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Episode 401 (Jun. 29, 2003)
You're so nerdy. If you're not in        Hey, I do non-nerdy
 front of your computer, you're          stuff too, you know.
 working on some gadget. `,,,              _   ,
                          '..             (_| O
                           ||            [__]_.)_|
                    ______ |\ __________ |   |d| |

                         Nerdily.              Is that even
                              `,,,         _    ,  a word?
                               '..        (_| OO
                               .||.      [__]_ ))|
                         ______ || _____ |   |dd|| _____

  You might be less nerdy if you             A make-over? Have you been
    got rid of the glasses.   `,,,         _    ,  watching corny teen
                               '..        (_| OO     movies again?
                               .||-      [__]_ ))|
                    ___________ || _____ |   |dd|| __________

Just saying that if you wanna dance
with the most handsome guy at the            I'm sure he's very dreamy,
 prom, you need a make-over!  `,,,         _   ,  now please go away.
                               'oo        (_| O
                               -||-      [__]_.)_|
jg_____________________________ || _____ |   |d| | ___________

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Episode 402 (Jul. 1, 2003)
           So there I am, totally
           absorbed in my work...     *meep*
                            `__       ,
                            #..     ==~
                            .)|.   .[[.
                  __________ || ___ || _________

 And then someone taps me on the
shoulder, scaring me half to death!   *meep*
 Don't you just hate that?  `__       ,
                            #..     ==~
                            -)|-   .[[.
                  __________ || ___ || _________

               Wait a minute...
                            #..     ==~
                            .)|.   .[[.
  __________________________ || ___ || _____________________________

Does "meep" mean "yes" or "no"?      *meep*
                            `__       ,
                            #..     ==~
                            .)|.   .[[.
jg__________________________ || ___ || _______________________________

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Episode 403 (Jul. 3, 2003)
      What the heck          It's a machine that
      is that thing?           can do anything!
                  ` __               `           ______
                   #..                OO        / /__\ \
                   .)|.              .||-     `( ([__]) )
          _________ || ______________ dd ______ \_\__/_/ _

 Can it make an unstoppable
force and an unmovable object?      Of course!
                  ` __                      `    ______
                   #..                      OO  / /__\ \
                   .)|.                    //-,( ([__]) )
          _________ || ___________________ bb _ \_\__/_/ _

                __                               ______
               #oo                       OO     ///||\\\
                   \\  _               //     ,((((()))))
  _ _        ___ __ __\ __ _     __ bb ______ _ \\\||/// ____    _ _ _

                                      *Go go Power Rangers!*
                                          |        \
                                         ,         ,--.
                            ,--------- OO -.       | \ \
                            |`-._____-((- __`-.    +-+-+
                          jg|__|______ bb ___|| __ | | | ____________

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Episode 404 (Jul. 6, 2003)
NERD BOY TAKES A BATH                                     ____|
                                   OO          -:""":-   |  |  |
                               ,.-((--------.   :,,,:    | .|  |
                       _______ \`----------'| ___________|  |  |
                           7o   `-----------'             `-:__|


                             7o-\\ ---------.
                    __________ \`----------'| ______


                            *quack*  OO
                               ,.- 7o-)) ---.

         So how was your bath?      Great 'til my brain overheated
                         `,,,        ,   and I started thinking
                          '..      OO      monosyllabically.
                          .||.    .||.
jg________________________ || ____ dd ___

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Episode 405 (Jul. 8, 2003)
                               Nerd Boy, now that school's
                               ,  out for summer, shouldn't
               OO           ..~   you get some kind of job?
              ((           .<<.
        _____ b b _________ || _______________________

       Job?! I.. er..                   SCHOOOOL'S OUT.. FOR.. SUMMER!
        well... Um..                                  `,,,
                `OO         ..~                        ~~'
                 ||        .<<.                       -||-
    ____________ bb _______ || _______________________ /| ____

                     Fan Boy, we're       SCHOOOOL'S OUT.. FOR.. EVER!
                     trying to have..            `,,,
                 OO       `~..                    ~~'
                .||.       .>>.                  .||.
              __ bb _______ || __________________ /| __

    Fine. Whatever.        Thanks, man.    No problem.
         ,                          `           `,,,
      --~                            OO          ..'
      <<                            .||.        .||.
jg___ /| ___________________________ bb ________ || __________

