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Order by date | Order by rating Greetings Nerd Boy! I am the No you're not, you're just ghost of Christmas past! me from a couple of days ago. _ , , /OO OO < > .||. ____ |_| ____________________ dd _____________ Woah. How Because I was there, stupid! did you How could the past me ever Yeah, I know that? surprise the present me?! was an idiot. ` , _ , OO OO O." .||. -||- )). _,-'`-._ bb __________________ dd _____________________ d d ) _____ Future me?! How did you Same way you knew, stupid; know this was happening? this happened to me before. ` _ , OO OO O." .||. .||- )). _ bb __________________ bb _________________ dd | _______ Even -I- got that! I'm confused now. *sigh* ` ` _ OO OO O-" -||- || )). jg bb db dd | |
Copyright © 2001-2005 Joaquim Gândara. Fan art copyright © their respective owners.