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Episode 171 (Jan. 20, 2002)
  I want to help you      Well you can't.                @|  \\
   fight the virus!       It's my virus.                   \_||
             `          __ ,                                :))
           ___OO        oo|___                             _:_
             .\/.      <\/>                            |`|\.|./|'|
              || ______ /\ ___________________________ | |  |  | |

It is so not yours! It       Well, it infected          /|  @  |\
infected -my- computer!    mine first! So there!        ||\___/||
             `          __ ,                            ((  :  ))
           ___OO        oo|___                             _:_
             .\/-      <\/>                            |`|\.|./|'|
              || ______ /\ ___________________________ | |  |  | |

      Oh come on.         I.. but..                        //  |@
      Pleeease..?         Oh OK...                         ||_/
             `          __ ,                               ((:
           ___OO        oo|___                         /`.  _:_  .'\
             .\/.      <\/>                           /   /\.\./\   \
              || ______ /\ ___________________________   /    \  \

      He buggered         So he has.
           off.          He's scarpered.
             `          __ ,
           ___OO    ___|oo
             .\/.      <\/>
  jg_________ || ______ /\ _______________________________________

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Episode 172 (Jan. 21, 2002)
           / Let's fire up the games! Nah.  \
          O\ I should be doing my homework. /
        .o   __
      OO    |_))
    |((o.   [_|]
    ||bb `-'| ||

                 / I can do it later. I  \
               .o\ should clean my room. /
           ||b|| ||

                               /  Reasonably non-dusty.   \
                      _ , '  .o\ I should get some sleep. /
                     |_),` OO
               |_  _[__]>>-||.
               | | |   |   dd

                                  / Weird how time passes even though \
                    ___   _____ .o\ you're not really doing anything. /
                   |\__\ |\_OO_\
                   \|__|   \    \
      jg                    |    |

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Episode 173 (Jan. 22, 2002)
 What're you       Yep, found a cool
doing? Reading?     on-line manga.
      `,,,     _    ,
       '..    (_|  O
       .||.   [__]_.)_|
        ||    |   |d| |

                   __     What the..
       ,,,     _ .'  \    ,                               featuring
       '..    (_|__   )  O                              Unicorn Jelly
       .||.   [__]_`.'   /_|
        || __ |   | ___ d| | ___________________________

                                            _ _
                                           ( ' )
 I think it                   _                  _ _
  likes you!                 ( )          /|    ( ' )           AAAUGH!
      `,,,     _              \\  _.----./ |     \_/              ,
       '..    (_|    *jiri*    \`'          \                  \OO
       .||'   [__]_    *jiri*  /         | | \                q//-
jg_____ || __ |   | _________ |              | ________________ b ___

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Episode 174 (Jan. 23, 2002)
 What's this heap of stuff?        You, my friend, are looking at my
Your computer exploded again?      newest invention. It's USB LEGO!
         `,,,                      ,
          '..                    OO
           ||          _.`,     -||.
        __ |\ ______ .`'-;'`. __ dd ____

      OK... What's            Computer components from which you can
     that, exactly?           build a computer as easily as putting
             `,,,             ,  two blocks of LEGO together. Here,
              '..           OO    let me show you what I mean...
              .||.     _.`, .\\
        ______ || __ .`'-;'`.dd ________

                             Here we go.. I'm connecting a processor,
              ,,,            ,  a small screen, and this block that's
              '..          OO     hardwired to print "Hello World"
              .||.     _.`,o\\      on any available display...
        ______ || __ .`'-;'`dd __

  OK, cool... But..             Aw crap. One of these must be one of
  It's not working.           the regular LEGO blocks I added to make
              `,,,             ,  the heap look more impressive.
               '..           OO
               .||.     _.`,o||
       jg______ || __ .`'-;'`dd __

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Episode 175 (Jan. 24, 2002)
     I'm bored. Let's          Like playing a
        do something.        role-playing game?
                  `,,,       ,
                   '..     OO
                   .||.   .||.
                ___ || ___ dd ____

         Live action?        Eh, OK.
         I like LARP.       Whatever.
                  `,,,       ,
                   '..     OO
                   .||.   .||.
                ___ || ___ dd ____

              I have some cloaks
               and props and stuff.
                           OO     '..
                          .||.    .||.
                __________ bb ____ |\ ___

                  Now what?           -I- don't know!
                          `__       __,
                          (OO Y     ..)
                          /||-|    ?||\
                    jg__ /_|b | ___ ||_\ __

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Episode 176 (Jan. 25, 2002)
Thou art presumptuous          This is not a mere accusation,
in thine accusations,         arch-mage. Mother nature herself
   -druid-.       `__       __,      has spoken to me.
                  (OO Y     ..)
                  /||-|    ?||\
                 /_|b |     ||_\

