((  _________ -))_|
jg                     | |\\ |       | dd| |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 485 (Jan. 11, 2004)
Fan Boy is            You figured that out
 a moron.             ,  all by yourself?
   `OO             ..~
   ((             .<<.
__ b b ___________ || __

This isn't about me!    Talking about him
We're trashtalking    behind his back?! You
  Fan Boy now.        ,  can't do that!
         `OO       ..~
         -||-     .<<.
  _______ bb _____ || _____

  You're right..    Do it to his face, like this:
         |          Nerd Boy says you're a moron!
         `              ,                ,,,
          OO         ~..                 oo'
         ((           >>                 ||
     ____ bb ________ |\ _______________ /| ___________

                                                   See? Everybody wins!
           *                           ,,,            ,
          OO                           --'         ~^^
          ||                           ||           >>
jg_______ bb _________________________ || _________ |\ ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 486 (Jan. 13, 2004)
    And then.. Some    Totally.           You're still working on that
    blob monsters?        `,,,            ,  silly adventure? When is
               `OO         ..'         ..~   your project due anyway?
             |_((. ________ ))_|       <<
   _________ | |bb |      |//| | _____ /| _______

   I'm not sure..
   What's today?      The 14th.
              |           `,,,
               `OO         ..'       ..~
             |_((  ________.))_|    .<<.
      ______ | |bb |      |//| | ___ || _______

                *          ,,,
                oO         ..'       --~
             |_((  ________ ))_|     <<
         ___ | |bb |      |//| | ___ || ___

|QuestBook   And that concludes       Excellent. Now please leave,   __
|::::...    my internet project     you're disturbing my psychology  .'
|::::::..   ,  presentation.           _ ,  seminar. _   .''______ __ )
'-------- OO -'   _                   .."            .#__ )/______// /|
         .||. __,//_                 .||.         __ |//_/|
jg        bb | |____|                 ||         // /
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 487 (Jan. 15, 2004)
Did your presentation go well?         No. And it's all
               `,,,                     ,  your fault!
                '..                   OO
                 ||                    ))
        ________ |\ _________________ d d ___________

              -My- fault?             Yeah! I wish you
                     `,,,             ,  didn't exist!
                      '..           OO
                      .||'         -||>
             _________ || _________ dd _______

                 `.  _  ,-. ,'
                    ( `    )        @@
                 - , *POOF!*  -     ||
         _________ `--'  .__) _____ dd ____________

     Can't sleep    With Nerd Boy laughing like           MUAHAHAHAHAA!
       either?     that in his sleep? Who could?           I'M FREE!
       _ ,                     `,,,                         FREEEE!
      #..                       --'
     |_)|   _______  _|          ))
jg   | |\>  |     | | |          /|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 488 (Jan. 18, 2004)
    Turns out the game                          Really?
     we wrote is  `,,,                           ,  _
     really good.  '..                          O  |_)
                    ||                       |_(._[__]
               ____ |\ _____________________ | |b|   |

    Yeah, we got an offer                       Wh..
    from a publisher,  `,,,                      ,  _
     and I accepted.    '..                     O  |_)
                        .||.                 |_( _[__]
                  ______ || ________________ | |b|   |

            You wanna meet             They're -here-? Who is it?
            our publisher?            Sierra? Nintendo? This is so
                       `,,,            ,  exciting I_could scream!
                        '..          OO            |_)
                        -||.         ||       _  _[__]
                     ___ || ________ dd __ __|_  |   |

  Y0, N3RD D00D.                       GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
         `,,,           ,,,               ,
           --           '..             @@
          .\\.          ,||>            -))
jg        _( \_          ||             dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 489 (Jan. 20, 2004)
                     I will NOT work for YOU!
                      ,,,      `            ,,,
                       --       OO          ..'
                  ___.((.___    -\\.       .||.
  _______________||    \>_  |___ dd _______ || ____________

                                       Why not?!
                              He's EVIL!  |
                                   |   Hey, he's my brother!
                              That too!   |
                      ,,,          ,       `,,,
                       --        OO         --'
                  ___.((.___    .||.       <||>
         ________||    \>_  |___ bb _______ || ______

   0K. W3'LL F1ND 4N0TH3R   What?! You're not getting
      L33D PR0GR4MM3R.       rid of me that easily!
                     \,,,          ,        ,,,
                       --        OO         ..'
                  ___.((.___    -||-       .||.
             ____||    \>_  |___ dd _______ || ___

Come on! We have
  work to do!          ,,,                  ,,,
           `OO         ~~                   ..'
            -))   ___ .//> _                ||
jg          d d  ||  _/ )_  |               ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 490 (Jan. 22, 2004)
                      , _
                     O |_)
                 |_ /_[__]
         _______ | |b|   | ______

According to this, your company               Y3P.
"DoodWares Inc." owns all the                   \ ,,,
rights to our adventure!  `OO _                   --
                          ((-//                  .//.
            _____________ b b _________________ _/ )_

            )_)   That is outrageous! I      W04H..
       ,,,    ``  never agreed to that!         \ ,,,
       '``                        `OO             --
        ||                        -||-            //
    ___ |\ _______________________ bb _________ _/ )_ ___

DoodWares Inc. just got sued
because the game infringes on     It's all yours!
Thief, Prince of Persia `,,,         ,            ,,,
and Dungeons & Dragons.  '..       @@             --
                          ||       ||-            //
jg   ,-.                  |\       bb           _( \_
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 491 (Jan. 25, 2004)
   Watch as I toss up this         With your big mouth, it
     grape and catch it             shouldn't be much of
       in my mouth!  `              ,  a challenge.
                      OO         ..~
                     .||o       .<<.
          ___________ bb _______ || ______________


                      OO         ..~
                     .||'       .<<.
   __________________ bb _______ || ____________________

                    OO  o
                    (____,       oo~
                     \\         .<<.
              _______ bb _______ || ______

                  Tadaaa!         I didn't mean it
                     `             ,  literally...
                      OO         oo~
                     -||-        <<
jg                    bb         ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 492 (Jan. 27, 2004)
Hey, I learned to catch             Let's see it.
a grape in my mouth, `,,,            ,
 just like you did!   '..          OO
                      .||o          ))
                ______ |\ ________ d d _________

              OK, here goes.
                         '..      OO
                         .||o    .||.
           ______________ || ____ dd _____________

                         '``      OO
                         .||'     ||
                _________ || ____ dd ________

It worked when                            Visiting hours are
I practiced it. o--.    Sure.              over, young man!
         `,,,   | \|     ,                __ ,
       .--'.#  _|.-'.  OO                ../
       ||(_\\_//_|||| .||.                99
jg     |  |      |  |  dd                c c
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 493 (Jan. 29, 2004)
I've come to the conclusion that you
tend to become aggressive instead of      What?!
admitting your feelings toward me.        ,
                  `OO                  ..~
                  ((                  .<<.
                  b b ________________ || ______________________

       In other words, you hit     Wh.. You're sick!
       me because you love me.      ,
                         `OO      oo~
                         <||.     <<
               __________ bb ____ || ____________________

     Lately though, you       EEEEW! Shut up NOW,
    haven't hit me much.        ,  or I'll...
                    `OO      --~
                    ((      -<<.
        ____________ bb ____ || ________

You're gonna hit me?                 GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!
 So you DO love me!                           ,
                 `OO               __ __   ~oo
                 -||-            - _-__ - _>>-
jg                bb                -- --   \
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 494 (Feb. 1, 2004)
                               I played Dance Dance Revolution today.
                              It's exhausting! It killed me! I'm dead!
         But you're right there.  |
                        `,,,    I'm a ghost!
                         '..      `OO
                         .||.       ))
          _______________ || _____ d d ___________________

            Woah. Punch me!       Huh? OK...
                        `,,,       ,
                         '..     OO
                         -||-   .||.
                 ________ || ___ dd _______________

                        'xx OO
                      *- ((-||
             ____________ \\dd ____________

 Ow! Ghosts are harder       You're a bigger idiot
  than I thought!   `,,,      ,  than I thought.
                     'oo    OO
                     ((     ||
jg                    >>    dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 495 (Feb. 3, 2004)
 I have a new theory: I'm the
  only conscious creature,            ,,,
   so I should only   `OO             ..'
  care about myself.  ((             .||.
                  ___ b b ___________ || _______

 The only thinking conscious creature
I -know- exists is myself. OK, you might
 argue that people think since they act
kinda like me. Your premise is reversed:
-I- act like -them-, since I was brought
up that way. So you're wrong; no one  ,,,
else is a thinking creature. `OO      ..'
                             <||.    .||.
                           __ bb ____ || __

                              OO      ..'
                             .||.     ||
 ____________________________ bb ____ || _____________________________

                    Case in point.
                     , Thank you.     ,,,
                   OO                 ..'
                    ))                ||
jg                 d d                ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 496 (Feb. 5, 2004)
 Where were you yesterday?             *yawn* Whaddaya mean?
                `,,,                    ,  I was right here.
                 '..                  OO
                  ||                  `))
        _________ |\ ________________ d d ________

         No, you were here Thursday.
                        |          Thursday was yesterday.
          No, yesterday was Friday.  |
            It's Saturday today.    I was asleep a
                        `,,,         ,  whole DAY?
                         '..       OO
                         .||.     .||.
                  _______ || _____ dd ______

But now that you're awake,
we can hang out and watch
TV and play games and.. `,,,
                         '~~       OO
                         -||-      ||
      ___________________ || _____ dd __

         Where are you going?                   Back to bed.
                        `,,,                      ,
                         '..                    OO
                         -||-                  ((
jg                        ||                   b b
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 497 (Feb. 8, 2004)
                             Thanks for       No problem.
                              the lift.          ,              _____
                                    `OO       ~..             _/__|__\
                                    .||.      .>>-   *click*,'_   | _ \
                           _________ bb ______ || __________`(_)--'(_)'

                    \    I should learn how to drive,
                     \   but I feel so out of control
     _________________\     in the driver's seat.
           ___      |         ,
          |_|_|     |       OO           ..~
          |_|_|     |        ))          <<
jg__________________|--.___ d d ________ /| ____

  And that freaks me out.          So you'd rather take a bus
 I'm a major control freak.        ,  and have no control at all?
                       `OO       ..~  That doesn't make sense!
                       <||.     -<<-
               ________ bb _____ || _____

 So, you want some kind of
payment for driving lessons,
or how would that work? Are
 you free on Fridays?  `OO       --~
                        ||       <<
                        bb       ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 498 (Feb. 10, 2004)
You asked Mandy to give you             Yeah?
   driving lessons?   `,,,              ,
                       '..            OO
                        ||            ||
            ___________ |\ __________ dd _______________

That's a disaster! Girls can't do       What? You got
several things at once! How is          it backwards!
she supposed to teach while `,,,        ,
keeping an eye on traffic?   '..      OO
                             -||-    .||.
                _____________ || ____ dd _______

                          Huh?         It's -guys- who can't do several
                            `,,,        ,   things at the same time.
                             '..      OO
                             .||.    .||>
 ____________________________ || ____ dd ___________

    For example, Mr. Fan Boy
   here can't talk and think                  Have fun.
      at the same time. `    ,,,              ,
                         ~-- 'oo            OO
                         .>>. ||           ((
jg                        ||  ||           b b
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 499 (Feb. 12, 2004)
                    Hey...                   Been taking driving
                   Have you..               lessons with Mandy? Yes,
                         `,,,               , and I crashed her car.
                          '..             OO
                           ||              ))
                      ____ |\ ___________ d d ________

              OK, stop joking          I'm serious. It's weird though,
                around, man.           she wasn't mad. She just left.
                          `,,,          ,
                           '~~        OO
                           -||-        ))
                  _________ || ______ dd ______

   Yeah, that sorta brings me          You weren't wondering about
   back to what I was actually          the lesson? Then what?
     trying to ask you.   `,,,          ,
                           '..        OO
                           .||.      .||.
jg_________________________ || ______ dd __________

                   Have you seen
                   your computer?
                 (         '..        @@
    _    _,-;.  _ )        -||.       ||
 __|_    |   | ('-,         ||        dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 500 (Feb. 15, 2004)
    It has to be some sort                  Whatever.
    of space-time rift! ` ,:::.        ,;;;. ,
                          "-0(0        -)-)\\
                           \_o/        \-_()))
                         _,:_(__        )_,;.
                        (        ,_/   ;     `.
    ___________________/_,..  _ // ___(_(___.__\____________________kmr
   |    But we can see ourselves!
   |    Look! It's fantastic! ` _        __
   |                           -OO      --\)''<
   |                       ,,  |/        \|
   |   ____________________ \V/ _\ ____ <<\\ __________________________
   |  |                          \\
   |  |                           `\
   |  |
   |  |
   |  |    It's like.. a panel, or         Sure.
   |  |     a wall.. I'll call it          ,
   |  |      "the fourth wall"!  `OO     --~
   |  |   ______________________ -||- __ << ___________________________
   |  |  |
   |  |  |
   |  |  |
   |  |  |     Whatta.. It's gone!              Finally.
   |  |  |     It's back to normal!             ,
   |  |  |                       `OO         ~--
   |  |  |                        ||          >>
jg |  |  |                        bb          |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 501 (Feb. 17, 2004)
 Hey man. I think I have this     you will try it out on me
 hypnosis thing figured out.           `,,,
 I'll try it out on you. `OO            ..'
                         ((             ||
               _________ b b __________ || ________

           Wha.. You're in        i am in trance already
           trance already?!            `,,,
                         `OO            ..'
                          ||            ||
               __________ bb __________ || ________

          I'm not falling for
        that! Fine! Just forget          *
                ,   everything!         ,,,
              OO                        ..'
               ))-                      ||
       ______ d d _____________________ || ______________

                              I.. Where am I?
                               -WHO- am I?!
jg                                      ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 502 (Feb. 19, 2004)
             'ello, gov'nah!          What?
                     `,,,             ,
                      '..           OO
                      .||'          ||
          ____________ |\ _________ dd _______

             Ah said 'ello. You      Since when are you
            hard o'hearing, mate?     from Australia?
                         `,,,         ,
                          '..       OO
                          <||>     -||-
                 _________ || _____ dd ______

 Dunno about no Australian.                 Just knock it off,
 I'm from Liverpool, meself.               Fan Boy. It's silly.
                         `,,,                ,
                          '..              OO
                           ||`            ((
                       ___ || ___________ b b _____________

   Well, I reckoned I looked
 sorta British, so.. "Fan Boy"?!
jg                         ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 503 (Feb. 22, 2004)
            '..                        oO
         ==-//-==                      ||
    _______ )\ _______________________ dd ____________

                                         What the heck
               _   ,,,                   ,  is that?
              '  | '.. / `             OO
       *swish* ( `-//-' )              -))-
           ___    / )     ____________ dd ____________

                ___,,, _                 ,
        *flap*  \V/'..|/ *flap*        OO
                 '-//-'                ||
           ______ / ) ________________ dd ____________

  Well.. You called                         He's finally gone
    me Fan Boy..  `,,,                      ,  totally insane.
                   '..                    OO
                   ,||.                  ((
jg_______________  |\||\ _______________ b b _________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 504 (Feb. 24, 2004)
   / Ooh, what a \
   \  hot chick! /O     Hey there,              Well hello,
                   o.,,, ,  babe.            __ ,  handsome.
                     '..                     ~~#
                      ||                    .|(.
           __________ |\ ___________________ || _______

         How's about we have a                 Sure sweetheart, but I'm
          snuggle contest?  `,,,             __ ,  on my way out to buy
                             '--             ..#   milk, so later, OK?
                             <||>           .|(.
                   __________ || ___________ || _____

 / Woah, it worked! I \                / Heh, Fan Boy \
| must be such a hunk! | O o.,,,       \ is so silly. /o. __
 \  This is awesome.  /      '..                         #~~
                             .||.                         )|
                      _______ || ________________________ |\ _____

        ..~                   ..'
       .<<.                  .||.
jg      ||                    ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 505 (Feb. 26, 2004)
  Did you erase                    How come when something
 Fan Boy's memory?               happens you always blame me?
            `                     ,
             ~..                OO
              >>               -||-
     ________ |\ ______________ dd ___________

 I punched him, and then he       Well, in -this- case I may
remembered you hypnotized him.    have done something, yes.
                        `         ,
                        ~--     OO
                        .>>.    ||
                   _____ || ___ dd ______

                                 And before you ask, no,
                                 I didn't melt the roof.
                        ~--     OO
                        .>>.   <||>
                ________ || ___ dd __________

                               OK yeah that was me.
                        ~--     OO
                        .>>.     ))
jg                       ||     dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 506 (Feb. 29, 2004)
 Have you heard the
  horrible news?                     What! No!
           `,,,                      ,  What?!
        __  'oo                    OO
      ---  _//-                   .||.
   _________ \ ___________________ dd ____________

         You mean you haven't
       heard the horrible news?      No...
                         `,,,        ,
                          'oo      OO
                           ||      ||
                   _______ || ____ dd ____

          Oh I can't tell you,       WHAT?! What IS it?!
           it's too horrible.         WHAT'S GOING ON?!
                          `,,,       ,
                           oo'     @@
                           ||     -||-
                   _______ || ____ dd ____

