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Episode 432 (Sep. 9, 2003)
        Yeah, I work in            An animator, huh? Can't introduce
           animation.              you to my medieval friends; they'd
                  ` __              ,  burn you alive for necromancy!
                   '..     ..~    OO
                   .||.   .<<.   .||.
                 __ || ___ || ___ dd _____________________________

                What?              Whooosh! That went way over
                   `__              ,   your head, pal!
                   '..    ~..     OO
                    ||     >>    .||'
               ____ || ___ || ___ dd _________

      Why make stupid jokes        Actually... Yes. I didn't mean to
       that no one gets? Is        offend; I'm just training for the
  __   it like some kind `          ,   try-outs later this week.
  --'  of sport for you?  ~--     OO
  ||                      .>>.    ||
_ /| _____________________ || ___ dd ________

                        What?      Whooosh!
                          `         ,
                          ~..     OO
                           >>    .||'
jg________________________ || ___ dd _____________________

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