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Episode 406 (Jul. 10, 2003)
  Fan Boy, do you always
   agree with everyone?   Yes.
                  |        |  No you don't.
                  |       No.       |
                 ,         `,,,     `
               OO           '..     ..~
              ((             ||     <<
      _______ b b __________ || ___ /| _________

  So now you're disagreeing
   with me, aren't you?     No!      What? Now you're
                    |       |        disagreeing with
                    `       `,,,       ,  both of us!
                     OO      oo'    ..~
                    .||-    -||-   -<<.
                ____ bb ____ || ___ || ____

 Hey! What did you           (
do to my boyfriend?           )
      ` __                   ,,,       *whistle*
       #--                   oo'               OO   ~''
        )|                   ||               ((     >>
jg_____ |\ _________________ || _____________ b b __ |\ ________

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Episode 407 (Jul. 13, 2003)
  I was cleaning, so I vacuumed             Really? That
  your computer, inside and out.            , was nice.
                            `~..          OO
                             .>>.         ||
              _______________ || ________ dd __________

 Vacuum cleaner's kinda strong       Wh- WHAT?! Where
 though; swallowed some pieces.      are the pieces?!
               `                     ,
               ..~                 OO
               <<                   \\p
    __________ /| _________________ d ___

     Oh, in the        GBRMFL! WHA- Don't panic!     Hey, isn't that
    trash outside.       It might still be OK.      the garbage truck?
              `           ,  I'll just get..          It's early.  `,,,
              ~..       OO                                          ..'
              ->>.      ||                                          ||
jg____________ || _____ dd ________________________________________ /|

  NOOOOOOOO!             Classic!    Told ya he'd fall for it.
     ,                      `                `,,,
   @@   _ -__--              ~^^              ~~'
   -\\p   - -                .>>.            .||.
___ d _______________________ || ____________ || ___________

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Episode 408 (Jul. 15, 2003)
                zz   zz
...._____.... zz  z z  z           ARGH! KILLITKILLITKILLITKILLITKILLIT
|  |     | zzz     z    zzz           ,
|_/_____bzz_|              zz '.'   @@             ..~
| \-------/ |                     -//-             <<
|__)     (__| ___________________ dd _____________ /| _______________

                There.             You.. You saved me from the evil
                    `               ,  of open windows in summer!
                    ..~           OO
            *clap* -<<            ||
                 __ || __________ dd __

     Don't get all mushy.          Admit it. You like me on
     I only did it so you           ,  some level, right?
      would shut up.  `~..        OO
                        >>       .||.
                  _____ |\ ______ dd ______

   You killed that fly because we..            To open another
      Hey, where are you going?  `               ,  window.
                                  OO          ~--
                                 .||.          >>
jg______________________________  bb _________ |\ ________

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Episode 409 (Jul. 17, 2003)
We should play more          Real table-
role-playing games.          top games.
             `,,,            ,
              '..          OO
               ||         .||.
     _________ |\ ________ dd __________

       The real thing.      Word.
                 `,,,        ,
                  '..      OO
                  .||.    .||.
         _________ || ____ dd _________________________

   But with my new job at the        Ohhh, so -that's- why
   gaming store, I never have        you're never at home.
       time anymore.     `,,,         ,
                          '..       OO
                           ||      ((
                   _______ |\ ____ b b _________________

             And why you think there's an evil
            clone of me working there every time           Ohhhh!
             you come by and try to kill me!  `,,,          ,
                                               '--        OO
                                                ||       ((
jg_____________________________________________ |\ _____ b b ________

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Episode 410 (Jul. 20, 2003)
                                        Why am I friends with you? You
                                        like sports and Oasis! Give me
                            ,,,         ,   one reason why I shouldn't
                            '..       OO     hang out with HammerHead.
                             ||      ((
             _______________ |\ ____ b b _________________

                 / OK, think! Just  \               Well?
                 \ one good reason! /o . ,,,        ,
                                         '..      OO
                                         .||.    .||.
               __________________________ || ____ dd __________

/ I can't think of anything! Agreeing \
\ with everyone has weakened my mind! /o .
                                         ,,,        *yawn*
                                         'oo      OO
                                          ||     .||'
jg_______________________________________ || ____ dd _____

                          I AM INCAPABLE OF
                          ORIGINAL THOUGHT!        Good reason.
                                        `,,,        ,
                                         'oo      OO
                                         -||-     ||
                                    _____ || ____ dd _____

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