          There was no Penny        That's it?! I'm giving
          Arcade strip today.        you amnesia again!
                          `,,,       ,
                           --'     OO
                            ))    -||.
jg                         ((      dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 507 (Mar. 2, 2004)
                                  Some jerk's parked in Mandy's
                                    spot, so I keyed his car.
                          You what?         |
                  _________    |   Keyed it, scratched it with a key.
                 |||  |  |||   `            `,,,
                 |||--+--|||    OO           ~~'
                 |||__|__|||    ||           ||
         _______ '''     ''' __ bb _________ /| __________________

          I know what it means. Remember
            when I wrecked Mandy's car?
                                |     Yeah?
                           That's her  |
                  _________ new car.   |
                 |||  |  |||   ,        `,,,
                 |||--+--||| OO          ..'
                 |||__|__|| -||.        .||.
jg______________ '''     ''  dd ________ || _________

WHAT THE?!                               I'm.. late for, uh, the
,                 _________               thing at.. the place..
                 |||  |  |||                     `,,,
                 |||--+--|||                      'oo
                 |||__|__|||                       ||
                 '''     'bb                       |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 508 (Mar. 4, 2004)
I'm sorry that I made your favourite
meal so spicy you almost died, and
bought you a fur coat even  `,,,       __
 though you love animals.    '..       ..#
                              ||      .|(.
          ___________________ || _____ || ____________________________

          Also, I called you fat.
                           `,,,       __
                            '..       --#
                             ||      .|(.
                   _________ || _____ || _____________________

      It just seems that when          I still don't see how the "fat"
      I mean well, I mess up.          thing counts as "meaning well".
                          `,,,       __ ,
                           '..       --#
                            ||      .|(.
                      _____ || _____ || _______

   So I'm giving you this rose;
     your favourite flower.          Yeah, except that
                        `,,,       __ ,  is a tulip.
                         '.. @     --#
                          ||-|     |(
jg                        ||       ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 509 (Mar. 7, 2004)
                         So..       Yeah..
                           `,,,      ,
                            '..    OO
                             ||    ||
 ___________________________ || __ dd ________________________________

Can't think of anything that           ..and now your life revolves
I can talk about. I signed a          around the stuff covered by the
non-disclosure agreement.. `,,,      ,  non-disclosure thingy? Me too!
                            '..    OO
                            .||.  -||.
                     _______ || __ dd ________

         Wow, then maybe it's       Yeah! Only..
          the same thing!  `,,,      ,
                            'oo    OO
                            -||-  .||.
                 ___________ || __ dd ____________

                         What?      How do we find out if it's
                           `,,,      ,  the same thing while
                            '..    OO    not disclosing it?
                            .||.   ||
jg                           ||    dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 510 (Mar. 9, 2004)
 You slept a whole day
 again, didn't you?      Apparently. It's weird, I don't know
             `,,,         ,  why I keep missing whole days.
              '..       OO
               ||      .||.
    __________ || _____ dd ___________________

You might figure it      Good idea. Last thing I remember,
out if you retrace         I was talking to Mandy.
 your steps. `,,,          ,
              '..        OO
              .||.      ((
        ______ || _____ b b ______________________________________

                                  And then
                            ,,,   I said..
                            '..        `OO     ..~
                            .||.       <||.   .<<.
jg__________________________ || _______ bb ___ || ________

                             ..'                       ~--
              pp             ||                         >>
             //              ||                         |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 511 (Mar. 11, 2004)
 ..feels like he doesn't care.       You do? Then why are you
I'm so glad I have a gay friend      talking to me about it?
to talk with about   ` __       ___ ,
this kind of stuff.   #~~      (..()
                      .)|.      .||.
                 _____ || ______ || ____

                     ` __       ___
                      #..      (..()
                       )|       .||.
______________________ || ______ || ______________________________

  By the way, have you              No, he's been
  seen Nerd Boy lately?             gone for days.
                     ` __       ___ ,
                      #..      (..()
                      .)|.      .||.
jg____________________ || ______ || ____________________

            `  pp
         ____ //_____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 512 (Mar. 14, 2004)
                                        ;:::::::::::::::.        -- (
                                       .::::':::::::::::::           `-
          It's finally starting        ;:::_ ::'  :,-:::::         /  |
          to look like spring.        ;/,---. :() /::::::'
                        `OO           ':::'  ):  /': :' :
                        ((             ':   /   (    :  '
jg_____________________ b b _______\,____,-'_____\,,
                                                     ~  ~      ~

    Ah-HA!      Huh? Who are you?!
       `,,_               ` ' /
        "oO                OO -
       .//-               .||.
______ < \ _______________ dd ____________

  Do not play the fool,
 Dr. Nerd Boy. I daresay
 it doesn't become you. `,,_
                        .// //
         _______________ ||dd _______________________

  You are the Nerd Boy who has
 built a time travelling machine
for the sole purpose of harassing
your future self, are you not?
                     Oo"   OO
                      \\.  ||
   __________________ /| _ dd ____

                ,,_          ,
                "oO        OO
               .//         ||
       ________ || _______ dd ______

                  I KNEW IT!
           _____________ ||dd ___________

Ta-ta, Dr...
 For now...
     "oO                    @@
      \\.                   //
      /|                   dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 513 (Mar. 16, 2004)
              Hello.               ACH! What is with the
                 ` _                ,  constant sneaking?!
                  ".O             OO
                 .((            -((-
          ______ | bb ___________ bb _______

 I take it this is when I           You know, I mean.. I will know
 had just met Dr. Spivak?           that weird guy in the future?
                   ` _              ,
                    ".O           OO
                   .((           -||.
          _______ ( b b _________ dd _______

 Well, obviously. You just        You know what I mean. Stop
   met him, didn't you?            being such a smart-alec.
                      ` _           ,
                       ".O        OO
                      .((        .||.
          ___________ | bb ______ dd _______

  I'm you from the future!
-You- stop being a smart-alec,          That's it,
and I'll never have been one!           good-bye.
                      ` _                ,
                       "~O             OO
                      .((            -((.
        jg___________ | bb __________ b b __
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 514 (Mar. 18, 2004)
    The past me should have            I might, if the future me
     listened to my elders._           ,  weren't a smart-alec.
                         `".O        OO
                         .((        .||.
                 _______ | bb ______ dd ________

 Look, Dr. Spivak is insane.
 He says I stole his ideas
 before he thought of them._
                         `".O        OO
                         .((        .||.
               _________ | bb ______ dd _____________

     I think he'll try to exact
    his revenge on you, the past      Is it really
   version of myself, to pre-empt      alleged?
     my alleged pre-emptive_theft.     ,
                         `".O        OO
                         .((         ||
                     ___ | bb ______ dd ______

         Gotta go. Look
         out for Spivak!
            _ ,
           O."                       --
            )).                      ||
jg________ d d ) ___________________ dd ____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 515 (Mar. 21, 2004)
                                  Hmm. I've been feeling
                                  , kinda weird lately.
             __________________ db _______

Yes! Because -I- am stealing      Oh, is that all? I was worried
-your- ideas, Dr. Nerd Boy,       you'd do something horrible.
using my brilliant invention!     That wasn't horrible at all!
           `,,_                   ,
            "oO                 OO
           -//-                .||.
       ____ |\ ________________ dd _______

                 Really?         Really.
                    `,,_          ,
                     "oO        OO
                    .//        .||.
  __________________ || _______ dd ___________________________

 Then I guess I shall
 have to shoot you. `,,_
                     "oO _,     Oo
                    .//-/"'     ||
jg                   ||         dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 516 (Mar. 23, 2004)
               Prepare                      No! Shoot me instead, I'm
               to die!                       the one you really want!
                    `,,_                             _ ,
                     "oO _,     OO                  O."
                    .//-/"'     ||                   )).
   _________________ || _______ dd ________________ d d ) ______

                       What the heck      I'll get shot, and you can go
                       are you doing?!   back in time and thwart Spivak
                     ,,_       `         _ ,   before he shoots me!
                     "oO _,     OO      O."
                    .//-/"'    -||-      )).
         ___________ || _______ bb ____ dd | ___________

                   You just came from the future!
                    Why didn't -you- just travel
                    farther back and thwart him?
                     ,,_        `        _
                     "oO _,     OO      O."
                    .//-/"'    .||-      )).
              ______ || _______ bb ____ dd | _____

Excellent point, because                  Oops.
now I have you both `,,_                 _ ,
  under gunpoint.    "oO _,     oO      O-"
                    .//-/"'     ||       )).
jg                   ||         dd      dd |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 517 (Mar. 25, 2004)
 And now you both die!                                 What's going on?
              `,,_           _                                   `,,,
               "oO __,      O."     OO                            ..'
               //-/'"        )).    ||                           .||.
     _________ || _________ dd | __ dd __________________________ || __

                           That guy wants to shoot      Another one of
                           me because of something     your holographic
                           I haven't even done yet.       simulations?
               ,,_           _        ,                          `,,,
               "oO __,      O."     OO                            ..'
               //-/'"        )).   -||.                          .||.
         _____ || _________ dd | __ bb __________________________ || __

                            No, it's     So you're a robot     Nope.
                            all real.    copy of yourself.   That's me!
               ,,_           _     `        `,,,                   `
               "oO __,      ".O     OO       ..'                    OO
               //-/'"      .((     .||.      ||                     <\\
jg____________ || ________ | bb ___ bb _____ /| ____________________ dd

 To heck with it! To let you                           -I- could've
live on is a greater punishment;                     told him -that-.
   `_,,  you are all insane!  _          ,,,                  `
    Oo"  __                  O."    OO   ..'  OO              --~
     \\-  `\,                 )).   ||   ||   ||              <<
     /|                      dd |   dd   ||   dd              /|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 518 (Mar. 28, 2004)
  Hey there. It's                Yeah, whatever. It was my birthday
my birthday tomorrow.             a few months ago and -you- didn't
                 `                  ,     get -me- anything.
                  OO             ..~
                 ((             .<<.
      __________ b b ___________ || _____________________

 Maybe because you didn't          I did too! But -I- don't
  drop helpful hints!  `            , do it the day before!
                        OO       ..~
                       .||-     .<<.
          _____________ bb _____ || _______________

             Whaddayamean?         How am I supposed to think of what
                       `            ,  to get you in such short time?
                        OO       ..~
                        ||      -<<-
jg_____________________ bb _____ || _________

You're in luck! Here's a list       Thanks, I'm aware of the
I've prepared, anticipating         ,  concept of wish lists.
   your very problem!  `OO  _    --~
                        ||-//    <<
                        bb       ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 519 (Apr. 1, 2004)
 --------------------------              ____________
                                        |||          | Cool CD
                                        ||| GodaGoda | with jazzy
      ____   Dark chocolate!            ||| | o  o | | children's
     /_/_/  Again! What can             ||| |( )_O_| | songs. :)
    /_/_/  I say, I love it.            |||__________|
                             |  ____|_
                             | |  ____|_
     ,-----.                 | | |      |
     \      \  Candy!        | | | /\   |  3 books: Two Dragonball,
      \  '   \  Always!      |_| | >`-. |  and one about Nostradamus.
       \__,--|   Yay!          |_| |__| |
         `-o-'                   |______|
         o   \
           B   o                              O     Two small
                                                O   metal balls.
  |--| ,-.
  |##| | |  Assorted "smell
  |__| |_|  nice" things.              ,----.  Monster dolls with
                                       |O\/O|  wheels to play a kind
      ______                           |XXXX|  of monster curling. :)
     |\  __ \                          '----'
     | \_____\  Magic Box: insert a
     | |__|  |  coin, watch through
     \ |   \ |  window. The coin is
jg    \|____\|  gone! Spooky stuff!
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 520 (Apr. 4, 2004)
                                           You -have- to see ScummVM,
                          ,,,               ,   it's the coolest!
                          '..             OO
                          .||.             ))
           _______________ || ___________ d d _______

               Oh yeah? Why?         It lets you play old games like
                         `,,,        ,  Monkey Island and Beneath a
                          '..      OO     Steel Sky in Windows!
                          .||.    -||-
               ___________ || ____ dd __________

          Why would you want        Whaddayamean? They're the
            to do that?  `,,,        ,  best games ever made!
                          '..      OO
                          .||.     ||
jg________________________ || ____ dd ______

Old geezer. I bet you even          I'll have you know
think your old MP3 player          it has SEVERAL MEGS
  is still cool!   `,,,             ,   of memory!
                    --'           OO
                    ||            -\\.
                    /|             dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 521 (Apr. 6, 2004)
                                       Check it out, I'm learning
                       ,,,              ,   contact juggling.
                       '..            OO o
                       .||.          oo))'
        _______________ || __________ d d _____________

                       ,,,        o    ,
                       '..          \OO
                       .||.        p//- o
                    ___ || ________ d _____

                                         ,- o
                                     `  /
                       ,,,          *donk*
                       '..             #O   \
                       .||.          -//-    o
               ________ || _________ dd _o________

 OK, now I see why it's
called -contact- juggling.
                        ||                pp
jg_____________________ || ________________\\__o___o_o____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 522 (Apr. 8, 2004)
 I've filled easter eggs with
 candy and hidden them! Let's
  go on an easter egg hunt!                ,,,
,--------------.         `OO        ..~    ..'    ==~
|`-.____________`-.      -||-      .<<.   .||.   .[[.
|__|_____________||______ bb ______ || ___ || ___ || __________

                    Maybe not. Last year you hid them in
                    the medieval England of an alternate
                   dimension! They were impossible to find!
                                   `       ,,,
,--------------.          OO        --~    ..'    ==~
|`-.____________`-.      .||.      .<<.   .||.   .[[.
|__|_____________||______ bb ______ || ___ || ___ || ______

                  Fine! I'll find them and      Fine!
                  eat all the candy myself!       `       ,,,
,--------------.          `OO                      ~..    '..   ~==
|`-.____________`-.      -//-                      ->>     ||    ]]
jg_|_____________||______ bb ______________________ |\ ___ |\ __ |\ ___

      _             ,
,-. ,' `. ,------ OO ----.
   \_ ,^.\|`-.___((_______`-.
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 523 (Apr. 11, 2004)
When I throw this switch,                     _________ ___________
 you will drop into the               What? Hang on!   V           |
 acid bath and PERISH!                 How the heck    |           |
                   `,,_               did I get here?  |           |
                    "oO                             `OO|           |
                  /-//                                ==    (   o  |
_________________A_ || ___________________   o        dd     )     |

                                              _________ ___________
You mean to say that you've        It's kind of hazy,  V           |
 forgotten how I defeated          yes. I'd appreciate |           |
  and humiliated you?  `,,_            a quick recap.  |     O     |
                        "oO                         `OO|           |
                  /     //                     o      ==           |
_________________A_____ |\ _______________            dd        (  |

                                              _________ ___________
       Well, I guess I -could- put                     V           |
        off your execution for a        Your kindness  |           |
          -little- while. `,,_          overwhelms me. |           |
                           "oO                      `OO|        o  |
                  /       .//                  )      ==           |
_________________A________ || ____________    (       dd     o     |
jg                                        |~~~~~~~%~~~~~~~~~~~~~o~~|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 524 (Apr. 13, 2004)
  Well, the first part of my plan
  to kidnap and destroy you was to
  hack into IBM's secret research
  files concerning killer robots!           ______
                     ` _,,         Naturally.|    |
                       oO"                `OO|    |
                /       \\.                 ==    |
           ____A_______ /| _____________    dd    |

                         , - -  -  -  - -   -  -  -   - -  -  -  - .
And then I constructed  .   _______              Go forth and KILL! .
an army of robots that   `  :::::::::..                   `_,,       .
captured and killed you! .   '............                 Oo"        .
   ,,_ ,              , '     | - - - - - - -              -\\-       .
   "oO               .          | == == == == ==        ___ || _     ,
  -//-               .          ' [] [] [] [] []       /        `.   .
__ || ______________  ` .         |\ |\ |\ |\ |\    _.'           \   '
                          ` . _  _ _  _  _   _  _   _   _  _ _  _ _ .'

