Home | ___ About | /\ |\ | o) Word. Rants | / \\ | \ ___ ____ _ ||_/_ ___ _ _ , Art | (o |\\| o)_ / ___/ /|| o) / / / OO Merch | \ | \\ / __/ / _ / || / / /_ / .||. Links | \| \/___/_/____/ |__/___/___/ db ------' E P I S O D E S 7 1 - 8 0 |
Order by date | Order by rating v . ._, |_ ., `-._\/ . \ / |/_ \\ _\, y | \// _\_.___\\, \\/ -.\|| `7-,--.`._|| / / , /_ /' `-. `./ / |/_.' /( \ | |// \ ` | |_ / `._| |- | | =| | | ''''''''''''',,,,,,,/ ,,,. \,,,,,,,___ ' ` `--._ `. ,-. I love `. / `' \, autumn. Me too. `. ` , `. OO ~.. `. .\\. .77. `. ,/ bb \\ `-. `-. `-. ., `--._ `- \'' jg |
Order by date | Order by rating Bye! Bye! _ , `_ ".O OO ..#/ .(( .||' .)| _______ | bb _____ bb ______________ |\ _____________ She'll be your downfall, you know. I Uegh! was there when `_ , _ it happened. ".O oO #.. .(( // .)|. _______ | bb _____ dd ______________________ |\ _____ Don't be frightened. I am your future self So what's with the monocle? come back to `_ , Why would I have a monocle? warn you. ".O OO It's kinda freaky. .(( .||. _______ ( bb _____ dd _______________________________ You like the monocle. I think we got off on the wrong Lay off the monocle. foot. Let's start over... `_ , What's with the cane? "-O OO .(( .||. _______ | bb _____ dd _______________________________ jg |
Order by date | Order by rating So you say you're me. From the future. How do I know Run a DNA test. you're telling the truth? _ , `OO O." .||. )). ________ bb ____ dd | ________ LATER, AT THE LAB... This won't hurt Actually, I seem a bit... _ _ , to recall that- `O |_) _ O." |_(._[__]. | |-)). ________________ | |b| | `-'|_|dd | _________________ Y.. You OW! -are- me! _ _ , `O |_) _ O." *creak* |_\._[__]. | | //. *creak* ________________ ( )b| | `-'|_|dd ) ________________ pp qq -//- -\\- OO *boing* _ *boing* ".O |_ |_) _ / \ _[__]. | | / jg ____________________ | | `-'|_| _____________________ |
Order by date | Order by rating According to the DNA test, you're Well, to make a long story me. You say you're from the future, _ , short, she'll kill you. and that the girl I'm dating `OO O." will be my "downfall". How? .||. )). bb dd | OK, how stupid do you think Yes, but only because I came I am? You're right here, which _ , back here to warn myself. means I -don't- die. `OO O." .||. )). bb dd | Uhh... OK. So how did.. or will.. No, she'll sneak up behind she do it? Let me guess. An icepick? _ , you during this discussion. `OO O." .||. )). bb dd | NO, LINDA, DON'T KILL ME! PLEASE! You're gonna love the look on | your face when -you- do that ` ' , _ , gag 43 years from now! - OO O^" -//- )). jg dd dd | |
Order by date | Order by rating So, I've been playing What a surprise. Can you Ragnarok again... , speed this up? I have `OO ..~ a souffle in the oven. .||. .<<. ___________________ bb ____ || _________________________ ...and a lvl 4 character Oh. And let me guess. died because he tried to , He said "insert"? take on a wolf.. `OO ..~ .||. .<<. ___________________ bb ____ || _________________________ Yeah. How did you know? Well, you told me that stupid joke five | thousand times, and I still don't think ` , it's funny. You know why?! I OO ..~ don't play that stupid game!! .||. .<<. It's an inside joke!! ___________________ bb ____ || _________________________ But... It's like, he's OK. The souffle can wait, I face down in the sand have more urgent business; the and, like.. INSERT! , administration of severe pain. `OO --~ .||. .<<. ___________________ bb ___ /| ________________________jg |
