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Episode 161 (Jan. 10, 2002)

                  why are you dressed
       Hi         like a girl?
         `            '
           %oo%    ..~
           .>>.   .<<.
            bb     ||

    Tee Hee               Why am I what??
         `                         '
           %oo%    ..~         OO
           .>>.   .<<.        <||.
            bb     ||          dd

           %oo%   ~..          OO
           .>>.   .>>.        .||.
            bb     ||          dd

                      She better be a
                      relative, and I don't
                      mean a clone
           %oo%            ~-- OO
           .>>.            .>>--))-
            bb             / \ dd

 01110011 01101000 01100101
 01101001 01110011
 01100110 01110101 01110011 01110011 01111001
        `.            01110110 01100101 01110010 01111001
            %oo%         OO             ~--
            .>>.        .||.            .>>
             bb          dd              |\

                     You better not be
                      talking about me!
             We aren't             |
               |   No way          |
              ,       `            `
            %oo%         OO          ..~
            .>>.        .||.        -<<
             bb          bb          / \

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Episode 162 (Jan. 11, 2002)

    It's 4 O'clock in the           I woke up and went to get a drink
    morning! Why are you            of water and decided to check my
    sitting at your computer?       email on the way back to bed.
            /                               /
      ~..                            (_|  O
      .>>.                           [__]_ )_|
  ____ || __________________________ |   |d| | ______________________

   You need to seriously
   reconsider your relationship        LOL. I don't have a problem.
   with your computer!
                /                            /
             ~..                     (_|  O
             .>>.                    [__]_ )_|
  ___________ || ___________________ |   |d| | ______________________

   Well for a start normal      I don't think that's a serious
   people laugh, they don't     problem. None of my close friends
   say "LOL".                   have ever suggested I have a problem.
                           \          _     /
                              ~..    (_|  O
                              .>>.   [__]_ )_|
  ____________________________ || __ |   |d| | ______________________

         Which close friends?         KK, Vapid, Redan..
                    \                 _     /
                      ..~            (_|  O
                     .<<.            [__]_ )_|
  ___________________ || ___________ |   |d| | ______________________

       ..and are these people            I don't know, I've never....
           male of female?               ah, I get your point.
               /                      _     /
          ..~                        (_|  O
         .<<.                        [__]_ )_|
  _______ || _______________________ |   |d| | ___________________dp_

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Episode 163 (Jan. 12, 2002)
                                        ___ _   _
                                       |_ _| |_( )___
                                      * | ||  _|/(_-<   *
                                       |___|\__| /__/...

                                     ,--. /
              ,-------- OO --.       | \ \
              |`-._____((_____`-.    +-+-+
     ________ |__|_____ bb ____||    | | | ____

                                       *... Monty
                                     ,--. /
              ,------- OO ---.       | \ \
              |`-._____||_____`-.    +-+-+
     ________ |__|_____ bb ____||    | | | ____

                                     ,--. /
              ,------ <OO> --.       | \ \
              |`-._____||_____`-.    +-+-+
     ________ |__|_____ bb ____||    | | | ____

               `           ;
               :          ,
               |          :
               |          |
               |          :
               |          .
               |           .
               :            .
               ;             .
              ,               "--__      ___   And now for something
             ,                     """"""   )    completely different.
                                     . `. ,'           ,
            (                      `. `. `.           ..~
             .                    `._;._;-'          .<<.
 KaK_______   .____..----.._____,-"         ________  || __________

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Episode 164 (Jan. 13, 2002)
What's this? I thought      I got a new one.   I helped!
 your computer exploded!          ,  _             `,,,
                      `~..       O  |_)             ..'
                        >>    |_(._[__]            .||.
         ______________ |\ __ | |b|   | ___________ /| __

 Boy, what an ordeal that was! My       Yeah, and some parts were real
future self was there, and oh, the     scary, but then there was this
  time traveling back and forth!     _       `,,,  guy! "Oranges!"
                       ~..      `O  |_)       ..'
                       .>>.   |_( _[__]      .||.
         ______________ || __ | |b|   | _____ || ________

                                ,    _       `,,,
                       ~--     O    |_)       ~~'
                       .>>.   |_\ _[__]      -||-
                      _ || __ | |b|   | _____ || _

            I guess you      Not to -mention- the thing with the stuff!
          had to be there.     |       HAHA, you're killing me! OW, my
               ,               `     _      `,,,  ribs! HEE HEHEHE!
            ..~                 O   |_)      ~~'
            <<                |_\-_[__]      <\\>
       jg__ /| ______________ | |b|   | _____ || __

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Episode 165 (Jan. 14, 2002)
                                 *click*   ,,,  _
                                           '.  |_)
                                         | |\|   |

                                           ,,,  _   *click*
                                           '.  |_)
                                         | |\|   |

                                           ,,,  _
                      OO                   '.  |_)
                     ((                  |_(._[__] *click*
                     b b                 | |\|   |

           Any news about the        Not yet.
          City of Heroes beta?           ` ,,,  _ *click*
                            `OO            '.  |_)   *click*
                            .||.         |_(._[__]
                             bb          | |\|   |

 Well, keep refreshing               On it.
    their front page.                    ` ,,,  _
               `OO               *click*   '.  |_)
                 ))                      |_(._[__]*click*
  jg            d d                      | |\|   |