                                They didn't kill me
                               though; I'm right here.
                Shush! It's called       |  ______
                poetic license! `,,_     |   |    |
                                 "Oo      `OO|    |
                /               .//-        ==    |
_______________A________________ || ____    dd    |
jg                                      |~~~~~~~~~|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 525 (Apr. 15, 2004)
 ...and that's how          You forgot |       |
 I totally defeated         something. |   . , |
 and captured you. `,,_             `OO|   -*- |
                    "Oo               ==   ' ` |
            /      .//.            (  dd    o  |
___________A_______ || __________   )          |

---------------------------------------------.   . .
 You're forgetting the virus I wrote when I  | '     ` - - .  .
 discovered that your robots were controlled |,- -- --- -- ---.  ` - .'
 centrally. Your entire army was wiped out.  ((( (  (   )  ) )))      .
---------------------------------------------'`--._  ` '  _,--'       .
 '                          \        ,             ' `.' '
  `    `  ,     ?!     .   `  .  |  /      -' -    :  .  :       '    .
  .' -*boom*-   ==       -   ` '      ,'           :  :  :     )      .
 '      []      []           ( *pow* )       ,     | |:| |            .
:   ___ || ____ || _    _,   ,`-   -   `         ,' '   ` `.     `    ,
 ` . _  _ _                 '        \   -  .   ( *kabooom* )
            ` - - -  - - . _ _  _ _  _  _ _  _  _  _ _ _  _ _  . .. -'

  Which is why you're       Right you  |       |
  suspended above the         are. `_,,|       |
   acid bath, not me.               oO"|       |
                   `OO               =='    '  |
            /      .||-               ||     ) |
___________A_______ bb __________ '      o  (  |
jg                               |~"~~~~~~~~~~~|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 526 (Apr. 18, 2004)
  Hey, ever wonder why             No. Please shut up.
  people have knees? `              ,
                      OO          --~
                     ((          .<<.
                   _ b b ________ || ___

    See, -that's- why there's        Ugh.
     no cure for cancer yet.         ,
                          `OO     ''~
                          //-    .<<.
                 ________ bb ____ || _____

    People aren't inquisitive       They're just not inquisitive about
        enough, that's why!          ,   meaningless crap like you.
                         `OO      --~
                         -||-     <<
               __________ bb ____ || __________

          Are you calling me        No I meant.. OK,
          meaningless crap?         ,  yeah I am.
                         `OO      ..~
                          ||     .<<.
jg                        bb      ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 527 (Apr. 20, 2004)
                            Heh, my lvl 14 won't stand a chance against
                               the alien invasion in City of Heroes.
        Level 14?! You were in      |
         the closed beta?       Yeah. Since March.
                       `,,,         ,
                        '..       OO
                        .||.       ))
        ________________ || _____ d d __________________

 You mean you've played           Well, there was a non-disclosure
the City of Heroes beta for      thingy, and besides, I thought you
weeks and not told me? `,,,       ,    were in the beta too!
                        'oo     OO
                        -||-   -||.
            ____________ || ___ dd _______________

           Why would you          You said something about
           think that? `,,,       , doing something secret
                        'oo     OO   too, what was that?
                        .||.   -||-
                ________ || ___ dd ________

              Clog dancing.
                        ',,     Oo
                         ||     ||
jg                       ||     dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 528 (Apr. 22, 2004)
I heard diamonds are forever, so       That's the stupidest
 I'm changing my name to Ever.        thing I've ever heard.
                 `,,,                 ,
                  '~~               OO
                   ||              .||.
__________________ |\ _____________ dd ____

               It was a joke!        It was a stupid joke,
                          `,,,        , you're stupid. Oh,
                           '..      OO   and I need to ask
                           .||.    .||.    you something.
       ____________________ || ____ dd ______

       Why ask me? You just          Well sometimes the world is
       said I'm -stupid-. `,,,        ,  a stupid place, and you
                           '--      OO    need to be stupid to
                           -||-    .||>  properly understand it.
                   ________ || ____ dd ________

  I wish you could just once
  say something nice about me
  that -isn't- an insult. `,,,
                           '--      OO
                            ||     .||.
jg                          ||      dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 529 (Apr. 25, 2004)
 If nothing is as it seems,
is -it- as -nothing- seems?       What?
                     `            ,
                      OO        --~
                     ((        .<<.
                   _ b b ______ || ____________________

 If nothing beats love, is
-love- worse than -nothing-?
                     `OO        ..~
                     .||.      .<<.
               ______ bb ______ || _______________

    If you're all that,           Did you just call
    is -all that- -you-?           ,   me fat?
                     `OO        ..~
                     <||.      .<<.
            _________ bb ______ || ___________

         Uhh.. No, of           That hesitation just bought you a
         course not. `           ,   vacation in Painsville.
                      OO      --~
                      ||     -<<.
jg                    bb      /|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 530 (Apr. 27, 2004)
            Hey, you're              What?! Of
             not dead?              course not!
                   `___               ,
                   ()..)            ..~
                    ||-            .<<.
              _____ |\ ____________ || _________________________

Hm. I could've sworn the             Whuh?
 world was coming to  `___            ,
   an end just now.   (''()         ''~
                      .||.         .<<.
       _______________ || _________ || ____________

   Oh well. Maybe tomorrow
    then. See you later!
                      `___          ?!
                      ()~~)         oo~
                      `||.          <<
           ___________ || _________ || ______

      _    | o'
     |    o'
    o'   ___ *whistle*
        (..()                       oo~
          ||                        <<
jg        /|                        ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 531 (Apr. 29, 2004)
                               /  \    \    \     \
   Isn't it a fine             \ \ \ \  \ \  Nope, it's
   day, Nerd Boy?              /  \\  \\ \ \raining here.
               `,,,            \    \  \\   ,   \  \\ \
                ~~]            / \   \ \ [OO   \ \   \
               -||'            \  \ \   \`|| \    \
           ____ || ____________/___\_\___ bb _\,_____  \
                               \  \    \        \
                               /   \ \  \  \  \  \   \
                               \    \ \  \  \  \  \ \ \
                               / \   \   \      \\ \ \ \
 What? That sounds             \  \ \     \Heh, be\     \
 weird. I'm coming             /   \ \ \  my guest.\  \
 over there.  `,,,             \    \   \   ,   \    \
               '..]            /  \   \  [OO  \  \ \  \
               .||'            \   \ \ \ `|| \ \  \ \   \
        _______ || ____________/__\_____\ bb _\____\__\

                                  _,-(      )
                               __(           )---.______
                                 \  \   \ \  \ \   \  \
 What? The weather's             Damn you, weather! \  \ \
    fine here.   `,,,            \ \  \ ` \ \  \ \ \ \\ \ \
                  '..              \\ \\ OO .   \     \\   \
                  -||-             \ \ \ .))  \  \ \    \  \\
jg                 ||               \     bb   \,   \  \,   \
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 532 (May. 2, 2004)
 Oh, you're back              Yep.           What LAN party?
from the LAN party.            ,                `,,,
                 `~..        OO                  ..'
                   >>       .||.                 ||
              ____ |\ ______ dd ________________ /| _____

         Oh, wasn't Fan   Um..         Why would you not invite me? Is
          Boy invited?      `             `,,, it because you hate me?
                    `~..     OO            ..'   You do! I knew it!
                     .>>.    ||           -||-
          ___________ || ___ bb __________ || ________

                                            I HATE MY LIFE!
                                                 ___  `,,,
                     ~..     Oo               --   __  'oo
                     .>>.    ||              __   -    //
      _______________ || ___ bb _____________________ / > _____

                        You did that
                         on purpose.
                Of course!  |
                     ,      |
                  ^^~       `OO
                  <<         ||
jg                /|         dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 533 (May. 4, 2004)
  I think I ate too                   Too much candy? There's
   much candy...  `,,,                  ,   no such thing.
                   '--                OO
                   ((>               .||.
         _________ |\ _______________ dd _____________________

  It's not too much when                No, your stomach hurting
  your stomach hurts?  `,,,             , just means you're weak.
                        '..           OO
                        ((>          -||.
                 ______ || __________ dd _____

     Are you saying I'm a              I'm saying you're barely
      man that can't  `,,,              ,    a man at all!
      hold my candy?   '..            OO
                       .||.          -||-
            ___________ || __________ dd ______________

                               ROUND 1
                       ___      ___      ____
                      /__   /  / _  /__/  /   /
                     /     /  /__/ /  /  /   .
                        '--           OO
                       <((-           -))'
jg                      / )           d d
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 534 (May. 6, 2004)

                                 Your mother is
                     ,,,         ,   a pig!
                     '--       OO
                    <((-       -))'
              ______ / ) _____ d d ________

 What? Hey man, that's          It's just trashtalking, to psyche
    pretty harsh.   `,,,         ,  the opponent. And it worked!
                     '..       OO
                     ((        -))'
         ___________ / ) _____ d d ______________

                    \ . OO
               -  ,,,  p)).   -
                  '-x   d
                    \\ \
jg__________________ \\ _____________________

  You cheated! Rematch!
             |         And get your ass
    OK, maybe not.      ,  kicked again?
              `,,,    OO
               '.x    ||
               ,\\__  dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 535 (May. 9, 2004)
         Check it out!       Let's give it a spin.
        A swivel_chair!             `,,,
                \) `O                ..'
                 \_(                 ||
           _____ _|_b ______________ /| ________

  _ - ___   -     _    _  -- ___   __  _  ___  ---_-  ___- _ --   _ __
- ___ \)_OO  -- - \) O  ___  \  \O  -- _ |   |-  _  O/  / -- _ O (/ _--
 __ -- \(( -  _  - \(  -  --- \__\ -- ___|___| -    /__/ -_--   )/ ---
______ _|b b _--__ _|b__ ---__ _|b b --__ _|_ __- d d|_ __  -__d|_ ___-

                           Can I try?
                ' _ ,          `,,,
         *swirl*-_--- '         ..'
              ` _--_-*swish*   .||.
   _____________ _|_ __________ || ____________

                           Nerd Boy?
                _              `,,,                               Over
                \)              oo'                               here.
                 \__            ||                            qq  ,
jg______________ _|_ __________ || ____________________________\\__
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 536 (May. 11, 2004)
    What's this? Looks        Yes! After getting toast flung at my face
      like a toaster.         countless mornings, I modeled a personal
                   ` __        ,   flight device after the toaster.
                    #..      OO       ____
                    .)|.    .||-    .'    `.
     ______[:] =>-.__||______dd___,-|______|- _____

        Interesting concept.            Enough talk, just
        Have you considered..            ,  plug it in!
                   ` __                OO
                    #..               _||_
                    .)|'            .'    `.
     ______[:] =>-.__||___________,-|______|_ _____

          OK, here                       Soon every man will be able
            goes.                        ,  to soar through the sky!
              `__                     \OO
               ..#                    _||_
             _,.\\                  .'    `.
   ________[:"  /|`-._____________,-|______|_ _______

            Hmm.. *sniff* Is            )
           something burning?       )
                __ ,               (   @@ (
                ''#                 ` _||_ )
               .|(.                 .'    `.
jg_________[>-._||________________,-|______|_ ____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 537 (May. 13, 2004)
                    Where were you yesterday?
   Sittin' here thinking.     |
           |        More than usual?
          ,                    `__
        OO                      ..#
     ___ ))__                  .|(.
  __|   dd   |_________________ /| ________

  Yes! I want to create a website that
 will change the way people think, I'll
design technology that will revolutionize
society! Make the world what it_should be!
              `OO             ..#
     ________ -||-           .|(.
  __| _______| bb ___________ || __

                                  I'm in! Let's get started!
                                 __ ,  The world won't even
               OO               #oo     know what hit it!
     ________  ||               -)|-
  __| _______| bb ______________ |\ _________________________

          Yeah.. Let's do
          , it tomorrow.             __
        OO                           --#
     ___ ))__                        |(
jg__|   dd   |______________________ || ____________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 538 (May. 16, 2004)
     OK, let's get started            Well, if we're both going to work
    on this technology that           on this we should probably first
    will change the world.   _     __ ,  set up some kind of code
                        `O  |_)    ..#       version handler.
                      |_(._[__]   .|(>
             ________ | |b|   | __ || ______

   Hey, good idea. You know,
      you're pretty smart.   _     __
                        `O  |_)    ~~#
                      |_(._[__]   .|(.
           __________ | |b|   | __ || ____________

                For a girl.  _     __
                        `O  |_)    ..#
                      |_(._[__]    |(
               ______ | |b|   | __ || _________

     Ow. Now I remember             THAT'S COMPLETELY
     why we broke up. `     __    __ ,  UNRELATED!
                     _ O#  |)_)   --#
                    |_(( _[_|_|  -|(-
jg                  | |bb|  | |   ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 539 (May. 18, 2004)
  So what        Well, it's like The Sims,    We're erasing the
 are you guys      but with tiny robot       boundaries between
  working on?     dolls you can talk to.   simulation and reality!
            `,,,              `    _    __ ,
             '..               O  |_)   ..#
              ||            |_(._[__]  -|(-
        _____ |\ __________ | |b|   | _ || ___________

 Makes you think. Will the dolls be
intelligent? Is it ethically just to
play God like that? `,,,           _    __
                     '..       O  |_)   ..#
                     <||.   |_(._[__]  .|(.
        _____________ || __ | |b|   | _ || _______________________

                     ,,,           _    __
                     '..       O  |_)   ..#
                     .||.   |_(._[__]  .|(.
             ________ || __ | |b|   | _ || _______

   Well, I'll buy it if you
  can take their clothes off.
         `,,,                      _    __
          ..'                  O  |_)   --#
          ||                |_( _[__]   |(
jg_______ /| ______________ | |b|   | _ || _______________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 540 (May. 20, 2004)
 I heard you're working
on some kind of game with         That's right.
 intelligent dolls? `___            ,     ` __
                    ()..)         OO        ..#
                     ||          .||.      .|(.
            ________ |\ _________ dd ______ || _____________________

So, acclimatizing people
to the idea of non-human            Uh..      Is it that
sentience in preparation           yeah.       obvious?
for the Singularity? `___          ,        __ ,
                     ()..)        OO        ..#
                     .||.        .||.      .|(.
                _____ || ________ dd ______ || ___________

  Yes, and it won't work.      We know!       That's exactly what we're
   People are just  ` ___        `          __ ,   trying to change!
    too stupid.      ()..)        OO        ..#
                     .||.        .||.      -|(-
       ______________ || ________ dd ______ || __________________

       ___ ,                                __
      (~~()                       OO        ..#
        ||                         ))       |(
jg_____ /| ______________________ dd ______ || ____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 541 (May. 23, 2004)
Urgh, I hate colds, they turn           You say that as if it's
 my body into a weak mess.           usually strong and muscular.
             `                         ,
             OO                     ..~
            ((                     .<<.
    _______ b b ___________________ || ____

      Hey, no quips, I'm sick,         Looks like someone already
        cut me some slack. `           ,  cut you a lot of slack.
                           OO       ..~
                          ((       .<<.
          ________________ bb _____ || ____________

 Look, I know I'm leaving very        You're not just weak
  tempting quippable openings,         from being stupid?
  but that's because I'm weak          ,
  from this insane fever. `OO       ..~
                          ((       .<<.
                 _________ bb _____ || _________________

             That one wasn't               I know.
               very good. `                 ,
                           OO            ~--
                           ||             >>
jg                         bb             |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 542 (May. 25, 2004)
          By dose is so          What?
           glogged ub.             `,,,
                    `OO             ..'
                    ((             .||.
             ______ b b ___________ || ___________________

            By dose! Id's      I can't understand a word you're saying,
             glogged ub! I     your nose is clogged up from your cold.
               hab a gold!         `,,,
                         `OO        ..'
                        -((-       .||.
        _________________ bb ______ || ____________________

                          OO        ~~'
                         ((        .||.
     ____________________ bb ______ || _____________________

                         `          ,,,
                          OO |)     oo'
                          ||-|      ||
jg             __________ bb ______ || ___________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 543 (May. 27, 2004)
  I have an announcement to make.
              ,                          ,,,
            OO                           ..'   ..~
           ((                           .||.  .<<.
__________ b b _________________________ || __ || ___

        My cold is getting better,          Oh, so your nerdy demeanor
         so you two will soon have         will wear off with the cold?
          nothing to mock me for!        ,,,      ,
                       `OO               ..'   ..~
                       .||-             .||.  .<<.
        _______________ bb _____________ || __ || __________

                                All that talk about math,
                              programming and 2D games was
                              just fever-induced rambling?
                        OO               ..'   ..~
                        ||              .||.  .<<.
            ___________ bb _____________ || __ || ______

       *grumble*                         ,,,
      OO                                 ~~'   ^^~
       ))                               .||.  .<<.
jg    d d                                ||    ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 544 (May. 30, 2004)
     I bought a cat.    You bought a cat?!
               `               `,,,
                OO              ..'
               ((               ||
            __ b b ____________ || __________

        Yeah, it's a..     Where is it?!
                  `            `,,,
                   OO           ..'
                  .||.         -||-
       ___________ bb _________ || ____________________

       She's in my room,       Here kitty kitty!
     you're gonna love her.        `,,,      .--.
                      `OO           '~~      |  |
                      ((-            ||      |  |
              _______ b b __________ |\ _____|  |____________

             Oh, and it's a           |          _^_^
              MegaCat 5000!        \  ' /        =v= |  *MEOW*
          .--.        `         `.  ,,,  ,'      \J_/`.
          |  |         OO        -  'oo  -        |    \
          |  |        .||-           -\\-         ||| ( \
jg        |  |         bb              \\         ||| _\|`-'
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 545 (Jun. 1, 2004)
  I'm taking my                       Whatever.
 cat out riding.     ,--.              ,
            `OO     / / |       ,-- ..~ -------.
            -||.    +-+-+    .-'___ << _____.-'|
  __________ bb ____|_|_|____||____ //______|__|_____________

                    / / |       ,-- ..~ -------.
                    +-+-+    .-'___ << _____.-'|
  __________________|_|_|____||____ //______|__|_____________