Order by date | Order by rating PREVIOUSLY, ON "NERD BOY"... This is Linda, my girlfriend. | Hi. __ , `#.. OO ..~ .)|.||. .<<. ____ || bb ______ || ______ According to the DNA test, you're Well, to make a long story me. You say you're from the future, _ , short, she'll kill you. and that the girl I'm dating `OO O." will be my "downfall". How? .||. )). bb dd | _ _ _____ __ ___ ______ _ __ __ / \ \ __/ _ \ | \ _ / \ | / --------------/ / \ \ _/ /-'/| /---\ _ / O \ /------------- /_/ \__|\/_/ \_\_/ \_/_____|_| Did you ever get the feeling your life is one big soap? You have a life? ` , OO ..~ .||. .<<. jg ____ bb _____ || ____ |
Order by date | Order by rating Mandy! Mandy, come quick! What?! What?! ` , - OO oo~ _ _ -//- -<<- - b b /| They've implemented Oh GOD, that STUPID the duelling system in -GAME- again... __ Ragnarok! `OO `~-- ..# .||. .>>. .|(. bb |\ /| So I tried it out, because And she totally kicked your some girl challenged me. __ , ass and killed you and `OO ..# utterly humiliated you ~.. .||. .|(. in front of all your .>>. bb || on-line friends? |\ That's -exactly- what Oh, just a happened. How did __ , wild guess. you know? `OO ''# .||. .|(. jg bb || |
Order by date | Order by rating I can't believe I was defeated in Ragnarok by a Look on the bright side. girl. And by my girlfriend, , of all people. `OO ..~ .||. .<<. bb || What's that? You were beat by a ` , gi-irl! Nyah nya- OO ..~ nyah nya-nyaah nyah! .||. '<<. bb || Oh, the -evil- bright side. Heh heh. , Where's my future me? , OO Why didn't he warn me ~.. .||. about this? .>>. dd |\ You! You just told me my Yeah, well. You'll get girlfriend would -kill- me, _ , over it in only 30 not that she'd kill me in `OO O." years or so... an on-line game! This .||- )). is -horrible-! bb dd | jg |
Order by date | Order by rating You've been working all Among other things... Trying day. What are you doing? to program a chatbot using ` __ _ , stochastics and stuff. #.. (_| O )| [__]_.)_| |\ | |d| | Any progress? First, I checked the ` __ _ , net for similar projects. #.. (_| O .)|. [__]_.)_| || | |d| | And? Well... I found this cool band ` __ _ , called EBO and I've been #.. (_| O listening to them all day. .)|. [__]_.)_| || | |d| | So what do they have *why are you to do with chatbots? alone?* Well, they uh... Nothing... ` __ _ , Nothing, I guess. #.. (_| O .)|. [__]_.)_| jg || | |d| | |
Order by date | Order by rating *BASIL!* __ ,--. *yawn* ,---- #.. -----. | \ \ OO |`-.___)| ______`-. +-+-+ )) |__|___ \\ ______|| | | | d d Finally awake, huh? Uh huh. It's 3 pm. Been up ` __ ,--. , all night working ,---- #.. -----. | \ \ OO on the chatbot? |`-.___)| ______`-. +-+-+ )) |__|___ \\ ______|| | | | d d *I'll get you some orange juice, NB-sama!* *meep* , __ *grunt* ,--. ~== ,---- ..# - OO . | \ \ .]]. |`-.___)| _(( __`-. +-+-+ || |__|___ \\ __bb__|| | | | I don't get it. You're What? Oh, that thing's actually struggling to get a chatbot a "Hjyrgjen" from IKEA. working, and yet you've ` __ , ,--. managed to build an ,---- #.. - OO . | \ \ intelligent robot? |`-.___)| _(( __`-. +-+-+ |__|___ \\ __bb__|| jg| | | |
Copyright © 2001-2005 Joaquim Gândara. Fan art copyright © their respective owners.