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Episode 166 (Jan. 15, 2002)
OK, what stupidities          Fan Boy persuaded me to buy
are you two up to now?         one of these rumble pads.
                `             ___   `     ,,,
                 ~..         (_(_|   OO   ..'
                  >>         [__|]   o))|.||.
           ______ |\ _______ || ||`-'dd|| || __________

                 Why?                 It's cool! When the skater bumps
                   `          ___        `,,,   his head in Tony Hawk
                    ~..      (_(_|   OO   ..'  Pro Skater, you can feel
                    .>>.     [__|]   o))|.||.   the control vibrating!
           _________ || ____ || ||`-'dd|| || __________

                              ___   `     ,,,
                    ~..      (_(_|   88   ..'
                    .>>.     [__|]   8::|.||.
           _________ || ____ || ||`='88|| || __________

                 Cool!              Told ya.
                   `          ___        `,,,
                    ~..      (_(_|    ##  ..'
                    ->>-     [__|]   o))|.||.
         jg_________ || ____ || ||`-'dd|| || __________

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Episode 167 (Jan. 16, 2002)
I got a virus?!     _
            `O     |_)
           |_\   _[__]
           | |b  |   |

                      @|   \\
                      //\_/ \\
    HOLY CRAP!       //  :  _))
             `O     ((  __`|_)
             |_\       / _[__]
             | |b        |   |

I must transform into     _____
my alter ego SuperNerd   /  @  \
and save the day! Yay   ||\___/||
for SuperNerd! heh.     ((  :  ))         _
            `OO            _:_           |_)
         _  .||'       |`|\.|./|'|     _[__]
       _|_   bb        | |  |  | |     |   |

  Fear not! The                  @|  \\
 Executor is here!      WHAT?!     \_||
         ` __            ,          :))             _
       ___|oo          OO          _:_             |_)
          .\/-     _  -||-     |`|\.|./|'|       _[__]
    jg     ||    _|_   db      | |  |  | |       |   |

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Episode 168 (Jan. 17, 2002)
                                                 @|  \\
   Stand aside!          Wait. Let me get this     \_||
          ` __            ,  straight. You're       :))
        ___|oo          OO     a superhero?        _:_
           <\/>         ||                     |`|\.|./|'|
    _______ || ________ dd ___________________ | |  |  | | ____

Yes! I fight virii        But.. Why don't you    @|  \\
 with all my might!      let -me-.. uh, I mean     \_||
          ` __            ,  SuperNerd, take        :))
        ___|oo          OO    care of this?        _:_
           <\/>        .||-                    |`|\.|./|'|
    _______ || ________ dd ___________________ | |  |  | | ____

SuperNerd? Hah hah!       WHAT? This is your       ___
He would be no match      arch-nemesis?! -I-     @|  \\
for my arch-nemesis!     want an arch-nemesis!     \_||
          ` __            ,                         :))
        ___|oo          OO                         _:_
           <\/>        -||-                    |`|\.|./|'|
  jg_______ || ________ dd ___________________ | |  |  | | ____

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Episode 169 (Jan. 18, 2002)
Oh and another thing.        Nerd Boy, please             yeah ___
 Why the stupid hood        go away and let me              `@|  \\
 thing? It's dorky.      __ ,  fight the virus!             _//\_||
              `          oo|___                             -'  :))
               OO       -\/.                                   _:_
              .||.       <\                                |`|\.|./|'|
           ___ bb ________________________________________ | |  |  | |
                                                           @|  \\
   Oh, -excuse me-.       Now you shall meet                 \_|\\
       ,                 __ ,  your destiny!                  : ))
     OO              ___|oo                                  _:_
     -))-               .\/-                             /`|\././|'\
     d d _______________ || ___________________________ /  | /   |  \
                                                         @|  \\
                           Bring it on!                    \_|\\
                          __ ,                              : ))
                      ___|oo                            .  _:_   .
                         -\/-                          / `|.|./\' \
                 jg______ /> ____________________________ | ___ \

 Nerd Boy told me you                                      ___
 were in trouble. I'm     Nerd Boy?! You're actually     @|  \\
     ,  here to help!     dumber than Superman?! At        \_||
___OO                    __ , least -he- took off           :))
  .\/-                   oo|___   his glasses!             _:_
   />                   -\/-                           |`|\.|./|'|
    ____________________ || __________________________ | |  |  | |

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Episode 170 (Jan. 19, 2002)
  I'll help you take     I don't need                @|  \\
   down the virus.      your help, OK?                 \_||
            ,       __ ,                                :))
       ___OO        oo|___                             _:_
         <\/>      <\/>                            |`|\.|./|'|
    _____ /\ ______ /\ ___________________________ | |  |  | |

                                                     @|  \\
                    __                                  :))
       ___OO        oo|___                             _:_
         <\/>      <\/>                            |`|\.|./|'|
    _____ /\ ______ /\ ___________________________ | |  |  | |

  Oh, come on.     I'm just standing.                @|  \\
  Stop posing.      -You're- posing.                   \_||
         `          __ ,                                :))
       ___OO        oo|___                             _:_
         <\/>      <\/>                            |`|\.|./|'|
  jg_____ /\ ______ /\ ___________________________ | |  |  | |

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