                     ,--.              ,
                    / / |       ,-- oo~ -------.
                    +-+-+    .-'___ << _____.-'|
  __________________|_|_|____||____ //______|__|_____________

      (     \OO ^_^_                          DOOMSDAY IS
       \  _ //_| =v=                _          UPON US!
        ;'  b   \_-/               oo'              `oo
       / )_____, |-.                )).            -//-
jg     |/_ \_   \|'"               (( |            / \
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 546 (Jun. 3, 2004)
       Nerd Boy?          Don't ask.                         *HISS*
             `,,,          ,                              No, wh.. AH!
              '..        --~                                   *bonk!*
              .||.       <<
   ___________ || ______ /| _________________________________________

           What the heck                             I was riding my
          happened to you?                         MegaCat 5000 when it
                      `,,,                            ,  threw me off.
  --~                  'oo                          #O
  <<                    ||                           ))
_ /| __________________ |\ ________________________ d d _____________

                          Why?               Turns out someone owns
                            `,,,              ,  a MegaDog 8000.
                             '..            #O
                             .||.            ))
             ________________ || __________ dd __

             No, why were you                Wh.. Have you not
             riding a cat?  `,,,              ,  seen He-man?!
                             '..            #O
                             .||.          -||-
jg___________________________ || __________ dd ________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 547 (Jun. 6, 2004)
         What's up?             Nothing! My life
                 `,,,            ,  is boring!
                  '..          OO
                   ||         .||.
           _______ |\ ________ dd _____________________

                                 I've decided to search for the
                     ,,,         , wisest hermit on the largest
                     '..      \OO  mountain in Nepal, so that he
                     .||.      ||.  can give my life direction!
               ______ || _____ dd ____________

Your life is so boring           YES!
  you'd go through  `,,,         ,
 all that trouble?   '..       @@
                     .||.     -||-
          ___________ || _____ dd ______________________

 LATER...      *       /      *                                \ *
      /\             ,' *   Or maybe not.                   *   \
     /  \  *        /               `__        *                 `. *
 *  /    \       ,-'  *             {{O               *            \
   /    _,\   _,'           *       ((-|    *                *      \
  /:._.::::\,'            *         b b|                             \
 /:::::::::/    *                 o  o                                `
/::::::::,'                     o  o            *                   *
:::::::-'               *     o  o                        *
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 548 (Jun. 8, 2004)
                               Yes! I finally reached the
                             __ ,  top of the mountain!
                         ___ dd ___
                      .-'          `-._
                     /                 `.
                    /                    \
|                                                                     |
|           ____     __                 Well. Here I am. Where the    |
|         ,'    `---' _)___              , heck is the wise hermit?   |
|        (_________________)            .                             |
|                                       |                             |
|          /\                   _,--._ / \                   _        |
|       /\/  \                 (______/   \               ,-' \       |
|      /  \   \       /\             /     \             /     \      |
|     /_    _..\    ,'  \           /..__,.:\         /\/:._   ,\     |
|    /:::..:::::\  /._   \         /:::::::::\       / /:::::::::\    |

 When on the path to             ____     __               Oh crap.
 enlightenment, keep           ,'    `---' _)___            ,
the map right-side up!        (_________________)          .
          `.                                               |
   __      |                    /\                    _,--/ \
 _(  )__  / \                /\/  \                  (___/   \
(_,_____)/   \              /  \   \   /\               /     \
        /_    \            /_    _..\,'  \             /..__,.:\
jg     /:::..::\          /:::..::::/._   \           /:::::::::\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 549 (Jun. 10, 2004)
         ___ /__| ______________ There he is! The hermit! He'd better
       ,'                        have something really wise to tell me
      /                       __ ,  after all this climbing I've done.
    ,'                        O}}            `._
   /                           ))-|             \
  /                           d d |              \
 /                              o o               \
                                 o o

  Sometimes, the journey          Don't tell me
 teaches you more than            this is one of
reaching your goal.  `__       __ ,  those times.
                     {~~       OO}
                     /_|       ||-|
                ___ /__| _____ dd | ______
              ,'                          `-.__
             /                                 `---.

                 It is.               Aw crap.
                    `__            __ ,
                    {~~           {--
                    /_|           ((-\
               ___ /__| _________ b b \ _
             ,'                          `-.__
jg          /                                 `---.
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 550 (Jun. 13, 2004)
Hey, you're back from          Uh.. Yes, state the
your trip to the `,,,          , obvious, thanks.
 wise hermit!     '..        OO
                   ||        ||
__________________ |\ ______ dd ____

   So what did he say?        Why should I tell you?
                  `,,,         ,  Embark on your own
                   '..       OO   spiritual journey!
                   .||.     -||.
     ______________ || _____ dd _________

       That's not fair!       Actually.. yes
                  `,,,         ,  it is.
                   '..       OO
                   .||.     .||>
             ______ || _____ dd ______________

          No it's not!             Yeah OK whatever.
                  `,,,               ,
                   '..             OO
                   -||-           ((
jg_________________ || __________ b b ____________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 551 (Jun. 15, 2004)
                Hey, I..             Why bother making things? It's
                      `,,,            ,   all been done anyway!
                       '..          OO
                        ||          -))-
    ___________________ |\ ________ d d ________________

                                   Internet, for example. That's just a
                                   bunch of TVs and typewriters hooked
                         ,,,       ,  up to phones. How is that new?
                         '..     OO
                         .||.   .||>
         ________________ || ___ dd _____________

What are you talking about?        You.. you're right.. What the
 You love the internet! `,,,       ,   heck is wrong with me?!
                         '..     OO
                         .||-     ))
        _________________ || ___ dd _______________

              Shh.. it's going
                to be OK.  `,,,
                            ''OO  *sob*
jg                          || dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 552 (Jun. 17, 2004)
  I got a guitar!                   Sweet!
             `,,,                    ,
              '..                  OO
              <{=[==#             -||-
     _________ |\ ________________ dd ____________

   We should start a                What, you haven't heard him banging
    band. You play an              away on his drums? He totally sucks!
    instrument, right?               And you! You know like two chords!
                `,,,                                ,
                 '..               OO            ..~
                 <{=[==#          .||.           <<
    _____________ || _____________ dd __________ /| _____

Oh yeah? Well I've heard you sing.
You're no musical genius yourself!
                 '--       --~     OO
                 .{=[==#  .<<.     ||
           ______ || _____ || ____ dd ___________________

                                          So we're all set! Rehearsal
                                         in the garage tomorrow at 5!
                 ,,,                        ,
                 '..      ~..             OO
                 .{=[==#   >>            ((
jg_______________ || _____ || __________ b b __________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 553 (Jun. 20, 2004)
                        Hi there.              Where's Mandy? It's time
                              `,,,                ,  for band practice.
                               '..              OO
                               .||.              ))
              _________________ || ____________ d d ____________

 Oh.. funny story.. I invited Linda       Duh! You can't have two
 to join the band, and Mandy  `,,,         ,   girls in a band!
  got really mad and left.     '^^       OO
                               .||.     -||-
                   ____________ || _____ dd ________

  What?! There are lots of bands          Sh'yeah.. -Girl- bands.
    with more than one girl.  `,,,         ,
                               '..       OO
                               .||'     .||.
         ______________________ || _____ dd ____________

 C'mon, that's like saying you
can't have more than one guy in a         Yeah, incidentally, you're
band unless it's a boy band!  `,,,         ,   fired from the band.
                               '..       OO
                               -||-      ||
jg                              ||       dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 554 (Jun. 22, 2004)
                             But to handle the data           ____\ ___
                    ,,,        ,  dependencies, I..          [O]__[O]__
                    '..      OO                                 __/____
                    .||.    .||>                       *vrrrr* /;;//;;/
          __________ || ____ dd _______________________________\::\\::\

                              I HAVE COME TO   ___
                               DESTROY YOU! ` |== \
                                              (||) \_
                         Excuse me for       (  , (  )
                           a second.      ____\ ___\ |
                    ,,,        ,         [O]__[O]__\_|
                    'oo      OO             __/______`-.___
                     ||     '||.           /==//==/........\
       _____________ || ____ dd ___________\==\\==\________/______
                                              |oo \
                                              (||) \_
                                             (  , (  )
                                          ____\ ___\ | *sizzle*
                    ,,,        *blast*,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
                    'oo      OO  _,,/// --_-- _-- -  ---_ - - -_- - --
                     ||      ||-/'``\\\ ---- --- - - --  - -- ---- ----
       _____________ || ____ bb       `````````````````````````````````

                              Where was I? Oh right,
                    ,,,        ,  data dependency.   (
                    'oo      OO              )        )
                     ||     .||.            (  __),-._
jg__________________ || ____ dd ____________,-','"._'\`.-._______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 555 (Jun. 24, 2004)
                                         What is this smoldering heap?
                                      (             ,
                    OO           (     )         ..~
                   .||.         __),-._          <<
             ______ bb ______,-','"._'\`.-._____ /| ____

    It's a robot I shot                         Why?! It's burning
      with my raygun.                           a hole in the rug!
                   `                  )           ,
                    OO         )     (         --~
                   <||.         __ ,-._       -<<.
             ______ bb ______,-','"._'\`.-.___ || ______

  It was going to shoot me!
 Would you rather I were dead
 than have a hole in the rug?   )
                   `OO         (       (       ..~
                   -||-         __ ,-._ )     .<<.
             ______ bb ______,-','"._'\`.-.___ || ______

       Don't answer that.             (
                   `OO       (                 ..~
                    ||        ) __ ,-._       .<<.
jg_________________ bb ______,-','"._'\`.-.___ || ___________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 556 (Jun. 27, 2004)
I know things look dark, but you
 gotta have faith in mankind.       Are you kidding?
                     `__        ___ ,  Watch this.              __
                     #..       (..()                           '..  ..
                     .)|.        ||                            .||. ||
   __________________ || _______ |\ ___________________________ LL  ||

            Hello, I'm gonna kill myself
            now, feel free to intervene!     blah     heehee     blah
      __                            ` ___     `__       ` __   __ ,
     #oo                             ()..)    '..  ..    $~~   ^^'
      )|                             -||-     <||. ||    $PP  <\/>
 ____ || ____________________________ || _____ LL  || ___ kk _ || _____

                                See? I do that every week, and
                               nobody so much as bats an eyelid.
                      __         ___ ,
                     #..        (..()
                      )|          ||
    _________________ || ________ /| ___________

That's gotta work wonders      The day somebody cares
 for your self-esteem.       I'll probably die of shock.    blablah!
                     `__       ___ ,                           `__
                     #--      ()..)                            '..  ..
                     .)|.      ||                              <||. ||
jg                    ||       ||                               LL  ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 557 (Jun. 29, 2004)
  What're you up to?                    Nothing.
           `                             ,
            ~..                        OO
            .>>.                      .||.
 ___________ |\ ______________________ dd ___________

   Whaddayamean "nothing"?               Well, I -am-
   Nobody does -nothing-!                a nobody...
                       `                 ,
                        ~..            OO
                        ->>-           ||
       _________________ || __________ dd _________________

                                        Hah, you just realized
                         *              ,  I won, didn't you?
                        ~..           OO
                         >>           -\\.
                 _______ || __________ dd _____

   I just realized I broke my            Oh yeah?! Well HAH!
   vow of not talking to you.          You just broke it again!
               `                         ,
                ..~                    @@
                <<                    -||-
jg_____________ /| ___________________ dd __________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 558 (Jul. 1, 2004)
If a tree falls in the
forest, and no one is
around to hear it, does          For all ends and
it make a sound? `,,,            ,  purposes, no.
                  '..          OO
                   ||         .||.
     _____________ |\ ________ dd ______________

                               If no one experiences an event
                                 or the effects thereof, you
                     ,,,         ,  can just disregard it.
                     '..       OO
                     .||.     .||>
               ______ || _____ dd _________

 Trippy. So we need to see
  stuff for it to happen.       Kind of.
                    `,,,         ,
                     '..       OO
                      ||      .||.
            _________ || _____ dd _________________________

  Let's watch the       Somebody's gotta do it.
   grass grow. `,,,         ,
                ..'       OO
                ||         ))
jg_____________ /| ______ d d ________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 559 (Jul. 4, 2004)
          Yo.                           I've been waiting for an hour!
           `                          __ ,  Why are you always late?!
            OO                        --#
           ((                        -|(.
   _______ b b ______________________ || __________

       I don't believe in the           OK whatever, but you have a
     concept of time, so I don't      __ ,  cell phone, right? That
          carry a watch.   `OO        ..#  has a watch, doesn't it?
                            ||       .|(.
              _____________ bb ______ || _________________

                     Yeah but..         What?!
                           `          __ ,
                            OO        ..#
                            ||       -|(-
                 __________ bb ______ || ________

     I changed it to Swatch beats
      and now I don't know how to       "@526"?!
         change it back.   `         __ ,
                            OO       --#
                            ||-[]     \\
jg                          bb        ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 560 (Jul. 6, 2004)
By the way, did you see
Teletubbies yesterday?
            '^^       OO
             ||      ((
 ___________ |\ ____ b b ____________________________________________

        It was hilarious!     Oh. Yeah, never
                  `,,,        ,  seen that.
                   '^^      OO
                    ||     ((
       ____________ |\ ___ b b ________________________________

                        What?!         I'm asleep when
                           `,,,         ,  it's on TV.
                            '..       OO
                            -||-     ((
            ________________ |\ ____ b b _______________

               Oh yeah, I guess it's on        More like it's past
               too early for you.  `,,,         ,   my bedtime.
                                    '..       OO
                                     ||      ((
jg__________________________________ |\ ____ b b ________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 561 (Jul. 8, 2004)
 Are these hundreds of          Yeah, a machine I was working
 pancakes? Looks tasty.       on malfunctioned and made lots of
         _       `,,,            ,  pancakes instead of what it's
        _=_       ..'          OO    supposed to do. Have one!
     __-_==_     .||.         -||.
____-==-=_--=____ || _________ dd ______________

There's maple syrup on it!       Uh.. yeah!
         _    `,,,               ,
        _=_  _ ..'             OO
     __-_==_  `||-            .||.
____-==-=_--=_ || ____________ dd ______________

Wait.. Is there something      Would I offer them to you, my best
wrong with these pancakes?      friend, if there were something
         _   `,,,                ,   wrong with them?!
        _=_  _'..              OO
     __-_==_  `||.            -||-
____-==-=_--=_ || ____________ dd ______________

     Best friend?              OK I'm not sure they're edible so
       Really?!                I wanted you to taste them first.
         _   `,,,                ,
        _=_  _'^^              OO
     __-_==_  `||.             ||
jg__-==-=_--=_ || ____________ dd ______________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 562 (Jul. 11, 2004)
What's the name of that           Sesame Street?
show with dolls?  `                ,
                  ~..            OO
                  .>>.          .||.
         _________ || __________ dd ________________

   Y'know the guy with            Ernie?
   the wide head? `                ,
                  ~..            OO
                  .>>.          .||.
             _____ || __________ dd __________

    He's here to see you.         Really?!
                 `                 ,
                  ~..            OO
                  ->>.          -||-
   _______________ || __________ dd _____________

  I wish she'd stop
  calling me that.
           ()..)                 OO                 ~^^
            ||                   ||                  >>
jg          |\                   dd                  |\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 563 (Jul. 13, 2004)
     Fan Boy, can you           /
       hear me OK?              \      Yep.
             __  `              /        `,,,   __
            (_(|  OOj           \         ''.  |_|)
            [_|_]_ ))|          /        ||(._[__]]
     ______ | |  |dd|| ____     \   ____ | |\|   || _____
   This Skype thing is          /
    pretty cool, huh?           \      Mhm.
             __  `              /        `,,,   __
            (_(|  OOj           \         ''.  |_|)
            [_|_]_ ))|          /        ||(._[__]]
     ______ | |  |dd|| _____    \   ____ | |\|   || _____
   Awesome. No lag in our       /   Lag? We're in
   conversation, is there?      \   the same room.
             __  `              /        `,,,   __
            (_(|  OOj           \         '..  |_|)
            [_|_]_ ))|          /        ||(._[__]]
     ______ | |  |dd|| _____    \   ____ | |\|   || _____

     Yeah, I guess the
    connection is good.           What are you doing?
             __  `                       `,,,   __
            (_(|  OOj                     ..'  |_|)
            [_|_]_ ))|                |_  || _[__]]
jg_________ | |  |dd|| ______________ | | || |   || _____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 564 (Jul. 15, 2004)
            It's raining
      ________ again.                 Of course it is.
     |||,/ /|||  `,,,                   ,  _
     ||| /, |||   .''                  O  |_)
     |||,_/_|||   ||                |_(._[__]
____ |||    ||| _ || ______________ | |b|   | __________

          Whaddayamean? It's
      __supposed to be summer!        Exactly.
     |||  , |||  `,,,                   ,  _
     |||/ / |||   '..                  O  |_)
     |||_,_/|||   .||.              |_(._[__]
____ |||    ||| __ |\ _____________ | |b|   | ___________________

