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Episode 548 (Jun. 8, 2004)
                               Yes! I finally reached the
                             __ ,  top of the mountain!
                         ___ dd ___
                      .-'          `-._
                     /                 `.
                    /                    \
|                                                                     |
|           ____     __                 Well. Here I am. Where the    |
|         ,'    `---' _)___              , heck is the wise hermit?   |
|        (_________________)            .                             |
|                                       |                             |
|          /\                   _,--._ / \                   _        |
|       /\/  \                 (______/   \               ,-' \       |
|      /  \   \       /\             /     \             /     \      |
|     /_    _..\    ,'  \           /..__,.:\         /\/:._   ,\     |
|    /:::..:::::\  /._   \         /:::::::::\       / /:::::::::\    |

 When on the path to             ____     __               Oh crap.
 enlightenment, keep           ,'    `---' _)___            ,
the map right-side up!        (_________________)          .
          `.                                               |
   __      |                    /\                    _,--/ \
 _(  )__  / \                /\/  \                  (___/   \
(_,_____)/   \              /  \   \   /\               /     \
        /_    \            /_    _..\,'  \             /..__,.:\
jg     /:::..::\          /:::..::::/._   \           /:::::::::\

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