The Adventures Of  G E E K   G R R L !

                                My new assembler is almost
                                done. Now I just need to
                                finish the syntax parser.
          __________                         O
         |          |                       o
         |          |                   _
         |          |                  (_| .~#
         |__________|                 [__]._< _|
                                      |   |/ | |

         Yo! Geeksie!        Oh, no. It's Joe Kool, self-anointed
                 /           stud muffin and all-around jerk.
          ____ / ___                              O
         |          |                            o
         |   ,,,    |                   _    .~#
         |    --    |                  (_|   <
         |___,\\,___|                 [__]_  /_|
                                      |   | [| |

 Whoa! You look totally       Oh THAT'S a
 hot tonight, babe.           totally original line.
          ____ /____             O
         |          |      _   o
         |   ,,,    |     ..#           _
         |    --    |   . <<.          (_|
         |___,\\,___|    _/|          [__]_   _|
                                      |   |  | |

 Why don't you...y'know, like...
 take a break from the geeky stuff?
              |   You mean -- with YOU?
              |                 |
    Yeah! I'll be, like, your   |
    inspiration!               /
          ___\ _____         /
         |          |  _   /
         |   ,,,    | ..#               _
         |    --    | <<.              (_|
         |___,\\,___| /|              [__]_   _|
                                      |   |  | |

  So how 'bout it, babe?
  Wanna, like, do yourself a favor?
          ___ \ ____     Somebody should teach this loser a lesson.
         |          |  _    O
         |   ,,,    | ..#  o            _
         |    --    | <<.              (_|
         |__,_\\_,__| /|              [__]_   _|
                                      |   |  | |

         |          | _
         |   ,,,    |..#                _
         |    --    /<<.               (_|
         |__,_\\_,__|/|               [__]_   _|
                                      |   |  | |

                , ` ` ,
          _______,,,    Yeah, okay...get in here.
         |       (OO| _   /
         |    . // .\..#                _
         |   _/_>   |<<                (_|
         |__________|/|               [__]_   _|
                                      |   |  | |

         |          | _  S    \
         |          |#..   L  \         _
         |          |/>>\.   A   \     (_|
         |__________| |\_  \   M      [__]_   _|
                                *     |   |  | |
                           \ * ,,, *
                            ._ --_.

          __________   All right, Kool, I'm ready. Let's
         |          |  do it...right here, right NOW!
         |          |  C'mon, Kool,     _
         |          |  get it up.      (_|
         |__________|   /             [__]_   _|
                      _               |   |  | |
                     #..       ,,,
                     />>\.  ._ --_. \
                     / \_   _/_/     Uh...I, err...ummm...

                       You call THAT "getting it up?" That's
          __________   pathetic, Kool. I've seen bigger whangs
         |          |  on GERBILS! Get me a magnifying glass.
         |          |  You're a total   _
         |          |  lamer, dood.    (_|
         |__________|       /         [__]_   _|
                          /           |   |  | |
                         _     ,,,
                 __     #.. ._ oo_. \
                  \\__ / >> _/`/_    Uhhhh...aawwwwkkk...

                        Don't come back till you've learned how
          __________    to satisfy a real grrl. On second thought,
         |   Awk!   |   don't come back AT ALL! Moron.
         |   /      |       /           _
         | ,,,      |  .  _            (_|
         |_o-_______|   \..#          [__]_   _|
                         << \.        |   |  | |

                          Gaww. Boyz today are just a bunch of
                          wimped-out posers. Now, let's see...
          __________      syntax parser. Hmmm. Someone should
         |          |     research that.         O
         |          |                   _      o
         |          |                  (_| .~#
         |__________|                 [__]._< _|
                                      |   |/ | |   aa

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