           So now it -should-
      ______rain in summer?           Well..
     |||/ /,|||       `,,,              ,  _
     |||,/ /|||        '..             O  |_)
     |||_/_,|||        -||-         |_(._[__]
____ |||    ||| _______ || ________ | |b|   | ________________________

                               Would you rather it snowed
      ________                now and rained in the winter?
     |||,/ /|||        ,,,              ,  _
     |||/, /|||        '..             O  |_)
     |||_,/_|||        .||.         |_(._[__]
jg__ |||    ||| _______ || ________ | |b|   | ________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 565 (Jul. 18, 2004)
                                               I hate
                                        *wooooo*__    //.
                             _________________ (|_]-._bb_\_ _________
      ,--.----.___      _____
 .---(            )-.,-(     `---._ _     ,--.---.
(                    `             ' )--.(        )
 `/                  Hey Mandy, did you know      \
 (                    that vacuuming is called     )
  `,                   ,  "hoovering" in Britain?,'O o.
 ,'  ~..              OO                   _,--'-'     OO
(    .>>.            .||.               )-'     __    //.
 `.__ || ____________ dd _____________,'       (|_]-._bb_\_
     ___(      )--.---.      .---.  __
  ,-'                  )---.(     )'  `-.
 (   Back to work, you                   )
 ,'  lazy British bum!                  `-.    _
(       ,                    ',            )  (_)  O o.
 `)  ~--                    OO -       __,'            OO
.'   .>>-                  ((           )       __    //.
'-(__ || _________________ b b _______,'       (|_]-._bb_\_
                                .--'         )-.
                              ,(  Didn't work,  \       Thanks for
                             (        mate.      )O o.  ,  trying.
                              `._,        `OO   '     OO
                                )         .||.  )_   .||.
jg                             (__________ bb_,'|_]-._dd_\_
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 566 (Jul. 20, 2004)
            Is that a wig?!               Nope, I made a machine that
                   `                 ,-.__ ,   accelerates hair growth.
                    ~..                OO\\
                    .>>-                ))
                ____ || ______________ d d _______________

         OK, when does              Oh it stops accelarating when
        it stop growing?        __   ,  I turn off the machine.
                    `          ' \\,-
                    ~..           OO\\
                    .>>.          || )
     _______________ || _________ dd _________

                Uhh...             What?! Oh crap! I must have made a
               I don't               mistake, this isn't supposed..
               think so.        ___  ,
                    `          ' \\\,-.
                    ~oo          //O\\ \
                    .>>.         '|| )
        ____________ || _________ dd ______________

                          ..mffmf   _
                               `  \/,-
                    ~--        _ ,\=;_`
                     >>       ' \x</,-<
jg__________________ || ________,/-,"'-.____________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 567 (Jul. 22, 2004)
I'm bored.                     Me too. I wanna have an adventure,
      `,,,                 ___ ,  like.. solving a murder mystery!
       '..                (..()
        ||                 .||.
    ___ |\ ________________ || _______

Yeah! But.. won't we need    Uh.. Yeah, why don't you go count
to kill someone first?        to 50 while I -kill- someone?
                 `,,,      ___ ,
                  '..     (..()                                  OO
                  .||.      ||                                    ))
           _______ || _____ || _________________________________ d d _

           OK!           What? No I was..
            `,,,           ___ ,               *sigh*
             ..'          (..()              OO
             ||            -||-              ||
        ____ /| ___________ || _____________ dd ___________

1.. 2..      Is he really this stupid?        All the time.
      `,,,                 `___                ,
       --'                 ()..)             OO
       .||.                -||.              ||
jg      ||                  ||               dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 568 (Jul. 25, 2004)
              __     Behold, my talking potted plant!
             /  `_     Say hello to Mandy, plant.
             |\,' /       ,
           _,|_`-'      OO            ..~
          `"_|_(\      -||.          .<<.
  _________ |_| _______ dd __________ || _______

             /  `_
             |\,' /
           _,|_`-'      OO            ``~
          `"_|_(\       ||           .<<.
  _________ |_| _______ dd __________ || _____________

             /  `_       No wait! It            OK whatever.
             |\,' /     really talks!            ,
           _,|_`-'              `OO           ~..
          `"_|_(\              q//-            >>
  _________ |_| ________________ b ___________ |\ ____________

                                 Why didn't you say anything?!
            _ _   Sorry, I clam up       |
           (\'/)  , around girls.        |
          (_(.)_)                 Oh you're such a pansy.
           (/|\)                        ,
         (\_,|__                      OO
            _|_(\                    .||.
jg_________ |_| '____________________ dd ____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 569 (Jul. 27, 2004)
          Mr. Plant,                 _ _  Intelligence is useless! I
           how's it                 (\'/)  , can see the misery going
            hanging?               (_(.)_)    on around me, but I can
                `                   (/|\)     do nothing; I'm a plant!
                 OO               (\_,|__/)
                ((                   _|_
         ______ b b ________________ |_| ________________

                                     _ _  The saddest part is that
                                    (\'/)  ,  humans, intelligent
                                   (_(.)_)    creatures, seem to
                                    (/|\)       do nothing to
                        OO         __,|___     stop the misery.
                       .||.       /) _|_ (\   Intelligence sucks!
        _______________ bb _________ |_| ________________

        But intelligence             _   Pre-sliced? Yeah, that
        is the best thing           (\'\  ,  does seem to predate
      since pre-sliced bread!       ((.))      intelligence.
                       `             /|/
                        OO         __,|__
                       -||-       (/ _|_\)
jg_____________________ bb _________ |_| ___________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 570 (Jul. 29, 2004)
   Hey, Mandy! The plant                           Huh?
   I made is gone, and I                           ,
   found this note!   `OO _                     ..~
                      ((-//                     <<
            _________ b b _____________________ /| ________________

"I have found your time machine and
will use it to inhabit a simpler age,
in which plants did not talk and think."
                                `OO _         ..~
                                .||//        .<<.
                ________________ bb _________ || ________________

"P.S. You can't begin to fathom the effort required
 to write this message with these ineffectual leaf-
  hands. Would it have killed you to give me
 opposing thumbs WHILE YOU WERE PLAYING GOD?!"
                                `OO _         --~
                                .||//        .<<.
                   _____________ bb _________ || ______________

          Do you think my talking               THERE IS NO TALKING
         potted plant is mad at me?              ,  PLANT! YOU ARE
                                `OO           oo~  COMPLETELY INSANE!
                                 ||._        -<<-
jg______________________________ bb`'________ || ___________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 571 (Aug. 1, 2004)
Helloooo! Check out                Uhh.. That thing
my new cellphone! `                ,   is huge.
                   OO|          ..~
                  ((-/         .<<.
        _________ b b _________ || __________

 Well it can do lots of          That seems pointless, since no one
 cool stuff, like video           we know has a fancy video phone.
    conversation!     `            ,  Not even HammerHead has one.
                       OO |     ..~
                      .||-/    `<<.
             _________ bb _____ || ________

                                  So who you gonna call?
                       OO |     ..~
                       ||-/    -<<-
                  ____ bb _____ || _____

                       OO |     --~
                       ||-/     <<
jg____________________ bb _____ || _________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 572 (Aug. 3, 2004)
                       Dr. Nerd Boy! I have come from the future to use
                       your machine -- which you would have intended to
                       have been using on me -- on yourself! The irony!
                                  ____/_               `_,,
              OO                   \ \  |               Oo"
             ((                    |  ) |                \\.
    ________ b b ________________ _/_/__| ______________ || ____

 Huh. It doesn't look                     How should -I- know?!
  very dangerous. What                      I only stole it!
   exactly does it do?            ____/_               `_,,
               `OO                 \ \  |               Oo"
                ||                 |  ) |               -\\-
          _____ bb ______________ _/_/__| ______________ || ___

   Assuming that it -is- dangerous, how do you propose
     to get me to just walk into it? I'm not stupid!
                  ,               ____/_                _,,
                OO                 \ \  |               Oo"
               .||-                |  ) |       *blip* o-\\
       ________ bb ______________ _/_/__| ______________ || ______

              Oh crap.                              Have fun.
                   `              ____/_                  ` _,,
                _   OO   --_ -- --_- \  |                   Oo"
               _ -  -))-   ---_----_- ) |                  `//
jg______________ ....b b, -- --- --__/__|    ______________ |\ _____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 573 (Aug. 5, 2004)
Hey, practising              Fan Boy! Try to turn
to be a mime?  `,,,            , this thing off!___/_
                '..          OO  -__--_-_ -- --_- \  |
                 ||          -\\p  ---_ ---_----_- ) |
 _______________ |\ ________..d,  ---  -- --- --__/__| _______

                    OK.         But-
                      `,,,       ,             ____/_
                       '..     OO   ----_ -- --_- \  |
                        ||      \\.  -_ ---_----_- ) |
    ___________________ |\ ___..d d,-  -- --- --__/__| __________

                                        ,,,    ____/_
                                 OO   _ 'oo  _--- \  |
                                  \\   -- \\  --_- ) |
                     ___________..d d, - ..\\  --_/__| _______

                                  OO            \ \  |
                                  ||        *zwop* ) |
                 ________________ bb _________ _/_/__| ___

                          Works for me.
                            ,                  ____/_
                          OO                    \ \  |
                           ))                   |  ) |
jg_______________________ d d ________________ _/_/__| ________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 574 (Aug. 8, 2004)
I'm a productive member                     What? Hey, you're back, so
  of society!  `,,,                          ,  that machine didn't..
                '..                        OO
                -||-                      .||.
          ______ || ______________________ dd __________

Yeah, got a job, gonna stop playing anything? What
games and stuff. It's gonna be great!        the heck was that?
          `,,,                               ,
           ~~'                             OO
           ||                              ||
    ______ /| ____________________________ dd ________________

                                  That's it, I'm gonna call my future
                                self. This is probably all his fault...
                                   ,   my fault... in the future.
 _______________________________ d d _______________

     You called?           NOT YET! STOP MESSING WITH THE
       _ ,                  ,  CAUSE AND EFFECT THINGIE!
      ".o                 @@
     .((                 -||-
jg_ ( b b _______________ dd ________________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 575 (Aug. 10, 2004)
   Something weird happened         Yeah, I noticed the change
      to Fan Boy. Fix it.          _ ,    in the future.
                        `OO       o."
                         ||        )).
                 _______ bb _____ dd | ________

How? If the past changed, you'd      My Time Monitor uses a complex
change as well, which would make     system of subchronic feedbacks
the change imperceptible to you.   _ ,  to tell me what's changed.
                        `OO       o."
                        <||-       )).
               _________ bb _____ dd | __________________

         Cool. So what changed?
                       |      Apparently Dr. Spivak and the binarious
                       |           entity Alex were never created.
    Alex? Spivak? What does all that  |
        have to do with Fan Boy?    That's a really long story.
                        `          _ ,
                         OO       o."
                        .||.       )).
            ____________ bb _____ dd | ______________

                  I don't mind.       Well I did, so I know nothing.
                          `          _ ,  Now shut up and let's go.
                           OO       ".o
                          -||-     .((
jg________________________ bb ___ ( b b _______________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 576 (Aug. 12, 2004)
 Don't struggle now.                         Are we fixing the future
You'll be back to your ,,,            ____/_        _ ,   or what?!
old self in no time.`OO'..             \ \  |      o-"
                    //-((              |  ) |     o-)).
   _______________ b b..\\,__________ _/_/__| ____ dd | ______

                        ,,,           ____/_        _
              *ungh* OO '..            \ \  |      o."
                     //|((             |  ) |     o-)).
      ____________ d d ..\\,_________ _/_/__| ____ dd | ____

                     ,,,              ____/_        _ ,
                     '.. OO __ - ---_ -- \  |*bip* o."
                       p//    ---_- ---_- ) |     o-)).
         ______________ d\*trip!* -- ---_/__| ____ dd | _________

                         ,,,          ____/_        _
                         '..        pp - \  |      Oo"
                        -((-      -((- _- ) |     o-)).
                   _____..\\,___   @@ --_/__| ____ dd | ____

                         `,,,         ____/_
                          '..          \ \  |
                           ||          |  ) |     -*fop*-
jg                     ___ || _______ _/_/__| _____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 577 (Aug. 15, 2004)
Hey, I just got some PS2 games     Games?! The market's in flux, I need
running on our Xbox, wanna try?       to get ahold of my stock broker.
              ` __                            `,,,
               #^^                             ..]
                )|                            .||'
         ______ |\ ___________________________ || _______________

                                          Stuart! Please tell me
                                   ?      you're buying DynaCom!
                                   __                  `,,,
   OO                             #..                   '..]
  ((                               )|                    ||'
_ b b ____________________________ || __________________ |\ _____

              Did you use one of your stupid         Not DynaCorp! Oh,
                machines on my boyfriend?           this is a disaster.
                                 ` __                         `,,,
        OO                         --#                         'oo]
       ((                         .|(-                         .||'
______ b b _______________________ || _________________________ || __

I'm not in Hardware, I work      Did I just stumble into
in the -Software Development-    an alternate dimension?!      SELL!
 department of Microsoft.          __ ,                          `,,,
              `OO                 #oo#                            '--]
              .||.                .)(.                             ||'
jg____________ bb ________________ || ____________________________ |\ _
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 578 (Aug. 17, 2004)
                        This must have made Fan Boy and Nerd Boy weird,
           ____/_     __ ,  but the label says it's made by Nerd Boy
            \ \  |    ..#   in the future, which is a paradox since
            |  ) |   .|(.       he's "not in hardware" anymore...
   _______ _/_/__| __ || ______

                         *ahem* OH WOE IS ME! HOW SHALL I EVER
           ____/_     __ ,  FIGURE OUT HOW THIS MACHINE WORKS AND
            \ \  |   #..#    SUBSEQUENTLY REVERSE ITS EFFECTS?!
            |  ) |   -)(-
   _______ _/_/__| __ || ___________________________

           ____/_  __
            \ \  |#..
            |  ) |-\\
__________ _/_/__|  \> _____________________

                                                  Pardon me.. What are
          ____/_  __                            __ ,  you doing with
           \ \  |#..                            OO$     my machine?
           |  ) |-\\                             )\
  _______ _/_/__|  \> __________________________ /| _____________

                    Pfft. The universe is       What?
          ____/_  __ ,  too predictable.     __ ,
           \ \  |#..                         OO$
           |  ) |-\\                         .)\.
jg_______ _/_/__|  \> _______________________ || ________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 579 (Aug. 19, 2004)
          OK, so this is              Quite so; I invented it. Although
 ____/_  your machine? `__               __ , I'm not quite certain why
  \ \  |               #..               OO$   it's here in the past.
  |  ) |               -)|.              .)\.
 _/_/__| ______________ || ______________ || _______

       Like I thought. The timeline has
       changed. This used to be future     That old buffoon?
 ____/_     __ ,  Nerd Boy's invention.  __ ,
  \ \  |    ..#                          OO$
  |  ) |    |(                           .)\.
 _/_/__| __ /| __________________________ || _____________

         OK here we go, according to the
         new patent note, your name is..
 ____/_  __ ,   Molly.. I can't quite    __
  \ \  | --#    make out the last..      OO$
  |  ) | -\\.                            .)\.
 _/_/__|  || ____________________________ || _______________________

          *                                Hello mum!
 ____/_   __                             __ ,
  \ \  | #oo                             ^^$
  |  ) |  )|                             -)\-
jg/_/__|  || ____________________________ || __________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 580 (Aug. 22, 2004)
        I have a daughter?!       You -will- have a daughter.
 ____/_              ` __        __ ,
  \ \  |              #oo        OO$
  |  ) |              .)|.       .)\.
 _/_/__|______________ || _______ || ________________________

                  But..             Now, mum, you know I can't tell
               With whom?!          you that. It might change the
 ____/_              ` __        __ ,  future in a paradoxical way
  \ \  |              #..        OO$    and destroy the universe.
  |  ) |              -)|-       .)\>
 _/_/__|______________ || _______ || ________________________

               Yeah.. OK.         Right. Now let me have a
 ____/_              ` __      __ ,  look at the machine..
  \ \  |              #..      OO$
  |  ) |              .)|.      )\
 _/_/__|______________ || _____ /| ______________________________

 ____/_               ` __   __ ,
  \ \  |               #oo   @@$
  |  ) |              -//-   -)\-
jg/_/__|______________ || ___ || _____________________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 581 (Aug. 24, 2004)
       OK mum, let's have a gander at
       the thing that caused all this.   Can't you tell me just -one-
 ____/_         ` __                  __ ,  thing about your father?
  \ \  |         $OO                  ..#
  |  ) |        -/(.                 .|(.
 _/_/__| _______ || _________________ || __________________

            Let it go, will you? It's
 ____/_     __ ,  all in the future.  __ *grumble*
  \ \  |    OO$                       --#
  |  ) |     )\                      .|(.
 _/_/__| ___ /| _____________________ || __________________

          Aha, here we go. I'll
        fix this easily, and then        Oh? Oh OK.
 ____/_  ,  we can restore your       __ ,
  \ \  |   friends' personalities.    ..#
  |  ) |\                            .|(.
 _/_/__||\ __________________________ || __________________