        -Hast- spoken.        No. That's -second-
                  `__       __,  person singular.
                  (OO Y     ..)
                  /||-|    ?||\
        ________ /_|b | ___ ||_\ _________

                  `__       __
                  (OO Y     ..)
                  /||-|    ?||\
                 /_|b |     ||_\

Crap, now I'm totally      As if you were ever
 out of character...        -in- character...
                  `                   `,,,
                 __OO  y              _'..
                 \/||./               \/||
    jg _________ /_|b/ ______________ /_|\ _____________

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Episode 177 (Jan. 26, 2002)
Hmm.. Fan Boy, you know The       It's "ExecuTOR". And
Executive pretty well, right?      fine, I'll call   `,,,
 Could you get him for me,  `OO    him or whatever.   '..
or is it too much trouble?  .||.                       ||
                         ___ bb ______________________ |\ __

                        Enter... The
                         Executor! `__      _______  __
            Great, stay right       oo|____     ----  __
            there.. Wait... `OO    -\/.      --- __  -- -_
            OH, FAN BOOOY!  .||'    <\     ________ --
jg__________________________ bb _____________________________

                             OO      oo|___
                            .||.    .\/.
                         ___ bb ____ /\ ___

    Hmm. -That's- funny... Now          Oh ha ha, you figured out my
     -where- could -he- have         __ ,  secret identity, yay you.
      gone to? Oh -deary-.  `OO      oo|___   Are you happy now?
                            -||-    .\/.
                    ________ bb ____ /\ ________

I -so- don't know what you're             __
talking about. Could you go `OO       ___|--  *sigh*
see what's keeping Fan Boy? .||.         .\/.
                             bb _________ |\

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Episode 178 (Jan. 27, 2002)
 What the heck                 Well... You remember that
is -that- thing?!    ___      USB LEGO invention of mine?
         `,,,       |_\_\      ,
          'oo       |_|_|    OO
          .||-      (o)))    ||
           ||       |_L_L    dd

      Yeah.          ___       I built this using my
         `,,,       |_\_\      ,  USB LEGO bricks.
          'oo       |_|_|    OO
          .||.      (o)))   -||.
           ||       |_L_L    dd

OK... What does                Well.. I haven't tried it, but I think
 it do, then?        ___       it'll walk around and.. um.. eat stuff.
         `,,,       |_\_\      ,
          '..       |_|_|    OO
          .||.      (o)))   .||.
           ||       |_L_L    dd

                     ___        Oh, come on! It's not
          __        |_\_\      ,  even turned on yet!
     -- -(_ )       |_|_|    OO
   *WOOSH*  _)      (o)))   -||-
    - --  `-'  jg   |_L_L    dd

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Episode 179 (Jan. 28, 2002)
Have you guys checked out the          Yeah, Fan Boy did
City of Heroes website today?            this morning.
                 `             ,,,      ,              ,--.
                 ~..      ,--- '.. -- OO .             | \ \ *bleep*
                  >>      |`-._((o. _((o. `-.          +-+-+   *bloop*
          _______ |\ ____ |__|_ || \__bb \_||_________,| | | _____

                   Wait.. I thought    QUICK! TO THE
                     -you- did...       COMPUTER!
                             `,,,       ,              ,--.
                   ~..    ,-- '.. -- OO -.             | \ \
                   .>>.   |`-._||o. _||o. `-.          +-+-+
                    ||    |__|_ \\ \__bb \_||_________,| | |

                                       __  *bonk!*
                                    .-'  `.
                                   (     ,o,  o  *GAK!*,--.
                   ~..    ,-------- \ -- '##  '._OO    | \ \
                   .>>.   |`-._______`. -//-   .' \\b  +-+-+
                    ||    |__|_________ / \ | '._ b __,| | |

              ,                     ,,,                ,--.
            ..~           ,-------- '## -.       @@    | \ \
            <<            |`-._______ \\ _`-.   .==.   +-+-+
jg          /|            |__|_________\\ _|| o' db `-'| | |

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Episode 180 (Jan. 29, 2002)
         Nerd Boy, you just
         -have- to see this!              What?
                           `,,,           ,
                            '..         OO
                            -||.       .||.
                             |\         dd

                         Sarbakan.       What's a "sarbakan"?
                               `,,,       ,
                                '..     OO
                                .||.   .||.
                                 ||     dd

       No, the correct question
      is "-who's- a sarbakan"...          Is it some kind of bird?
      uhh- no, "what sarbakan"..          A machine or something?
                               `,,,       ,
                                '..     OO
                                .||.   .||.
                                 ||     dd

              Oh, forget it.               Fine.
                         `,,,              ,
                          --'            OO
                          ||            ((
  jg                      /|            b b

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