       Aren't you glad to get
        your friends back to         'Normal' is a bit of an
 ____/_     __ ,  normal?             __ ,  exaggeration.
  \ \  |   $OO                        --#
  |  ) |  -/(-                       .|(.
jg/_/__| _ || _______________________ || _____________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 582 (Aug. 26, 2004)

What just   Dunno. Let's
happened?    play Zelda.
  `            `,,,            __    __         ____/_
   OO           ..'            ..#   OO$         \ \  |
   ||          .||.           .|(.   .)\.        |  ) |
__ bb _________ || ___________ || ___ || ______ _/_/__| _______

                Where are you going?          I want to see the world,
        ,,,                  ` __           __ ,  before the universe
 OO     ..'                   #..          $OO       catches on.
  ))    ||                     )|          /(
 d d __ /| ___________________ || ________ |\ __________       ___ __
                                                            ,-'   `  `-
                                                          ,(      .-
                                                         (  `-   (
       "Catches on?"        Oh mum, you have trees! Why   `,___ _,`-;,-
         __ ,              __ ,  haven't you told me?      '   \ `.'(__
        #..               $OO                                   |    .'
         )|               /(-                                   |    |
________ |\ _____________ |\ _________________________________,', ___\

     An hour ago, I               An hour ago, I didn't exist. When the
    didn't even know              machine changed your boyfriend into a
     you existed! ` __           __ ,  "productive member of society",
                   #..          $OO    you left him and met my father.
                   `)|'        ./(.                             |    |
            _______ |\ ________ || ___________________________,', ___\

But you changed it back!          I didn't want to be a last-minute
Why? Now you won't exist          paradox patch. But you might make
in the future anymore! ` __    __ ,   the same decisions this time;
                        #oo    OO$   we could very well meet again.
                        -)|-    )\
   _____________________ || ___ || _________________________

                 But but but
                       ` __
                        #..      |
                        .)|.  -*vop*-
      __________________ || ____ | _____________________

 ______________________ || __________________________________________

Hey, is it-               STOP MESSING WITH THE
     `                 __ ,  CAUSE AND EFFECT
      OO               --#   THINGIE! FOREVER!
     ((                -\\-
jg__ b b ______________ || _________________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 583 (Aug. 29, 2004)
                                 ..who wore her hair up, but I know she
                                  was just jealous so I didn't listen,
                      ,,,          ,  and that was when he said that
                      '--       ..~   she had said that he did this
                      .||.     '<<,      when she was with him.
       _______________ || _____ || _________

      I think I learned a          OK, I'll indulge you.
     valuable lesson today.        What did you learn?
                     `,,,          ,
                      '..       ..~
                      .||.     .<<.
             _________ || _____ || _____________

          I'm not a fan            You think I'm boring? Before you
          of everything!           answer that; bear in mind that I
                     `,,,          ,  hate liars as much as I hate
                      '..       ..~    people who find me boring.
                      -||-     .<<.
        ______________ || _____ || __________________________

                      'oo       --~
                       ||      .<<.
jg____________________ || _____ || _______________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 584 (Aug. 31, 2004)
When you stop showing Spider-Man 2,          No. We're under strict
can I have one of those posters?           orders to throw those away.
                        `___              __ ,
                        ()..)             --'    _
                        -||.    ________ .||. .__|)
   _____________________ |\ ___|______|_| ||   \__| _________

What?! Give me a poster, or I'll..          My baby?!
   I'll take your baby!   `___            __ ,
                          ()--)           oo'    _
                          -||-  ________ .||. .__|)
   _______________________ || _|______|_| ||   \__| _________

Yeah, I'd have to give it back though,
after a while; I don't have room for
a baby in my small apartment. I don't
 have stuff like diapers  `___            __
 and food and the like..  ()..)           ..'    _
                          .||.  ________ .||. .__|)
   _______________________ || _|______|_| ||   \__| _________

I'd probably have it back to you            Just take the
by.. is 5 good for you? What time           stupid poster!
  do you get off work?    `___            __ ,
                          ()..)           --'    _
                           ||   ________ -||- .__|)
jg________________________ || _|______|_| ||   \__| _________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 585 (Sep. 2, 2004)
What? Linda wants to get married?
Where did you get that idea? That's    Sure it is.
 way off in the future.  `,,,           ,
                          '..        ..~
                          .||.      .<<.
    ______________________ || ______ || _______________

Fan Boy, do you        AAAAAAAAAAAAH!
  want to..                 `
        ` __                ,,,
         #..                oo'      ^^~
         .)|.              -//-     .<<.
 _______ /_| _____________ // ______ || __________________

          __                                            `,,,
         #oo             ,-.___   __ --~ __   _     _    'oo
         .)|.           (   -- _ -_   <<  -- _ -- -     -//-
 _______ /_| ___________ (__, -  ____..\\,_______  ---  / \ some live-
action role-playing?                    Heheh.
        ` __                             ,
         #oo                           ..~
         .)|.                         .<<.
jg______ /_| _________________________ || __________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 586 (Sep. 5, 2004)
       Yo, HammerHead.                Hey. You ever had a flight dream?
                    `,,,           ___ ,  I haven't. I never get those.
                     '..          (..()   I can always just jump kinda
                      ||'          .||.    high and then float down.
             ________ |\ __________ || ___________

So you're like the guy in            Yeah! It's like..
the game Soul Reaver.  `,,,        ___ ,
                        '..       (..()
                        .||-       -||-
             ___________ || _______ || ___________

         Soul Reaver is a             I guess. So anyway..
           good game.  `,,,        ___ ,
                        '..       (..()
                        .||.       .||.
             ___________ || _______ || ___________

That's a good idea, I'm gonna
go play that game right now.
Thanks, HammerHead.   `,,,         ___ *sigh*
                       ..'        (,,()
                       ||           ||
jg____________________ /| _________ || _________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 587 (Sep. 7, 2004)
             And then I ran into Mrs. Filterbottom.
            She sure has a weird name, doesn't she?
                               .>>': _A_
                  _____________ || `-| | _____________

            Mhm. Yeah, the.. Down the
                street, yeah. `
                               .>>': _A_
                   ____________ || `-| | ___________

                               .>>': _A_
      _________________________ || `-| | _______________

       What?! But I've been calling
          her that for YEARS! `
                               ->>': _A_
jg_____________________________ || `-| | ____________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 588 (Sep. 9, 2004)
  Hey, whatcha
 working on? `,,,                              _  *click*
              '..                          O  |_)  *clack*
               ||                       |_(._[__]
  ____________ |\ _____________________ | |b|   | _________

  Revolutionizing the web
   with your new and   `,,,                    _  *clickety*
  ingenious concepts?   '..                O  |_)   *cla..
                        .||.            |_(._[__]
                 _______ || ___________ | |b|   | _________

                                       Are you being sarcastic?
                        ,,,                 ,  _
                        '..               OO  |_)
                        .||.            |(( _[__]
                 _______ || ___________ | bb|   | _________

                 No, I         Too bad. I hoped you'd developed
               meant that.      a spine and a sense of humour.
                       `,,,               `    _
                        '..                O  |_) *click-click*
                         ||             |_(._[__]
jg______________________ || ___________ | |b|   | _________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 589 (Sep. 12, 2004)
   ______________________________     _______________________________
  |                              |   |                     /`*klch*  |
  |                  _,          |   |                    /          |
  |                  /|          |   |                   /           |
  |                _/            |   |                 _/            |
  |            OO //             |   |             OO //             |
  |            ||-\ *bam*        |   |             ||-\              |
  |___________ bb _______________|   |____________ bb _______________|
  '------------------------------'   '-------------------------------'

          |                        |               |
          |                        |               |
          |                       [|               |
          |                     OO/`*vrrrr*        |
          |                      \\                |
          |                      b b               |

           _____________________/      \___________
          |                                        |
          |                                        |
          |                                        |
          |                                        |
          |                                        |
          |                   qq ,----.            |
jg        '----------------------------------------'
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 590 (Sep. 14, 2004)
         Here, have a snack.        Oh cool, thanks.
                        `             ,
                         ~..        OO
                         .>>-o     .||.
       __________________ |\ ______ dd _________

            I made it myself.      Oh. Um.. Well, I'm sure it's..
                         `            ,
                          ~..       OO
                          .>>.    o-||.
                 _________ || _____ dd _______

                          ~--       OO
                           >>     o-||.
  ________________________ || _____ dd ___________________________

                                     I WAS TRYING TO THINK OF A MORE
                                      ,  ELOQUENT SYNONYM FOR 'TASTY'!
jg_________________________________ dd ____________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 591 (Sep. 16, 2004)
      So are you gonna eat           Oh. So we're OK then?
        this or what?   `             ,
                         ~..        OO
                         .>>-o     .||.
       __________________ |\ ______ dd _________

     You're still an idiot,          What? Really? You value my
      but I want you to  `            ,  opinion? Wait a minute.
     taste this and tell  ~..       OO
      me what you think.  .>>.    o-||.
                 _________ || _____ dd _______

                                     It's not poisoned or
                                      ,  anything, is it?
                          ~--       OO
                           >>     o-||.
  ________________________ || _____ dd ___________________________

                                     I'm not very smart.
jg_________________________________ dd ____________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 592 (Sep. 19, 2004)
                               That dress             _  _ _ |   |
                               looks great!     |()% (_)|-|- |   |
                                , |  |                 _     |   |
         ______        OO    ~..  |  |                <<O    |   |
  .-.  _/_____/       ((     .>>- |  |________________/_|____|   |_____
__|||_/ \   / \______ b b ___ |\ _|____________________________________

   _____________________     _______________________
  | |      (| |      (| |   | _ _  _          Are you serious? It looks
  | . \/|_|(| . \/|_|(| |   | -|-|(_) %()|      like it would cost you
  |   / __      / ___   |   |     _               , | a month's pay!
  |     \ >      |\ /|  |   |    O >      ..~   OO  |
  |_____/ \_______/|\___|   |____| \ ____.<<.___||__|

   |  |                _  _ _ |   | |)      | |)      | |  |
   |  |          |()% (_)|-|- |   | |)|_|\/ . |)|_|\/ . |  |
   |  |                 _     |   |   ___ \      __ \   |  |
   |  |  OO   ~..      <<O    |   |  |\ /|      <</     |  |
   |  |_.||._ .>>. ____/_|____|   |___/|\_______/_\_____|  |

                  You're right. It doesn't
                   ,  look expensive enough.
         OO     ~..
         ||      >>
jg______ bb ____ |\ __________________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 593 (Sep. 21, 2004)
                    _____ *skvoot*._/| _______________

   Did you just step on                You shouldn't leave stuff lying
    my transmophone?!                   ,   around. I hurt my foot!
               `OO                   --~
              -((-                  .<<.
           ___ b b_______________ ._ || ______________

              Now it's all bent        Oh I mourn with you,
                out of shape!           ,  I really do.
                          `OO  ,<|   ''~
                          -||-/     .<<.
                   _______ bb ______ || ____

                                      __    _,-.
                                   _,'  `.-'    -
                          OO_   ,-'  oo~          -
                          ||'`<| *fnoooteeeeetooooooo...*
             ____________ bb ___`-.__||_____ _ _ -

It's not totally broken. I was
 trying for a cat, but this
 -is- more appropriate.  `OO  ,<|      *woof!*
                         .||-/     ^..^___,
jg_______________________ bb ______ '||--| _________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 594 (Sep. 23, 2004)
Myself from the future!              I'm concerned.
What am I doing here?              _  ,
                 `OO              o."
                 ((                )).
        ________ b b ____________ dd | ____________

            Concerned?           Well, you're not making any progress.
            About what?          At this rate, you'll be an idiot when
                      `            _ ,   you reach my age. I don't
                       OO         o."      want to be an idiot.
                      .||.         )).
             _________ bb _______ dd | ___________________

                    What?           See? You can't even grasp
                      `            _ ,   basic conversation!
                       OO         o."
                       ||         -)).
                   ___ bb _______ dd | ___

             You are being        Oh, one of your random blubberings
             REALLY MEAN!          _ ,   happened to coincide with
                       `@@        o~"    reality! Isn't that nice.
                      -//-         )).
jg____________________ bb _______ dd | ___________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 595 (Sep. 26, 2004)
I've got a great idea
  for a web comic!             You're making a web comic?
              `,,,                ,
               '..              OO
                ||             .||.
         ______ |\ ____________ dd _______

 -We- are. It's about
a little cat that finds         That can't be good.
  a stick of paste.   `,,,        ,
And starts eating it!  '..      OO                 _,,_
                       .||.    .||.               _)..( *chew*
            ___________ || ____ dd _______       (7_mm    *chew*

Right, so then it starts to
hallucinate, so the stick of     Nah it's crap.            \  __
 paste comes to life! `,,,        ,                      `.  ../ ,'
   Hilarity ensues!    '..      OO                 _,,_  _  /-/  __
                       -||-    .||.               _)oo(    / /
                _______ || ____ dd _______       (7_mm  ,'/_/  `.

         We could call it        OK -that's-
         "Cat and Paste"!        REALLY crap.                   _
                      `,,,        ,                            |..
                       '^^      OO                       _,,  (|v|__
                       .||.    .||.                   ___)..   | |
jg_____________________ || ____ dd _______            /-->\    |_|
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 596 (Sep. 28, 2004)
         Let's listen     |                    |
        to your lungs.    |         And out.   | *pffff*      Good.
      o_ , Breathe in.    |      o_ ,          |      `    o_ ,
   OO .."                 |    OO.."           |       OO  .."
    ))-\\                 |   ( |-\\           |        ))-||
__ ddT || ________________|__ ddT || __________|______ ddT || _________

                              Well, you are perfectly healthy,
                           o_ ,  although you should probably
                     OO    .."   think about exercising more.
                      ))  .||.
            ________ ddT _ || _____________________

           Aw crap, I hate
         exercising. Unless...        Next!
                       ,                ` _o
                     OO                  "".
                      ))                 .||'
            ________ ddT ________________ || ______

                 C'mon, technically it's me            YEAH! FEEL
                 ,  exercising, even if he's            ,  THE BURN!
       ~--     OO   from another dimension!           --
        >>    .||-                                  o-\/.
jg_____ || ___ dd ___________________________________ dd _____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 597 (Sep. 30, 2004)
                ,,                               Um... Nerd Boy, why
             _ /.._                               aren't you wearing
           ,'/ |__/                                 ,  your glasses?
         ,' | / )\      ..                       ..~
        (_ )_\|\\ \   .((                       .<<.
   ____ |[\\_>] >] `--'b b _____________________ || _____

                    ,,   They're broken. I'm
                 _ /.._   doing well without       Mhm. And you've been
               ,'/ )__/      ,  them though.        , to the pet shop?
             ,'  | ))\     ..                    ..~
            (  )__\|| \   .||                   .<<.
        ____ )/_  >]]  `--'bb __________________ || _____

                 _ /.._     Yeah..
               ,'/ )__/      ,                     *sigh*
             ,'  | ))\     ..                    ''~
            (  )__\|| \   .||                   .<<.
        ____ )/_  >]]  `--'bb __________________ || _____

                    ,,     That guy sold me
                 _ /.._    a gorilla again,
               ,'/ )__/      ,  didn't he?
             ,'  | ))\     ..                    --~
            (  )__\|| \   .||                   .<<.
jg__________ )/_  >]]  `--'bb __________________ || _____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 598 (Oct. 3, 2004)
                                      I read a good book lately.
                          OO            ..~
                         ((            .<<.
           _____________ b b __________ /| ________

                 Oh yeah, what?        King Arthur!
                            `           ,
                             OO      ..~
                             ||     .<<.
               _____________ bb ____ || ________

           Oh, cool. I haven't        You should. I learned a -lot-
               read that.   `           ,  about English history!
                             OO      ..~
                            .||.    -<<-
                      ______ bb ____ || _____

         I hardly think it's           OK, when did we suddenly
        a historical document.        start talking about a book
                            `          ,   that -you've- read?
                             OO      --~
                            <||.    .<<.
jg__________________________ bb ____ || _______________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 599 (Oct. 5, 2004)
Hey, you know that software      The intelligent agent that assimilates
  you wrote for me?  `___          ,  your taste and searches the web
                     ()..)       OO     for content that you'd like?
                      ||        .||.
       ______________ |\ _______ dd ___________

Yeah, it's acting weird. I        I told you not to touch
changed some settings.. `___       ,  anything there!
                        ()..)    OO
                        .||.    -||-
              __________ || ____ dd ___________

  Sorry. So.. Did you put
in a joke message that says        No..
not to use the computer `___       ,
   because it's busy    ()..)    OO
 taking over the world?  ||     .||.
                   _____ || ____ dd _______

   ..then there's a problem.
                        (),,)    OO
                         ||      ||
jg______________________ || ____ dd ________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 600 (Oct. 7, 2004)
So, you unwittingly unleashed            p please don't kill me
 an evil AI on the internet?             ___ ,
                        `OO             (,,()
                         ||               ||
              __________ bb _____________ || _____

 Finally! A chance to test the cyber interface
   software I wrote for my VR equipment!
               ,                         ___
             OO                         (..()
              ))                          ||
      ______ d d ________________________ || _______________

|                             Activate!                               |
|                     ___      ,       _                              |
|                   ,:)..)   OO:-.    (_|                             |
|                   |.||.    ||  |    [__]_  _|                       |
|          ________ \_||_____db__\__,'|   | | | __________            |
|                                                                     |
|                   _\ \ \ \ | | | | | / / / /_                       |
|                   _>  *...chliiiiiiiiip!*  <_                       |
|                    / / / / | | | | | \ \ \ \                        |
|                                                                     |

    Woah, these avatars                     Meh. Just something I
     are pretty cool!                          whipped up in my
                   \                        /    spare time.
                     ,,,                 __
                    ( ..                OO |
                  __/ o|_               \__|
                 (  )   \)              ____ _  _)/
                / ,'    /|            /|   ||\\//
                `.\ ___|`.\_          \|___||
                 (('   |  \\            _  _
                   \ | |               ||\||\
                   / ) )               ||/||/
                   \|\|                __ ___
jg________________ ||||_ ____________ //_//__\ _____________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 601 (Oct. 10, 2004)
 So how come I'm this big                 The floating symbolises my
buff guy and you're a robot              disassociation toward reality,
that has weird floaty parts?            how I'm anchored in the mental
                  \ ,,,                 __  /  and not the physical.
                   ( ..                OO |
                 __/ o|_  .))          \__|
                (  )   \\,'/           ____ _
               / ,'    /._/          /|   ||\\
               `.\ ___|              \|___|| _
                 ))   |                _  _>'-'
                  \ | |               ||\||\
                  / ) )               ||/||/
                  \|\|                __ ___
          _______ ||||_ ____________ //_//__\ ____________

So you think of me as more                 Well, I just thought you
 of a "hands-on" person?                needed a self-confidence boost,
                  \ ,,,                 __  /  since you usually have
                   ( ..                OO |     a hammer for a head.
                 __/ .|_               \__|
                (  )  _\\              ____ _
               / ,'  (=]_)           /|   ||\\
               `.\ ___|              \|___||//
                 ))   |                _  _
                  \ | |               ||\||\
                  / ) )               ||/||/
                  \|\|                __ ___
          _______ ||||_ ____________ //_//__\ ________

[%INTRUDERS% Sentry Bot::
Why Are You Not Attacking]
        /_         <Attack Would Disrupt
         /          Ongoing Conversation>       ,,,              __
       _                /_                     ( ..             OO |
 _--- /_\           __   /                   __/ -|_            \__|
-___  ___          | ==                     (  )   \\           ____ _
-__  / | \      ___|_\\\_                  / ,'    / )        /|   ||\\
    /__|__\     \/\     /                  `.\ ___| /       _//|___||//
                / /___ /\___                 ))   |(        //  _  _
                '---' /\--'                   \ | |            ||\||\
                 /__\/__\                     / ) )            ||/||/
                 / |\/ |\                     \|\|             __ ___
jg______________ \_|/\_|/ ___________________ ||||_ _________ //_//__\
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 602 (Nov. 10, 2004)
Where've you been? I heard about       Yeah, we were battling
some virus taking over the world!         it in cyberspace.
            `,,,                           ,         ___
             '..                         OO         (..()
             -||-                         ))          ||
   __________ || _______________________ d d ________ /| __________

  Huh. And you         Well, it was our
didn't invite me?      mess to clean up.
            `,,,            ,         ___
             '--          OO         (,,()
             .||'        .||>          ||
      _______ || ________ dd _________ || _______________

   OK, so how         We actually captured the virus even
   did it go?          though it's virtually unstoppable.
            `,,,            ,         ___
             '..          OO         (~~()
             .||.        .||.         .||.
         ____ || ________ dd _________ || _____

                  Then we realized that humanity
                     deserves it and let it go.
             ,,,                       `        ___
             'oo                        OO     ()..)
              ||                       ((       ||
jg___________ || _____________________ b b ____ |\ ________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 603 (Nov. 14, 2004)
Linda! Nerd Boy made
a virus that's taking        Figures. I can stop
 over the world!              the virus though.
   `,,,                     __ ,
    '..                     --#
   -//-                    .|(.
__ / \ ____________________ || ___________

       You can? How?           Are you kidding? With all the times
                `,,,        __ ,  Nerd Boy's asked for my advice,
                 '..        ..#     I might as well have made
                  ||       -|(-        that virus myself!
       __________ || ______ || _______

                            In fact, I might be the
                           only one who can stop it.
                 ,,,        __ ,                                     ,,
                 '..        ..#                                      --
                 .||.      .|(>                                       \
          _______ || ______ || ________________________________________

      Oh, hey Warez Dude,                      TH3 UNM15T4K4BL3
     what brings you here?                      SM3LL 0F M0N3Y.
                `,,,        __                          \ ,,,
                 '..       #..                            --
                 .||.      .)|.                           .//.
jg_______________ || ______ || _________________________ _( \_ ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 604 (Nov. 16, 2004)
Nerd Boy! My brother is using        So.. you asked Linda to stop the
 your virus for monopoly            virus and Warez Dude overheard you?
  and extortion! `,,,                   ,
                  '..                 OO
                 -//-                  ))
          ______ / \ ________________ d d ____________

                     Yeah..        So first you tell on me, and
                         `         now you're telling on them?
                         ,,,        ,
                         '..      OO
                         .||.    .||>
            _____________ || ____ dd ______________

                      Um..        Because your brother wouldn't
                     yeah..        cut you in on the profit?
                        `,,,        ,
                         '..      OO
                         .||.    .||.
             ____________ || ____ dd ____________

                      Uh...        Still waiting for the
                         `          persuasive argument.
                         ,,,        ,
                         '..      OO
                          ||     <||>
jg_______________________ || ____ dd ____________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 605 (Nov. 18, 2004)
Are you doing something           Hey, Fan Boy. Have you seen Zelda:
 about the virus now?              Minish Cap? It totally rocks.
           `,,,                     ,  _
            '..                    O  |_)
             ||                 |_(._[__]
____________ |\ _______________ | |b|   | _____

 That's an emulator! You're         Yeah? What
  playing a stolen game!           do you care?
                   `,,,             ,  _
                    '..           OO  |_)
                    .||-        |(( _[__]
   _________________ || _______ | bb|   | ________

 But think of all the            Note to self: Fan Boy has
Nintendo slaves who died          finally totally lost it.
to make that game! `,,,             ,  _
                    'oo            O  |_)
                    -||-        |_(._[__]
____________________ || _______ | |b|   | _____________

           You said that
             out loud.             I know.
                   `,,,             ,  _
                    '..            O  |_)
                    .||.        |_(._[__]
jg__________________ || _______ | |b|   | __________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 606 (Nov. 21, 2004)
You're still not foiling my
brother's plan to monopolize         Linda's still working for him?
the antivirus market with your       I just assumed she'd get fed
unstoppable virus?   `,,,             ,   up and kick his butt.
                      '..           OO
                      .||.         .||.
           ___________ |\ _________ dd _______

                                   I mean, what's he got over there,
                                     some kinda hypnotizing ray?
                        ,,,           ,
                        '..         OO
                        .||.       .||>
                 _______ || _______ dd _____

                                   Hehe. Hypnoti.. what?
                        ,,,           ,
                        '..         OO
                         ||        .||.
                 _______ || _______ dd _____

                       `,,,           *sigh*
                        'oo         OO
                        -||-         ))
jg         _____________ || _______ dd _________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 607 (Nov. 23, 2004)
      We have to save Linda         There is no ray, I
      from the hypno-ray! `,,,       ,  made it up; it
                           'oo     OO    was a joke!
                           .||.   .||.
                     ______ || ___ dd _______

   OK, sure. But it's still         You mean besides
   the only reason why Linda       getting filthy rich?
   would still be working `,,,       ,
      for my brother!      '..     OO
                           .||.   .||.
   ________________________ || ___ dd ________________________

                      Please!          Fine. Let's go save her from the
                          `,,,           ,  non-existent hypno-ray.
                           '..         OO
                           -||-       ((
           ________________ || ______ b b _____
                                                       _,--'___ `.
                                                    ,-'     |  `. \
  I don't know which is more disturbing:           ;`-..____|    \ |
     That you were right or that it               ;         .    | |
       looks like a giant shower.       W0RK!    ;    yes master | |
    ,,,      ,                      ,,, /       ;  _  _ ,   :    | |_
    'oo    OO                        --        ;  (_| @#    :    | ,O'
     ||    ||                   ___.\\.__     ; _[__]_.)_|  :    | |
jg__ || __ bb _________________|     \>  |   ;  |    |/| |  :    | |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 608 (Nov. 25, 2004)
          We demand that you release     1 C4N F1X TH15.
           Linda.. you.. you fiend!       /
       ,,,       ,                     ,,,
       '--     OO                      --
       .||.  .//-                      .//.
    ___ || __ bb ____________________ _/( ____________

       ,,,   `   *clk*,,,
       '..    OO    ' --
       .||.  .||.   o-//.
    ___ || __ bb __ _( \_ _______________________

,' _   `-._
 ,' )      `.
/  (_________\
   :         :
   :   yes that is                    .--------------------------------
   :   much better                    | ANOTHER HYPNO-RAY! OUR HEROES
   :        |  : M45T3R.              | ARE TRAPPED IN THE CLUTCHES OF
   :      master     \                | THE EVIL WAREZ DUDE! HOW WILL
   :   ,,,   `  :     ,,,             | THEY EVER ESCAPE?! WILL THIS
   :   '@@    @@ :    --              | BE THEIR DOOM?! STAY TUNED!
   :   .||.  .||.:   .//.             '--------------------------------
jg_:___ || __ bb _: _( \_ ___________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 609 (Nov. 28, 2004)
                           ,'  `.
                          / ,'`. `-._
                          | |  /     `-.
                          | | |_________\
                          | | :          :
                          | | :           :
                          | | :            :
                          | | :             :   MU4H4H4H4H444!
                        __| | : ,,,        __:       \ ,,,
  ~..                  'o.  | : '@@   @@  #@@ :        --
   >>                     | | :  ||   ||   )|  :      -//-
__ |\ ________|>-.______,'| |_:_ || _ bb _ || __:___ _/ )_ __________

                           ,'  `.
                          / ,'`. `-._
                          | |  /     `-.
                          | | |_________\
                          | |
                          | |
                          | |
                          | |
*whistle*               __| |   ,,,        __          ,,,
         ''~           'o.  |   '--   OO  #--          oo
         <<               | |   .||. .||. .)|.         //
jg______ /| _ : =>._____,'| |___ || _ bb _ || ______ _/ )_ ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 610 (Nov. 30, 2004)
  Have you bought any             Let me guess, you've already
Christmas presents yet?           bought presents for everyone.
           `,,,                       ,  _
            '..                      O  |_)
             ||                   |_(._[__]
      ______ |\ _________________ | |b|   | ______

                 Yep.              You got one for me?
                   `,,,               ,  _
                    '~~              O  |_)
                    .||.          |_(._[__]
              ______ || _________ | |b|   | ______

        Yep, and it's              And what if I happen to buy it
         a good one!                for myself before Christmas?
                   `,,,               ,  _
                    '~~             OO  |_)
                    .||.          |(( _[__]
              ______ || _________ | bb|   | ______

             I'd.. but..          The paradox of being prepared.
                   `,,,               ,  _
                    'oo              O  |_)
                     ||           |_(._[__]
jg__________________ || _________ | |b|   | ____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 611 (Dec. 2, 2004)
    There should be a ban on          Because of the thing you and
buying things for oneself during       Fan Boy were talking about?
  November and December.  `            ,
                           OO        ..~
                          ((        .<<.
              ___________ b b ______ || _________

            Yeah, it's.. you          No. I won't for the next
            were listening? `          ,  few minutes either.
                             OO     ~..
                            .||.    .<<-"
                  __________ bb ____ || ____

Hm. Well, the benefits are two-fold:
You won't buy something that you'll
later get for Xmas, and when you
finally get stuff, you're   `
even more thankful because   OO      ..~
of abstaining for a while.  <||.    .<<.
             _______________ bb ____ || ___________

                   Well, what do      I think maroon drapes
                    you think?        would be perfect here.
                            `          ,
                             OO     ~..
                            -||-    .>>.
jg__________________________ bb ____ || ________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 612 (Dec. 5, 2004)
       Beyond yonder hills lies adventure!
      _ ,  Cat, let us seize the moment!              ___,-------------
     |..                                         __,-'________
     |o|__      _,, *meow?*                   _,;_,--'        '-._
    (| |     ___)..                       _,-'                    `-.__
 ___ |_| ___ />->\ ___________________,--'

Hey, although I am figmentatious,
 you shouldn't question  ` _                                 ___,------
    your imagination.     |--       *..mmeeow?*         __,-'________
                          |.|_,   ,,_                _,;_,--'        '-
                         /| |     ..(__          _,-'
          _______________ |_| ___ mm _<) ____,--'

         Because life would be boring!
          __ ,  Now, go! Over the..      ___,-----------,---._
         /..                        __,-'________      /      `-.
       \/o/__                    _,;_,--'  ,'    '-._,'          `.
       / /                   _,-'         /          `-.__         \
 ____ /_/ ________*ZOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo..-'                `----.___ `.

                        Oh my.
                           ` _                               ___,------
                            |..                         __,-'________
                            |-|                      _,;_,--'        '-
                           (| |)                 _,-'
jg_________________________ |_| _____________,--'
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 613 (Dec. 7, 2004)
      ( (
       `-`        The moon is nice         Mmm. But it's cold.
                  this time of year.     I'm going back inside.
                                `         ,
                                _OO __ ..~ _
                              _/__))__ <<__/               _    _
    ________________________ / \ dd   // / \ _____________|||__|||____

              NO! I mean.. Why don't      Because you're not
              you borrow my jacket?       wearing a jacket.
                                 `        ,
                                __@@__ ..~ _
                              _/__||__ <<__/
         ___________________ / \ dd   // / \ ____________

                                         Exactly. So are we
                                  *       ,  going inside?
                                __OO__ ..~ _
                              _/__||__ <<__/
         ___________________ / \ dd   // / \ ____________

              I would, but I think
               I'm frozen solid. `
                                __OO__ --~ _
                              _/__||__ <<__/
jg       ___________________ / \ dd   // / \ ____________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 614 (Dec. 9, 2004)
Greetings Nerd Boy! I am the       No you're not, you're just
ghost of Christmas past!          me from a couple of days ago.
       _  ,                      ,
      /OO                      OO
     <   >                    .||.
 ____ |_| ____________________ dd _____________

 Woah. How            Because I was there, stupid!
  did you              How could the past me ever         Yeah, I
 know that?            surprise the present me?!        was an idiot.
        `                        ,                       _ ,
         OO                    OO                       O."
        .||.                  -||-                       )).
_,-'`-._ bb __________________ dd _____________________ d d ) _____

              Future me?! How did you       Same way you knew, stupid;
              know this was happening?      this happened to me before.
                              `                      _ ,
         OO                    OO                   O."
        .||.                  .||-                   )).
       _ bb __________________ bb _________________ dd | _______

Even -I- got that!      I'm confused now.             *sigh*
        `                     `                      _
         OO                    OO                   O-"
        -||-                   ||                    )).
jg       bb                    db                   dd |
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 615 (Dec. 12, 2004)
Do you realize how expensive
water is? I've stopped taking                Um..
showers to save up for a  `,,,               ,
  Playstation Portable.    '..             OO
                            ||            .||.
                         __ |\ ___________ dd ____

      I think that if I don't               What? How long have you
     take a shower for the next              gone without a shower?
       three months, I'll    `,,,            ,
        have enough money.    '..          OO
                              .||.        .||.
                   ___________ || ________ dd _________

                  Let me check. *scratch*
                             `,,, *scratch*
                              '..>         oO
                              .||          ||
                       _______ || ________ dd _____

              Looks like two weeks.         Dude; gross.
                             `,,,            ,
                              '..          oO
                              .||'         ||
jg                             ||          dd
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 616 (Dec. 14, 2004)
          I love these         Blech,
        Hong Kong movies!    booooring.
                    `        ,            ,---.
                ,---- OO  ~-- -.          | \  \
                |`-._(( __ >>___`-.       +--+-+
    ___________ |  |  bb   \\    || _____ |  | | ____________

           Look! That      That aside, he's
          guy can fly!       pretty cute.
                    `        ,            ,---.
                ,---- OO  ~.. -.          | \  \
                |`-._((-__ >>___`-.       +--+-+
        _______ |  |  bb   \\    || _____ |  | | __________

         Now what are         Hey, now it's
         they.. Oh no.      getting interesting.
                    `        ,            ,---.
                ,---- OO  ~.. -.          | \  \
                |`-._(( __ >>___`-.       +--+-+
          _____ |  |  bb   \\    || _____ |  | | ________

             Blech,           I love these
            booooring.      Hong Kong movies!
                    `        ,            ,---.
                ,--- OO - ~^^ -.          | \  \
                |`-._\\ __ >>___`-.       +--+-+
      jg_______ |  |  bb   \\    || _____ |  | | ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 617 (Dec. 16, 2004)
 Jingle bells,                         What are you        /\
 jingle bells..                       so happy about?     /-'\
         `,,,                          ,                 /o " \
          '~~                        OO                  /'''`\
          -||-                      .||.                /,_.'o_\
  ________ |\ ______________________ dd ___________________||_____

Xmas, silly! You forgot? With         Oh yeah. Well,       /\
a tree right behind you and           I've been busy.     /-'\
Xmas music on the `,,,                 ,                 /o " \
 radio non-stop?   '~~               OO                  /'''`\
                   .||.             .||.                /,_.'o_\
                ___ || _____________ dd ___________________||_____

                   '..               OO'
                   .||.             .||.
  _________________ || _____________ dd ___________________________

   Are you making a giant                                 _\/_
    robot with the single                                  /\
  objective to destroy Xmas?           Um..               /-'\
                  `,,,                 ,                 /o " \
                   '--               OO                  /'''`\
                   .||.              ||                 /,_.'o_\
jg              ___ || _____________ dd ___________________||_____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 618 (Dec. 19, 2004)
  Well, I reprogrammed my robot.
  Now instead of destroying Xmas,
  it will spread the Xmas spirit.                OK.
                            `                      `,,,
                             OO                     ..'
                            .||.                   .||.
        ____________________ bb ___________________ || ___

   *SKREEEEEEE!* ____
             _| / ___\  |_
              \|/|(#)#) /
               \,-\<|>./      See, he's even
                \     /    wearing a Santa's hat!
          /\/\_,/`._,'         ,                    ,,,
         / /\'\/`.__|\       OO                     oo'
        / /(__/___,'\ \     -||.                   .||.
    ___/_/___/_____\_\_\____ dd ___________________ || ___

                / ___\
               *,-\<|>.   Well?         You have made Santa's hats
               |\     /|   |            a source of abject terror.
          /\/\_|/`._,' |    `                      `,,,
         / /\'\|\.__|\/|     OO                     oo'
        / /(__/___,'\ \     .||.                   .||.
jg_____/_/___/_____\_\_\____ bb ___________________ || ______
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 619 (Dec. 21, 2004)
                / ___\
               |\     /| /_  We're home!        You've been shopping?
          /\/\_|/`._,' |/      ,                  ,
         / /\'\|\.__|\      ~..                 OO
        / /(__/___,'\ \     .>>.                 ))'
    ___/_/___/_____\_\_\__ []||[] _____________ d d __________

                / ___\
               |/|(#)#)    Yeah, your giant robot gave
               *,-\<|>.    me some great present tips.
               |\     /|   He really saved Xmas for me.
          /\/\_|/`._,' |       ,
         / /\'\|\.__|\/|    ~..                OO
        / /(__/___,'\ \     .>>.              .||.
    ___/_/___/_____\_\_\__ []||[] ____________ dd  __________

                / ___\
               |/|(-)-)   And why do people complain
               *,-\<|>.   about Xmas rush? We didn't
               |\     /|     stand in line once!
          /\/\_|/`._,' |       ,
         / /\'\|\.__|\/|    ~..                OO
        / /(__/___,'\ \     .>>.               ||
jg_____/_/___/_____\_\_\__ []||[] ____________ dd  __________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 620 (Dec. 23, 2004)
                                 / ___\  *SKREEEEE*
                            _|  |/|(#)#)  |_
        MERRY XMAS!          \__*,-\<|>.__/     MERRY XMAS!
                                 \     /
      ,,,    __   ,,,      /\/\__/`._,'                  ___
       --   #..#  '..     / /\'\/'.__|\      OO    ..~  (..()
      -\\-  -)(-  -||-   / /(__/___,'\ \    -||-  -<<-   -||-
      _/ )_  ||    ||  _/_/  _/     \_\_\_   db    ||     ||

         Why did I have to        / ___\
        stand next to this       |(#)#)|         Oh stop being
        creepy Xmas monster?     ,-<|>/.          such a big
                  `             /\     /|           baby!
      ,,,    __   ,,,      /\/\_\/`._,' |            ,   ___
       --   #..   'oo     / /\'\/'.__|\ |\   OO    ..~  (..()
      .\\.  .)|.  .||-   / /(__/___,'\ \    .||.  .<<.   .||.
      _/ )_  ||    ||  _/_/  _/     \_\_\_   dd    ||     ||

                                 / ___\
          But that's what       |/|(#)#)
            Xmas is all         *,-\<|>.  He's         And I didn't get
               about!           /\     /| right.         any presents.
      ,,,    __  `,,,      /\/\_\/`._,' |   `            ___ ,
       --   #..   '..     / /\'\/'.__|\/|    OO    --~  (,,()
      .\\.  .)|.  -||-   / /(__/___,'\ \    .||.  .<<.   .||.
jg    _/ )_  ||    ||  _/_/  _/     \_\_\_   bb    ||     ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 621 (Dec. 26, 2004)
     ,-.                                             /_/_/
     \ /   Chinese                                  /_/_/
    =(#)=  good luck                               /_/_/
      o    charm
     /|\                                      Chocolate, 99% cocoa
     |||                    o
      '                      \_        Excellent!
                           o-| _        ,
                          __ |/|      OO
                          | \| o     -||.
                          o _|_       dd

                       A candy tree
        /\:\                                 ________
       / //                                 |        |\
      / //   Laser pointer                  |   <3   ||  Washable
     (_//    with key chain                 |________|| 100% plastic
      :                                      `========' deck of cards
     (_)                                          Genius!
     (and some other stuff that's hard to draw)         ||
jg                                                      db
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 622 (Dec. 28, 2004)
Well that was a big let-down.         What?
                     `                ,
                      OO            ..~
                     ((            .<<.
            ________ b b __________ || ____________

         Xmas! Too much set-up       I thought -I- was the
        and too little pay-off!      Scrooge around here?
                           `          ,
                            OO      ..~
                           -||-    .<<.
   ________________________ bb ____ || _______________

 No, we've always alternated.
It's my turn this year. You're       What? No, I always need -you- to
  supposed to cheer me up. `          ,  get me into the Xmas spirit.
                            OO      ..~
                           .||'    -<<.
 __________________________ bb ____ || _________________

               No wonder I'm so
               depressed every
               other year. `
                            OO      --~
                            ||     .<<.
jg                          bb      ||
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 623 (Dec. 30, 2004)
                                        Hey Ishmael.
                     ,,,                  ,
                     '..                OO
                      ||                 ))'
               ______ |\ ______________ d d _____

         Huh? Why would you       Ha! I tricked you into
          call me Ishmael?           quoting Moby Dick!
                       `,,,            ,
                        '..          OO
                        .||.         -\\.
             ___________ || _________ dd _________

                        '..          OO
                         ||          -\\.
           _____________ || _________ dd ___________________

                      So?              Dunno. Just thought the earth
                        `              might swallow you up or, you
                        ,,,             ,    know, -something-.
                        '..           OO
                        .||.          ||
jg______________________ || _________ dd _________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 624 (Jan. 2, 2005)
            So that's it, I guess.                       Really?! Wow,
           The end of the world. `                    ___ , awesome!
                                  OO           ..~   (~~()
                                 ((           .<<.    -||-
                ________________ b b _________ || ____ || __________

                                   You're weird, shut up!
                                             `        ___
                                   OO         ~--    (oo()
                                   ||         .>>-     ||
                       ___________ bb ________ || ____ || _______

                                             End of the world
                                               how exactly?
                                                  ,              ___
                                   OO          ..~           _- ();;)
                                   ||         .<<.        - -_  -//-
             _____________________ bb ________ || _______  - -- / \ __

   I spilled some self-replicating             I knew I shouldn't have
nanobots out of that My First Nanotech        bought you something that
Kit I got for Xmas. They're destroying         is "from ages 7 and up".
the world at an exponential rate.  `             ,
                                   OO          --~
                                  -||.        .<<.
jg________________________________ bb ________ || ________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 625 (Jan. 17, 2005)
                       then I thought that maybe I should
                                   clear the state -after- checking it,
                           ,,,        ,  otherwise it's always cleared!
                           '..      OO
                           .||.    .||'
               ____________ || ____ dd __________

                    That's it?       Yeah.
                          `,,,        ,
                           '..      OO
                           .||.    .||.
                  _________ || ____ dd _____

  Why are all your bugs so obvious?
Even I would've caught that last one!
                           '..      OO
                           -||-    .||.
                      _____ || ____ dd ___

                                      Well, I'm a genius. I can
                                      do the impossible, but the
                           ,,,        , obvious takes me a while.
                           '..      OO
                            ||     .||>
jg_________________________ || ____ dd ______________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 626 (Dec. 16, 2005)
Hey what's that?                          It's a ball with a gyroscope
 It looks cool!                             in it. Purely hand-driven.
       `,,,                                        ,
        '..                             *vrrr* ` OO
        .||-                                  - o||.
 _______ || __________________________________ , dd ___________

That glow is powered
by the gyro? Does it
 do anything else?                                Check it out.
        `,,,                                       ,
         '..                            *vrrr* ` OO
          ||                                  - o||.
 ________ |\ _________________________________ , dd ___________

              `,,,                *vrrrueeEEEEE*
               '..                          ,o:o.OO
                ||                          o   o ))
     __________ |\ ________________________ `o:o'dd __________

                 ,,,              *CHOOM!*
                 'oo        | ,                 OO
                  ||      ` o:::::::::: : :  :  -\\
jg_______________ ||       / `                   dd ______________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 627 (Dec. 18, 2005)
You know, I've decided
that I really hate Xmas.                Here we go.
                   `                    ,
                    OO               ''~             ....
                   ((                <<             _||||_  _|
__________________ b b _____________ || ___________ |    | | | _

I mean it this time! It's lost
 its meaning. I really can't            Mhm.
   see the point anymore.  `            ,
                            OO       --~
                           ((        <<
          _________________ bb _____ || _____________

      Stop that! I'm having an          OK, last offer: You get me the
      existential crisis here!          Celine Dion tickets, I buy you
                           `  ,         , the vintage Millenium Falcon.
                            OO -     ..~
                           -||-     -<<.
                ___________ bb _____ || _____________

                OK, deal.              You drive an overly
                      `                 , dramatic bargain.
                       OO            ..~
                        ))          .<<.
jg____________________ d d _________ || __________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 628 (Dec. 25, 2005)
 WHAT I GOT FOR CHRISTMAS             ___
 ------------------------            ||==|  Terry Pratchett
                                     ||/\|  "A hat full of sky"
   @@  *vrrrr*                       ||__|
   bb  Powerball!                        ____ __
                                          \_\_\_\   Dark chocolate!
          _         _                       \_\_\_\
       _ |-|       (D) "The button"
      |-||-|     __                        _____
      `-''-'  __/  /                      /\    \
    Chips    / /__/                      | |;-'_|  "Golden poker"
            /__/   Cards                 | |,;'o|  chocolate
      Texas Hold'em set

       , /\  ,                                   (   )
  /\  /)|  |;; /\                                 \ /  Jade Buddha
 |  |//,'  //,'  |                                 o   necklace
 |_ //___ //_____|     ,---.       Ink
   //    //          ,',--. |    ,.
  //    //          / /   ; /   /;/    _ _ _     _
 ()    ()          |     / /   /'/    / (O)=====<_>
                    `-.__,'   / /    |\_____/|
 Brushes        Ink well     './      `.___,'  Water bowl
       Miniature sho-do calligraphy set!                             jg
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 629 (Feb. 14, 2006)
                                      I invented a new
                                     mnemonic technique.
                                 ___ ,
                ~..             (..()
                 >>              .||.
    ____________ |\ _____________ || ___________________

      I'm not asking what            Pain! I figured that pain is easy
      it is. You're weird.           to remember. Or, you just hurt
                       `         ___ ,   yourself more, so you
                        ~..     (..()       feel it later!
                        .>>.     -||-
             ___________ || _____ || __________

     That's weird even for          Different areas of my body mean
       you. Stop talking.      different things. To remember a meeting,
                       `         ___  ,  I bite my left pinky and think
                        ~oo     ()..)   about the meeting really hard!
                         >>      .||'
                    ____ || _____ || ____

     You know, I can help          Social standing; right chin!
     you remember to never        ___  ,
       talk to me again. `~--    ()~~)
                          .>>.   `||.
jg________________________ |\ ___ || ________________
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 630 (Feb. 16, 2006)
      I heard you         Yeah, I'm teaching
     got a new job.      game programming now.
             `,,,         ,
              '..       OO
               ||      ((
          ____ |\ ____ b b  ______________

             What?! You're       Gamer, ew. I'm not obsessed
               not a gamer!      with games, but I do play
                       `,,,        ,   them, you know.
                        '..      OO
                        .||.    .||>            |_  _____  _|
          ______________ || ____ dd ___________ | | |   | | | ___

    Really? Name the last
  thousand games you played!     Thousand, are you crazy?
                       `,,,        ,
                        '..      OO
                        -||-     ||
               _________ || ____ dd ___

              Hah! You're         I'm gonna go now. I'm sorry about
              not a gamer!         your brain disease or whatever.
                        `,,,       ,
                         'oo     OO
                         //-    .||-
jg                   ___ || ____ dd ___
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 631 (Mar. 31, 2006)
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 632 (Apr. 2, 2006)
             .   Nerd Boy, what is this         Oh that's just an
        . :  :     hole doing here?             ephemeral portal.
        :.::.:       `,,,                        ,  _
        :    :        ..'                       O  |_)
        :    :       -||.                    |_(._[__]
    ___ :.   : ______ || ___________________ | |b|   | ____
        : :.::
          :  :
                                  It's opened during a transient
             .                   connection to another dimension.
        . :  :        ,,,         Don't worry, it'll close soon.
        :.::.:_   _.-_oo'                      `    _
        : '''' `-'_ < ___]                      O  |_)
        :''''''' .  < ___]                   |_(._[__]
    ___ :.'''''_,___<___] __________________ | |b|   | ____
        : :.::
          :  :

                                                Why do you ask?
                                                 ,  _
          |                                     O  |_)
      - >   < -                              |_(._[__]
    _____ | ________________________________ | |b|   | ____

                                         He left. How rude.
                                               ,    _
                                             OO    |_)
jg__________________________________________ | |b|   | ____
<< Top | < Previous | Next > | Bottom >>
Episode 633 (Jun. 18, 2006)
   Have you heard?               What? That doesn't make any
White is the new black.        sense. What was the -old- black?
         `,,,                    ,
          '..                  oO>
           ||                 .||
       ___ |\ ________________ dd __________

Well -black- of course.          What a disappointing conversation.
Anything else wouldn't           This calls for emergency escapism!
make any sense.    `,,,          ,
                    '..        OO
                    .||.      .||.
                     ||        dd
   _ '    _.-`-._,--.
 ,'  `-'         ` --.,---.
( Good bye, Nerd Boy! `-   )
 )I'm leaving forever!    `.     God speed and good riddance!
(               `,,,       O o.  ,
 (               '~~/       )  OO
( `-              ||      ,'  '||.
 `.-.____________ /| __,- _)__ dd _____

                 Huh?           Yeah! Shake it, Angelina!
                   `,,,          ,
                    '..        OO
                    .||.      -\\-
jg__________________ || ______ bb _________________
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Episode 634 (Jul. 16, 2007)
  So tell me about your       OK, big bold lettering,
  new T-shirt design.        "I am wearing a T-shirt."    .------.-----
    _              `__            `,,,      ___           | T-CO |
   >o<             '..             ..'     (..()          |------|    _
   _|_              ||            `||        ||           |o     |  ___
   \_/              ||             ||        ||           |______|_____

                    __             ,,,      ___
                   '..             ..'     (..()
                    ||             ||        ||
       ____________ || ___________ || ______ || _______________

                            OK, "This T-shirt has some.." No,
                             "Wearing a T-shirt is..", "I-".
                    __            `,,,      ___
                   '..             ..'     (..()
                    ||            `||        ||
                ___ || ___________ || ______ || ___

                    What was -that-?! You suck!
                                |               Me?! But those weren't-
We are -severely- lacking in the idea department!  /
                                |               I don't-
                 And that's -your- department!   /
                    __           `,,,       ___ ,
                   '..            '..      (oo()
                    ||            -||-       ||
jg_________________ || ___________ ||        ||
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Episode 635 (Aug. 30, 2016)
   This study says people with
  higher education have less sex.
               |                      Then I'm the most educated
       _        \                        person in the world.
      )x(      _  ,,,                   ,
      _|-      \) '-- __             OO
      _|_       \_//./&/_           ((
______\_/_____  _|_\|   |  ________ b b _____________

      )x(      _  ,,,
      _|-      \) '-- __                  OO
      _|_       \_//./&/_                ((
______\_/_____  _|_\|   |             __ b b

             Wait, what?                                    I didn't
       _          \                                       say anything!
      )x(       _ ,,,                                          ,
      _|-       \)'..  __                                    @@
      _|_        \_||_/&/_                                  ((
jg___ \_/______  _|_\|   |               __________________ b b

Copyright © 2001 Joaquim Gândara